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12:19 pm, June 6th, 2014 - 7 comments
Categories: australian politics, International, uncategorized, video, youtube -
Meet Australia’s President of the United States, Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the instigator of a wink-related scandal. He sometimes puts his foot in his mouth and other times chooses to say nothing at all.
665,777 page views.
Reminds me of a time meeting Richard Prebble in Parliament a few years ago.
Brilliant, nothing else need be said except…
performs 1000 micro-nods
Turnbull is loving this, he was rolled by this man and would be enjoying Tonys efforts with a smug grin.
The polling is telling them they need to dump Abbott if they want another term, they’ll tough it out for another year and if nothings changed it’ll be welcome back Malcolm.
Mal just has to keep his nose clean, steer NBN away from the rocks and he’ll feel confident of an approach by the number crunchers.
Awesome – reminds me of this
He makes Shearer look like a great public speaker.
And this is the calibre of person that the Labor Party lost to in an almost but-not-quite landslide. Incredible how much voters must have wanted to get rid of Labor, given that most Australians, including Coalition voters, already knew that Abbott was a complete dick well before the election.
Key’s just as much of a dick as Abbott, he’s just a bit less of a cock about it.
Crappy weather, touch of the ‘flu, spirits somewhat down, but belly laugh at this. The day looks brighter. Now, what’s the latest on the rotten borough of Botox-Epsom…….?