Written By:
- Date published:
10:21 am, December 25th, 2010 - 22 comments
Categories: accountability, activism, class war -
Tags: activism, bradley manning, torture, wikileaks
The link for the letter is here. It will be delivered to the Commanding Officer at the Quantico Marine Base brig by David House when he next visits Bradley Manning
Meanwhile, Joshua Holland’s informative and heavily out linked piece notes Glen Greenwald’s observation that:
Having it known that the U.S. could and would disappear people at will to “black sites,” assassinate them with unseen drones, imprison them for years without a shred of due process even while knowing they were innocent, torture them mercilessly, and in general acts as a lawless and rogue imperial power created a climate of severe intimidation and fear. Who would want to challenge the U.S. government in any way — even in legitimate ways — knowing that it could and would engage in such lawless, violent conduct without any restraints or repercussions?
I’m not normally one for on-line petitions and such like. But in the apparent absence of any potentially more effective action, I’d advocate signing the petition whilst hoping that in the New Year some pressure could be brought to bear on our own government to make a statement condemning the inhumane treatment of Bradley Manning; The Number One Unappreciated Person of 2010, according to Johann Hari.
To be fair Assange has, in the interviews I’ve seen like this excellent one with David Frost, Assange has quite firmly drawn attention to Manning’s plight.
the Bradley Manning Support Network: http://www.bradleymanning.org and http://www.freebradley.org has more info
This man has to be treated humanely, and he must be given regular contact with legal counsel and family members.
the fella will probably be hung, but he did betray his country..
bb. that qualifies as the most mindless, insensitive, inhumane statement from a rwnj today. and that’s saying something.
RWNJ’s, as geoff already mentioned, it’s “hanged”. If you’re going to be punitive about punishment, at least use the right frakin words.
No, he didn’t betray his country. He did his country a heroic service for which the plutocrats of that country got upset.
billybeer, yours is a truly idiotic statement – and as everyone else has already pointed out to you, the word is “hanged”!
I thought billybeer was fantasizing about the size of Private Manning’s genitals.
You mean ..hanged.
And that’s exactly what they would like you to think.
is there any wonder many people despise America when you read this..
How many positions in breach of human rights can this one country be involved in? And why are we on their side?
A local trial to go ahead without a jury.
Dear moderator,
The above comment may be in breach of a court suppression order.
[lprent: It isn’t. You should read the link and you’ll find out why. As I/S says:-
I/S is invariably accurate on these matters so even though I haven’t seen the judgement I’ll take his word as being a statement of fact.
Like I/S I was irate that I couldn’t even comment that a jury trial wasn’t being allowed because of how wide-ranging the suppression order was. I’m glad to hear that it has been varied. ]
I am not religious but I pray for this young man. The whole power structure of the States feels threatened by the singular bravery of this man, offended enough to attempt to “dissappear” him and to extract excessive long term vengeance. Truth is on his side, the hateful tremble before him. They might destroy his body and mind, they cannot destroy his message.
It is a blot on ‘The Country of the Free” and an example of the universal paranoia.
The torture of Bradley:
They’re “Slow Torturing” Bradley Manning http://www.opednews.com/articles/They-re-Slow-Torturing-B-by-John-Grant-101225-18.html : Here’s some of psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Kaye’s comments:
“The human nervous system needs a certain amount of sensory and social stimulation to retain normal brain functioning. … From what can be ascertained, the effects of solitary confinement are having some effects already on Bradley Manning. His concentration and thinking processes appear somewhat slowed. He avoids certain topics. He has little access to humor. His color is pale, and his musculature is starting to look soft and flabby.”
There is, unfortunately, a long and sordid history behind this kind of “slow torture,” and the use of it.
Get a grip please. A US soldier is being held in a military prison in the US mainland. It’s not Abu Graib or Camp X-ray now is it?
If he didn’t like the idea maybe he should of thought harder about giving stuff to Wankileaks.
He’s being held by the same people who ran Abu Graib and Camp X-Ray. Not sure why that inspires you with confidence.
Seriously, a lot of bad shit has come to light through wikileaks. Do you really feel that we would be better off not knowing.
loving how my comment caused a stir, haha I can now see how the hung comment could be taken the wrong way, hilarious.
[lprent: you read like a idiot troll. Read the policy on how much I like trolls. Write something substantive or don’t write here. ]
Fools go where Angels fear to tread.
A patriot to the American Constitution and therefore inescapably a traitor to American Foreign Policy.
God bless.
I’m pretty sure that Private Bradley Manning is nothing more than a scape goat. He has been made the fall guy since they are going to have a really hard time convicting Assange.
Manning may have some sympathizers, including his own Bradley Manning Support Network ofbradleymanning.org and freebradley.org, but Assange already has a cult-like following.
Just check out Wikileaks Reactions from the US and around the World and you will see that Assange is destined to become a ledgend.