Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
8:13 am, June 21st, 2020 - 96 comments
Categories: Donald Trump, racism, racism, twitter, uncategorized, us politics, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: covid, COVID 19, covid-19
So POTUS thought he should hold a rally.
The organisation of the rally was not pristine because he, I am sure accidentally, created the impression he was trying to appear to be a racist Nazi.
He wanted to hold his rally on Juneteenth, the date set aside for the celebration of the end of slavery in the US. It is a big day for black America and is also known as freedom day, black independence day and emancipation day. Not a good day to gather a bunch of good old boy rednecks together.
His chosen site for the rally was Tulsa, Oklahoma, site of one of America’s most notorious examples of white brutality on black people. Wikipedia has this description:
The Tulsa race massacre (also called the Tulsa race riot, the Greenwood Massacre, or the Black Wall Street Massacre) took place on May 31 and June 1, 1921, when mobs of white residents attacked black residents and businesses of the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma. It has been called “the single worst incident of racial violence in American history.” The attack, carried out on the ground and from private aircraft, destroyed more than 35 square blocks of the district—at that time the wealthiest black community in the United States, known as “Black Wall Street”.
Imagine celebrating the end of slavery by giving a speech at the place where one of the most notorious examples of white supremacy occurred. Surely it was accidental?
And surely Trump’s choice of imagery for his facebook advertisement was also accidental. I mean I am sure there is no way that he would deliberately choose to use the same symbol used by Nazi Germany to denote political activists bound for the gas chambers.
Facebook let the Trump campaign run 88 ads with inverted red triangle — an infamous Nazi symbol https://t.co/7eG1V9gNS8 pic.twitter.com/4yqTJgymr5
— Media Matters (@mmfa) June 18, 2020
I mean it must have been accidental.
The President of the United States is campaigning for reelection using a Nazi concentration camp symbol.
— Bend the Arc: Jewish Action (@jewishaction) June 18, 2020
Nazis used the red triangle to mark political prisoners and people who rescued Jews.
Trump & the RNC are using it to smear millions of protestors.
Their masks are off. pic.twitter.com/UzmzDaRBup
You could also question the decision to hold a public meeting where people will be crushed into a small area. I understand that the United States is struggling with a pandemic. Its top medical advisors seem to think that putting lots of people in a confined area together where they can cough on each other is not a good thing to do. From NBC News:
Leading members of the coronavirus task force warned White House officials about the health risks of holding large-scale indoor campaign rallies and advised against such mass gatherings, according to two people familiar with the discussions.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, and task force response coordinator Dr. Deborah Birx both vocalized concerns internally in the last week about the safety of holding a rally on Saturday with as many as 19,000 people in an enclosed arena in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
But President Donald Trump and his campaign advisers are proceeding with the event, which is expected to draw tens of thousands inside and outside the venue who will neither be socially distant nor required to wear face coverings. They claim attendees “assume a personal risk” and “that is part of life.”
Besides I don’t think the local authorities have Covid under control in Oklahoma State.
And it has been announced that six of the crew working on the event have been tested covid positive.
The crowd itself is resisting the use of masks for some strange reason.
Mark Stone reports from Tulsa ahead of Donald Trump's rally, where he says most people are not wearing face masks and are "asking us why we're wearing masks, inferring as part of the fake news we are compounding what they see as a fake virus."
— Sky News (@SkyNews) June 20, 2020
Latest: https://t.co/lFz2yTeLY5 pic.twitter.com/jjtlpzN1my
And there is this incredible graph which suggests that in Democrat states the spread of Covid is being arrested but in Republican states it is surging.
“It’s just a Blue State problem.” pic.twitter.com/FT1nR0NRxa
— Andy Slavitt![]()
(@ASlavitt) June 20, 2020
And Trump has threatened violence on anyone choosing to exercise their constitutional right to protest.
Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a much different scene!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2020
This will not end well …
Fuckers making damn sure he's not inside a packed arena.
They've now been asked to clear the carpark and he won't be speaking outside. Wonder if it's because there appears to be bugger all people there?
The outside event is cancelled due to lack of turnout. Only the inside one is going ahead. Petri Dish City, here we come!
And the number inside is pretty thin as well hehehe
Low energy. SAD!
heheh I just read that a 60 year old democrat also got hundreds of tickets too.
excellent Troll.
Well, yeah, it made fake-Bronzo von Flaghumper think he was going to be greeted by hundreds of thousands of adoring MADAmorons. With the subsequent ego-shattering moment when that didn't happen. (Parscale is probably getting reamed for that right now)
But since they prob'ly gave tickets to literally everyone that signed up for one, the echoing emptiness inside the stadium is probably an accurate reflection of the numbers actually stupid enough to turn up.
Bloody brilliant, well done to the tiktocker's and k-pop fans.
The Covfefuhrer himself was likely clueless about the significance of the date, place, symbolism etc. But at least one of his staffers wouldn't have been. Stephen Miller would have to be included in the roundup of the usual suspects.
But but..
Anyone watching Kayleigh McEnany over a period knows she is a sad excuse of a human being.
They were already scraping the barrel a few fired spokesclowns ago..
Another outstanding piece of artwork! Loving the conehead pic Micky posted too, awesome!
Quick reader opinion survey:
About the inevitable disease and maybe even death among those that freely choose to attend an activity like this that is well-known to be risky, and furthermore refuse to take even the most rudimentary precautions while there.
Is it:
A) an unmitigated tragedy we should all feel sorrow for regardless of the politics involved
B) A few useful doses of darwinian chlorine in the voter pool
(To be clear, the inevitable extra spread of disease the culpable attendees will inflict onto innocent non-attendees is an unmitigated tragedy we should all feel sorrow about, and anger towards the wilful perpetrators)
I have not a whit of sympathy for a bunch of low life white neanderthals who attend this rally. Are they so thick they can't see the huge hypocrisy of a president who speaks to them from an outside stage built at a safe distance from them and who will no doubt have no physical contact with any of them?
My sympathy lies solely with the innocent non attending folk who are going to be affected by their mind numbing stupidity, and they deserve everything that is coming to them.
oops: may I rephrase:
My sympathy lies solely with the innocent non attending folk who are going to be affected. The mind numbingly stupid attendees on the other hand will deserve everything that is coming to them.
Good correction, Anne, and +1
Hey! Just leave us neanderthals out of this. We have bigger brains than you lot.
If you want to make a case for welcoming the death of your political opponents, I'm sure the standard isn't the correct vehicle to drive that message home in.
Where do you draw the line?
I'm suggesting the entirely predictable outcome of self-selecting stupidity isn't something to get distressed about when it falls upon those indulging in the stupidity. Particularly when it occurs amongst a group that appears to get off on policies and action that do cause actual harm to others.
Until the harmful outcomes of their idiocy spill over onto innocents that had no part in their stupid choices. Then it becomes a legitimate reason for sorrow and anger.
The way to judge a civilisation is by the way it treats it's less fortunate. It's like you're arguing it's okay to forget our humanity because those people who die are stupid. That's not the way I see things. In this instance, all lives matter, even the dopey ones.
From your position, it's just a quick jump to not caring about black, white, yellow, conservatives, nats, lefties, righties, and all are equally fair game depending on the observers viewpoint.
While I hated the last three governments, and felt contempt for the voters who put them there, being okay with them dying, even if from their own lack of foresight, is something I never sought nor could condone.
In this case, those suffering harm are those that made the decisions that led directly to the harm. In spite of tons of expert advice to do things differently getting right in their face.
They will be personally directly responsible for what ails them, nobody else. That's what makes them different to the other groups you've listed.
And the substantive difference between this and the BLM protests is?
As far as dealing with the consequences of personally getting infected, no difference. Although I would note the protesters were somewhat more likely to be wearing masks, maintaining distance, and outdoors, all of which appear to reduce transmission than the MADAmorons packing themselves close together on the stadium floor with zero PPE.
When it comes to the substantive content of what the gathering was about, most of the BLM protesters are about raising awareness of the discriminatory bullshit they deal with every. single. fucking. day. of their lives, ranging from matters as petty as getting asked for extra ID and slower service, to matters as major as police harassment,receiving a lower standard of medical care and so on.
That seems a somewhat more worthy reason to accept risk than simply participating in a mass onanism session led by a feral shouting tufted meatball.
In other words because you support one of the political events you are willing to give them a free pass, but not the other.
We are of course fortunate that the BLM protests in NZ have not resulted in a cluster … but in the light of what happened last week with the two visitors who did break quarantine, and the resulting anger, I think it was a terrible decision to participate in them.
If they had resulted in just one avoidable death I think NZ would be disgusted. As it is most people held their noses and tolerated these protests in silence, we respected your right to protest even when we thought it was a stupid thing to be doing.
Attending a Trump rally at the moment is equally stupid, but it looks like the left cannot find the tolerance to allow them to express their political will in silence.
Oh and I might add that just in the past hour I have learned of the passing of an acquaintance of mine from COVID 19. I worked with him for some years; I can’t say we were close, but it’s hammered home the reality of it.
Arguing by twisting other people's words really does you no credit.
Well I'll just quote your own words untwisted:
That seems a somewhat more worthy reason to accept risk than simply participating in a mass onanism session led by a feral shouting tufted meatball.
I think that means you think the BLM political protests justified the risk because the cause was more 'worthy'. While the political event being held by Trump was not because you really don't like him.
Does that capture it to your satisfaction?
And just to be clear I think both events are wrong because at a time when everyone else was making real sacrifices to keep this disease under control, others fools felt their own pet causes to be more important.
And in the USA the BLM protests and the Trump rally between them will likely result in 1,000's of avoidable deaths.
It's normal and necessary to disagree with people, wishing ill of them is not.
Failing to show sympathy for harm resulting from really stupid decisions people are explicitly advised against is not the same thing as wishing someone ill.
Andre would you apply that rule to the NZ protesters who broke the distancing rule while we were still in level 2 ? I guess if some of them contacted Covid via the protest that this was an entirely predictable outcome of self selecting stupidity ?
Although personally I value the message the BLM protests sent somewhat more highly than the message sent by participating in the mass self-pleasuring session for the edification of CovidCamacho.
You read more into what I said than was intended. Let me re-phrase:
If a large group of people congregate in an arena without taking any precautions then they are likely to exponentially increase the number of Covid 19 cases in their part of the country. They are not deserving of sympathy and must live with the consequences of their actions.
Having said that, it transpires that commonsense has prevailed and the arena is half empty. That means the likely increase of cases will be reduced. Good result.
I didn't read anything in to what you wrote – I was replying to Andre
Yep. My mistake. It originally followed my comment and I jumped to conclusions.
I've done it many times before, so not something I'd hold over you.
I do share your view that those who are going to put themselves in harms way, despite all the scientific and medical advice, are indeed not worthy of sympathy and will suffer for their 'faith'. However, it doesn't sit right with me to hope they get sick and die (not saying you've said that).
True. But you can understand the depth of feeling some have especially when they have close relatives who are front line staff or fall ill with Covid 19.
Absolutely, I do understand, but wary of how that can play out down the line.
Well as the Trumpkination is prone to say, dizzwuddizz.
Saying goodbye to the American century.
It gives me no pleasure to post this, but, taken at face value, what are the strategic implications for us ?
He came from nowhere last time, and could still win.
He's also an outstanding orator, and Biden would do well to avoid debates.
He's also an outstanding orator? Which of Trump's speeches will have the historians rewriting the great orators list in four and a half years when he finishes his second term?
None of them.
But he electrifies his base at least as well as Obama or Clinton did.
"But he electrifies his base"
I think that says more about his base than any perceived skill. Small things amuse small minds.
That's the identical condescension to that which defeated Hilary an enabled Trump to win in the first place.
I'm under no illusions as to the voting power of stupid people who can't grasp the idiocy of voting for a guy who thinks less testing = less covid.
I don't understand the % y axis, on the "It’s just a Blue State problem.” graph.
The vertical axis is the mean daily percentage increase in new cases in states and counties, selected by presidential preference. States that predominantly voted democrat in 2016 were the ones that were initially most severely affected by the virus, being mainly coastal, and the main points of entry into the US. (Notably NY and California). NY got a massive influx of infection with the closing of the borders to Europe and 10's of thousands of Americans rushing home and cramming into highly congested airports for hours on end. A supreme super spreader event. Now those States realising the severity of the virus are slowly getting it under control and bringing the rate of infections down. The midwest and rust belt States, being less populated and more dispersed, thought that they were magically immune to this disease. They have taken few precautions, opened up far too soon, and are now paying the consequences
AHa Thanks Macro.
That's really helpful Macro. Often we don't want to appear stupid so don't ask, or ask and no-one bothers to explain.
If you know the history of pandemics it is drearily predictable.
But what comes next ?
The rust belt have been obediently drinking the bleach and praying.
Have been watching the live stream, pence is just finishing up, agent orange is on his way.. apparently. It's a sea of red hats and white faces.
What a bunch of plonkers. If the dems want to have any chance at all they need the ultimate running mate for biden.
The MAGA crowd love pence, they are so to easy please, praise the military and throw in some god blesses and they are good to go. The stupidity is mind boggling.
USA is messed up, deepest condolences to them all.
And…. not many if any are wearing masks. It’s total what-the-fuckery
Actually…. tbh, there are bugger all people there.
Ironically a lot of these MAGA types will themselves be rounded up for being "degenerates" when the ultra-puritan WASP theocracy that Trump wants is finally imposed. Those MAGA bimbos running round in their Daisy Duke shorts and US flag crop tops will find out the hard way what it means to be a woman in Trump's America, when the dress codes are brought in.
The "Bikers for Trump" look like they enjoy a beer after they go for a ride. If they read some books one day, they will find out that it is those evangalical types that support Trump also led the charge for the enactment of Prohibition 100 years ago, and railed against 'degenerate biker gangs' back in the 50's and 60's.
Interstingly enough, it was the biker gangs that were a big part of the counterculture and pushback against conformity back in the 1950's and 60's. Now they are wanting to to restablish the society that their fathers and grandfathers pushed back against all those years ago.
There's a huge group of cops in "biker gangs" too, the whole thing is skewered. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/lines-blur-between-cops-bikers-across-country-flna8C11364142 I have seen more recent footage of tough guy cops.
Bikers and the rest of us as well note the above.
As a pessimistic type, I prefer Hegel: "We learn from History that no-one learns from History." Sadly, we seem to be witnessing it yet again.
In Vino – That is a neat quote, to use the old slang. Slavoj Zizek goes on about Hegel and I see there is a reason for that.
I myself have not studied Hegel in depth, but I gather he applied dialectics to history and other things, and came up with that superb quote.
I'm hearing Susan Rice ticks the boxes for democrat voters.
Cheers Allen, I will have to read up about Susan, I've heard her name before but that's about all I know about her.
Trump is about as "weak" as he was with Hilary Clinton. And she lost.
Trump still has a really good chance of winning.
He has total brand dominance across the media.
Obama was not far off the Trump disapproval ratings at the same parallel time to Trump.
Getting the rallies going again makes Biden look totally weak as a cave dweller and an old afraid man.
The most exciting thing Biden is doing for the last month is to tease out the VP who will prop him up and succeed him when he's done his first term. That's not a ringing endorsement.
Biden seems to be surviving on RINO Republican super-pacs, and BLM protests.
It's not enough.
It's not enough.
It shouldn't be enough. But if Bitecofer is anywhere near the mark, then it probably will be.
tl:dr The idea is that true swing voters are actually quite rare, and that electoral swings are more about swings in who shows up to vote and who sits it out for any given election. Negative partisanship is the most motivating factor of all, people turn up to vote to throw the bums out. So the ratings to look at are disapproval ratings, much more than approval ratings. On disapproval ratings, Donnie Dingleberry resembles Carter, Ford, the Elder Bush much more than he resembles Clinton, Shrub or Obama.
Yup, and they're going to make damn sure only their constituency gets to vote.
Then again there is the MADA crowd…
Michigan Trumpers burn their own absentee ballot applications in misguided attempt to own the libs
Ohhh, that is hilarious!
"but but but but why are BLM protesting???? All lives matter!!!" except when it comes to voting, apparently.
So 1 in a 1,000 African Americans are shot by police if that was caucasian americans being shot by any other people their would be protests.
All lives matter is blame shifting rhetoric.
From that kind of theory, turnout is the critical factor.
Trump holding rallies and getting his base excited to turn out, sounds like the perfect strategy then.
This is a direct challenge to Biden's team to hold rallies as well.
BLM has peaked. What is Biden going to do to get Dem supporters out there?
Yeah he excited all of 6200! And how many of them will be dead by November?
The Latest Swing State Polls Look Good For Biden
Great news on both counts
How many turned up at Trump rally less than 10,000 when they were expecting 20 to40,000 .
Trumps time is up by the time the election time comes around the death toll from corona virus will be over 200,000 .
I don't know – when you're 13 points ahead it's time to go quiet and let the other guy make all the mistakes.
Yes that works for a while, but not even holding one main media conference in 3 months is not a way to get profile.
It's a way to ensure low turnout. Turnout of your team is the only way to win this election. They need a reason to turn up.
Inverted black rimmed red triangles have uses apart from the one you mention.
Trump has the solution to the covid virus
No testing
Thus no virus.
Yes a clip on TV1 tonight showed Trump say, "We have the biggest and best testing in the World and it shows higher numbers of positives."
So Trump said to the team, "Slow down the testing so we will have fewer positives."
(From memory so not exact.)
True – I heard that too. Wadda guy!
Praise the Lord, and pass the blinkers..
Trump is right about the total not of tests – about 28m, which is more than any other country.
Next is russia on abt 16m
BUT what he does appear to know is what the US population is.
The test rate is 85k per m
Below for eg Russia 116 pm, UK 116 pmand spain 110 pm
Didn't include Monaco 400 tpm and the small countrys
NZ has 68k test per m for cf
In my search for enlightenment this from an old book explaining anarchism. I don't know much about 'anarchism' so throw in this piece in case it is useful. I have a feeling that it is a word thrown around freely without a lot of attention to the actuality of it.
…the fluid survival of the libertarian attitude itself is what is important. In fact, the basic ideas of anarchism, with their stress on freedom and spontaneity, preclude the possibility of rigid organisation, and particularly of anything in the nature of a party constructed for the purpose of seizing and holding power. 'All parties without exception, in so far as they seek for power, are varieties of absolutism,' said Proudhon… 'Anarchism by George Woodcock'
One sacrilege after another. The man has no taste and is completely tone deaf.
DeAnna is running against Nancy Pelosi.
Was running against Pelosi.
California runs a jungle primary, where the top two go on to fight it out in November. Those top two in CA 12th were Pelosi (74%) and Buttar (D, 13%). DeAnna came fifth with 1.8%, although she was the second Repug behind John Dennis (7.7%)
Aww, so sad.
"Degenerate Left"?
Worth mentioning that the NSDAP and its supporters used the term "degenerate" to describe people that didnt agree with them,
Oh dear.
jeez, way to hit a narcissist where it hurts
Shame it wasn't 6,660. That would have stressed out trump and his ploy to attract voters by whipping out the god card.
This is not off topic, it provides a little sanity. Did anyone see the Bernie Blackout documentary on VICE TV this weekend. 1hr 28 mins and very educational. Highly recommend
"An investigative deep dive into the corporate news media’s coverage of Bernie Sanders’ 2020 presidential campaign that asks: who actually gets a say in American politics?"
Thanks so much for posting this AJ