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- Date published:
2:25 pm, March 27th, 2012 - 14 comments
Categories: national, uncategorized -
Tags: ACC, judith collins
“Ms Collins strenuously denies hints by opposition parties that her office was involved in leaking Bronwyn Pullar’s information to the media. She says only herself, one staff member, chairman John Judge and ACC’s chief executive had the information”. Hmm. 4 people, at least 1 head to roll. Not hard to see where this going. Playing Russian roulette with Collins is where she pulls the trigger but aims the gun at you.
Yep the National Caucus appears to be very calm on the surface right now but beneath the surface the sharks are circling. My prediction is that if Collins cannot transfer blame she will herself be in the firing line.
Someone leaked the email. It appears that Boag is seething.
This is great spectator sport.
BTW Zet might want to fix your link.
I wouldn’t be at all surprised if key took possession of a letter or resignation from Collins at about the time smith resigned, to be held, as it were, as a sign of good faith.
My monies on the staffer as all the others are nat cronies but only if she can’t sweep it under john’s big carpet and pat it level with a brownlee sized roller.
As for crusher, keep your friend close and enemies closer so Key’d be mad to cut her loose as she’d go postal having her dreams of domination dashed.
Collins can go postal on good days at the drop of a hat, so what would she be like when cornered? Maybe we should ask her hubby?Funny, she’s always reminded me of a concentration camp guard! She’d love the shiny boots!! LOL
Irma Grese ?
Please ……..Judith’s real name is “Endora”………the sly, scheming, menacing smiled witch from the US sitcom “Bewitched” in the 60s.
Nasty piece of work she was, forever casting mean spells on hapless son-in-law Darrin, a sappy smile and wave type.
Key Ora Mother-in-Law ?
Did Boag have Pullars permission to email Collins after 16 March 2012 when Collins got the report on the 1 December 2011 meeting between Boag, Pullar and the two ACC managers?
The 16 March 2012 report was enough for Boag to speak out as she emailed Collins.
Now that Smith is gone who is Boag most loyal to Pullar or Key?
I find it hard to believe that Key has not mislead Parliament over what he knows of the Smith letters and the 1 December 2011 6700 privacy breaches.
The only time that Key wants any investigation is when he engages the police. Without an INDEPENDENT inquiry into ACC Key is fast making himself look as if he runs a police state.
Key has surpassed Muldoon in what Muldoon did to Moyle. Mr Ambrose has not been charged with anything and Key has gone off on a tangent using his huge resources and position to have Mr Ambrose silenced.
Witch hunt is a better word than tangent.
But if Collins goes, how can National pretend to value women in its cabinet? ><
If Collins is beating the ‘not me ‘ drum so loudly its worth looking at other possibilities
This is what you find on the DPMC website
“The Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet occupies a unique position at the centre of New Zealand’s system of democratic government. It exists to support the effective conduct of executive government by the Prime Minister, the Governor-General and members of the Cabinet.”
and this
…A totally separate body, the Office of the Prime Minister, also advises the Prime Minister: it is the primary point of responsibility for managing political issues and relationships with other political parties and for providing administrative and media support.
Im sure DPMC/OPM are running the show once it was obvious Nick Smith was out of his depth.
As well they have a large pool of ex journos who can plant the stories with the right people all watched by Eagleson
Collins and co have an elegant arrangement that will mean that “who leaked the email” may never be investigated officially. It goes a bit like this:
1. To transfer attention and suggest the problem is a legal one Collins announces that the Privacy Act is deficient and needs review.
2. Collins announces at the same time that it is up to Boag or Pullar to complain to the Privacy Commissioner if they want the leak investigated.
3. Boag and Pullar being good Tory Party sorts never complain.
4. Collins meanwhile thumps the tub and implies that Chair of the ACC John Judge or ACC may have possibly been the leaker.
5. Collins expresses “concern for the privacy issue” but is talking about the leak to Pullar, not the leak of Pullar’s information.
6. Parts of the National are holding its breath hoping that the matter will die down. Meanwhile other parts of the National Party are seething.
7. Collins has to come up with an excuse for sending what was very likely to be a private email to ACC.
Collins is a leak or properly worded OIA away from disaster …
Collins has suggested on TV 3 6 pm news tonight that Boag could be the leaker. I would not exclude her either.
Collins talking to Pullar regarding Pullar’s name being leaked is not wise as Collins could be accused of interferring in an investigation and Collins could also be compromised as she is the minister of justice.
I think gwwnz’s suggestion is intriguing. There is no way Judith Collins didn’t discuss the affair in detail with John Key. We can only speculate who may also have been present in the PM’s office, but I assume it included his chief press secretary, Kevin Taylor. Then of course they both immediately – and conveniently – disappear off to Sth. Korea while the scandal is raging back home? Well, I’m sure Labour, the Greens and NZ First are quite happy to wait for his impending return. The scandal is not going away any time soon!
Stop wet dreaming about Collins’s demise.
Its boring.
Move on – oh ! there is nothing to move on to.
The media, who are in charge, will do what you want and find something more.