Written By:
- Date published:
10:22 am, March 15th, 2011 - 7 comments
Categories: International -
Tags: arab revolts, bahrain, oil, saudi arabia
For the second time in 14 years, the Saudi monarchy has sent troops into Bahrain to crush protests by the Shi’ite majority against the Sunni monarchy. Having intimidated their own people into silence on Friday, the Saudis now want to bring the Bahraini Shi’ites to heel, lest they inspire more unrest from Saudi Shi’ites. The US is not unhappy.
I believe that they were invited in along with police from UAE. That is the rub. If partners invite their mates in to help that is not an invasion – really. What happens to the protesters next will be indicative of the willingness to change in some way. It seems that in Morrocco the unrest may have caused some improvement in democracy so Bahrain?
if they’re going in to prop up an unpopular regime against the wishes of the majority, that counts as an invasion, I would have thought.
In that case, does deposing an unpopular regime with the wishes of the majority not count as invasion? That would mean that America didn’t invade Iraq.
Everyone knows they didn’t. They just took a wrong turn from Saudi Arabia, and had to shoot their way out (clearly self defence).
Iranians react with predictable language about foreign interference in domestic matters not being helpful. Be interesting to see what if anything, Iraq has to say.
(Also. hizb. just sayin.)
Wonder what the odds on a stray Iranian Exocet colliding with an oil tanker are? Coming down as we speak, this is one bet I want to lose.