Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
9:42 am, December 31st, 2015 - 106 comments
Categories: Abuse of power, International, the praiseworthy and the pitiful, twitter, you couldn't make this shit up -
Tags: crosby textor, knighthood, lynton crosby, paula rebstock
Two different nations but in each of them the conservative Government is rewarding its friends with antiquated titles.
Arise Sir dogwhistle. Lynton Crosby knighted for "public service".
— Mary Creagh for Coventry East (@MaryCreagh_) December 26, 2015
Isn't the Lynton Crosby knighthood the very thing a political strategist like Crosby would advise a PM against? Prince Philip redux. #auspol
— Michael Byrnes (@MichaelByrnes) December 28, 2015
My local foodbank in Salford is 3 foot under water thanks to cuts in flood defence budgets. But Lynton Crosby has been knighted. FFS.
— Glen Mitchell đșđŠ đ đčđ (@GlenMitchell1) December 26, 2015
Why wasn't @JohnJCampbell and the rest of the Campbell Live team on the NY honours list. Did more for me than Rebstock ever could.
— Miss Betsey Trotwood (@Suzyiam) December 30, 2015
Giving her $2K a day obviously wasn't enough to express this Government's love for Paula Rebstock. They've made her a dame as well.
— Karyn Taylor-Moore (@TaylorMooreK) December 30, 2015
So now we have a fully feudal society – Rebstock knighted for her campaign against the poor – time for some jacquery: sack her castle and throw her in an [deleted]
[lprent: bye – banned for a week to contemplate why we don’t like implied violence, and the exponential series I use for bans.]
To kick off the discussion:
It seems to me that the Natsis are copying their soul mates: the English Tory scum scourge. Basically anyone who screws the poor becomes ARISE! SIR Trampler of Useless Poor Scum which further justifies policies to make the rich even richer and the poor even poorer. đ
“It seems to me that the Natsis are copying their soul mates: the English Tory scum scourge.”
Yep…compiling my wee list of links for Open Mike I googled “sick and dying forced off benefits”…or suchlike.
UK and NZ stories almost equal in number and just about interchangeable.
It used to be NZ was ten years behind the UK…methinks we’ve caught up.
What really interests me is why “the whole change the flag to chuck off the yoke of our colonial roots” shit, when we seem to be closer politically to the mother country than ever.
They all copy each other. It stems from the fact that they haven’t got two original ideas to rub together, but rather they operate of the basis old-boy/old gal networks, ideology, and consultancies – employed in their common cause.
UK and NZ …… I think we’ve omitted Australia under Abbot, but also to a lesser extent the current munger who’s name eludes me (because he’s just another flea when it comes down to it), and also Canada. Fortunately in the latter case, the electorate came to understand just how pathetic – but powerful – they are.
Paula (Christ! another one) …… trace her past. She’s been a part of it from the start (Treasury et al). A devotee of the Neo-Liberal religion that even David Lange had reason to call for a cup of tea and a lay down after being conned by its staunchest advocates. We’re lucky we have MMP – where to some extent, the power of Treasury was neutered.
I have to admit that on one hand it all amuses me (because their cause is so absolutely self-defeating), but on the other, the damage they do because of their greed, smugness, self-aggrandising, short term survival thinking that jeopardises the future of their own offspring and the majority of others, is so fucking dangerous.
The smart ones though are actually onto the fact that ‘the natives are getting restless’, and gated communities, and capturing the enforcers of the state agenda just ain’t going to do it. It’s a bit of an unconscious progression on their part though – for most of them.
They actually don’t understand a functioning democracy. Anti-MMP; trying to disenfranchise various sectors; crony appointments to various public service positions; capturing media …… To them – winner takes ALL – and representative democracy is a pseudonym for elected dictatorship. A democratic veneer …. John Formica Key. Christ! – the other Pulla probably thinks the electorate is lucky we now have multi-functioning aluminium ladders to pull up – because in her day they only had rotting wood ones where you couldn’t rely on the rungs to support an ever-growing ugly frame.
“It stems from the fact that they havenât got two original ideas to rub together, ”
Methinks, perhaps, it is part of a long term plan to consolidate their power base.
No accident. Rebstock….”https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paula_Rebstock
Born…Montana, not Canada.
London School of Economics
Commerce Commission hardhitter….
“”I never lose sight that all the benefits of our society derive from the activities of the business community. You have to value that, and if you don’t value it you’ve no business being in this job. The free market economy is a great way to allocate the country’s resource, but to make sure the benefits flow through to everyone, you have to have competition.””
(New Zealanders of the Year 2009)
Someone with more time on their hands could probably find connections between these two and the current administration….and I don’t necessarily mean elected representatives.
I’d like to think that they do actually fear ‘the natives’ revolting…but no…they have conducted themselves over the past nearly two decades with complete confidence that their particular ideology will prevail.
And it has.
Happy New Year.
Warning formless musings with only one link, sources. Free floating musing and opinion, scattered with chicken shit and crushed eggshells.
I had a look at Rebstock’s background to see if she had children, and where they hang out. I have this idea that most of these wealthy people want children but don’t have any philosophy to pass onto them except how to get rich, how to live like a rich person, and what are the forms of behaviour that will enable you not be gauche when you mix with other rich people, and when to patronise and to whom. Girls used to be sent to ‘finishing schools’ in Switzerland to give them experience with other cultures.
Often children are sent to boarding school, when aged seven even. And other people paid to teach them the right responses, how to view the world and there learn to cope with the cruelties of the world, or not. It seems that the process parallels the recent attempt to get hens out of cages and assist them to have a good life yet still lay eggs, except with humans it is in reverse.
It seems that Ms Rebstock has the time to straighten out the peculiarities in our society because her chicks have been cared for in a children’s barn somewhere, certainly wouldn’t be free-ranged like Neill’s system encouraged. This iapproach is the wealthy peoples idea of what feminism consists of, the ultimate personal advancement version.
The Brit wealthy and aristos have for long sent their children to public schools which are private ecshooally, and that could be meaningful as to why they could be such b..tards when out of bed matters are being considered. The USA can send them to military establishments where they can learn how to be good soldiers, or hopefully, officers in the defence? forces or the commercial forces.
Then they go to Chicago and learn how to be blank-eyed economists of the Neo Lib School or they go to Harvard where they dish out priceless education to the developing world in how to fit into the wonderful capitalist system with its democracy cry and students get an idea of what they may develop into. it’s all talk about free-range living where if you peck harder you will find more grubs than anyone else, and then you put a fence around your favoured spot and keep it for yourself. And that it doesn’t suit everyone, is actually part of the factors that make it work so successfully for the graduates.
Having quoted Neill I had a look on the internet to refresh and get further info.
At his school he had some four and five year olds. They used to run around outside and inside in rough play clothes.
The school was run as a democracy with all the children involved in the weekly decision meetings, also the staff. A past pupil observed that the Tinies as they were called, flung themselves at the adults like starved apes. I’m not suggesting that Neill’s school, or teachers, were at fault but the idea that little ones can be left to others to bring up, on a semi-permanent basis is a very last resort.
And stupid Rebstock and others in the ‘so-called caring professions’ who suggest that parents struggling to do their job ineffectively, or outright badly, can be suitably and emotionally replaced by a stranger for a young child, are so ignorant and mechanical it is frightening. Because the stranger keeps a tidy house and hasn’t got a police record they are likely to get 10 out of 10, but they aren’t recognised as value to the child needing the real parent with which it has emotional bonds and familial recognition.
@once was Tim +100
I think this comparison is flawed.
Lynton Crosby was knighted for his work in getting the conservatives elected whereas Paula Rebstock got her damehood for public service.
That said, the fact that Rebstock is a (whatever the feminine is for) ideological hatchet-man does raise the question; WTF?!
But there are clear differences.
Crosby got his for getting the Conservatives elected, Rebstock for helping National govern.
Only one of these is clear and obvious corruption.
While the other is murky and subtle corruption.
Honestly, I don’t think so.
If you look at it from the PM’s point of view, here is a public servant who has been tasked with difficult jobs, and likely gone above and beyond what was required while wearing a great deal of public criticism.
The fact that her work has resulted in horrendous damage and enormous cost to public institutions and disadvantaged families and communities around NZ is either not realised due to ideological blindness, or even seen as positive outcome.
It think the honours bestowed on these two demean and cheapen every Dame and Knight hood. Just in different ways.
As Tracey asks below – where’s the honour for Helen Kelly?
Clearly this government is ideologically corrupt when dishing out the honours.
I reckon Helen, even if offered one, would be likely to refuse it.
The point is in who gets offered what. Tory aides: titles. Helen Kelly, John campbell and others: nothing.
You can hardly say “nothing”
For example it was a National Government that appointed Ken Douglas and Helen Clark to their exalted(?) status. and also gave Michael Cullen his knighthood.
Seriously? In your list you had to go back to the shipley government? As if anybody’s talking about them?
That was only Ken from the Shipley era..
I thought it was rather funny and couldn’t resist putting him in as he was leader of one of the various New Zealand Communist parties, wasn’t he?
The International website of the Fourth International were certainly impressed at the time.
Clark and Cullen were of course anointed by the Key Government. I suspect Michael was probably leaned on by his wife.
Fuck-all compared to honours for prominent national party supporters and functionaries, though. Especially this year, it seems.
She might refuse a damehood but i doubt she would refuse other less royalist honours.
Given the spleen she exhibited when Peter Talley was knighted I don’t think she would have had the gall to take anything if it had been offered.
‘Spleen’ and ‘gall’? You seem to be into body parts, creepy. It’s all a lot of tripe anyway.
I can only assume you are being deliberately obtuse
Rebstock got knighted for coming up with justifications for screwing over the poor.
Exactly – nothing more nothing less.
And being one of the highest paid beneficiaries in the land!
Hey Stuart Munro don’t know what you are talking about, but I like the cut of your jib and I’ll follow you if you are fighting Rebstock! What flag should we march under? Something with a kiwi fighting a foreign intruder – she’s from Canada isn’t she, and has been fitted with a cap from John Christopher’s Tripods saga.
I’ll throw a word in that I have found lately, enunciated by Slavoj Zizek who professes it important and it is more positive than the words that Rebstock inspires – jouissance. New Year’s wish – more of the ‘j’ word – down with the Natsis mean life-denying divisive money grabbing lexicon
Have a Good New Year and 2016 – check out Google that has a bright little display of birds with an eager egg that will break on midnight? and reveal?.
The laser kiwi is a good rebel flag.
We might begin by humiliating the the self-aggrandisers: call for Labour and the Greens to changed Rebstock’s title to Damn Rebstock, and Carter’s to Dishonorable. Playground stuff but thats their level.
Shit all over our democracy and expect to wear that like a badge when you show your disgusting face overseas, Paula.
Playground measures to satirise – don’t knock it Stuart it gets through their stainless steel ego shields. There is something Python I have to look at that someone put up this a.m. Now there was clever satire, possibly too clever if it goes over the respondents’ heads. Is it satire, if you do it and the object doesn’t understand it. If it goes over their heads and hits a butterfly in Brazil? I think I have to go and lie down now.
It is always amusing how the powerful allocate themselves and their little friends titles. They are incapable of earning our respect, in the way that the noble, inspirational, brave warrior Helen Kelly has….so they have to pretend that we look up to them.
It’s not all bad news:
That Restock woman really makes me stew. Remarks like this which are in the category of “do as I say not do as I do”. She wants other people to do something for free so that she can boast about how her investment approach works.
“Dame Paula Rebstock has called on the New Zealand community to take vulnerable young children “into their hearts and homes” as she seeks to apply an investment approach at one of the country’s most controversial agencies.”
Well she looks like she’s pretty comfortably situated so why isn’t she giving a number of children a stable home for twenty odd years? Most of the community doesn’t have the money to raise extra children and what if they become single parents? Shouldn’t she give back to the community that is supporting her so generously?
And then this;
“Sole Parents Support …When we started it was approaching 90,000 people on that benefit and it’s below 70,000 now.”
Taking credit for :
demographics – the baby boomers (now 53-65) have largely passed throught the child rearing years
law changes – reducing the child support age to 18 from 19 takes a solid % from the sole parent list
law changes – near impossibility of obtaining protection orders or housing meaning children are left with unsuitable/abusive parents.
Couldn’t the MSM ask even a few simple but challenging questions?
Or even simple ones like how many sole parents on Job Seeker Benefit now or Supported Living Payment.
The demographic changes also bear thinking about in terms of youngest child turning 14 and the benefit changing, not just turning 18 and the benefit stopping.
Of course they couldn’t. That would require them to be doing journalism rather than being cheerleaders for National.
I would love to know where the benefit recipients ‘go’ after they come off it.
I dont think any data is being kept on that at the moment.
Im picking that a lot of women shoved off Sole Parent Support/DPB end up in the ‘other’ social welfare system — the sex/adult entertainment industry.
That’s an excellent report.
Considered, logical, critical, nuanced and intelligent in its analysis – and based on research.
The MSD ‘investment approach’ comes out looking ill-conceived and deeply flawed.
And for work that has produced this sort of poorly thought through set of ‘recommendations’ Rebstock is made a dame?
Whatever happened to a concern with quality thinking as part of large scale reviews of government operations and policy?
In a very timely manner I suspect the politicians and policy makers have used this series and the novels on which they are based as their reference material – and not in a redeeming way.
Imagine a world………..
For services to market consolidation and making NZ markets so much easier to be dominated by a few players.
Now a well rewarded willing hatchet bearer to the new cause.
as farcical as the two examples are, there is one positive….it further discredits an almost completely discredited system.
Pat, it sure does, but then so does the position of PM.
New Years honours for 8 all blacks. McCaw, Carter, Nonu, Conrad Smith, Mealamu, Woodcock, Mike Cron – coach, Gilbert Enoka – coach.
But hey I’m sure there aren’t any more deserving people out there not earning $250,000, not getting free world travel and free notoriety.
No one in there right mind would volunteer their time/life to a cause for little money, or possibly at a large expense to themselves..
Ritchie turned down the “sir” gong and instead accepted his appointed to the Order of New Zealand. If we must have an ‘honours’ system then this is surely an acceptable way to recognise his remarkable achievements.
I for one am in favour of the Order of New Zealand which better represents the egalitarian nature this country was founded on than sirs and dames.
Is that the 20 greatest livinger nzers which includes the greek prince residing in london?
@ Tracey
Nope, the Duke of E is not an ‘ordinary’ member of the ONZ that makes up the 20 living NZ members. He is an ‘additional’ member…appointed only to commemorate royal affiliation. Blame Key for that.
New Years honours for 8 all blacks. McCaw, Carter, Nonu, Conrad Smith, Mealamu, Woodcock, Mike Cron â coach, Gilbert Enoka â coach.
But hey Iâm sure there arenât any more deserving people out there not earning $250,000, not getting free world travel and free notoriety.
File this one under “petty whining from a small person”
You don’t seem to know much about the relative achievements and contributions to New Zealand of other New Zealanders if you wish to defend such a panoply of honours to so many members of a sports team.
Helen Kelly has been honoured aye?
My thought also.
Helen Kelly needs no baubles.
However….the constant agitators of Pike River were honoured…
I bet the government heaved a sigh of relief they held off knighting the ceo of the pike river sacrifices
Odds on Margaret Bazley getting NZer of the year must be shortening.
If anyone wants a taste of what knights were/are all about, I recommend this half an hour of viewing by Terry Jones.
When and if you watch it, you might just turn away in recognition that the likes of Rebstock and Crosby are truly deserving of their titles. The ‘problem’ is that we continue to see the bestowing of such titles as recognition of greatness rather than of vileness.
If the provenance of knighthoods was common knowledge…
Rich pricks. I thought everyone knew that what a title ment. Or Tory scum of the first order.
Chivalrous, decent, humane…the myth that leads to opprobrium when vile ucks get the titles đ
That was a good link Bill – a tale well told and I will follow up on the other bits of it.
great link…..curious parallels with ISIL. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Terry Jones….well, ‘e should know all about them knights, eh?
Great watch Bill…but what happened to the the guy with the coconut shells?
National, making themselves dames and knights since ages ago.
Ekshlee, if we ever get a progressive gummint of the future …..
Any male referred to as Mister will be referred to as ‘Sir’
Any Maryed ‘femme’ (a female owned by a Mister) will be known as ‘Dame’
Those fucking non-descript ms’s will be given the tunety to choose. (they’re probably just pesky femminisits or WORSE – LEZBEANS anyway. We could have Sir Dame Judy Cocksukka; or Dame Sir Leslie Kruz-Finlaysin; or …. better not say it!
Their offspring will be eligible to inherit their forebears title so that my son will be known as Sir Sir XXXX, and my grandson Sir Sir Sir Sasha.
I think that would fix the ridiculous’ness’ of it all.
We could award all and sundry the majesterial award to ‘services to austerity ans stupidity’. Joe Bloggs worked tirelessly throughout a period of austerity and survived.
Win win – the Guv would have a lifetime’s work cut out for Him/Her
I can’t stand the term “hater”. Today I am a proud “hater” of all things “gong”. To the guillotine with the lot of them (you may choose who can be real and whom metaphorical ).
Professional bludgers is how I describe many of these people!!!
From the NZH article linked in the the post: “We have to really accept that the Crown ultimately first and foremost has to make sure that children if possible stay with their birth family in a well-supported environment that is safe and stable” says Dame Paula…”If that is not possible we have to get them into a loving stable family.
“Right now children are being shifted 20-30 times.”
Rebstock is adamant that what young children need most is a loving and stable home…We know… that there are many families who would like to step up and we have to make to easy for them to do it.
If this doesn’t scream “stolen generation” at you, you must have wax in your ears. Deprive people of the tools for building stable lives, then use the resultant instability as an excuse for removing their kids and giving them to “more worthy” couples.
These two gongs, as well as Bennett’s job as Minister for Climate change, express the triumphalism of the right wing bully. Nemesis, where are you? Aren’t you supposed to be following hubris?
John Key is going to fozter though, right? To leade by example aye Paula
Key should send his kids to fight in Iraq and Syria.
Humans are out of control and the right will fix that once and for all.
A disgrace!
Honoring the likes of Rebstock, who has contributed to increasing the misery of the impoverished, is an affront to those decent, charitable Kiwis working hard in their communities to improve the lives of society’s less fortunate!
Roll on the revolution, including a very sharp guillotine!
Has she been honoured for doing anything she was not well remunerated for? That should the most important criteria
Who’s been doing all the backroom dirty shit for Key with distinction?
DONT THESE PATRONISING TWERPS get it there is a permanent underclass in NZ that cant change their circumstances, thats why we had MJS the first time around
Of course these priviledge do gooders blame it on anything else except the huge salaries they get to tell us what we already know
Weird country we live in with all these offshore neo liberal academics getting knighthoods and running our lives?
Even weirder, is the that “they” keep voting in the guys that are awarding all their mates and people they wish to influence, an honorary title, not only discrediting the title, but also the deserved recipients of the award.
Paula Rebstock and the Commerce Commission are a disgrace.
How can they walk out in public and say they support competition when major industries like the construction materials are an obvious stitch up by the well connected big end of town? Someone needs to explain to them that cartels are not competitive.
John Key giving out such Sirs and Dames is a nonsense. It adds political cronyism to the already out of control economic cronyism story.
There is no way I will give any respect to such leechers. I don’t like to swear but I am more likely to add such an adjective rather than a title like Dame or Sir if I need to address them.
Maybe she only cost $2000 a day because she took a damehood in part-payment. Sweet deal.
Some people deserve knighthoods. They are the ones that do things like charity work voluntarily.
And there are others who are paid well whether they be MPs either centrally or locally. They should not be given knighthoods for work they have been paid a wonderful pay packet and perks of the job. Their ‘recognition’ in their paid employment should be enough without being called Dame or Sir.
There is one Dame who doesn’t even merit it as all she did was hit a little ball around a squash court. But then her ‘accolade’ is probably politically influenced and so she is now, unfortuantely, the head of the HRC. She probably has in her entire lifetime voted for her local National MP and so received the honorific of Dame.
It does seem that political leanings do have influence in such things as knighthoods. It puzzles me that Helen Kelly hasn’t been recognised in either the New Years Honours or even past Queens Birthday honours. Is it because she is obviously anti-National and so in its perfect vindictiveness this government denies her recognition?
If or when in the future we are assaulted with knighthoods bestowed upon the unworthy in the form of Sir John Key, Sir Murray McCully, Dame Judith Collins, Dame Paula Bennett, Sir Gerry Brownlee then we must ask how much did they donate to a charity in NZ for NZers and how much did they really donate to the NZ National Party to gain knighthoods?
Because it does seems transparently apparent that knighthoods can be purchased and sold as long as one is a supporter of the say the current government in power.
Any person who gets it before they have lived a life or served others without gain is taking under false pretenses imo.
Russell coutts
susan devoy
richie mccaw
Now by the time they are 50 and have racked up selfless deeds by all means. Richie may be a great guy but first and foremost he pursued his own dream. Good on him but un terms of role models for selflessness and advancing society… not yet.
Any person who gets it before they have lived a life or served others without gain is taking under false pretenses imo.
Russell coutts
susan devoy
richie mccaw
Now by the time they are 50 and have racked up selfless deeds by all means. Richie may be a great guy but first and foremost he pursued his own dream. Good on him but un terms of role models for selflessness and advancing society… not yet.
Agree with your comments on Coutts/Devoy but beg to differ on Richie McCaw.
Whats the difference you may ask, well Richie has made a 100% plus contribution as a role model for selflessness and advancing our NZ society by not just being a great All Black and international representative of this country but by also not selling out for personal or monetary gain.
He just did the job and as Richie says, he is still just the lad from Kurow, and doesn’t believe in having a ‘title’.
MSM promote the fact that JK donates his salary to charity?
Unfortunately this is a myth which has never been explored by the MSM – John Key once stated that he gave “a portion” of his salary to charity – a portion could be as low as $5.00 – and of course now we all know that according to John Key, the National Party is a “charity” he gave to when he donated his time playing a “charity” golf game with a Chinese man!
I also recall at the time when this ‘giving his wage to charity’ meme was being spread I read somewhere him saying he gave it to his sons school.
Has Rebstock ever had a job in NZ that wasn’t paid by taxpayers? Any progressive alternative government worthy of the label would already have promised to take her gong off her by lunchtime on its first day in office, along with Talley’s gong. The fact that no one in our political class has speaks volumes for that class’s true alignment.
National have perfected the art of sucking on the taxpayer teat….flag committee anyone ?
Charter schools, serco, whanau ora, lots of stealthy outsourcing in various govt depts, extra advisors especially in PR/spin in and around the public service to both clip the ticket and keep the truth smudged/buried/OIA requests ignored.
It’s a large scale exercise in transferring wealth from public to private hands leaving the cost/risk on the taxpayer when it all goes pear shaped as often medical procedures do as one example.
Has anyone OIA’d how much Farrar’s curia gets from the taxpayer as one example.
that word, antiquated, that pops up in the first sentence of the post. it speaks an ethos of old is bad, new is good. modernizers are vandals.
It wouldn’t matter what government bestowed the honours, its what the honours are being bestowed for which is the problem. Slowly over the years the criteria has shifted from genuine years of selfless decent working towards the betterment of society in the whole to crap like sports, commerce and profit for just a segment of society and not for the whole of society. Only a few people are honestly interested in rugby, the heart has gone out of the game as players now only chase the money and seek lucrative sponsorship in big name advertising. Its not sport anymore and many people I know have just turned off from it. No Name is deluding himself if he thinks people admire him mooching around changing rooms after matches. Ritchie McCaw has big investment in the Retirement apartment etc industry which we all know is a rort for the elderly once they have bought into it, its not an ethical investment at all and its not open to the public to invest in, only “cronies of who know who”. He’s no saint is our Ritchie and he finally did accept an honour so its all just a front. Commerce is just ripping the heart out of industry, whether its private or public , picking the choice bits and stripping it of assets, its about, job losses, less health care etc and harming defenceless people and children – rarely do we see people who spend a lifetime in medical research for the betterment of good health for the masses getting gongs, or people who again spend their lives working for the under privileged. The honours system has been cheapened and tainted and has no honour left in it. No truly ethical decent person would ever accept an honour these days, its just a farce – the whole thing just reeks frankly.
I am surprised the Queen hasn’t tried to clean up the Honours system, she must be in her heart disgusted how it has progressed in the past thirty odd years.
“Commerce is just ripping the heart out of industry,”
The way I see it – Today’s version of commerce is just ripping the heart out of the c.untry, leaving it decayed and dispirited. It’s state now aptly described with a stripped-down, tawdry prostituted word.
When I saw that David Farrar had not eulogised the Daming of Paula Rebstock I thought he was trying to not rush in but rather give the dust a chance to settle, let any fuss die and then present a considered PR exercise for Rebstock and the Government.
Then today I see a few words about R McCaw – a handy bridge to broach the subject – and the fact there won’t be more posts today as he (Farrar) is in Disneyland.
A good place for him at any time. As a place to come up with the sweet words to justify Rebstock’s award absolutely apposite.
Exemplifies what a joke the whole system is these days?
Woe betide any region that votes the wrong way: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-advocate/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503450&objectid=11567841
NY honours used for political gain, Labour says
‘Mr Little said she was already well compensated by the government for her services, including the $2000 a day she charges for her work on Child Youth and Family.
“New Year’s honours should be reserved for those who do something extraordinary, who put in some voluntary effort, who go well above and beyond the call of duty and I don’t think that’s happened in this case. I’m surprised that she got an honour.”
The honours system should not be manipulated for political purposes, Mr Little said.’
Paul Rebstock must be a NZ citizen although born in Montana and educated in the US as citizens who are born in countries which are not represented by the Queen are given Honorary titles in only in NZ so the cabinet manual says. Whatever, giving her a gong has made a mockery of the Honours awards.
Lynton Crosby? Wow, so they are not even pretending that the honours system is about public service anymore. Talk about returning to neo-feudalism, titles for the king’s favourites. So which castle did he get?
How infantile the whole honours thing is, just another meaningless PR fluff exercise showing the toffs contempt for public, and reflecting the childlike level of awareness most people seem to be happy with. I guess Crosby is thus a perfect choice now that I think about it.
Why would Helen Kelly be in the NY Honours list?, she hates the Govt and Key!, same way if Labour were in Govt (and the titles were not immediately abolished) would they have the likes of Paula Reebstock on the list?…no!
National are the Govt and I know this is hard guys, but you have now had 7 years in the wilderness and 2 more to go before next election, which I’m sure will be business as usual come 2017 elections. Labour has lost the ‘worker’ and have spent so much time being negative and also championing for the gays/lesbians/criminals that the MAJORITY of ordinery working folk do not see these sideshows as important or indeed needed to be championed, after 7 years you guys have never learnt anything, remember 7-6-5 years ago all political polls were National, Labour, Greens and now Labour over the last 3-4 years are no longer a single party as they are nown known as ‘Labour/Greens’…and that my friends is your biggest achillies heel, your kriptonite for the central voter with left leanings, The Greens, ohh and of course still having Matt McCarten as head strategist đ any private company would have sacked him years ago due to a failure in performance.
I’m glad Sir Michael Cullan gave his knighthood back…ohh wait đ
Any reckons on whether a Labour coalition government would have given Paul Holmes an honour in his final days?
I’m (a) Right (troll).
that meme looks familiar…who writes your stuff?….M. Hooton perhaps?
@ i’m right
Go back to school… learn to spell… find out what grammar is… and how to put together sentences properly… and then when you have learned proper you can come back here and partake in grown-up conversations.
Where is the caption competition when you need one???????
Mickey S? One of you who is around? Please come up with a caption competition.
Ecosse Maid is fizzing and she/he always produces multiple bon mots. Just the thing for whiling away a break in the political disscourse. Put any photo – the bright ones will find something clever to say. (I said please).
Yes Greywarshark..I am going through serious caption competition jitters.and mood swings not to mention the DTS and sweats..and I am not even one of the massive 8 on a benefit
…if things don’t pick up round here i may be forced in PGLands page to abuse him..
Well just hold on Ecosse – deep breath – now slowly let it out. You are so right in going for a caption post – I do hope the PTB find the time to set it up.
Should it be Key, don’t you think he is getting boring? Who else is really annoying and incompetent as a NZ serving politician? Or what about the recent Dame Paula Rebstock though we have had a bit of a go at her on the honours post? The trouble is that there are so many tall blue poppies that it’s hard to pick out one from the bunch. And what about the red ones? Is there some muck-up we overlooked before Christmas that would give us someone to put at the top of a post-mortem Christmas tree? Some ham that we could serve up as leftover kedgeree?
Yes Grey, I shall hold on in the hope of a caption….yet the temptation is great to go forth and take the pee out of 53 Shades of Beige Site and his loyal cult followers(his wife and extended family)..Yet he and them are such easy targets….no skill or fun involved. The topics that you have mentioned all have their merits..yet something left field would be good,,,,like the Authors out on their Crimbo do, as they unexpectedly bump into Karol & PGNuts,,,whom they discover have been conducting an illicit affair! Shock Horror!…
I can see you are needing something firm to bite on Ecosse. Sorry if there is no caption post. I have no pull around here. Perhaps you could take up something using a lot of energy such as sculpting limestone and create something awesome and entrancing or get stuck into music and beat out a rhythm on a drum. It’s a shame for that pent up energy to go to waste. You could casually show the statue to your friends – Oh this is something that I played round with over the New Year.
Thanks for the concern & suggestions Grey….Funny you should mention limestone sculpting! I have just finished my latest offering,,,,I am trying to hoist said article of John Keys in a “Yankee Iwo Jima” Freeze Frame, Erecting The Ego, Flag Pose, on The Harbour Bridge alongside the incumbent.
Oh, good one!
@ I’m Right. You surely are right. Very right. You appear to have lost the point. Politics may be a popularity contest but it does not result in the majority of the public being satisfied. 65 % of eligible voters did not vote for this Government. But they didn’t bother to vote, you say Of course not, why would they? The disenfranchised have been ignored and abused over the last 30 Plus years, by successive governments. and don’t see any way out of this so called ‘democratic’ nightmare. Roll on the revolution, cause that’s what’s coming, like it or not. It’s already startedstarted, in case you haven’t noticed.