Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
11:25 am, March 24th, 2011 - 24 comments
Categories: class, tax -
Tags: elitism, tax cuts
So what are you gonna do with the 9K of tax cuts you got with your 400K pa job since October? Why not pay 7K to shack up with 65 of the elite and eat a 6 course meal from foreign chefs?… What do you mean you’re not on 400K, you haven’t pocketed 9K in the last 5 months, and price rises ate your ‘tax cut’? You need a real job.
Ya know the tax debate on righty blogs and lefty blogs is mostly boring dishonest drivel.
I’m still waiting for a blog to put up a table of individuals income and the tax paid on that income after WFF and the like, along with the total government tax take and where the various proportions come from – than let’s all have real debate about where the country needs to go in terms of where the government should be getting its revenue from.
“than let’s all have real debate about where the country needs to go in terms of where the government should be getting its revenue from.”
The government should be getting it’s revenue from:
1. Capital gains tax
2. A populace whose median full time wage is $40,000, instead of $27,500.
Pretty easy.
Planning to vote Green then, Lanth?
It’s a possibility. I need to see the campaigns first.
Depending on the polling numbers in the week leading up, I might even vote NZFirst.
That’s an enormously complicated table hs.
Keith Ng probably has come closest with is pies. Needs Flash.
I don’t get it. Is HS arguing that Key really really really needed $9,000 of tax cuts on his PM salary in five months alone and is putting it to good use or isn’t he?
This is interesting
The few appear to pay for the many.
Um, that’s 2007? PRE tax cuts and GST rises?
Think things are kinda different nowadays…..
Agreed, but I would be very surprised if the big picture is really much different. The contribution of the top 10% of earners is something like 40% of the tax take. I doubt if its dropped to something less than 35%.
Meanwhile I am trying to get an updated stat.
That was quick, some very efficient Public Servants.
They are Budget forecasts so it will be interesting to see how 2011 stack up.
Without the relatively small percentage of $70000 plus earners a big piece of the tax take disappears!
Who pays how much? Links below
Key Facts for Taxpayers 2010
Key Facts for Taxpayers 2009
Key Facts for Taxpayers 2008
Thanks Peter that’s exactly what I was looking for.
Do The Math Bill – Get Your Napkin Out
Using the Treasury Information Bill could raise his 5 billion for Christchurch over five years by:
The top 12%, earning over $70,000 a year, paying $25.00 a week
The next 53%, earning over $20000 a year, paying $7.00 a week
The bottom 35% earning less than $20000 would not be levied.
For the top 12% of wage and salary earners to raise 5 billion over 5 years he would need to levy $51.50 per week – the equivalent of some wine and a few coffees.
If he does not raise a levy he needs to borrow/print $19,792,000 a week which might be of interest to the future generations he expresses concern for.
Any takers?
This proves what we have been saying. The bulk of tax is paid by middle income earners.
30k to 80k.
The top 2%, who have grabbed most of the income, pay only 17%.
Correct, the bulk of tax is paid by those earning 30-80k. 1,178,000 taxpayers pay 10.9 billion. What might be surprising is that 264,000 people earning over 80k pay almost as much at 9.6 billion.
Those over 80k pay about $36000 on average in PAYE while those under 80k pay about $9000 per head.
As you point out the top 51000 (2%) people pay 17% of PAYE. They are paying $72000 per person on average, about 8 times as much as the bulk of middle income earners. The are contributing about the same as 400000 middle income earners. If I was a NAct supporter I’d want to know how much more you would want the wealthier people to pay?
Quite a bit more actually Peter.
Needs to be brought into line with the proportion of the nation’s wealth they hold (i.e. quite a bit more than 17%)
So now you are talking Capital Gains?
This is interesting
The few appear to take more than the many.
As CV pointed out the other day, it just shows that Key is an ordinary kiwi who can like totally relate.
And yet relate they do, in far greater proportions than “Who the fuck is that – oh, Phil Goff”, champion of everyman NZ that he is.
Out of interest, when do you think we will next see the Philin straddling that motorcycle?
Dunno, I always thought he was more suited to the pillion.
Typical RWNJ. Expecting someone else to do the work for you.
If you feel so strongly about it HS, how ’bout you get off yer arse, do it yourself and submit a Guest Post?
Capcha: arise – You have the floor HS.
Yet again Sideshow John shows he’s a bloke in touch with average people…..average in his world that is being a world of the wealthy and elite.
Either says heaps about the image CT are happy to allow portrayed OR little johnny’s doing what he does best which’s whatever he damm well likes.
I just want to know where I can get that image that linked me to here of John Key doing some txt speak..