Written By:
te reo putake - Date published:
11:07 am, March 3rd, 2020 - 21 comments
Categories: class war, elections, International, israel, uk politics, us politics, Zionism -
Tags: benjamin netanyahu, Joe Biden, keir starmer
Two leadership races on either side of the Atlantic are all but over and in Israel, neo-fascist Benjamin Netanyahu is on the verge of ending the stalemate that has gripped the country’s Parliament for over a year.
Keir Starmer is almost certainly going to be the next leader of UK Labour. This is good news because he’s acceptable to a wide range of voters, which means he is electable. Not perfect, mind, but electable.
The loser left faction in Labour, who would prefer idealogical purity and a generation in opposition, are quibbling about who is funding Starmer’s campaign. The answer is its people who want Labour to win the next election. And, yes, that might include Tony Blair. But so what?
Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic Party’s candidate in the next Presidential election. The alternatives are falling like nine pins and only a couple of old rich white men still stand in Bidens’s way.
The only question left is who his running mate is going to be.
The world can only hope he picks a vice Presidential candidate with some substance and name recognition. That was Hillary Clinton’s biggest mistake; thinking she could do it on her own. Elizabeth Warren would be an ideal number two, helping to make it a unity ticket. I’ve helpfully added a picture of what that may look like:
In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu’s far right bloc looks to have at least 60 seats in a 120 seat Parliament, with the likelihood that votes from the military (which have yet to be counted) will get him a one seat majority. Bad news for peace, good news for Benji’s legal team as they try to keep him out of jail.
So, three likely wins for relative conservatives in their radically different constituencies.
More evidence that the centre has shifted to the right in western democracies?
I would vote Starmer as my second choice candidate after Lisa Nandy, though either are preferable over the continuity candidate Rebecca Wrong Daily.
Surely <sarc> or “contains satire” are missing from the top of this TRP post?
C’mon, TM, there’s a Get Smart reference. Surely that’s enough satire for one post?
Agent 99 was my first crush.
Quite possibly mine, too, Ad. Though, at around the same time, I have a strong memory of being transfixed by Emma Peel, watching through a half shut lounge room door when I was supposed to be in bed asleep. There was also Jane Hathaway from the Beverley Hillbillies, too. She was played by the wonderful Nancy Kulp, who later ran for the Democratic Party in an unsuccessful Senate race while in her 60's.
All strong women characters, who often had to rescue their bumbling men. Which takes us back to Elizabeth Warren, I guess!
I think I would prefer Dennis Kucinich as VP, but I don't know if he is even available.
Looks more likely to be Klobuchar rather than Warren TRP.
Warren is actually 70, although she looks 50 and acts like a 30 year old. So yeah you could think she would make a good 99.
BTW I do think Warren would make an excellent VP as she is the only one in the race who actually understands that America is in a crisis of trust( and she does have a plan for that
). Excellent OP here:
Warren … acts like a 30 year old.
Way too many Nana-jokes and mannerisms in her repertoire.
I do think Warren would make an excellent VP
VP is a largely impotent position. I'd rather Warren in the Treasury Secretary slot from day-one to effect some real change.
However, Sanders recent Heart Attack poses a huge health problem; and you need some one who can step up if he were (god forbid) to fall over.
Studies suggest Bernie has a 50/50 chance of dying in office if elected!
We don't know exactly just what his state of health is, and as the cardiologist in the second link notes, we would need to know more to give a more accurate prognosis of what might lie ahead – but even so, it would be wise to have someone capable in the background.
If elected, the dude will have about the best healthcare in the world for the next 8 years.
And I suspect he's more healthy than the current one.
That is very possibly true. tRump exhibits some early signs of dementia for a start (spelling errors, incoherent rambling, to name some obvious examples), and by all accounts he has a very poor diet.
Then again – there is the Curse of Tippecanoe, and it is 2020.
You're assuming Trump could spell in the first place, or wasn’t susceptible to incoherent rambling. I’d say Trump’s more likely dementia-free.
Well yes by his own account he is stable genius – so one would assume that meant he had some proficiency at spelling.
As for his incoherent rambling – that is a classic sign of dementia.
But, on the flip side, Trump doesn't drink or smoke.
And he's probably past his 1980's cokehead days.
I am working in a support group for with a number of people with dementia, and none smoke or drink. Many have lived very healthy lifestyles.
Dunno about dementia. Probably a lifetime of bullshit just atrophied his reality muscle due to a lack of use. It's not like any of it stopped him being president.
Yesah !
trump seems to have packed on the pounds and personally I can't get over his neck ever since Joe90 posted #wattlegate Dang !!
Hey – no mallarkey. Bud. Listen up I hear you. And it wasn't only corn pop arrested in Soweto. Me too – on Robbins island there were no robins. And no birds sang. And we stood up to them y'hear – too damn right! I told corn pop he couldn't declare bankruptcy, right there on the same spot while the robins sang. What was he thinking – would they arrest too-black guys (me and corn pop) because I was the only pool monitor in Soweto? No way! And that's how we did it – we fought them off with bare hands on the boat to Robbins island while seagulls croaked and I thought of pizza and Keats simultaneously – clear and bright like running water. Corn pop wised up fast because of me, not some other guy – so get it clear bud or I'll lay one on you.
(Excerpted from Joe Biden's Victory speech Nov. 2020)
That is scary.
A shame that Lisa Nandy is going to come last. Out of all 3 of them, she is probably the most likely to be prime ministerial material, even though I don't agree with all of her policy positions. Starmer is an empty suit, and RLB is Corbyn in a skirt, and I think Corbynism is dead.
At least Yvette Cooper and Liz Kendall aren't running. Don't know why they are still in the party TBH.
Sanders needs to think about stepping down and giving Biden a clear run at the nomination. The Democrats need to put together a secular front united against Trump and his Christian Taliban supporters. The US is only 4 more years away from a theocracy, and all factions of the Democrats need to put aside their differences and fight for what is left of the New Deal, the Great Society and the Sexual Revolution, the 3 pillars of modern day US social democracy.