The Libelle liquidation

Written By: - Date published: 12:20 pm, March 20th, 2025 - 20 comments
Categories: Christopher Luxon, class, class war, david seymour, education, national, politicans, poverty, same old national, uncategorized - Tags:

The first liquidator’s report on Libelle Group Limited suggests the company was hopelessly incapable of performing its role in providing the National-Act Government’s version of school lunches.

The report is one of the bleakest I have read.

Libelle was contracted to provide 120,000 school lunches each day. It also supplied school tuck shops. Strangely for a catering company it was also a recognised seasonal employer which allowed it to employ seasonal workers.

It had one central manufacturing kitchen where the lunches were made and ten central processing kitchens uses to reheat and distribute the lunches.

The reason for the liquidation is that the company ran out of money. After paying wages on 6 March 2025 there was nothing left.

The Liquidators’ initial assessment of the status of the company suggests that there is precious little to pay creditors. Figures for the value of vehicles, stock and plant and machinery were withheld for reasons of confidentiality but accounts receivable and a related party loan totalled $1.9 million.

Liabilities totalled $14.3 million with secured creditors totalling $8.4 million. You don’t have to be a fiscal genius to realise that some people are going to take a bath.

Deloittes only took the job on because further funds were introduced. Compass advanced funding to meet wage costs and in a rushed contract agreed to take over Libelle’s school lunch contract.

And clearly there is an issue about whether or not reckless trading occurred. On the face of it you wonder why the directors did not pull the pin on the company much earlier.

Events clearly show the problem with driving contract prices as low as possible. Corporates are not good at measuring risk and when large contracts are dangled in front of them will not always make the right decision.

So we have a substandard replacement scheme whose problems are myriad. And it is that cheap that it is driving suppliers into receivership.

Meanwhile schools and teachers unions are demanding that they be allowed to return to their previous suppliers who overall did a tremendous job.

From Yolisa Tswanya at the Northern Advocate:

Education union NZEI Te Riu Roa has called for the Government to allow schools to opt back into using in-school community providers amid the issues around the school lunches.

NZEI president Ripeka Lessels said in a survey it conducted, it was found that almost 80% of respondents were not satisfied with the lunches provided.

“The schools that can use local, in-house and iwi providers are vocal about their love and appreciation for locally provided kai, and the positive holistic outcomes it creates for tamariki [children],” Lessels said.

The survey was carried out two weeks ago and principals and area school kaiako (teachers) pointed out the overwhelming differences in quality between their former local providers and the Government’s new ones. Many children were going hungry rather than eating the new food, which then affected their learning.

“This stands in stark contrast to the new, centralised providers, who have delivered wholly unappetising meals – not to mention the ones that haven’t turned up or have been delivered containing melted plastic or so hot they have burnt children, “Lessels said.

“Schools should have the right to opt out of the Government’s disastrous and dangerous lunch provision and return to their former providers, and not one more school should be transferred to the School Lunch Collective.”

David Seymour thinks that critics are nitpicking. Apparently worrying about lunches being inedibleunappetisingrepetitive, or failing to meet dietary restrictions or causing a child second-degree burns is nothing to worry about.

Christopher Luxon previously proposed marmite sandwiches and an apple as the solution. If only poor people could do this. He really shows no idea how entrenched poverty is in Aotearoa.

And Richard Prebble thinks that getting rid of school lunches will help the obesity crisis. Note to Richard a global famine will do the same but I am not sure that this is a good solution.

This shows what happens when you entrust a socially progressive and collective response to clear need to the right. They wreck it, either through complete indifference or malice.

20 comments on “The Libelle liquidation ”

  1. adam 1

    They wreck it, either through complete indifference or malice.

    The problem with ideological lounge lizards, they are indifferent, and malice is just another tool to ensure purity.

  2. thinker 2


    "Qu'ils mangent de la Marmite Sandwich"

  3. Darien Fenton 3

    Thank you TS for posting this. In this day and age, we need really good analysis on what the fuck is going on. I think we all know…..

  4. gsays 4

    I have to admit a snug grin driving to work when I heard Libelle had gone under,

    New nothing about them, I just lumped them in with Compass, a foreign owned multi national.

    The next day, I heard Vaughn Quio (Principals Association Pres.) speak about the receivership. He mentioned that he knew Johan of Libelle and that he cared about the food he provided. It put a human aspect to this sorry saga.

    People have lost their jobs, the precariat at work.

    Seymour wont like this but for the wrong reasons. As AB and tc point out, there is a reptilian vibe to this whole initiative and people are getting hurt.

    • Incognito 4.1

      Before the revamped programme, Libelle had supplied lunches for $9 per head to 17,000 school children – and then scaled up to supplying 125,000 lunches for $3 per head.

      I don’t think Libelle had much choice but to go for the contract and be damned or they would have lost all of their business just like others had and have gone under because Government went for a single supplier and kept changing the rules.

      I believe about 500 jobs were and still are one the line but for now Compass has taken over the going concern of Libelle, staff and all. From the OP:

      Compass advanced funding to meet wage costs and in a rushed contract agreed to take over Libelle’s school lunch contract.

      In the first link in the OP, you can see that Libelle had been a NZ company since 2005.

      • Descendant Of Smith 4.1.1

        There was an exercise we did at primary school in the late 60's or early 70's that looked at getting a big contract to make more widgets.

        You had to decide whether to take it or not. The answer in the end was to not take it a you simply did not have enough capital to bear the initial costs of manufacturing.

        So many NZ companies have gone kaput through expansionary costs – too quickly – Georgie Pie for example.

        But yeah $3.00 per meal is pretty well rubbish.

        • Phillip ure

          I think that tasty healthy lunches…that children will like to eat..can be done for close to $3..

          (I repeat)…approach five different vegan chefs..

          ..give them the brief: cheap 'n cheerful… nutritious…that children/adults will wolf down/clamour for more..

          ..give it yr best shot..!

          ..and then take it from there..

          • Keith

            I think the whole school lunch program should be scrapped. Parents or poor..should feed thier children..and if poor Government gives them at least $130pw to help with this….where does the giving end?….and as for come a company about to go into liquidation got given the supply countract?..obviously nobody checked if they could do the job…ie. the food quality and supply logistics!!….we have issues in this country!

            • Phillip ure

              Do you realize that because of institutional poverty…that for many children this is the most nutritious meal of the day..?

              Does that not give you pause for thought..?

              And what is this $130 per week..of which you speak ..?

              If referring to working for (some) families.. you do know that financial assistance is only available for the working poor..?

            • Tony Veitch

              ..obviously nobody checked if they could do the job…ie. the food quality and supply logistics!!

              It's called 'due diligence' and one would expect, from "better managers of the economy" at the very least some appraisal of Libelle!

              But, as Incognito says,

              political sabotage, deliberate and intentional

            • Descendant Of Smith

              .where does the giving end?

              Such a miserable and dishonest argument. It is government policy to have a level of around 6% employment, it is government policy to let in lots of migrants to put downward pressure on wages, increased pressure on the housing market consequently increasing rents, to give tax cuts to employers and to subsidise private sector landlords through accommodation supplement (2 billion dollars per annum and rising every year), to reduce tax rates on the well-off and increase them on the poor (e.g. GST) and to keep benefits (which were once level with NZS) low.

              These are deliberate actions that we all know results in poverty and means parents can't feed their children. As these are deliberate state policies then the state should also ameliorate the impact of such policies.

              Feeding children is barely a drop in the bucket.

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