Written By:
lprent - Date published:
8:45 pm, August 22nd, 2013 - 42 comments
Categories: labour, leadership -
The word is that the NZ Council decided tonight when they will cut off the memberships which are current for voting in the membership vote on the leadership primaries.
The deadline is at midnight tonight.
If you aren’t up to date, do it here.
I haven’t looked at the new rules too closely, but I gather that there are short deadlines on when candidates have to put their names forth and when the voting sheets have to go out. So this isn’t a major surprise.
To get the whole of the membership and affiliates votes in within the voting period requires that the voting list is closed off as early as possible.
Update: Just in via bulk email from Labour’s president.
Today David Shearer has indicated his intention to resign as leader of the New Zealand Labour Party, taking effect when a new leader is elected. David’s media release is here.
On behalf of the New Zealand Labour Party and New Zealand Council I’d like to thank David for his commitment and dedicated service as our leader in challenging times. His legacy will be bold progressive policies for the next Labour led government to deliver .
I have received a letter today from Labour’s Senior Whip Chris Hipkins notifying me of this resignation and triggering our new leadership selection process as stated in the Party Constitution.
Tomorrow morning the New Zealand Council will agree the dates of the process and other details. We will update you afterwards. The new rules for the selection process will also be posted on the party website tomorrow. Under the rules new members who wish to participate in the leadership selection need to join the party by midnight tonight (the date that the selection is triggered). To join click here.
Moira Coatsworth
Labour Party President
Best you make sure Mr Cunliffe has renewed his membership then.
The Labour MP’s are tithed a percentage of their wages. I suspect that they are members by default.
But I see that my automatic payment is still going out monthly, so I guess that I am still a member.
Oh Kate. Tell me are you going to join too?
As I am currently not a member of any political party it would be my pleasure to join and vote for Mr Cunliffe. Shall arrange.
Don’t make fun of our party leaders Cactus Kate….
Why cut off the membership at midnight?
Surely this should be an opportunity for the party reengage with past members and encourage new people to join? With political apathy at an all time high, what better a way to get young people involved in politics?
Many of my fellow students at Auckland Uni are frustrated with this government but have no idea what Labour stands for and no reason to get involved. The Canadian Liberal party recently had a leadership election and were very successful in encouraging young people to become more politically active. Incidentally, they are now well ahead in the polls.
Welcome back after your ban :).
I’ve added the reasons to the post (it was a little time critical). But the requirement to have all of the votes in within a 4 week period on a postal vote damn near requires that it gets cut off now.
Glad to be back.
I’m sure there may be genuine logistical or constitutional reasons, but I just think this is a wasted opportunity. Is there really any harm in holding off for one more week?
Hi, I may be an idiot – but can an individual be a member of 2 political parties at the same time?
[that’s usually against the parties’ rules. It’s certainly against Labour’s rules. Eddie]
Against Green Party rules too.
Thanks, I’m almost considering a switch for this one as I believe the upcoming vote could make a big difference in regards to the future of our country. If the Nats win a third term due to a decimated Labour, it could cement the neo-liberal ideology in the minds of the populace and thus conceal any other modes of revealing the truth, and we could end up with one party governing in perpetuity (I’m thinking Singapore, Malaysia etc).
I renewed this afternoon. Between this and the local body elections, I’m having a nice democratic glow. Does anyone know the status of the SOE referendum. Perhaps we can have a therefor.
Gah. Three-for.
Tamiti, there is also a problem of a membership vote which will decide the leadership of Labour into the next election and then Prime Minister thereafter being hijacked by whoever has the most to gain from having one or the other candidates elected ahead of others,
12 O’clock tonight seems generous to me, i would have made the cutoff point the exact same time as Shearer resigned thus negating anyone with nefarious intent from having any ability to interfere in the business best left to Labour Party members to deal with…
I know this is not how it currently works, but I think it would be good to choose a new leader from a large base of popular support – not just from the membership but from typical supporters of the left. Some people simply cannot afford to belong to a political party financially. Low income people can help Labour get re-elected. As stated above, this could be a re-engagement and anti-apathy opportunity.
It costs $5 to join the Labour party if you are unwaged. I don’t think cost is a major barrier!
If you recall the United Future debacle, you’ll remember that under the Electoral Act, political parties must have 500 paying members. It would be an administrative challenge to have both paying and non-paying members in that fashion. Labour accepts a $5 membership from the unwaged. I’m not going to pretend that even that amount would be easy to find for those in deep poverty, but party membership is hardly an elitist symbol.
Perhaps there could be a sponsorship scheme where members of greater means can sponsor those who can’t spare five bucks.
I thought we would need to put NZs interests
at heart. We need loyal NZders who will ensure
sorry Key to return back home and out of our
country if we are to have any hope for future
I consider people have had plenty of time to see
through the slime ball we have as a Prime Minister
to make up their minds already so if they want
to be involved they should have already joined.
I joined Labour when R Muldoon became PM
I do not regret being counted against that type of
philosophy as it hasn’t changed over many years.
Cuntlife doesn’t like poor people or beneficiaries … remember his Titirangi speech? With the Union membership less than 8% of the labourforce, there’s no growth in votes there? With 880,000 non voters, labour haven’t a clue how to engage and activate them, all thats left is to steal votes from the Nat’s & the Greens?? Good luck with that strategy?! Be happy with 25% in the next election.
By the looks of it, it’s not possible for non-residents to join?
We’ve had NZ people who’ve gone overseas join up as LP members. Living overseas shouldn’t be a problem so long as you’re paid up.
Yes, the Labour Party has long had an overseas membership. Indeed in places like Aussie and England I believe they have set up branches – in the past anyway.
The drop-down box only has New Zealand as an option for country – maybe I just have to put the address where I’m registered to vote? Really don’t want to do anything illegal though!
Yeah, it is, I renewed last year having become a non-resident. I just gave my address as that which I’m entitled to vote from (my parents’ place), being the last place I was enrolled before I left the country.
Thanks pigman!
If you’re joining Labour for the first time, you can pay a koha or just $5 if you’re unwaged.
Just do it before midnight tonight!
Would love to but i am a Green Party member who sees no reason to resort to deviousness but am sure as hell getting a bit of a buzz on for this particular contest,
My advice to David Cunliffe, play smart politics, approach Grant Robertson and offer Him the deputy position on a Cunliffe/Robertson ticket, therein lies the welding together of Labour left and right,
Anyone in Labour capable of brokering such a deal??? you know its the right time and the right thing, lets do it…
“The site is currently not available due to technical problems. Please try again later. Thank you for your understanding.”
Technically stop the Whale Blubber crew from interfering…
Maybe midnight wasn’t soon enough.
Yes exactly why i made the point at 9.30 tonight, Labour should have for-seen the likely scenario of the Blubber-boy s**thead crew piling into the Labour website to become members,
The rule of thumb that has to be always that while the likes of Hooten and Farrer may talk in a language that we can fathom their actions where we cannot see them are likely to be less than honorable and that’s putting things mildly…
I note the text on the website form “All memberships are provisional until approved by The Labour Party”
Remains to be seen whether “provisional” counts as “current” for voting purposes. Hopefully not and they’ll just scam a lot of donations from right-wing idiots.
It was a 50/50 proposition…sure some RWNJs were going to join and try and scam the system (btw I think quite a few of them will vote Cunliffe anyway ha)…but lots of other true lefties suddenly realised it was their turn to have a say as well.
Lolz, better to refund them the day after the vote saying oh so sorry there was a technical glitch that saw your membership request unable to be processed, would you care to re-apply to become a member,
i find it a bit ‘mercenary’ for even the real lefties on here to be suddenly wanting to ‘join’ Labour so as to be eligible for this vote, everyone has known for months that Party Members would get a vote next time there was a leadership contest,
Lolz maybe my sensibilities are offended too easily, reading the ‘Honorable Schoolboy once to often is what i blame…
Meh, doubt they will have much effect.
I think it will be hilarious if only one MP stands, Cactus Kate et al. will have all donated $20 towards Labour’s 2014 campaign!
thanks for the info… I even managed to get the old boy to re-join
Thanks for the heads up. Joined.
Well it looks like it’s up to the Greens & NZF to get rid of the Nat’s! Labours dog tucker now! Long time Labour voter, see yah! Off to Mana & the Greens! Indefinitely!! Cuntlifes worthless, he won’t connect with the 880,000 non voters and brown people don’t like him. Green voters won’t jump ship for him or Robertson.
I’m always amazed at how many people “know” our MPs so well and everywhere they go and everywhere they speak to know who likes and doesn’t like them.
If by brown people you mean those on the Maori roll… that ship sailed for labour a while ago and Cunliffe wasn’t at the helm?