Trump laughed at for waving his toad at UN

Written By: - Date published: 7:46 am, September 26th, 2018 - 45 comments
Categories: Donald Trump, Economy, us politics - Tags:

What can one say. Lets try The Daily Mirror for one of the more considered right opinions…

United Nations delegates openly laughed at Donald Trump during his keynote speech to the General Assembly.

The humiliating moment came just moments into his big speech in New York City.

He claimed: “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country.”

As laughter started to bubble through the crowd, Trump insisted: “So true.”

The hilarity spread across the general assembly, growing louder as Trump halted his speech.

What a complete boastful dickhead. Especially when he is either lying or just too stupid to understand what he is looking at. In any case it appears that Trump is now a poor standup comic.  A view shared across the UN and much of the major news outlets today.

FFS: Just at present the economic outlooks over the next few years don’t look too dissimilar to prior to the Global Financial crisis. While most other major and many minor economic state has been pulling their fiscal house into order ready for a probable recession, US debt levels from the government through to housing mortgages are starting to look very similar to 2007.

It doesn’t look like another GFC if only because of the increased regulatory control through the banks especially in the US  will limit damage (although the Fanny and Freddy Mae). A damn good thing. The major economic states are still carrying far too much debt to be able to perform quantitative easing as they did for years after 2008, especially the US with its ever increasing federal debt levels.

And toad… Well for those of you haven’t caught up.. Spoiler alert – it may put you off Mario Bros games forever. But that’s a side benefit.




45 comments on “Trump laughed at for waving his toad at UN ”

  1. North 1

    Wow ! Sir John Key’s “Brighter Future” immortalised at UN. Check it out at 30 seconds.

  2. Nic the NZer 2

    It is incorrect to claim federal (or government) debt will block QE. QE is implemented by central banks which have no credit limit (they issue their spending as they go). By way of example Japan has been applying QE programs for multiple decades now.
    The knub of the issue (and maybe what is implied by the incorrect claim) is that QE is very ineffective at causing economic activity to grow, but that has been demonstrated everywhere its been tried.

    There is also an incomplete something about F and F.

  3. Humma 3

    What you guys do not understand is that he was just trolling. He is the worlds biggest troll and the UN just got played. They won’t be laughing so hard when he continues to cut funding.

    • Cinny 3.1

      Are you sure Humma?

      Either way Miss 13 had a good laugh watching agent orange this morning.

      • Humma 3.1.1

        Yeah pretty sure, tis always a good speech a Trump one. The good thing is even 13 year olds can understand what he is saying. He caters to all and that is refreshing.

    • Gabby 3.2

      They know his string pullers hate them, so I guess they think fuggim, bj.

  4. Ffloyd 4

    Was he getting fed his lines? Odd delivery.

  5. esoteric pineapples 5

    Reminds me of this

  6. Brutus Iscariot 6

    Maybe show a bit of class – the toadstool thing takes you down to Whaleoil’s level.

    Imagine commenting on female leader’s genitalia??

    • Vaughn 6.1

      As much as I despise Trump and everything he stands for, I’m inclined to agree with you, BI. In the end, laughing at someones appearance demeans us all and accomplishes nothing of value.

      • lprent 6.1.1

        I think it does Could you please expound your logic?

        • Vaughn

          I could but your choice of words, tone, and name calling in 6.2 explains far better than I can why it’s always a good idea to avoid a race to the bottom.

          • lprent

            As I said earlier – why?

            As far as I can see it simply doesn’t achieve anything being polite about a fool. It just gives them more maneuvering room to really do something daft.

            I always make sure that people are absolutely clear on what I think about them and whatever damn fool thing they are doing if I think that they are dangerous to others.

            And I’m a great believer in using reciprocity. If they are denigrating anyone with dumbarse labels, then I will use some on them back. If they have an obsession with body parts, the I will do the same about these. Except I will always be way more extreme and way more persistent.

            Otherwise, how is the fool and those dimwits who ape them ever going to learn what the issue with it is. Besides, invariably fools like that tend to be very very thin-skinned about any technique that they use themselves being used on them.

            Look at Donald Trump for an example of just how thin-skinned. He now seems to spend almost all of the time whining and whinging about people criticising his illusions about himself and the difference between what he does and what he says*. Yet that is what he purported to be the great critic of

            * His few changes in the Korean-US free trade deal are a classic example – essentially a few cosmetic meaningless things changed. None of which had any practical effect. Yet the boastful fool was proclaiming it as a diplomatic trumph. Next thing you know he will be doing a parade in his own honour…

    • lprent 6.2

      So this fuckwit can boast about grabbing the genital of women, but you think that he shouldn’t have it dished back.

      This arsehole does exactly the same kinds of distractions to put down women. Just look at his performances over the Kavanagh accusations. Yet somehow he should be exempt- really?

      You really are somewhat hypocritical prurient fool.

      If it is good enough for the arsehole in the white house, then it is good enough for Stormy Daniels to do the same – and for me to pass it on.

  7. Gosman 7

    “It doesn’t look like another GFC if only because of the increased regulatory control through the banks especially in the US will limit damage (although the Fanny and Freddy Mae)…”

    Although the Fanny and Freddy Mae what?

    Btw I think you mean Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac but what you mean by them is unclear.

    • lprent 7.1

      I will fix when I get home.

      But the level of badly secured mortgage debt through F & F ia getting scary. It is getting in the same range as the equally badly secured prime mortgage period to the GFC

      After all the securing agency is the US government- whose ability to increase their own debt level now means that every US taxpayer owes more than USD 50k through their exposure to their reckless government.

      Even Muldoon didn’t manage to get into that region with his borrowing.

      • Gosman 7.1.1

        One of the reasons why the US might be more prone to debt bubbles involving houses may be the very existance of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac hence why I was interested in trying to identify what about them you had an issue with.

        • lprent

          I don’t oppose their existence and purpose, just their current massive percentage of US mortgage market and the insufficient direct or implied backing government backing. In essence without them, there are currently no mortgages in the US because there isn’t a provider at current levels of risk. It simply isn’t economic.

          I don’t like any organisations that are “too big to fail”. They are just a dinosaur waiting for a disaster to happen.

          What the US needs to do is raise mortgage rates to cover the whole risk OR actually build more housing itself to reduce the costs of housing. Because at the same time as having very cheap finance rates for mortgages, there is also dearth of financing for housing that is slowly spiralling house prices there – because the builders are carrying all of the risk.

          Just like here, but many orders of magnitude larger.

          • Gosman

            Yes and that is why the US system is probably prone to Housing price bubbles than other western economies. Because the US Federal Government underwrites a lot of the risks involved which reduces the risk premium and perversely makes getting credit cheaper especially when a bubble starts developing.

            • Nic the NZer

              The reason the US has been bubble prone is down to all the major institutions deregulating finance and ignoring criminal fraud. The same kinds of things happened in NZ prior to regulation of specific financial sectors.

            • Tricledrown

              Gossip boy why the US has big bubbles is because of lack of regulation and free market policies.
              Leading to much wilder swings of economic activity.
              Bull market vs Bear.
              Balanced economies have steadier economic growth which can be built on as in bad times the welfare stops destruction of industries having stronger base on the upturn.
              Untamed markets are like an untamed Bull useless.

              • Gosman

                Are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac examples of a deregulated market?

                • Nic the NZer

                  No, they are operating in a deregulated market. Regulators could completely ban these traded kinds of stated income loans (known as liars loans) being bought and sold, but have not.

      • Nic the NZer 7.1.2

        Your notion about the US govt impoverishing its tax payers is just down to a simple miss understanding. Your only looking at half of the US economies balance sheet and ignoring the half where the US tax payers were previously paid by the govt.

        “A variant of the false analogy is the declaration that national debt puts an unfair burden on our children, who are thereby made to pay for our extravagances. Very few economists need to be reminded that if our children or grandchildren repay some of the national debt these payments will be made to our children or grandchildren and to nobody else. Taking them altogether they will no more be impoverished by making the repayments than they will be enriched by receiving them.” – Abba Lerner.

        The major problem facing the US is related to the wealth distribution.

  8. chris73 8

    I’m guessing they won’t be laughing as much when he cuts more UN funding


    • mpledger 8.1

      They might not … but then their opinion of him will just be confirmed.

      At some point America’s might is going to mean nothing against all the countries Trump has alienated.

      Hopefully, we’ll go with the Nordic countries rather than hang with the UK and OZ to the bitter end.

    • chris73 9.1

      Seriously? You think the people in charge will notice any reduction in living standards if/when Trump cuts more funding

      It’ll be aid that feels it the most

      • arkie 9.1.1

        If you followed the link you would see the 28% of the US contribution is assigned to peacekeeping funding, which more than the 20% they contribute to the World Food Program. If you follow this link you will see a breakdown and an analysis from 2017 about the US/UN relationship and how critical US funding is or isn’t.

        The ‘people in charge’ will hopefully see a reduction in living standards, executive and managerial types are paid too much anyway.

        • chris73

          “The ‘people in charge’ will hopefully see a reduction in living standards, executive and managerial types are paid too much anyway.”

          No they won’t and yes they are

          • arkie

            Well I for one am glad you’ve so thoroughly explained your reasoning. As usual.

            • chris73

              I don’t really feel I have to explain the idea that bureaucrats, poohbahs and other assorted troughers aren’t likely to agree to a reduction in their own personal circumstances

      • Tricledrown 9.1.2

        Chris 73 you don’t understand how the US dispenses aid.
        When the US gives aid it requires that money be spent on US services and products that supports the US economy.

    • SPC 9.2

      It’s 22% of the assessed contribution (a little under their 23.6% of world GDP).

      The voluntary contribution is separate to that – in that area they have cut of their funding to the Refugees Agency (and withdrawn from the UNHRC).

      One nation that is notably free loading is China. Second largest economy no where 2nd largest contribution.

  9. Muttonbird 10

    If Trump had any nuts and believed his own shit he’d kick the UN out of New York.

    Anyone see that happening?

    • SPC 10.1

      The UN would survive loss of funding, and also survive loss of their New York base.

      Fact is the AIPAC lobby and the GOP’s own Christian Zionists would not let a POTUS give up the US UNSC veto (45% of Americans support doing wehat Israel wants even if it is not in the Americans own best interest).

  10. joe90 11

    America’s Pravda does it’s thing.

    And since Fox News is a propaganda mill for fascism, it did what propaganda machines do—it lied, cutting out footage of the roomful of world leaders laughing at Donald Trump’s claims of awesomeness

  11. OnceWasTim 12

    Sometimes I wonder whether I’ve woken up in the 5th Dimension.
    I try to ingest as little as possible of a Trump and all that goes with him/it.
    I watched the UN speech delivery complete with hand movements.

    It reminded me of a Pastor’s sermon ( a really really bad one where many had gone to sleep).
    I’d have hoped the ;laughter could have been a helluva lot louder.

    ‘In the name of the Father, the Son, and the holey ghost’
    (Jesus Christ!!!!! Amen! Wahi Guru and all).
    Fuck wittery doesn’t begin to describe the guy

  12. CHCOff 13

    The UN would be better if it was geared towards serving as a type of World Guild Parliament, with permanent nationalistic representative guild corps serving as trade/diplomatic interfaces connecting local producing and consuming economies around the world.

    It’s current set up falls way short with a ‘global community’ that struggles to represent the interests of it’s wide spectrum of global challenges, at the best of times.

    Good on Jacinda for representing a common sense NZ in giving Trump’s speech the thoughtful respect it deserved on the world stage.

  13. Bill 14

    I hope those present were paying more attention than those who’ve reported his speech.

    Yes, he “waved his toad” and elicited laughs from an assembly he’s out to trash, and incidentally, gave a huge “thumbs up” to chauvinistic nationalists everywhere.

    So, the likes of Netanyahu, Orban, Poroshenko, Erdogan…they and their fellow travelers are laughing too. But for different reasons that we’d do well to pay attention to.

  14. Macro 15

    As they say – Trump has a tweet for every occasion!

    We need a President who isn’t a laughing stock to the entire World. We need a truly great leader, a genius at strategy and winning. Respect!

  15. SPC 16

    There is a hilarious Like Mike take on this in todays Herald.

    I realise it is a piece written by the real Mike Hosking, but as a piss take on him and his brand, it may as well have been “Like Mike”.

    Apparently the UN is to blame for not reforming itself, such as the veto etc – demonstrating lack of any awareness that the veto holders have veto over loss of their veto (an organisation captured by imperial powers at its foundation). He may have been in Donald’s place, being the guy in the room demonstrating their failure to get it.

  16. sumsuch 17

    Enjoy as ever your invective Lprent and Trump also said ‘almost any’, which you rightly note and which others haven’t.

    Silly fuck recognised by the most politic of folk who couldn’t help … laughing. When politics comes first you can’t see the Emperors lack of clothes, let alone the laugh of the innocent, or the deeply cynical.