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- Date published:
10:44 am, March 27th, 2015 - 44 comments
Categories: climate change, ETS, global warming, russel norman -
Tags: emissions, question time, simon bridges
Russel Norman tries to get the truth out of Simon Bridges. Bridges really really doesn’t want to admit that NZ’s emissions have increased by 20% from 2008 to 2012. 5 minutes and 10 seconds of painful nonsense to get an answer…
The Nats couldn’t care less about climate change and emissions. Compared with Australia selling coal like there’s no tomorrow, China building new coal fired power stations every month, and the huge vehicle fleets of the rest of the World little old NZ doesn’t make a difference one jot. So? roll on BAU!
The flatulence from the Nats alone is contributing to the 20% increase…
I guess he did not have minder Joyce in the background to tell him what to say.
This government is depressing with regard climate change. It’s like they want to ignore it, in the hope that it goes away.
Interesting, expenditure on climate change (explicitly) ended in 2012. That is telling.
(see expenditure excel file, and data contained in the “Appr Type by Vote” tab).
Regarding Simon Bridges in that exchange with Norman, it is clear he is trying to emulate Key. I really love Norman’s consistent, dogged and calm questioning in Parliament.
Keep going Russel, don’t stop & don’t step down as leader ! You will ensure Greens never end up on the government benches….never, ever !
It is lucky that ultimately Mr Speaker manages to protect Mr Bridges though anyone listening can but be dismayed at the non-answers, deflections and the bluster. Mr Norman on the other hand is persistent, polite and deliberate.
Years ago John Cleese did a very memorable comedy sketch on the British Parliament – which portrayed their “Ministry of Silly Walks” in the inimitable Cleese style.
Here we have our very own minister whose befuddled thinking and inability to answer plain, straightforward questions shows that he’s not only totally unfit to be a minister, but he’s unfit even to be in parliament.
I have referred to him before, with his mindlessly inarticulate antics as NZ’s own MINISTER OF SILLY TALKS.
What a total waste of taxpayers’ money.
And the Speaker left a lot to be desired in his one-eyed rulings as well.
Murray…sadly if the inability to answer plain straightforward questions indicated lack of fitness for parliamentary representation the house would be virtually empty….and the Speaker would be amongst the first to depart.
The sooner this oneyed Biased Speaker goes the better!
He’s certainly no ornament to parliament. Or the species.
I like that Murray. “Bridges is Minister of Silly Talks.” Very true.
But you do know that he is apparently on National’s list of next leaders because he is young and active. (Active plonker?)
As long as he can take direction from Washington and Crosby Textor his lack of intelligence doesn’t matter, on second thoughts lack of intelligence is a bonus.
Having independent ideas are dangerous.
Bridge’s has got the puppet looks but can he be trained to follow an autocue, play golf, speculate for private wealth and BBQ a meat patties while lying and smiling like a deadly assassin?
It’s worked for John Key!
Ministry of Silly Walks
Thanks Anne!
I really enjoyed seeing that clip again . . . . after all these years!
And it still seems as apt as ever (in not more so).
I hope Bridges is National’s next leader…
Agree Murray S.Most likely the worst Mr Speaker ever. Somehow we must have him out . Democracy demands that the speaker remains neutral ,This guy is so biased its dangerous. The public must demand his unseating.
Is that 20% increase in gross emissions or net emissions?
Nett Emissions . . . as you would have learned had you actually watched the video of Simon Bridges’ petulance and contemptuous display.
Simon Bridges’ petulance is nothing compared to John Key’s point blank refusal to answer the original question about New Zealand’s nett greenhouse gas emissions on 17 March —> http://www.inthehouse.co.nz/video/36073
What National Ltd™ is trying to do is avoid culpability for the massive increase in nett emissions since it came to power. Its position is that the increase was caused by the cyclical harvesting of forestry and will be ameliorated by subsequent planting to replace the felled trees. Surprise, surprise . . . this is bullshit. The massive harvesting of the forests was due to National Ltd™ gaming the ETS so as to fabricate a very low price for carbon. The result is that there has been much more harvesting that would normally take place. The other issue is that much of the forestry land which National Ltd™ says will be replanted has actually be turned into dairy production.
Flat versus a 20% increase in net emissions is academic nonsense at this stage in the game.
Shifting emissions off-shore through trading schemes isn’t doing a damned thing. The problem is global.
Globally – not peaking emissions by 2020 and reducing at 3.5% per annum down to zero (from energy sources) – while going hell for leather on other sources – means we probably over-shoot +4 degrees C on global average surface temperatures and possibly in the lifetime of many reading this. (2050-ish. Maybe sooner, maybe later)
And countries like NZ have to reduce far faster than the figures above to ensure those figures pan out on a global scale.
And still sugar coating is sprinkled on everything. Seen this?
And incredibly – a wee calming Valium of info coming up, so sit back and relax.
That is not an example of democratic process – Carter is clearly in the government’s pocket and an ineffectual Speaker – pity he can’t be sacked eh! Virtually none of his comments about question length etc. are accurate – how did he get the job – even Lockwood Smith seems reasonable in comparison
lockwood smith was reasonable for a nat that’s why he got shipped off to the cushy london gig where he gets to do SFA on the taxpayers dime as he ackshully held a few of the wrecking crew to a form of account.
Yes. Carter is so obviously biased its appalling. We need a better way to determine who is to be Speaker of the House and it should not be left up to the politicians to select the Speaker. It should be an independent appointment chosen by a non-partisan panel. The Speaker would have all the powers of the current Speaker but be quite independent from Politics. Holding any party membership would be an automatic disqualification to the position.
So what, have we gone from 0.02% of world emissions to 0.03%?
I think NZ has 0.2% of world emissions, and even a increase of 0.01 (as you inferred) is significant on a per capita basis (given NZ has 0.0056% of world population approximately).
Try and fudge it over with misleading statistics……but climate change will not go away; and it is up to us in high-energy economies to do our bit.
More than that, if we don’t reduce our reliance on oil fuelled systems, we will be fucked in 20 to 30 years when it goes away for good.
Personally, I think “we” as humans have gone past the tipping point. 2 generations from now will bear the brunt of it. Because that is too far into the future for most people to envisage, people (like infused @12) shrug their shoulders and say “so what?”
Also, when we have to switch away from oil, where do we get the energy to overhaul ALL the capital and infrastructure that will become obsolete (due to its reliance on oil).
In essence, every kid in today’s primary school and pre-school system is utterly screwed. It’s like the richest wealth owning, most senior positioned powerful Kiwis today – who are mostly 50 plus years of age – don’t give a toss about their grandkids.
Yup – and these people are ruling the country.
Young people want to be part of creating a future for themselves, hence they have energy to try to make change.
Older people have a finite perspective on their lifespan, and make very different choices, more insular, protecting their own interests, satisfying their own needs (huge generalisation here, but the psychology of how we view time is fascinating).
When it was discovered there was an issue with the ozone over NZ and Aussie… did the rest of the world do anything (genuine question)?
The Montreal protocol was signed in 1987, but not sure if it was a response to what was being observed over Antartica rather to Aus and NZ specifically. But, IDK for sure.
The EU banned CFCs.
Bit more history here:
So yes, the rest of developed world (who were the perpetrators) responded.
When it was discovered there was an issue with the ozone over NZ and Aussie… did the rest of the world do anything (genuine question)?
The Montreal protocol (which was em placed) to mitigate ozone depleting chemicals (ods) has had both a direct effect (stabilization of the o3 column) and a substantive indirect effect on global warming potential eg summary for policy makers o3 assessment 2014.
The Montreal Protocol and its Amendments and adjustments have made large contributions toward reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. In 2010, the decrease of annual ODS emissions under the Montreal Protocol is estimated to be about 10 gigatonnes of avoided CO2-equivalent emissions per year, which is about five times larger than the annual emissions reduction target for the first commitment period (2008–2012) of the Kyoto Protocol
MFE on NZ contribution
Thanks to you both.
Let’s all go to infused’s house and shit in his bed. he doesn’t mind, cos it’s nothing compared to the shit in the rest of the world.
We have solutions to the “Tragedy of the Commons”, but need a solution to the tragedy of the future. Same root of problem (selfish individuals who don’t give a damn about the consequence of their actions) but difficult to find a solution when these selfish individuals are in positions of power and money, and removed from the consequences, as they are too far into the future.
Try telling that to the people of Port Villa.
And while we are at it here is another sorry little tale from across the ditch.
Climate change is happening here and now and its going to get worse.
I’m currently living for a few month in Perth. This really is a doomed City, living like you in lala land. Rainfall has declined over recent decades to the point where there is no prospect of this City ever becoming self sufficient in water again. It is relying on a massive aquifer and desalination plants to water itself. That cannot last forever.
If you promote Kiwi Saver, then you promote increased emissions. To have your Kiwi Saver investments increase in value, there has to be an increase in emissions.
What part of the above don’t people get?
Why did the Green Party vote for this emissions increasing scam?
Why aren’t they telling people it is GROWTH that is turning your grandchildren into toast?
Well actually everyone with a current life expectancy of over about 5 years is heading for a toasty future.
Not forgetting Russel was calling for an inquiry into the loss of 30,000 manufacturing jobs ?
Like Albert Bartlett says
The fact that CO2 emissions supposedly did not increase in 2014 (it was only the same as 2013) goes to show how little growth there is in the global economy, When you take into account all the extra CO2 emissions coming from ‘nature’ (positive feed back stuff) then the global economy is just playing smoke and mirrors with us. Meaning it is next to valueless. No $ = no consumers.
Make sure if you ever get your KS shares, get them printed on soft paper, you may find a use for them.
Unless your KS shares are in munitions, having a few AK47s (or whatever the gun de jour is?) under the mattress might prolong things for a few days.
…Also if you voted for Dunne, MP, Nats or ACT you promote emissions.
I agree Tracey, that’s why I vote for the ban 1080 party, they were the only people not going on about growth, it was the most selfless vote you could cast, as it wasn’t about what ‘they’ could do for me. For me is was about stopping critters from suffering.
It was kind of sad seeing the Internet party and their X factor promo photos of their young candidates, all going on about fair distribution of wealth etc, which is just another fast track to our extinction.
In about 2005 ish I helped distribute over 200 copies of Dr. Albert A. Bartlett’s lecture on growth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sI1C9DyIi_8 to every sitting MP, The Maori party handed out 50 copies, even Kerry Prendagast (?) watched it.
Thanks for the link Robert. It’s fascinating. Haven’t watched it all, but first 10 min worth watching, and the question posed at 22.20min into recording: At what point does an individual realise they are running out of space (or time!), during growth periods. Of relevance in context of RMA reform and paradigm of growth, just because we have economic development potential; and in context of extending the rural urban boundary in Auckland.
Agree, it is worth watching. please.
Sorry to harp on.
But it is not the CO2 anyway, its the CH4 that is going to get us.
The CO2 is the gun powder, the CH4 is the bullet. And it left the barrel several years ago.
I was using CO2 as an example of where the rest of the world could have gone “what the hell, it’s only Australia and NZ)…
Bridges reminds me of a little kid dressed in his father’s clothes. He’s utterly hopeless and ethically compromised.