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5:01 pm, June 3rd, 2017 - 30 comments
Categories: activism, labour, uk politics -
Tags: #wedemand, tell it like it is, uk labour
Corbyn's powerful new campaign ad, made by veteran leftist filmmaker Ken Loach, is basically a socialist manifestopic.twitter.com/t6N2IZCdnJ
— Ben Norton (@BenjaminNorton) June 3, 2017
“Power concedes nothing without demand…it never did, and it never will.”
Heh! Get off your knees and stop cowering. Stirring stuff 🙂
Very good.
My partner just watched it and said, “Wow, a Labour Party being Labour!”
my Mum drummed into us kids that if you ask, the rich give you nothing except what they deem unnecessary as charity. So you don’t ask them, you take it from them.
“So you don’t ask them, you take it from them.”
My Mum taught me – work hard and earn your own.
Thereby reinforcing your erroneous belief the wealth is precisely correlated with hard work. Which it isn’t.
“…your erroneous belief the wealth is precisely correlated with hard work.”
No it’s not, due to other confounding variables, but it tends to be correlated.
Ken Loach is a lot more powerful than Crosby Textor.
Keep chanting it, you’ll start believing it.
Imagine if UK labour opened a branch here!
Very well done.
It has clear messages without silly slogans. It was general and at the same time specific enough; yet no platitudes here.
The demands are honest and come across as ‘common sense’, basic stuff that will resonate with many; an ad that will be hard to argue with because neither the general content nor the detail provide an obvious (weak) spot to attack.
For the many, not the few.
Andrew Little and NZLP are you listening !!!!
Kiwis have had enough.
Daddy why do you hate me?
Of course and not surprisingly the slickest used car sales man in recent political history Barack Obama hasn’t endorsed or even said a nice thing about Corbyn, in fact this is more his position….
….Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party is ‘disintegrating’ and has lost touch with ‘fact and reality’
Of course Obama can’t relate to Corbyn, or his policies of a fair and equal country for all citizens, he’s more of a $400,000 (560,000NZ) for 90 minute talking to wall st kinda guy….I think I know which man I would trust with protecting the interests of the working and poor of his country.
Just another reason to make this the moment when we help other citizens understand that centrist Neo Liberal politics and politicians have had their chance, their ideology has proved to be extremely flawed and is not working for the many, so we demand something better, something more visionary…something fairer.
Turn Labour Left!
Make New Zealand socialist again.
For the many, not the few.
Socialism = equal poverty
Your characterization is inadequate – socialism can be lots of different things.
So too can capitalism, which can be the honest reward of toil, or a gravy train for an infinite number of corrupt political placeseekers.
The neoliberal argument was that capitalism can enrich society. And so it can, given strict public interest governance. Unfortunately NZ has enjoyed a political model with runaway corruption – it has neither enriched nor protected the mass of New Zealanders.
With thousands of New Zealanders killing themselves every year it’s only a matter of time before the emiserated poor begin to ‘share the love’ with their oppressors.
Obama has actually led his country, corbyn hasnt. Obama is gone and hopefully corbyn is arriving.
It is amazing to me how many people are crying out for white knights to save them – corbyn, Saunders – they sent the saviours and the people glorified them to ineffectiveness.
You probably feel some insult in there But really your comment just provides a catalyst for what I want to say.
I am not crying out for a ‘white knights’ and I am sure people who are supporting Corbyn in the UK are not either, we just want someone who plainly has our interests at heart and has a vision ans coherent political ideology to implement those interests.
Obama lead the country badly, just like all neo liberals, inequality mushrooms. wages stagnate at best ect ect ect…
Sure, Barack Obama was and is a real bad ass but he was and (still) is the best of the worst IMO. He could have done much better and he could have done much much worse.
There are no “white knights” in politics unless people refer to those “silverbacks” who have more of a backbone than the average wannabe. Whatever it takes to make incremental improvements …
I suppose what I’m saying is we can want these things and politicans can say whatever that appears to align with what we want but the proof is when the reins of power are taken up. I hope he has the morals to succeed.
Wouldn’t it be great if the NZ Labour Party, or the Greens did something similar in the lead up to September 23?
Sadly New Zealand will be one of the last countries to get rid of the neoliberal virus.
Why would you think that
The ideology us embedded in every mainstream poltical party and our media resembles that of a one party state.
I think Michael and Moda’s comments ( number 8 and number 9 on Bill’s post ‘Andrew Little – Last Labour PM of NZ ‘ summarise my views very well.
I just think the neolib stuff can be thrown off and we don’t have to wait or be the last. It appears to fit in with self made Pioneer tropes but imo it is not us.
Do you think that the large net migration into NZ has got anything to do with this?
The ad should have ended with Corbyn saying Labour plans to deliver on those demands.