US Election Discussion Post 3/11/16

Written By: - Date published: 5:58 am, November 3rd, 2016 - 197 comments
Categories: us politics, you couldn't make this shit up - Tags: , ,

In order to free up Open Mike and Daily Review for other conversations we are asking that all discussion, posting of links etc on the US election go in this daily dedicated thread rather than OM or DR.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

There will continue to be author-written posts on the US election as well, usual rules apply there too.

197 comments on “US Election Discussion Post 3/11/16 ”

  1. Andre 1

    Jon Stewart discusses his Twitter feud with Trump.

    Usual warnings about coffee, keyboards and screens apply.

    • Tony Veitch (not the partner-bashing 3rd rate broadcaster 1.1

      Lovely, Andre, made my morning! Vote wisely this November!

    • te reo putake 2.1

      Morning, moz. Did you spot the irony in that link? Key words: truth, hiding.

      • Morrissey 2.1.1

        Oh that’s right, Te Reo. I forgot you accept everything the State Dept’s black propaganda merchants have sold you.

        The old Soviet Union was adept at manufacturing sex scandals, including bogus rape allegations, to silence and destroy dissidents; you’re a couple of generations too late, really.

      • Siobhan 2.1.2

        Because it would be just down right silly to think that Assange would receive anything less than a fair trial in Sweden.
        And it would be completely absurd to think he would be extradited to America, because I’m sure they wouldn’t do that sort of thing, and even if they did I’m sure that it would be a fair trial because America are all about fair trials and open justice, especially for whistleblowers??.

        Yeah, no, if I were Assange I’d stay right where I was…even poor old Auntie Beeb had to report this…

        I’ll include this wikipedia quote for those good people who don’t read wikileaks because of the “Russians”..
        “An email from an employee of intelligence consultancy Strategic Forecasting, Inc. (Stratfor) leaked in 2012 said, “We have a sealed indictment on Assange.” The US government denies the existence of such an indictment.”

        • Cemetery Jones

          We’re living in a time where American conservatives and right wingers all over the world are suddenly in thrall to Wikileaks, while Democrats and Clinton admirers the world over view them as a proxy for Donald Trump, who they believe is in fact a proxy for Vladimir Putin. You couldn’t have written a satire like that a couple years ago.

          • Morrissey

            Not even Hillary Clinton actually believes that Russia is behind the revelations of her criminality, because they have no evidence to back up their allegations. She’s desperate, and so is her campaign. The Russian bogeyman is a time-honored last resort for American politicians; the crap being propagated by the Democrats now is no different from the Red-baiting nonsense of the 1950s.

            • Cemetery Jones

              Oh I know. Watching Clinton proxies remixing McCarthyism without a shred of retro-hipster irony has been one hell of a guiltless pleasure lately.

              What about muh KGB?!?

          • Siobhan

            I’d bet my last dollar that the Clintons don’t actually believe its ‘The Russians’. It’s just that for reasons I can’t quite follow, the public are all primed to swallow a redux of the Reds-under-the-bed narrative.
            Maybe its an easier pill to swallow than facing the corruption and contempt of their elected leaders. That being said, in the UK, the Daily Mail have been sabre-rattling and championing WW III for quite some time now.

            The fact that I get some of my wikileaks updates from FOX news…it’s just too bizarre…but then try and find good coverage of, say, the latest Donna Brazile, CNN resignation.
            Where is that story in a supposedly ‘reputable’ new source like the Guardian?. The desperation of Leftish centrist and sane media to make sure Trump doesn’t win has completely pushed them over the edge into total denial of issues related to Clinton.
            Issues that will seriously haunt her Presidency.

            • Colonial Viper

              I’d bet my last dollar that the Clintons don’t actually believe its ‘The Russians’.

              More than enough chickenhawk commentators do, however.

              • dukeofurl

                Its the only reason you love the Donald?

                • Colonial Viper

                  100% sure it’s not the Russians

                  “The former intelligence analyst, British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, and chancellor of the University of Dundee (Craig Murray) – who is close friends with Wikileaks’ Julian Assange – said he knows with 100% certainty that the Russians aren’t behind the leaks.”


                  From Craig Murray’s own blog:

                  I left Julian after midnight. He is fit, well, sharp and in good spirits. WikiLeaks never reveals or comments upon its sources, but as I published before a fortnight ago, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not any Russian state actor or proxy that gave the Democratic National Committee and Podesta material to WikiLeaks. The claim is nonsense. Journalists are also publishing that these were obtained by “hacking” with no evidence that this was the method used to obtain them.

                  The control of the Democratic party machinery deliberately to unfairly ensure Clinton’s victory over Bernie Sanders is a matter of great public interest. The attempt by the establishment from Obama down to divert attention from this by a completely spurious claim against Russia, repeated without investigation by a servile media, is a disgrace.

                  The over-close relationship between the probable future President and Wall Street is also very important. WikiLeaks has done a great public service by making this plain.

                  The attempts by the mainstream media to portray WikiLeaks as supporters of Trump and Putin because they publish some of Clinton’s darker secrets is completely illogical and untrue in fact. The idea we must pretend Clinton is a saint is emetic.


                • North

                  Nah……CV loves him because Trump’s money allowed him to get draft deferment five times. And then call McCain a “loser”. And because trolling for a narcissistic fascist is CV’s way of proving that he’s the purest leftie on TS. Jeezus !

            • Morrissey

              …the Daily Mail have been sabre-rattling and championing WW III for quite some time now.

              Yet, oddly, I have not read of a single one of their brave journalists or editorial writers having signed up for the military.

              Perhaps they are “soldiers” in the Hilary Benn sense of the word….


            • Liberal Realist

              + Great comment! It really is a strange day when one has to turn to Fox for some semblance of the truth (maybe?).

              I’ve also been really surprised at some of the locals wholesale acceptance of Liberal MSMs pro-clinton narrative. Lefty cognitive dissonance at its finest! Ignoring for a moment how awful a Trump presidency could be, there is now substantial evidence of Clinton corruption in the public domain and yet some are content to put their head in the sand!

              I guess this all proves how powerful the Clinton’s actually are. In the face of everything that is known she still stands a good chance of winning. It’s unbelievable really, I wouldn’t have believed it myself 1 year ago.

              • joe90

                Perhaps you could list everything that is known about the Clintons.

                You know, facts, and not something penned by fevered wingnuts.

                • Colonial Viper

                  Dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and CNN, dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice, dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and the State Department, Dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and the White House.

                  President Obama also lied when he said that he only learnt about Hillary Clinton’s private email through the media (Obama had emailed Clinton on her private email address, using a presidential pseudonym multiple times).

                  More facts are incoming.

                  If you have any actual interest in the facts, that is.

                  • joe90

                    I did say not something penned by fevered wingnuts.

                  • joe90

                    But I’ll play.

                    Dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and CNN,



                    dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and the Department of Justice, dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and the State Department, Dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and the White House

                    Feverishly imagined supposition straight out of the pages of Schweitzer’s slush funded Clinton Cash book.


                    President Obama also lied when he said that he only learnt about Hillary Clinton’s private email through the media (Obama had emailed Clinton on her private email address, using a presidential pseudonym multiple times).

                    1/Given the daily Trump mis-speaks and lies generated by fevered wingnuts – unremarkable.

                    2/Presidential communications are privileged so we’ll never know..

                    • Colonial Viper

                      I don’t have a lot of time to push back on all these counts, but pushing back on Obama using a pseudonym to email Clinton on her private server is easy to push back on.

                      Because the White House confirmed it.

                      From Politico:

                      In an April 5, 2016 interview with the FBI, Abedin was shown an email exchange between Clinton and Obama, but the longtime Clinton aide did not recognize the name of the sender.

                      “Once informed that the sender’s name is believed to be a pseudonym used by the president, Abedin exclaimed: ‘How is this not classified?'” the report says. “Abedin then expressed her amazement at the president’s use of a pseudonym and asked if she could have a copy of the email.”

                      The report doesn’t provide more details on the contents of that particular email exchange, but says it took place on June 28, 2012, and had the subject line: “Re: Congratulations.” It may refer to the Supreme Court’s ruling that day upholding a key portion of the Obamacare law.

                      It’s been known since last year that Obama and Clinton corresponded occasionally via her private account, but the White House has insisted Obama did not know she relied on it routinely and exclusively for official business.


                      Also how the Obama White House must have known about Hillary’s private email server – because Hillary’s non-gov email addresses would have been “white listed” for Obama’s secure Blackberry.


                    • Colonial Viper

                      Feverishly imagined supposition straight out of the pages of Schweitzer’s slush funded Clinton Cash book.

                      No, much newer than that: breaking in the last 24 hrs.

                      Assistant Attorney General Kadzik tipped off Podesta about upcoming Department of Justice investigation.

                      Assistant Attorney General Peter Kadzik tipped off Podesta and the Clinton campaign about what was going on at the Department of Justice. Kadzik, a friend of Podesta, will oversee the DOJ probe into Clinton aide Huma Abedin and Anthony Weiner’s emails from Clinton’s private email server. “There is a HJC oversight hearing today where the head of our Civil Division will testify. Likely to get questions on State Department emails. Another filing in the FOIA case went in last night or will go in this am that indicates it will be awhile (2016) before the State Department posts the emails,” Kadzik wrote to Podesta in May 2015. Podesta forwarded the email to several top Clinton staffers. The email suggests the Department of Justice was biased in favor of Hillary Clinton, and Kadzik tip to Podesta was highly unethical.


                    • Colonial Viper

                      2/Presidential communications are privileged so we’ll never know..

                      I have a comment pending moderation addressing this. In essence: the White House has stated that Obama himself had used a pseudonym to communicate with Hillary Clinton on Clinton’s private (non email address.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      But I’ll play.

                      Dirty collusion between the Clinton campaign and CNN,


                      Yes CNN contributor and senior Democrat Donna Brazile was shown to have provided the Clinton campaign to questions from at least two primary debates.

                      How is it that you are not up to date with these developments?


                    • joe90

                      Jared Kushner’s rag suggests all sorts of shit.

                      How is it that you are not up to date with these developments?

                      Oh, I am, so don’t flatter yourself sport.

                      Anyhoo, Lendowski being paid by CNN to offer impartial and informed commentary on Clinton while still involved with the inner circle of the Trump campaign is hardly ethical.

                • Liberal Realist

                  Perhaps you could list everything that is known about the Clintons.

                  You know, facts, and not something penned by fevered wingnuts.

                  Perhaps you could attempt practising some objectivity?

                  Start with the Podesta leaks. Or are you also buying the “Russians did it” blatantly false narrative? 😉

  2. Andre 3

    If you want change, is it better to support a small fringe group that ultimately gets ignored, or work to help people like this gain clout within existing power structures?

  3. Pasupial 4

    This seems the perfect metaphor for the Trump campaign lack of respect for democratic process:

    Tuesday someone attached razor blades to a Trump-Pence sign, then used it to cover the official polling site sign at a polling location in Plano.

    Just before sunrise at Collin County College a precinct official ordered the sign removed, and a volunteer who was taking it down cut their hands on the box cutter blades that were attached to the bottom of the sign.

  4. Andre 5

    Trump’s actual policies and how the media has steered the discussion away from actually discussing them.

  5. Andre 6

    How polling aggregators are messing up actual polling.

  6. Pasupial 7

    More Trump lies and sleaziness. Note the age of Creamer in the images; “in ten years [he was trying to be] dating her”:

    A newly uncovered video appears to contradict Donald Trump’s claim that he never knew a high-stakes gambler who was banned from New Jersey casinos for alleged ties to organized crime.

    The reputed mob figure, Robert LiButti, can be seen standing alongside Trump in the front row of a 1988 “WrestleMania” match in Atlantic City, N.J. LiButti wasn’t there by accident, according to his daughter, Edith Creamer, who also attended the event. “We were his guests,”…

    Earlier this year, when questioned again about LiButti by Yahoo News, Trump emailed a reporter: “During the years, I very successfully ran the casino business, I knew many high rollers. I assume Mr. LiButti was one of them, but I don’t recognize the name.”…

    Jack O’Donnell, former president of Trump Plaza, said that Trump and LiButti even did a business deal together. During a trip the two of them took aboard Trump’s private helicopter, Trump agreed to pay $500,000 for one of LiButti’s prized thoroughbreds — a racehorse he promptly renamed “D.J. Trump.” But when the horse later went lame, Trump “reneged” on the deal, O’Donnell said.

    Questions arose again about their dealings in July when a new book by Johnston, “The Making of Donald Trump,” charged that the mogul “lavished gifts” on LiButti, while also trying to seduce Creamer, who was married at the time. The mogul’s advances toward Creamer enraged LiButti, who, in Johnston’s account, threatened Trump, saying: “Donald, I’ll f***ing pull your balls from your legs.”

  7. Chooky 8

    The Citigroup Corp:

    WikiLeaks releases 26th batch of #PodestaEmails from Clinton campaign chair

    …”An email from early September 2008 outlines how Google helped President Barack Obama’s transition team to set up ‘secure data rooms’ for sharing information such as “policy promises, as well as legal documents like expense
    reimbursements and contribution forms”.

    The email from Obama aide Chris Lu, who is currently the deputy secretary of labor, explains how the “data rooms” can be accessed by staff – and emphasizes the importance of maintaining secrecy over their discussions.

    “The one thing you should know is that contrary to the log-in
    instructions, we’re not giving out “” email addresses. We think that would compromise our ability to keep this whole enterprise under wraps,” he writes.

    The secrecy reminder is somewhat surprising, given the role Citigroup played in picking Obama’s cabinet even before the election…

    Racism and backstabbing directed at their own:

    “Bill de Blasio labeled a ‘terrorist’

    “Wow. What a terrorist,” Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook wrote in an email on June 10, 2015 regarding New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio after he posted a favorable tweet towards rival Bernie Sanders.

    Clinton’s director of communications Jennifer Palmieri responded, “Told you”, while Clinton aide Huma Abedin suggested contacting him.

    Mook responded, “I talked to him earlier today. Clearly he wants to terrorize. Was all wine and roses with me.”

    DeBlasio ran Clinton’s first senate campaign in 2000 and eventually endorsed Clinton for president in October 2015 after earlier refusing to do so….

  8. Colonial Viper 9

    Real Clear Politics no toss ups electoral map:

    Oct 9: Clinton 348, Trump 190

    Today: Clinton 273, Trump 265

    Black turnout low in several key states and proving worrying for Clinton

    • Quasimodo 9.1

      “A real-time demo of an election theft mechanism with context and explanation.
      Demonstration uses a real voting system and real vote databases and takes place in seconds across multiple jurisdictions. Over 5’000 subcontractors and middlemen have access to perform this for any and all clients. It can give contract signing authority to whoever the user chooses.”

      • Chooky 9.1.1

        …very disturbing that voters’ intentions can be corrupted and usurped

        …a corruption of the democratic process

  9. Chooky 10

    the Corporates and banks like Citigroup and Goldman Sachs running scared?…because the elites of the Democrats and the Republicans ( the Bushes support Clinton) have thrown their weight in behind Clinton…and Trump is a wild card who is NOT beholden to them

    ‘Global markets in ‘early stages of panic’ after poll gives Donald Trump lead’

  10. TheExtremist 11

    God I want this fucking death circus to end

  11. Chooky 12

    NOT the mainstream media…and a look at the Clinton captured mainstream media

    Hillary’s reckoning?

    “Hillary Clinton and her never-ending scandals. The FBI’s decision to continue its investigation into her use of a private email server presents the troubling prospect of a protracted political crisis. Is winning the election now the least of her problems?

    CrossTalking with Mark Crispin Miller, Don DeBar, and Bruce Fein.”

    • AmaKiwi 12.1

      I will not predict the Clinton/Trump election result but I will predict the post-election result:

      Whoever wins will not complete their four year term of office. They will be investigated into oblivion.

  12. rhinocrates 13


    URL says it. It’s the Old South that never went away.

    “I think this guy’s trying to let people know that I’m a Jew… doesn’t my face do that?”

  13. Observer Tokoroa 14

    .Siobahn – with respect

    . How many Hackers do we need ?
    . How many persons should run away from Police enquiries on serious matters?

    . If Hackers can get away with virtually any crime they like, why can’t ordinary criminals do the same and get Compensation ?

    . Why don’t we just dump the concept of Law and Order – and leave the world to assorted lawless misfits ?


    • Morrissey 14.1

      Hacking is not an ordinary crime, not when it uncovers far greater crime. In this case, it’s a public service.

      Hacking is not “dumping the concept of Law and Order”, it is exposing and holding accountable those politicians who do.

      (Of course I’m not talking about unwarranted and illegitimate invasions of privacy, I’m talking about serious and ethical hackers, like the one who gave the evidence of the National Party’s dirty politics unit to Nicky Hager.)

      • Observer Tokoroa 14.1.1

        Hi Morrissey

        Did Nicky Hagar hack into any computer and data? I am unaware of that if he did.

        He used information that was given to him. He did so as a Journalist. He protected his source – as is normal.

        Whistle Blowers are important. But Systems software Hackings are inherently unlawful.

        I agree that if an employee or an investigator comes across criminal incident or material, there is a duty to report it.


      • Phil 14.1.2

        Hacking is not an ordinary crime, not when it uncovers far greater crime. In this case, it’s a public service.

        The problem is, you only know if you’ve uncovered anything AFTER committing a crime.

        To take an extreme thought experiment: Say you break into someone’s home, steal a bunch of stuff, and then walk into the kitchen to discover the owner sticking parts of their murdered spouse down the garbage disposal. Should you still be prosecuted for burglary if you call the police and they arrest a murderer?

        Of course I’m not talking about unwarranted and illegitimate invasions of privacy, I’m talking about serious and ethical hackers.

        Just over 100 years ago in western culture, attending some opera’s (e.g. Carmen) was considered the height of ethical impropriety. Opera was a disgusting debasement of the theatre. Meanwhile it was socially acceptable for men to frequent brothels, or strike their wives.

        Cultures change. What is considered ethical and/or unethical changes with them. It’s a dangerous and slippery slope to say “this form of hacking is OK because it accords with my ethical principles” when you have no idea what the principles of society may be in a decade or a generation.

        • ObserverTokoroa

          Hello Phil

          You have explained the inbuilt seriousness of Hacking.

          No ethical person would do a hack. However if a person was for example to hack and alter an aircraft flight plan, he would have doomed the passengers to an horrific death.

          Nations regard themselves as Sovereign. None of them, with perhaps the exception of Russia and New Zealand, regard themselves as perfect. They have their Laws; and their Goals. They also have their Defence Plans – exceedingly important in the current Age of Terror.

          They do not and cannot encourage smart ass computer Hackers such as Assange to violate their systems. He knows that. He ignores that. He boasts about that.

          He has achieved fame and lots of sympathy from uninformed girls. No nation however, will let him get away with his violation.

          • Colonial Viper

            Oh stop your pious bullshit.

            In this system, the authorities and the elite want to have perfect privacy themselves so the public knows nothing about what they are doing, while they are enabled to nosey about every single aspect of your own life.

            Former US intelligence head Michael Hayden suggests that the US has previously hacked foreign political parties as part of what he deems acceptable, legitimate intelligence operations.

            Former CIA chief: ‘Hacking foreign political parties? That’s what we do’


      • Liberal Realist 14.1.3


    • Siobhan 14.2

      You know OT, I could almost live with Assange being tried for the crime of hacking. But I guess the fear is, given the current state of American justice, that his trial and sentence will not be ‘fair’ or just.

      Look at the 20 year sentence handed to G. Gordon Liddy after Watergate, and he only served 4.5 years. (He was in the Special Investigations Group, and convicted of masterminding the burglary).
      Yet Chelsea Manning gets 35 years, with no possibility of parole for 8, though the government had asked for 60 years as a deterrent to others.

      Then we have this…

      “The detention conditions prompted national and international concern. Juan E. Mendez, United Nations Special Rapporteur on torture, told The Guardian that the U.S. government’s treatment of Manning was “cruel, inhuman and degrading.”
      “In early April, 295 academics (most of them American legal scholars) signed a letter arguing that the treatment was a violation of the U.S. Constitution”

      I also have a problem with this..

      “Some US lawmakers and commentators have called for Assange to be charged with espionage or for conspiracy to obtain secret documents, arguing that he intended to sabotage America’s foreign policy and endangered lives by revealing the identities of informants”

      To say Assange endangered lives is pretty rich when the leaks cover numerous examples of the US Government not only endangering lives…but actually taking lives, illegally.

      How about some of THEM facing charges??

      • ObserverTokoroa 14.2.1

        . Hi Siobahn

        . I can agree that many American sentences seem excessive from this distance. But as a member of a Nation (New Zealand) I cannot accept that an IT Hywayman has the right to randomly override the Sovereignty of any Nation.

        Our job is to try and improve the Governance here. Deal with problems here. And sincerely, I think you do that.


  14. Chooky 15

    (following on from grim’s and other links yesterday and the day before …believe it or not)

    This is dynamite – a psychiatrist speaks out …’The Second American Revolution’

    ‘Steve Pieczenik gives you an in depth look at how the military feels and is reacting to Hillary Clinton and her potential presidency.’

    • TheExtremist 15.1

      You know you have gone wrong in life when you find yourself using infowars/Alex Jones as a reference

      • Chooky 15.1.1

        “You know you have gone wrong in life when”

        …you put your head in the sand and choose to ignore what is going on in the REAL WORLD.

        (senility is the only excuse)

        • Pasupial

          “You know you have gone wrong in life when”:

          You find it necessary to type the words; “REAL WORLD”, in capital letters.

          • Chooky

            well sorry I prefer to listen to Dr Steve Pieczenik …the psychiatrist’s take on the dynamically changing “REAL WORLD” cited above

            ( he is certainly more knowledgeable and interesting than you…and your ‘real world’ comments…ha ha)

            …sorry darls….and have you watched it?…or have you put your mind censorship on?

            • Pasupial

              “You know you have gone wrong in life when”:

              You find it necessary to type the words; “ha ha”.

              • Chooky

                lol…have you watched it?

                • Pasupial

                  No. I have better things to do with my time than endure the idiocy that is infowars.

                  • Chooky

                    …ah ha …so you have put your mind censorship on…that is all we need to know…a closed mind!

                    but others will take note and will look at that link….and will make up their own minds


                    Breaking intel from top intelligence insider claims anti-Hillary coup taking place


                    • Peter Swift

                      “so you have put your mind censorship on”

                      That’s sad, coming from one whose hatred of a woman and her country leads to openly supporting a woman abusing 1 percenter, advocating for an alleged rapist whilst victim blaming his accusers and believing and spouting off Russian propaganda as if it’s the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Sad.

                      Forget mind censorship, I’d be more worried by your brain blinkers. lol.

                    • Chooky

                      @Peter Swift …weird? (o)…where is your evidence?…is personal abuse and lies all you have ?

                      …do you have anything to say about what Dr Steve Pieczenik has to say?

                    • Peter Swift

                      Points one and three you’re bang to rights, so no need for proof when every post you make ticks all the boxes, but as for number two, I can’t see a search bar up top at the moment, but you’ll remember in a fairly recent discussion about Assange, you backed him and criticised the women involved. Do you really not remember doing that?

                      As for you hating Clinton and the U.S, you can always deny it and say it isn’t true.

                    • grim

                      No reply button to Peter Swift? how strange.

                      Probably best, he can not tolerate any differing opinions it seems.

                      best to just chill out.

                    • Peter Swift

                      I can tolerate plenty diferences of opinions, even your made up backwards ones, but I won’t elevate those born from bias, hatred and negativity to the level playing field where my own reside.

                    • grim

                      That’s ok then Peter, but don’t ignore the the information because of the source.

                      Put emotions aside and evaluate the facts, from all sources, use your own compass to determine what is fact or fiction, regardless of the source. peace.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      US insiders a more likely source of Clinton email leaks – not Russia

                      Bill Binney – former technical director of the NSA:

                      My vote all along has been on an insider passing all these emails to Wikileaks.

                      If it were the Russians, NSA would have a trace route to them and not equivocate on who did it. It’s like using “Trace Route” to map the path of all the packets on the network. In the program Treasuremap NSA has hundreds of trace route programs embedded in switches in Europe and hundreds more around the world. So, this set-up should have detected where the packets went and when they went there.

                      And then there is this, also from the piece:

                      “The former intelligence analyst, British Ambassador to Uzbekistan, and chancellor of the University of Dundee (Craig Murray) – who is close friends with Wikileaks’ Julian Assange – said he knows with 100% certainty that the Russians aren’t behind the leaks.”


                    • One Anonymous Bloke

                      No reply button to Peter Swift? how strange.

                      n00b 😛

                      The thread reached the reply button event horizon: eight replies I think.

        • TheExtremist

          InfoWars doesn’t describe the REAL WORLD, it describes the insanity that is Alex Jones

          • Chooky

            …matter of opinion…better put your head back in the sand fast

            • TheExtremist

              A matter of a vast consensus of opinion actually. Jones is completely nuts.

              • Chooky

                …many would disagree with you

                • TheExtremist

                  Because for some reason people actually believe that world leaders are smoking DMT to meet the clockwork eleves and Clinton smells like sulphur because she is a demon.

                  Sounds reasonable

              • Colonial Viper

                Jones is a bit off the mark on some things, but on others, he has 100% more clarity than the corporate MSM. The same MSM that way too many people think define the boundaries of acceptable conversation.

                • Has this already been aired, Colonial Viper? The Archdruid speaks:

                  “Barring any of the incidents that could throw the election into the House of Representatives, we’ll know by this time next week whether the bipartisan consensus that’s been welded firmly in place in American politics since the election of George W. Bush will stay intact for the next four years. That consensus, for those of my readers who haven’t been paying attention, supports massive giveaways to big corporations and the already affluent, punitive austerity for the poor, malign neglect for the nation’s infrastructure, the destruction of the American working class through federal subsidies for automation and offshoring and tacit acceptance of mass illegal immigration as a means of driving down wages, and a monomaniacally confrontational foreign policy obsessed with the domination of the Middle East by raw military force. Those are the policies that George W. Bush and Barack Obama pursued through four presidential terms, and they’re the policies that Hillary Clinton has supported throughout her political career.

                  Donald Trump, by contrast, has been arguing against several core elements of that consensus since the beginning of his run for office. Specifically, he’s calling for a reversal of federal policies that support offshoring of jobs, the enforcement of US immigration law, and a less rigidly confrontational stance toward Russia over the war in Syria. It’s been popular all through the current campaign for Clinton’s supporters to insist that nobody actually cares about these issues, and that Trump’s supporters must by definition be motivated by hateful values instead, but that rhetorical gimmick has been a standard thoughstopper on the left for many years now, and it simply won’t wash. The reason why Trump was able to sweep aside the other GOP candidates, and has a shot at winning next week’s election despite the unanimous opposition of this nation’s political class, is that he’s the first presidential candidate in a generation to admit that the issues just mentioned actually matter.”

                  • One of the few times I disagree with jmg. No one I know on the left is unaware of those issues indeed the opposite is true. Plus trump can SAY anything – his actions, which can only be deduced from his life, are the cause of angst.

                    But this is here not there so anything I say is quite irrelevant.

                  • Colonial Viper

                    Robert – also notable that the Archdruid and his wife live in the middle of the US de-industrialised rust belt. They will personally know a lot of decent Trump supporting folk who aren’t deplorable racist misogynists.

                    • That’s right, CV. He also begins his latest post with:

                      “Just at the moment, many of my readers—and of course a great many others as well—are paying close attention to which of the two most detested people in American public life will put a hand on a Bible in January, and preside thereafter over the next four years of this nation’s accelerating decline and fall.”
                      (My bold)

                    • Colonial Viper

                      I saw a cartoon the other day – ‘how does the swearing in work’ when Hillary can’t put her hand on the bible because she is in handcuffs behind her back.

                    • Stuart Munro

                      I had a colleague in Korea who has returned to the states who is fairly enthusiastically Christian – many of her friends will be voting Trump on the abortion stance. Different folks, different issues.

                    • TheExtremist

                      ” ‘how does the swearing in work”

                      You know Trump is also under investigation (and will probably come under greater investigations later)

  15. Google trend in the wake of Comey’s announced re-opening of the investigation…

  16. Pasupial 18

    It appears death threats are effective in dealing with the inconvenience of allegations of pedophilia. However, is this the lesson we want other pedophiles to learn from Trump?

    “Jane Doe has received numerous threats today, as have all the Trump accusers that I have represented,” said the woman’s attorney, Lisa Bloom.

    “She is living in fear. She has decided that she is too afraid to show her face. She has been here all day, ready to do it, but unfortunately, she’s in terrible fear. So we’re going to have to reschedule. I apologize to all of you who came.”…

    she was 13 at the time of the alleged attacks.

    “Immediately following this rape, Defendant Trump threatened me that, were I ever to reveal any of the details of Defendant Trump’s sexual and physical abuse of me, my family and I would be physically harmed if not killed,” the plaintiff said in an affidavit.

    She says that since Trump launched his campaign and received mass media coverage, she has been “subjected to daily painful reminders of the horrific acts.”

      • Bill 18.1.1

        The way that piece is written bears some comment

        Donald Trump’s followers are some of the lowest, most hateful scum to ever…

        Really? All of them? That’s how it reads – if you’re a Trump follower (supporter?) then you’re the lowest and most hateful scum.

        Oh. And you’re not only that, but you’re violent

        Given the ease with which Trump supporters will bring violence on the innocent…

        Demonising people with those broad strokes of a brush ain’t going to endear you to those Trump followers/supporters who aren’t violent, low hateful scum or whatever. N’fact, it’s more than likely going to make them double on down, and get out there and vote against the judgmental pricks who write this stuff. And since the people doing the writing closely associate with the Democrats and the establishment.

        I mean, on top of the likelihood that many Trump supporters are possibly willing to vote for anything that isn’t the same Rep/Dem establishment that has done them over and ‘rubbed them out’ these past…since whenever Reagan…on the off chance that “different” might be better, or at least not as bad in the same intolerable way that bad has been since ‘whenever Reagan’ , I’d have thought the least intelligent thing to do would be to do exactly this kind of shit that’s being done.

        Nothing learned from BREXIT, Corbyn, Sanders, independence ref etc?

        Seems not.

        • rhinocrates

          Forget the tone policing and look at the death threats and gas chamber references. Any sane, decent people should be ashamed to be associated with this. Nothing learned from the Third Reich either it seems… or too much.

          If you’re so concerned about maintaining a properly delicate tone, perhaps you can suggest to Trump’s shills that they should confront this crap?

          If I’m a “judgemental prick” because I dread and despise Nazism, good. I’m sorry your monocle fell in your tea.

          • Bill

            Did I say you were a judgmental prick? Do I wear a monocle? Was I drinking tea?

            Pointing to the stupidity of demonising all types of people just because of who they will likely vote for, while routinely refusing to look at any actual reasons why they might be voting that way isn’t ‘tone policing’.

            • rhinocrates

              You’re right, I should have called it concern trolling.

              I’m sure a lot of very nice people voted for tyrants. They deserve to have it pointed out to them what they are aiding and abetting and that maybe it won’t get them what they want.

              I’m done caring about the delicate feelings of the poor snowflakes who turn a blind eye to death threats, church burning, and Nazism done in their name. They need to know shame.

              They can show up at their Orange Jesus’ rallies and show placards saying that they condemn this at least instead of baying for Mexican blood.

              Perhaps you’ve heard of this guy:


              • grim

                wait are you talking about Trump supporters or Hillary supporters?

                • rhinocrates

                  Oh false equivalence again? Get back to me when the official KKK newspaper and the American Nazi Party stop endorsing Trump.

                  Because when you find yourself marching alongside them, you have to ask yourself whether you’re going in the right direction.

                  • Macro

                    Because when you find yourself marching alongside them, you have to ask yourself whether you’re going in the right direction.

                    Quoted for Truth.

                    • grim

                      How True Marco? , care to explain?


                      Sources within the New York Police Department are confirming that the NYPD is currently investigating allegations that Bill Clinton performed sexual acts on underage girls ranging from 5 to 14 years old in recent years. These reports have been confirmed my multiple others, and it appears that the NYPD is closing in on the former President.

                    • rhinocrates

                      Gosh, good thing Bill Clinton isn’t running for President!

                      Christian Times? Unnamed “sources”? About as obsessive and reliable as Infowars… oh right, of course…

                    • Macro

                      It may have escaped your attention – but Bill Clinton is not running for President. He last ran for President in 1996.

                      On the other hand, your paragon of virtue does stand so accused, and from a “association” with Epstein – which as per normal – he denies:
                      “(the) woman using the name Katie Johnson had named Trump and billionaire Jeffrey Epstein in a $100 million lawsuit, accusing them of having solicited sex acts from her at sex parties held at the Manhattan homes of Epstein and Trump back in 1994 (when Johnson was just 13 years old):”

                      You are the one raising your hand in horror, at Bill Clinton, but when a law suit has been filed against an actual candidate (Trump) and there are more than a dozen other women who are brave enough to support similar allegations, you overlook these matters as nothing! Double standards??

                      However when a candidate is supported by such associations as neo Nazi and racist “clans” (which have been involved in murder and terror activities) it is time to consider whether such a candidate is truly representing the best interests of a country.

                  • grim

                    I wouldn’t accuse you of being in step with the worst of Hillary’s supporters, thank you for exposing your mind set though,
                    nice insight.

                    • rhinocrates

                      A false equivalence – again. That is your mind set.

                      Where have I supported Hilary? Cite please.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      rhinocrates get lost mate. Hillary Bullies online and in real life are intolerable.

                      Go check out the video of the homeless black woman verbally and physically abused when she tried to protect Donald Trump’s Hollywood footpath star.

                      Scott Adams describes perfectly how Clinton has greenlighted the abusive behaviour of Hillary Bullies.

                      Team Clinton has succeeded in perpetuating one of the greatest evils I have seen in my lifetime. Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists, homophobes, racists, and a few other fighting words. Their argument is built on confirmation bias and persuasion. But facts don’t matter because facts never matter in politics. What matters is that Clinton’s framing of Trump provides moral cover for any bullying behavior online or in person. No one can be a bad person for opposing Hitler, right?


                      Where have I supported Hilary? Cite please.

                      No of course not, you just spend 95% of your comments slamming Trump and Trump supporters like myself.


                    • TheExtremist

                      “No of course not, you just spend 95% of your comments slamming Trump and Trump supporters like myself.”

                      It’s because Trump is a misogynist bully and sex offender you openly support him is why you and him are slammed. Not because anyone particulalry likes Clinton.

                      This has been pointed out to you many many times

                    • rhinocrates

                      rhinocrates get lost mate.

                      That’s up to the moderators. I don’t need your permission.

                      Hillary Bullies online and in real life are intolerable.


                      Her side has branded Trump supporters (40%+ of voters) as Nazis, sexists,

                      Oh no, they’re quite willing to do that themselves, or walk alongside them.

                      No of course not, you just spend 95% of your comments slamming Trump and Trump supporters like myself.

                      Oh you delicate little snowflake.

                      I’m no fan of Hilary, and paranoid projection of motives is not reasoning, so don’t misrepresent me… though of course I can’t force you, but I’ll continue to point out that this is exactly what you’re doing.

                      I just happen to believe that tuberculosis is awful but cancer is much worse.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      It’s because Trump is a misogynist bully and sex offender

                      You’ve fallen for Clinton’s mass hallucinations too? I accept that Trump’s personal behaviour has been substandard on some counts.

                      But I think his bullying behaviour is on a par with Hillary Clinton’s bullying behaviour.

                      BTW if Clinton gets in, we’ll have a serial sexual offender back in the east wing of the White House.

                    • rhinocrates

                      “Substandard?” “Hallucinations”?

                      Who is being disingenuous?

                      Serial sexual assault confessed and reported from numerous separate independent sources over decades is “substandard”?

                      Well, John Key would agree perhaps.

                      If you’re such an apologist for rape culture, why your condemnation?

                    • Colonial Viper

                      Trump has a decent, if still uphill, shot of winning the election. Why?

                      Because a lot of people believe that out of the two Hillary Clinton is the WORSE choice.

                      Think about it, smart man.

                    • rhinocrates

                      Because a lot of people believe that out of the two Hillary Clinton is the WORSE choice

                      Unfortunately polls show a lot of Americans think that the earth is 6,000 years old too.

                      Think about it, smart man

                      Touched a nerve I see.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      Touched a nerve I see.

                      What is that even supposed to mean? Seriously, try and grow up.

                    • rhinocrates

                      What is that even supposed to mean? Seriously, try and grow up.

                      Now you’re talking to yourself. Better watch that. 🙂

                    • TheExtremist

                      “You’ve fallen for Clinton’s mass hallucinations too?”

                      It’s amazing how Clinton is so powerful she can effect what Truml does and says.

                      Ths has been explained to you ad nauseum – it’s Trumps own words and actions the condemn him, nothing that Clinton says.

                  • Puckish Rogue

                    You can’t really control who endorses you, I recall Kyle Chapman endorsing NZFirst for example

        • Colonial Viper

          Thanks for the link.

          It appears that the Guardian has been infiltrated by the Kremlin or been bought off by Putin. /sarc

    • Chooky 18.2

      “unsubstantiated” is the operate word here

      ( remember the false accusations of rape against Colonel Gaddafi? )

      From The Guardian:

      ‘Woman accusing Donald Trump of raping her at 13 cancels plan to go public’

      …”The allegations have received less media attention than other claims of sexual assaults by Trump partly because they appeared to have been orchestrated by an eccentric anti-Trump campaigner with a record of making outlandish claims about celebrities.

      A Guardian investigation this summer found that Norm Lubow, a former producer on the Jerry Springer TV show, has been associated in the past with a range of disputed claims involving the likes of OJ Simpson and Kurt Cobain…

      A Guardian investigation in July found that a publicist calling himself “Al Taylor” attempted to sell a videotape of Doe relating her allegations for $1m. It linked Taylor through a variety of means including shared email addresses and phone numbers to Lubow, formerly of Springer’s daytime talk show.

      Lubow was connected to a contentious claim, raised in the 1998 documentary movie Kurt and Courtney, that Courtney Love offered a fellow musician $50,000 to murder her husband, Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. Love denied the charge.

      According to the New York Post, Lubow was also behind a tabloid newspaper story that OJ Simpson bought illicit drugs on the day his estranged wife Nicole Brown was killed.

      When the Guardian quizzed “Al Taylor” about his true identity, the publicist replied: “Just be warned, we’ll sue you if we don’t like what you write. We’ll sue your ass, own your ass and own your newspaper’s ass as well, punk.”

  17. AsleepWhileWalking 19


    Web archive captures the upcoming election results.

    • Colonial Viper 20.1

      Still 6 days to go.

      I still see a Trump win of around 290 electoral votes.

      • Puckish Rogue 20.1.1

        If a weeks a long time in normal politics then 6 days in this particular election means theres a lot more to come

        • Colonial Viper

          Brett Baeir (of Fox News) via Real Clear Politics:

          FBI Sources Believe Clinton Foundation Case Moving Towards “Likely an Indictment”

          Note: the aggressive and wide ranging investigation of the Clinton Foundation by the FBI is SEPARATE and ADDITIONAL from the FBI’s investigation of Clinton’s private email server.

          (Hey McFlock, remind me of how squeeky clean and highly rated the Clinton Foundation is)

          1. The Clinton Foundation investigation is far more expansive than anybody has reported so far and has been going on for more than a year.

          2. The laptops of Clinton aides Cherryl Mills and Heather Samuelson have not been destroyed, and agents are currently combing through them. The investigation has interviewed several people twice, and plans to interview some for a third time.

          3. Agents have found emails believed to have originated on Hillary Clinton’s secret server on Anthony Weiner’s laptop. They say the emails are not duplicates and could potentially be classified in nature.

          4. Sources within the FBI have told him that an indictment is “likely” in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, “barring some obstruction in some way” from the Justice Department.

          5. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information had been taken from it.

  18. grim 21

    some here might enjoy, and find this insightful.

  19. Colonial Viper 23

    Watching breaking news on Fox News.

    The reporting that Brett Baier has done on “very high priority” investigations with an “avalanche of evidence” ongoing at the FBI is going to end Clinton’s chances of a viable Presidency.

    Evidence of foreign compromise of Clinton’s email server by 5 foreign powers – possibly enemies of the USA.

    Brand new emails found.

    RICO behaviour around the ‘top rated’ Clinton Foundation.

    • McFlock 23.1

      Watching breaking news on Fox News.

      You really have come down in the world…

      • One Anonymous Bloke 23.1.1

        No, he hasn’t. He’s exactly where he started: desperate for attention.

        • Colonial Viper

          And I appreciate you sharing your attention with me. It’s very kind of you.

          • One Anonymous Bloke

            When your attention-seeking failed you blamed Clare Curran and threw your toys. Get over it. You’re unelectable. Boo hoo.

            • Colonial Viper

              It’s Christmas actually; imagine working with that shit fight right wing Labour caucus full of MPs and staffers, your so called colleagues, who are just waiting to stab you in the back.

          • McFlock

            He used to call it faux news.

            Now he thinks Fox’s “breaking news” is reliable. A wise commenter once said

            That’s why I like to watch/read/listen broadly so I can make my own mind up on each matter.

            That’s actually the first illusion to shake off. Bottom line is that all of us are unavoidably influenced by the spin and the doctored messages out there to some extent.

            CV should maybe read some other comments by that guy and stop being a corporate shill.

            • marty mars

              I think the reading has narrowed down so much it really is just regurgitation with very little critical thinking – low denominator propaganda pushed as news.

                • Colonial Viper

                  You do realise it’s very likely that the email leaks on the Clintons came from a DC insider and has nothing to do with Russia or Putin.

                  • McFlock

                    keep telling yourself that, shill

                  • joe90

                    Your liking of all things Putin.

                  • Colonial Viper

                    Craig Murray met with Julian Assange after doing a bunch of top secret shit at the UK Foreign Office.

                    If you don’t trust me, trust him.

                    left Julian after midnight. He is fit, well, sharp and in good spirits. WikiLeaks never reveals or comments upon its sources, but as I published before a fortnight ago, I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is not any Russian state actor or proxy that gave the Democratic National Committee and Podesta material to WikiLeaks. The claim is nonsense. Journalists are also publishing that these were obtained by “hacking” with no evidence that this was the method used to obtain them.

                    The control of the Democratic party machinery deliberately to unfairly ensure Clinton’s victory over Bernie Sanders is a matter of great public interest. The attempt by the establishment from Obama down to divert attention from this by a completely spurious claim against Russia, repeated without investigation by a servile media, is a disgrace.


                    • McFlock

                      wikileaks never reveals its sources, but this time totes will by a process of elimination.


                    • Colonial Viper

                      Bill Binney, former Technical Director for the NSA who was in charge of 6,000 NSA employees, says a US intelligence worker is likely behind the Clinton email leaks, not Russia.

                      Binney was the NSA’s best analyst on the Soviet Union.

                      During an interview on Aaron Klein’s Sunday radio program, former high-ranking NSA intelligence official-turned-whistleblower, William Binney, discussed the alleged Russian involvement in our elections, suggesting the cyber attack against the DNC may not have originated from the Russian government. Instead, Binney says, a “disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker” is likely behind the breach.


                    • McFlock


                      So the hack wasn’t a hack, even though the article conistently calls it a hack, and the hacker who reckons he has ip addresses of the DNC hackers calls it a hack, and the FBI has access to NSA data, most of which isn’t hacked it’s a standard communication intercept that wouldn’t leave ip addresses for the russian hacker to trace, but that’s after of course the article states that two US agencies do actually believe that it was a hack and that Russia was the source.

                      I’d be impressed if zerohedge could get its story straight.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      Don’t confuse the Zero Hedge write up with the stated opinion of William Binney.

                      I am convinced now that Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be POTUS. She is all but over.

                      For better or for worse, it has to be Trump.

                    • McFlock

                      Oh don’t pretend that you’re only convinced “now”. You’ve had that script in your mind long before the DNC hack.

                      OK, binney apparently says not russia. At least two US intelligence agencies, who would have better current access than binney, disagree with that assessment. And the emails show nothing untoward, especially compared to trumps list of active court cases on sexual assault and fraud complaints.

                    • TheExtremist

                      “I am convinced now that Hillary Clinton is not qualified to be POTUS. She is all but over.”

                      But the guy that has wholesale sought to repeal the first amendment, question the second and called into question the entire electoral process is totally A-OK.

                      Fuck sake…..

                    • Colonial Viper

                      OK, binney apparently says not russia. At least two US intelligence agencies, who would have better current access than binney, disagree with that assessment.

                      Really? 2 US intel agencies said it was Russia? Show me where. AFAIK they said that the methods used appeared to be “consistent with” Russian hacking, or words to that effect.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      But the guy that has wholesale sought to repeal the first amendment, question the second and called into question the entire electoral process is totally A-OK.

                      Pretty sure you have to hold an Article V convention of all the states to repeal any of the amendments. So that’s not happening.

                      As for questioning rigged elections and vote rigging, Barack Obama talked about that in public when running for POTUS in 2008. No big deal, US politicians grind on about it all the time.

                    • McFlock

                      Read your own fucking link.

                      “But saying they believe the hacks come from the Russians is far short of saying they know the Russians were behind them.”

                      Seriously, isn’t it embarrassing that other people have to correct your bullshit to actually reflect the nutbar slurs you’re trying to parrot? You used to be so much better than that.

                      You haven’t spent years using some home remedy containing mercury or lead, have you?

                    • Colonial Viper

                      Hi McFlock, thanks for proof reading. Always appreciate it.

                      By the way, which were the two US intel agencies which you said concluded that the Russians were responsible for the email hacks?

                    • Colonial Viper

                      McFlock found the quote I was referring to (hope it makes you happier mate, I’d love you to be happy)

                      Only two intelligence entities – the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – have weighed in on this issue, not 17 intelligence agencies [as Hillary Clinton had claimed]. And what they said was ambiguous about Russian involvement. An unclassified October 7, 2016 joint DNI-DHS statement on this issue said the hacks

                      “. . . are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow — the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europa and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia’s senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.”

                      Saying we think the hacks “are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts” is far short of saying we have evidence that Russia has been responsible for the hacks. Maybe high-level officials would have authorized them if Russian hackers were responsible, but the DNI and DHS statement did NOT say there was evidence Russia was responsible.

                      By the way these weren’t the two US intel agencies you were referring to, were they?

                      Weaksauce man, weaksauce.


                    • McFlock

                      I’m not “proofreading” shit.

                      I’m telling you that you’re a fucking idiot who doesn’t even read his own links.

                      case in point:

                      By the way, which were the two US intel agencies which you said concluded that the Russians were responsible for the email hacks?

                      Not me. Your zerohedge link. You should read it sometime. I merely quoted it with speechmarks and everything.

                      While you’re learning to read what you linked to (rather than what you imagine), I’m off to bed.

                      I daresay you’ll be incompetently parroting other insane bullshit tomorrow, easy bet.

                    • McFlock


                      So now you’ve read your link, you slip in a similar one without the original’s line

                      “But saying they believe the hacks come from the Russians is far short of saying they know the Russians were behind them.”.

                      Fuck you’re a duplicitous piece of shit. There’s an interesting Observer article on why Binney is probably well off the mark on this one, you’d google it if you weren’t terrified that it might be correct.

                      Night night, liar.

    • Blackcap 23.2

      So that is what moved the market… it suddenly moved against Clinton quite heavily in the last hour and Sanders, Biden and Kaine all starting to make chances albeit slim ones. Clinton out to 1.42 as I write, Sanders in to 100, Biden and Kaine 250’s (but better than the 600-800’s they were this morning. Trump steady on 3.65
      Arguably Trump has a better chance against Clinton than he does any of the other Democratic candidates. 6 days to go, what will happen. I see Nate Silvers 538 site now has Clinton on a 67% chance, the worm is tightening.

      • Colonial Viper 23.2.1

        We are going to see daily leaks from the FBI now as the FBI try and pressure a politically compromised and obstructive Department of Justice to act.

        Now it makes sense why Director Comie broke convention on (US) Friday with his letter to Congress.

        Hillary may still be voted in next week, but she’s not going to last in office.

    • Heard about their 5 foreign governments claim. My picks if it’s true:

      1: Russia
      2: China
      3: Britain
      4: Israel
      5: Germany or France (Germany if it’s revenge, France if it’s just good tradecraft – they’re underrated in this area).

      CNN’s probable picks, to be taken up by MSNBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Huffington Post, the Guardian, the Daily Mail, and especially the Telegraph:

      1: Russia
      2: Russia
      3: Russia
      4: Russia
      5: Russia

      • Colonial Viper 23.3.1

        How about Iran….?

      • Colonial Viper 23.3.2

        Just saw this on Reddit:

        CNN Reports it was Northern Russia, Eastern Russia, Western Russia, Southern Russia and of course Central Russia.

        • Cemetery Jones

          Damn that’s way funnier than my iteration.

          I thought about Iran as a possibility, but Israel edged them out as they seem to have form in this area. I briefly considered Saudi Arabia, but they’re so shit at conventional warfare that I can’t bring myself to believe they could hack even the weakest system. Outside chance for the Saudis if the whole ‘Huma is a Saudi spy’ narrative is correct.

          Be funny if it’s basically everyone *but* Russia.

    • joe90 23.4

      The problem with Baier’s claptrap is the FBI doesn’t indict people, the DOJ does.

      Mind you, these are the same idiots who pushed the Benghazi nonsense citing anonymous government sources. And 3 years down the track, not a sausage.

      • Colonial Viper 23.4.1

        The problem with Baier’s claptrap is the FBI doesn’t indict people, the DOJ does.


        If you could address the substance of his reporting, that would be appreciated.

        • marty mars

          That is the substance not the ghostdrama you love

          • Colonial Viper

            That’s why the FBI, from Comey down, is going public. To bypass and pressure the Loretta Lynch Department of Justice.

            • marty mars

              Sure like you’d know fool – go back to your vids bub

            • joe90

              Nope, looks like some employees have decided to take matters into their own hands.

              did anyone ever check into this further? the now emerging ny vs dc fbi turf war is making me more 👀 @Karoli @kurteichenwald @EricBoehlert— Thunder Butty (@ThunderButty) November 3, 2016



              edit: this too


              • Colonial Viper

                The ball is in play is all I will say, and it is much bigger than squabbles between FBI field offices.

                • joe90

                  You’re okay with an instrument of the state’s involvement in a partisan attempt to influence an electoral outcome?.

                  • Colonial Viper

                    Justify your statement that this is a partisan attempt on behalf of the FBI, and that their motivation is not that of achieving criminal justice.

                    Further, don’t you think that IF the DOJ has been obstructing investigations into the Clintons for months or over a year, that would be exactly what you accuse the FBI of: an instrument of the state’s involvement in a partisan attempt to influence an electoral outcome?

                    Or do you believe that such activity is permissible – but only if it is designed to advantage Clinton?

                    • One Anonymous Bloke

                      Clueless projection is your response to everything.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      OAB, about time you surfaced. Are you OK with an “instrument of state” like the DOJ being involved in a partisan attempt to influence an electoral outcome?

                    • joe90

                      Justify your statement that this is a partisan attempt on behalf of the FBI, and that their motivation is not that of achieving criminal justice.

                      Convention and the law say they’re neutral employees who have absolutely no right to insert themselves into the electoral process.

                    • One Anonymous Bloke

                      People who poison the well (like you, for example) are a bigger priority than your self-aggrandising trash-talk.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      Convention and the law say they’re neutral employees who have absolutely no right to insert themselves into the electoral process.

                      1) No laws were broken by Comey AFAIK.
                      2) I agree that Comey broke with both convention and policy by writing his letter to Congress. However, I do not believe that he took that step lightly or in ignorance of the electoral implications, and today, leaks from the FBI began to substantiate the much larger picture which may have motivated his decision to re-enliven the investigation into Clinton’s private email server.

                      FYI Brett Baeir at Fox News says that both the White Collar Crime division of the FBI and the National Security division is investigating the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton private server, respectively. It doesn’t get any more serious than this.

                    • One Anonymous Bloke

                      OAB at The Standard said that anyone who cites Fox News is a desperate fuckwit, an ethical failure, and an embarrassment to anyone who associates with them.

                    • Colonial Viper

                      Criticising the source instead of the substance is a sure sign of brain fade laziness.

        • joe90

          Despite leaks, partisan hackery and wishful thinking – the. F.B.I. does. not. indict.

          • Colonial Viper

            That’s the Clinton crime family’s last protection now, joe90. You shouldn’t be cheering for it.

            • One Anonymous Bloke

              Given that clueless projection is your response to everything, I doubt you’d survive the sort of aggressive audit you wish on others. Choke on it.

              • Colonial Viper

                Huh? Can’t you stay on point without personally attacking people? Just sad.

                • One Anonymous Bloke

                  Pretend that my contempt for your behaviour is a personal attack. And then please, choke on it. I’d set you on fire just to not piss on you. Are we clear?

  20. joe90 24

    Trump deplorables setting man traps for electoral workers.

  21. joe90 25

    The FBI insiders leaking illegally are the same people involved in the investigation into the Clinton Foundation on the basis of a fucking book, likely financed by the likes of the Kochs, but were told by their superiors to stand down due to a lack of evidence.

  22. joe90 26

    The tiny fisted fascist’s friends intimidate woman, too.

    No LiveStream for you Lisa Bloom HA HA HA HA HA— 0 (@0HOUR1___) November 2, 2016

    Our firm's website was reportedly hacked today, as well as emails. Anonymous claims responsibility.— Lisa Bloom (@LisaBloom) November 3, 2016

    To be clear, this is not us, @LisaBloom. This is the skiddy who previously went as @AltRights. We do not endorse intimidating rape victims— Anonymous (@YourAnonNews) November 3, 2016

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    20 hours ago
  • Tolling revolt brewing in National heartland

    Kia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, September 18:Locals gathered in Woodville last night to protest at the National-ACT-NZ First Government’s decision to toll the new road linking the Manawatu and Hawkes Bay, saying ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    21 hours ago
  • Government directs Te Puni Kōkiri to conduct Māori Language Week in English

    The coalition government has issued a directive to Te Puni Kōkiri, the Ministry of Māori Development, instructing them that – in the interests of clear communication – they are to conduct this year’s Māori Language Week primarily or exclusively in English. The directive is in line with the Government’s policy ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    1 day ago
  • Government celebrates fact that New Zealand’s healthcare is so good people are queuing up for it a...

    At yesterday’s post-cabinet press conference, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon, flanked by his Health Minister Shane Reti and someone we can’t independently verify was a real sign language interpreter, announced that he had some positive news for the country. “Alright team, I’m just going to hand over to uh, Dr. Shane, ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    1 day ago
  • Heartwarming: Thoughtful driver uses indicator to tell you what they’ve just done

    It’s 4:10pm in the morning, and you’re in the middle lane heading north on the great southern motorway of our nation’s capital, Auckland. There are no cars directly in front of you, but quite a few in the lane to your left. Suddenly, without warning, a black ute enters your ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    1 day ago
  • NPC teams will now be allowed to actually use the Ranfurly Shield in play

    Following decades of controversy, the governing body of New Zealand rugby, New Zealand Rugby, has ruled that the team currently holding the Ranfurly Shield may once again use it in play during the National Provincial Championship (NPC). The ruling restores the utility of a prize that for many years was ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    1 day ago
  • Climbing out of the hamster wheel

    I arrived home with a head full of fresh ideas about mindfulness and curbing impulsive aspects in my character.On the second night home I grabbed a piece of ginger and began swiftly slicing it on our industrial strength mandolin, the one I have learned through painful experience to treat with ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 day ago
  • More Notes From Stinky Town

    Good morning, folks. Another wee note from a chilly Rotorua morning that looks much clearer than yesterday. As I write, the pink glow in the east is slowly growing, and soon, the palest of blue skies should become a bit more royal.A couple of people mentioned yesterday that I should ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    2 days ago
  • Make it make sense: why axe valuable local projects?

    Last week, Matt looked at how the government wants to pour a huge chunk of civic infrastructure funding for a generation  into one mega-road up North, at huge cost and huge opportunity cost. A smaller but no less important feature of the National Land Transport Plan devised by Minister of Transport ...
    2 days ago
  • Driving blind at higher speeds

    An open letter by experts about plans to raise speed limits warns the “tragic consequence will be more New Zealanders losing their lives or suffering severe injury, along with a substantial burden on the nation's healthcare and rehabilitation services”. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāKia ora. Long stories short, here’s ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • 2024’s unusually persistent warmth

    This is a re-post from The Climate Brink My inaugural post on The Climate Brink 18 months ago looked at the year 2024, and found that it was likely to be the warmest year on record on the back of a (than forecast) El Nino event. I suggested “there is a real chance ...
    2 days ago
  • National plan for 2000 more Kiwis a year in prison

    Open for allYesterday, Luxon congratulated his government on a job well done with emergency housing numbers, but advocates have been saying it‘s likely many are on the streets and sleeping in cars.Q&A featured some of the folks this weekend - homeless and in cars. Yes.The government’s also confirmed they stopped ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    2 days ago
  • I Found a Note in a Tree

    Hi,On most days I try to go on a walk through nature to clear my head from the horrors of life. Because as much as I like people, I also think it’s incredibly important to get very far away from them. To be reminded that there are also birds, lizards, ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    2 days ago
  • Jacqui Van Der Kaay: Politicians need to lift their game

    Declining trust in New Zealand politicians should be a warning to them to lift their game. Results from the New Zealand Election Study for the 2023 election show that the level of trust in politicians has once again declined. Perhaps it is not surprising that the results, shared as part ...
    Democracy ProjectBy bryce.edwards
    2 days ago
  • Police say they won’t respond to bomb threats anymore as ‘it’s never anything’

    Police Commissioner Andrew Coster says that New Zealand’s police force will no longer respond to bomb threats, in an attempt to cut costs and redirect police resources to less boring activities. Coster said that threat response and bomb disposal was a “fairly obvious” area for downsizing, as bomb threats are ...
    The CivilianBy Ben Uffindell
    2 days ago
  • A dysfunctional watchdog

    The reality of any right depends on how well it is enforced. But as The Post points out this morning, our right to official information isn't being enforced very well at all: More than a quarter of complaints about access to official information languish for more than a year, ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    2 days ago
  • Climate Change: The threat of a good example

    Since taking office, the climate-denier National government has gutted agricultural emissions pricing, ended the clean car discount, repealed water quality standards which would have reduced agricultural emissions, gutted the clean car standard, killed the GIDI scheme, and reversed efforts to reduce pollution subsidies in the ETS - basically every significant ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    3 days ago
  • Vegas Baby

    Good morning, lovely people. Don’t worry. This isn’t really a newsletter, just a quick note. I’m sitting in our lounge, looking out over a gloomy sky. Although being Rotorua, the view is periodically interrupted by steam bursting from pipes and dispersing—like an Eastern European industrial hellscape during the Cold War.Drinking ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    3 days ago
  • Why Entrust Needs New Leadership

    I am part of a new team running in the Entrust election in October. Entrust is a community electricity trust representing a significant part of Auckland, set up to serve the community. It is governed by five trustees are elected every three years in an election the trust itself oversees. ...
    Greater AucklandBy Patrick Reynolds
    3 days ago
  • London Bridge is falling down

    In the UK, London is the latest of council groups to signal potential bankruptcy.That’s after Birmingham, Britain’s second largest city, went bankrupt in June, resulting in reduced sanitation services, libraries cut, and dimmed streetlights.Some in the city described things as “Dickens” like.Please, Sir, Can I have some more?For families with ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    3 days ago
  • Govt may kick elderly out of hospitals

    The Government is considering how to shunt elderly people out of hospitals, and also how to cut their access to other support. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāKia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Monday, ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    3 days ago
  • Getting the nephs off the couch

    The so-called “Prince of the Provinces”, Shane Jones, went home last Friday. Perhaps not quite literally home, more like 20 kilometres down the road from his house on the outskirts of Kerikeri. With its airport, its rapidly growing (mostly retired) population, and a commercial centre with all the big retail ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    3 days ago
  • De moralibus orcorum: Sargon of Akkad, Rings of Power, Evil, and George R.R. Martin

    I have noted before that The Rings of Power has attracted its unfortunate share of culture war obsessives. Essentially, for a certain type of individual, railing on about the Wokery of Modern Media is a means of making themselves a online livelihood. Clicks and views and advertising revenue, and all ...
    3 days ago
  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #37

    A listing of 31 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, September 8, 2024 thru Sat, September 14, 2024. Story of the week From time to time we like to make our Story of the Week all about us— and ...
    3 days ago
  • Salvation For Us All

    Yesterday, I ruminated about the effects of being a political follower.And, within politics, David Seymour was smart enough on Friday to divert attention from “race blind” policies [what about gender blind I thought - thinking of maternity wards] and cutting school lunches by throwing meat to the media. Teachers were ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    4 days ago
  • A warm embrace

    Far, far away from here lives our King. Some of his subjects can be quite the forelock tuggers, but plenty of us are not like that, and why don't I wheel out my favourite old story once more about Kiwi soldiers in the North African desert?Field Marshal Montgomery takes offence ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    4 days ago
  • Literal clowns are running the place, we must put a timeout on this stupidity… right Aotearoa?

    These people are inept on every level. They’re inept to the detriment of our internal politics, cohesion and increasingly our international reputation. And they are reveling in the fact they are getting away with it. We cannot even have “respectful debate” with a government that clearly rejects the very ...
    exhALANtBy exhalantblog
    4 days ago
  • Fact brief – Does manmade CO2 have any detectable fingerprint?

    Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with John Mason. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Does manmade CO2 have any ...
    4 days ago
  • Judge Not.

    Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matthew 7:1-2FOUR HUNDRED AND FORTY men and women professing the Christian faith would appear to have imperilled their immortal souls. ...
    5 days ago
  • Managed Democracy: Letting The People Decide, But Only When They Can Be Relied Upon To Give the Righ...

    Uh-uh! Not So Fast, Citizens! The power to initiate systemic change remains where it has always been in New Zealand’s representative democracy – in Parliament. To order a binding referendum, the House of Representatives must first to be persuaded that, on the question proposed, sharing its decision-making power with the people ...
    5 days ago
  • Looking For Labour’s Vital Signs.

    Flatlining: With no evidence of a genuine policy disruptor at work in Labour’s ranks, New Zealand’s wealthiest citizens can sleep easy.PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN has walked a picket-line. Presidential candidate Kamala Harris has threatened “price-gauging” grocery retailers with price control. The Democratic Party’s 2024 platform situates it well to the left of Sir ...
    5 days ago
  • Forty Years Of Remembering To Forget.

    The Beginning of the End: Rogernomics became the short-hand descriptor for all the radical changes that swept away New Zealand’s social-democratic economy and society between 1984 and 1990. In the bitterest of ironies, those changes were introduced by the very same party which had entrenched New Zealand social-democracy 50 years earlier. ...
    5 days ago
  • Kōrero Mai – Speak to Me.

    Good morning all you lovely people. 🙂I woke up this morning, and it felt a bit like the last day of school. You might recall from earlier in the week that I’m heading home to Rotorua to see an old friend who doesn’t have much time. A sad journey, but ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    5 days ago
  • Winning ways

    Hello! Here comes the Saturday edition of More Than A Feilding, catching you up on anything you may have missed. Street architecture adjustment, KolkataShare Read more ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    5 days ago
  • 48 seconds on a plan that would reverberate for a million years

    Despite fears that Trump presidency would be disastrous for progress on climate change, the topic barely rated a mention in the Presidential debate. Photo: Getty ImagesLong stories short, here’s the top six news items of note in climate news for Aotearoa-NZ this week, and a discussion above between Bernard Hickey ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    5 days ago
  • Using blunt instruments and magical thinking to ignore evidence of harm

    The abrupt cancellations and suspensions of Government spending also caused private sector hiring, spending, and investment to freeze up for the first six months of the year. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāThis week we learned:The new National/ACT/NZ First Coalition Government ignored advice from Treasury that it didn’t have to ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    5 days ago
  • Is This A Dagger Which I See Before Me: A Review and Analysis of The Rings of Power Episode 5 (Seaso...

    Another week of The Rings of Power, season two, and another confirmation that things are definitely coming together for the show. The fifth Episode of season one represented the nadir of the series. Now? Amid the firmer footing of 2024, Episode Five represents further a further step towards excellent Tolkien ...
    5 days ago
  • In Open Seas; A Book

    The background to In Open Seas: How the New Zealand Labour Government Went Wrong:2017-2023Not in Narrow Seas: The Economic History of Aotearoa New Zealand, published in 2020, proved more successful than either I or the publisher (VUP, now Te Herenga Waka University Press) expected. I had expected that it would ...
    PunditBy Brian Easton
    5 days ago
  • The Hoon around the week to Sept 13

    The podcast above of the weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar for paying subscribers on Thursday night features co-hosts and talking about the week’s news with:The Kākā’s climate correspondent on the latest climate science on rising temperatures and the climate implications of the US Presidential elections; and special guests Janet ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    5 days ago
  • Do or do not. There is no try

    1. Upon receiving evidence that school lunches were doing a marvellous job of improving outcomes for students, David Seymour did what?a. Declared we need much more of this sort of good news and poured extra resources and funding into them b. Emailed Atlas network to ask what to do next c. Cut ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • Dangerous ground

    The Waitangi Tribunal has reported back on National's proposed changes to gut the Marine and Coastal Area Act and steal the foreshore and seabed for its greedy fishing-industry donors, and declared it to be another huge violation of ti Tiriti: The Waitangi Tribunal has found government changes to the ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    6 days ago
  • Climate Change: National wants to cheat on Paris

    In 2016, the then-National government signed the Paris Agreement, committing Aotearoa to a 30 (later 50) percent reduction in emissions by 2030. When questioned about how they intended to meet that target with their complete absence of effective climate policy, they made a lot of noise about how it was ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    6 days ago
  • Treasury warned Govt lower debt limits meant less ‘productivity-enhancing investment’

    Treasury’s advice to Cabinet was that the new Government could actually prudently carry net core Crown debt of up to 50% of GDP. But Luxon and Willis instead chose to portray the Government’s finances as in such a mess they had no choice but to carve 6.5% to 7.5% off ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    6 days ago
  • Is the Media Complicit?

    This is a long read. Open to all.SYNOPSIS: Traditional media is at a cross roads. There is a need for those in the media landscape, as it stands, to earn enough to stay afloat, but also come across as balanced and neutral to keep its audiences.In America, NYT’s liberal leaning ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    6 days ago
  • Black Friday

    It's Black Friday, the end of the weekYou take my hand and hold it gently up against your cheekIt's all in my head, it's all in my mindI see the darkness where you see the lightSong by Tom OdellFriday the 13th, don’t be afraid.No, really, don’t. Everything has felt a ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    6 days ago
  • Weekly Roundup 13-September-2024

    Ooh, Friday the thirteenth. Spooky! Is that why certain zombie ideas have been stalking the landscape this week, like the Mayor’s brainwave for a motorway bridge from Kauri Point to Point Chev? Read on and find out. This roundup, like all our coverage, is brought to you by the Greater ...
    Greater AucklandBy Greater Auckland
    6 days ago
  • Skeptical Science New Research for Week #37 2024

    Open access notables Early knowledge but delays in climate actions: An ecocide case against both transnational oil corporations and national governments, Hauser et al., Environmental Science & Policy: Cast within the wide context of investigating the collusion at play between powerful political-economic actors and decision-makers as monopolists and debates about ‘the modern ...
    6 days ago
  • What it is

    I liked what Kieran McAnulty had to say about the Treaty Principles bill this morning so much I've written it down and copied it out for you. He was saying that rather than let this piece of ordure spend six months in Select Committee, the Prime Minister could stop making such ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    6 days ago
  • A government-funded hate campaign

    Cabinet discussed National's constitutionally and historically illiterate "Treaty Principles Bill" this week, and decided to push on with it. The bill will apparently receive a full six month select committee process - unlike practically every other policy this government has pushed, and despite the fact that if the government is ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    7 days ago
  • How Substack works to take (some) craziness out of America’s elections

    I spoke with Substack co-founder yesterday, just before the Trump-Harris debate, about how Substack is doing its thing during the US elections. He talks in particular about how Substack’s focus on paid subscriptions rather than ads has made political debate on the platform calmer, simpler, deeper and more satisfying ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    7 days ago
  • Kamala Harris Did Something Unthinkable

    Hi,Yesterday me and a bunch of friends gathered in front of the TV, ate tortillas, drank wine, and watched the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.Some of you may have joined in on the live Webworm chat where we shared thoughts, jokes and memes — and a basic glee ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    7 days ago
  • Kamala Harris Did Something Unthinkable

    Hi,Yesterday me and a bunch of friends gathered in front of the TV, ate tortillas, drank wine, and watched the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.Some of you may have joined in on the live Webworm chat where we shared thoughts, jokes and memes — and a basic glee ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    7 days ago
  • Kamala Harris Did Something Unthinkable

    Hi,Yesterday me and a bunch of friends gathered in front of the TV, ate tortillas, drank wine, and watched the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.Some of you may have joined in on the live Webworm chat where we shared thoughts, jokes and memes — and a basic glee ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    7 days ago
  • David Seymour is such a loser

    For paid subscribersNot content with siphoning off $230,000,000 of taxpayers money for his hobby projects - and telling everyone his passion is education and early childcare - an intersection painfully coincidental to the interests of wealthy private families like Sean Plunkett’s1 backers, the Wright Family, Seymour is back in the ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    7 days ago
  • Cross-party consensus: there’s no pipeline without good faith

    There’s been a lot of talk recently about a cross-party agreement to develop a pipeline for infrastructure, including transport. Last month, outgoing CRL boss Sean Sweeney talked about the importance of securing an enduring infrastructure programme. He outlined the high costs of the relentless political flip-flopping of priorities, which drives ...
    Greater AucklandBy Connor Sharp
    7 days ago
  • Voters love this climate policy they’ve never heard of

    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Karin Kirk The Inflation Reduction Act is the Biden administration’s signature climate law and the largest U.S. government investment in reducing climate pollution to date. Among climate advocates, the policy is well-known and celebrated, but beyond that, only a minority of Americans ...
    7 days ago
  • ACC wants to administer inflation at more than double the RBNZ’s target rate

    ACC levies are set to rise at more than double the inflation rate targeted by the RBNZ. Photo: Lynn GrievesonKia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Thursday, September 12:The state-owned monopoly for accident insurance wants ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    7 days ago
  • Harris vs Trump

    We’ve been selected to rock your asses 'til midnightThis is my term, I've shaved off my perm, but it's alrightI solemnly swear to uphold the ConstitutionGot a rock 'n' roll problem? Well we got a solutionLet us be who we am, and let us kick out the jams, yeahKick out ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    7 days ago
  • Treaty Bill “a political stunt”

    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon appears to have given ACT Leader David Seymour more than he has been admitting in the proposals to go forward with a Treaty Principles Bill.All along, Luxon has maintained that the Government is proceeding with the Bill to honour the coalition agreement.But that is quite specific.It ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    7 days ago
  • An average 219 NZers migrated each day in July

    Kia ora. Long stories short, here’s my top six things to note in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, September 11:Annual migration of New Zealanders rose to a record-high 80,963 in the year to the end of July, which is more than double its pre-Covid levels.Two ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • What you’re wanting to win more than anything is The Narrative

    Hubris is sitting down on election day 2016 to watch that pig Trump get his ass handed to him, and watching the New York Times needle hover for a while over Hillary and then move across to Trump where it remains all night to your gathering horror and dismay. You're ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 week ago
  • National’s automated lie machine

    The government has a problem: lots of people want information from it all the time. Information about benefits, about superannuation, ACC coverage and healthcare, taxes, jury service, immigration - and that's just the routine stuff. Responding to all of those queries takes a lot of time and costs a lot ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Christopher Luxon: A Man of “Faith” and “Compassion” Speaks on the Treaty Pr...

    Synopsis: Today - we explore two different realities. One where National lost. And another - which is the one we are living with here. Note: the footnote on increased fees/taxes may be of interest to some readers.Article open.Subscribe nowIt’s an alternate timeline.Yesterday as news broke that the central North Island ...
    Mountain TuiBy Mountain Tui
    1 week ago
  • Member’s Day

    Today is a Member's Day. First up is the third reading of Dan Bidois' Fair Trading (Gift Card Expiry) Amendment Bill, which will be followed by the committee stage of Deborah Russell's Family Proceedings (Dissolution for Family Violence) Amendment Bill. This will be followed by the second readings of Katie ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 week ago
  • Northern Expressway Boondoggle

    Transport Minister Simeon Brown has been soaring high with his hubris of getting on and building motorways but some uncomfortable realities are starting to creep in. Back in July he announced that the government was pushing on with a Northland Expressway using an “accelerated delivery strategy” The Coalition Government is ...
    1 week ago
  • Never Enough

    However much I'm falling downNever enoughHowever much I'm falling outNever, never enough!Whatever smile I smile the mostNever enoughHowever I smile I smile the mostSongwriters: Robert James Smith / Simon Gallup / Boris Williams / Porl ThompsonToday in Nick’s Kōrero:A death in the Emergency Department at Rotorua Hospital.A sad homecoming and ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 week ago
  • Question Two of The Kākā Project of 2026 for 2050 (TKP 26/50)

    Kia ora.Last month I proposed restarting The Kākā Project work done before the 2023 election as The Kākā Project of 2026 for 2050 (TKP 26/50), aiming to be up and running before the 2025 Local Government elections, and then in a finalised form by the 2026 General Elections.A couple of ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    1 week ago
  • Why is God Obsessed with Spanking?

    Hi,If you’ve read Webworm for a while, you’ll be aware that I’ve spent a lot of time writing about horrific, corrupt megachurches and the shitty men who lead them.And in all of this writing, I think some people have this idea that I hate Christians or Christianity. As I explain ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    1 week ago
  • Inside the public service

    In 2023, there were 63,117 full-time public servants earning, on average, $97,200 a year each. All up, that is a cost to the Government of $6.1 billion a year. It’s little wonder, then, that the public service has become a political whipping boy castigated by the Prime Minister and members ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    1 week ago
  • New Models Show Stronger Atlantic Hurricanes, and More of Them

    This is a re-post from This is Not Cool Here’s an example of some of the best kind of climate reporting, especially in that it relates to impacts that will directly affect the audience. WFLA in Tampa conducted a study in collaboration with the Department of Energy, analyzing trends in ...
    1 week ago
  • Where ever do they find these people?

    A riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, is how Winston Churchill described the Soviet Union in 1939.  How might the great man have described the 2024 government of New Zealand, do we think? I can't imagine he would have thought them all that mysterious or enigmatic. I think ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    1 week ago

  • Foreign Minister to travel to New York, French Polynesia

    Foreign Minister Winston Peters is travelling to New York next week to attend the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly, followed by a visit to French Polynesia. “In the context of the myriad regional and global crises, our engagements in New York will demonstrate New Zealand’s strong support for ...
    12 hours ago
  • Thanking social workers on their national day

    “Today, on Aotearoa New Zealand Social Workers’ Day, I would like to recognise the tremendous effort social workers make not just today, but every day,” Children’s Minister and Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour says. “I thank all those working on the front line for ...
    15 hours ago
  • Minister of State for Trade heads to Laos for ASEAN meetings

    Minister of State for Trade Nicola Grigg will travel to Laos this week to attend the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Ministers’ Meetings in Vientiane.   “The Government is committed to strengthening our relationship with ASEAN,” Ms Grigg says. “With next year marking 50 years since New Zealand became ...
    15 hours ago
  • Members appointed to retail crime MAG

    The Government has appointed four members to the Ministerial Advisory Group for victims of retail crime, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith and Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee say. “I am delighted to appoint Michael Hill’s national retail manager Michael Bell to the group, as well as Waikato community advocate and business ...
    17 hours ago
  • Speech to the New Zealand Nurses Organisation AGM and Conference 2024

    It’s my pleasure to be here to join the opening of the NZNO AGM and Conference for 2024.  First, I’d like to thank NZNO Kaiwhakahaere Kerri Nuku, NZNO President, Anne Daniels, and Chief Execuitve Paul Gaulter for inviting me to speak today.  Thank you also to all the NZNO members ...
    18 hours ago
  • Improvements for New Zealand authors

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says changes to the Public Lending Right [PLR] scheme will help benefit both the National Library and authors who have books available in New Zealand libraries. “I am amending the regulations so that eligible authors will no longer have to reapply every year ...
    2 days ago
  • Minister commends Police for gang operation

    Police Minister Mark Mitchell congratulates Police for the outstanding result of their most recent operation, targeting the Comancheros. “That Police have been able to round up the majority of the Comancheros leadership, and many of their patched members and prospects, shows not only the capability of Police, but also shows ...
    2 days ago
  • New appointments to the EPA board

    Environment Minister Penny Simmonds has announced a major refresh of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) board with four new appointments and one reappointment.   The new board members are Barry O’Neil, Jennifer Scoular, Alison Stewart and Nancy Tuaine, who have been appointed for a three-year term ending in August 2027.  “I would ...
    2 days ago
  • Enabling rural recovery works in Hawke’s Bay

    Cabinet has approved an Order in Council to enable severe weather recovery works to continue in the Hawke’s Bay, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds and Minister for Emergency Management and Recovery Mark Mitchell say. “Cyclone Gabrielle and the other severe weather events in early 2023 caused significant loss and damage to ...
    2 days ago
  • FamilyBoost childcare payment registrations open

    From today, low-to-middle-income families with young children can register for the new FamilyBoost payment, to help them meet early childhood education (ECE) costs. The scheme was introduced as part of the Government’s tax relief plan to help Kiwis who are doing it tough. “FamilyBoost is one of the ways we ...
    2 days ago
  • Prioritising victims with tougher sentences

    The Government has today agreed to introduce sentencing reforms to Parliament this week that will ensure criminals face real consequences for crime and victims are prioritised, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. "In recent years, there has been a concerning trend where the courts have imposed fewer and shorter prison sentences ...
    2 days ago
  • Targets data confirms rise in violent crime

    The first quarterly report on progress against the nine public service targets show promising results in some areas and the scale of the challenge in others, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says. “Our Government reinstated targets to focus our public sector on driving better results for New Zealanders in health, education, ...
    2 days ago
  • Asia Foundation Board appointments announced

    Foreign Minister Winston Peters has announced the appointments of Hone McGregor, Professor David Capie, and John Boswell to the Board of the Asia New Zealand Foundation.  Bede Corry, Secretary of Foreign Affairs and Trade, has also been appointed as an ex-officio member. The new trustees join Dame Fran Wilde (Chair), ...
    3 days ago
  • Endeavour Fund projects for economic growth

    New Zealand’s largest contestable science fund is investing in 72 new projects to address challenges, develop new technology and support communities, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins says. “This Endeavour Fund round being funded is focused on economic growth and commercial outputs,” Ms Collins says. “It involves funding of more ...
    3 days ago
  • Social Services Providers Whakamanawa National Conference 16 September 2024

    Thank you for the introduction and the invitation to speak to you here today. I am honoured to be here in my capacity as Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, and Minister for Children. Thank you for creating a space where we can all listen and learn, ...
    3 days ago
  • Parihaka infrastructure upgrades funded

    The Government will provide a $5.8 million grant to improve water infrastructure at Parihaka in Taranaki, Regional Development Minister Shane Jones and Māori Development Minister Tama Potaka say. “This grant from the Regional Infrastructure Fund will have a multitude of benefits for this hugely significant cultural site, including keeping local ...
    3 days ago
  • Serious assaults down 22% in Auckland CBD

    Cross-government action to tackle crime and antisocial behaviour in Auckland is getting traction, says Police Minister Mark Mitchell. “Our central cities should be great places to live and work, but in recent years they have become hot spots for crime and anti-social behaviour. In Auckland, businesses and residents suffered as ...
    3 days ago
  • Increased certainty for contractors coming

    Workplace Relations and Safety Minister Brooke van Velden says upcoming changes to the Employment Relations Act will provide greater certainty for contractors and businesses. “These changes to legislation are necessary to ensure businesses and workers have more clarity from the start of their contracting arrangement. It is an ACT-National coalition ...
    3 days ago
  • Draft critical minerals list released for consultation

    A draft list of minerals deemed essential to New Zealand’s economy and strengthening its mineral resilience has been released for consultation, Resources Minister Shane Jones says. The draft Critical Minerals List identifies 35 minerals essential to economic functions, are in demand internationally, and face high risk of supply disruption domestically ...
    4 days ago
  • Government eliminates $190 million in trade barriers to boost the economy

    The Government has successfully removed trade barriers affecting nearly $190 million worth of exports to help grow the economy, Minister for Trade and Agriculture Todd McClay today announced.  “In the past year, we have resolved 14 Non Tariff Barriers (NTBs), returning significant value to kiwi exporters. These efforts directly boost our ...
    4 days ago
  • Reo Māori the ‘beating heart’ of Aotearoa New Zealand

    From private business to the Paris Olympics, reo Māori is growing with the success of New Zealanders, says Minister for Māori Development Tama Potaka. “I’m joining New Zealanders across the country in celebrating this year’s Te Wiki o te Reo Māori – Māori Language Week, which has a big range ...
    5 days ago
  • Need and value at forefront of public service delivery

    New Cabinet policy directives will ensure public agencies prioritise public services on the basis of need and award Government contracts on the basis of public value, Minister for the Public Service Nicola Willis says. “Cabinet Office has today issued a circular to central government organisations setting out the Government’s expectations ...
    6 days ago
  • Minister to attend Police Ministers Council Meeting

    Police Minister Mark Mitchell will join with Australian Police Ministers and Commissioners at the Police Ministers Council meeting (PMC) today in Melbourne. “The council is an opportunity to come together to discuss a range of issues, gain valuable insights on areas of common interest, and different approaches towards law enforcement ...
    6 days ago
  • New Bill to crack down on youth vaping

    The coalition Government has introduced legislation to tackle youth vaping, Associate Health Minister Casey Costello announced today. “The Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Amendment Bill (No 2) is aimed at preventing youth vaping.  “While vaping has contributed to a significant fall in our smoking rates, the rise in youth vaping ...
    6 days ago
  • Interest in agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review welcomed

    Regulation Minister David Seymour, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds, and Food Safety Minister Andrew Hoggard have welcomed interest in the agricultural and horticultural products regulatory review. The review by the Ministry for Regulation is looking at how to speed up the process to get farmers and growers access to the safe, ...
    6 days ago
  • Bill to allow online charity lotteries passes first reading

    Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government is moving at pace to ensure lotteries for charitable purposes are allowed to operate online permanently. Charities fundraising online, such as those run by the Heart Foundation, Coastguard NZ, Auckland Rescue Helicopter Trust and local hospices will continue to do ...
    7 days ago
  • Tax exempt threshold changes to benefit startups

    Technology companies are among the startups which will benefit from increases to current thresholds of exempt employee share schemes, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins and Revenue Minister Simon Watts say. Tax exempt thresholds for the schemes are increasing as part of the Taxation (Annual Rates for 2024-25, Emergency ...
    7 days ago
  • Getting the healthcare you need, when you need it

    The path to faster cancer treatment, an increase in immunisation rates, shorter stays in emergency departments and quick assessment and treatments when you are sick has been laid out today. Health Minister Dr Shane Reti has revealed details of how the ambitious health targets the Government has set will be ...
    7 days ago
  • Targeted supports to accelerate reading

    The coalition Government is delivering targeted and structured literacy supports to accelerate learning for struggling readers. From Term 1 2025, $33 million of funding for Reading Recovery and Early Literacy Support will be reprioritised to interventions which align with structured approaches to teaching. “Structured literacy will change the way children ...
    7 days ago
  • Survivors invited to Abuse in Care national apology

    With two months until the national apology to survivors of abuse in care, expressions of interest have opened for survivors wanting to attend. “The Prime Minister will deliver a national apology on Tuesday 12 November in Parliament. It will be a very significant day for survivors, their families, whānau and ...
    7 days ago
  • Rangatahi inspire at Ngā Manu Kōrero final

    Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini kē - My success is not mine alone but is the from the strength of the many. Aotearoa New Zealand’s top young speakers are an inspiration for all New Zealanders to learn more about the depth and beauty conveyed ...
    7 days ago
  • Driving structured literacy in schools

    The coalition Government is driving confidence in reading and writing in the first years of schooling. “From the first time children step into the classroom, we’re equipping them and teachers with the tools they need to be brilliant in literacy. “From 1 October, schools and kura with Years 0-3 will receive ...
    1 week ago
  • Labour’s misleading information is disappointing

    Labour’s misinformation about firearms law is dangerous and disappointing, Associate Justice Minister Nicole McKee says.   “Labour and Ginny Andersen have repeatedly said over the past few days that the previous Labour Government completely banned semi-automatic firearms in 2019 and that the Coalition Government is planning to ‘reintroduce’ them.   ...
    1 week ago
  • Govt takes action on mpox response, widens access to vaccine

    The Government is taking immediate action on a number of steps around New Zealand’s response to mpox, including improving access to vaccine availability so people who need it can do so more easily, Health Minister Dr Shane Reti and Associate Health Minister David Seymour announced today. “Mpox is obviously a ...
    1 week ago
  • Next steps agreed for Treaty Principles Bill

    Associate Justice Minister David Seymour says Cabinet has agreed to the next steps for the Treaty Principles Bill. “The Treaty Principles Bill provides an opportunity for Parliament, rather than the courts, to define the principles of the Treaty, including establishing that every person is equal before the law,” says Mr Seymour. “Parliament ...
    1 week ago
  • Government unlocking potential of AI

    Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced a programme to drive Artificial Intelligence (AI) uptake among New Zealand businesses. “The AI Activator will unlock the potential of AI for New Zealand businesses through a range of support, including access to AI research experts, technical assistance, AI tools and resources, ...
    1 week ago
  • Government releases Wairoa flood review findings

    The independent rapid review into the Wairoa flooding event on 26 June 2024 has been released, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown and Emergency Management and Recovery Minister Mark Mitchell announced today. “We welcome the review’s findings and recommendations to strengthen Wairoa's resilience against future events,” Ms ...
    1 week ago
  • Promoting faster payment times for government

    The Government is sending a clear message to central government agencies that they must prioritise paying invoices in a timely manner, Small Business and Manufacturing Minister Andrew Bayly says. Data released today promotes transparency by publishing the payment times of each central government agency. This data will be published quarterly ...
    1 week ago
  • Acknowledgement to Kīngi Tuheitia speech

    E te māngai o te Whare Pāremata, kua riro māku te whakaputa i te waka ki waho moana. E te Pirimia tēnā koe.Mr Speaker, it is my privilege to take this adjournment kōrero forward.  Prime Minister – thank you for your leadership. Taupiri te maunga Waikato te awa Te Wherowhero ...
    1 week ago
  • Interim fix to GST adjustment rules to support businesses

    Inland Revenue can begin processing GST returns for businesses affected by a historic legislative drafting error, Revenue Minister Simon Watts says. “Inland Revenue has become aware of a legislative drafting error in the GST adjustment rules after changes were made in 2023 which were meant to simplify the process. This ...
    1 week ago

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