We are not amused

Written By: - Date published: 1:42 pm, April 29th, 2011 - 14 comments
Categories: humour, Satire - Tags:

The Royal family have banned humorous comment on the royal wedding. Clarence House has banned a satirical sketch from ABC’s programme “The Chaser”. Reminds one of Victoria’s classic oft-quoted line – “We are not amused”. Charles has got a lot more pompous since his days at University when he was known as a bit of a ham actor himself – must be a bit sensitive. Anyone got any good royal jokes?

14 comments on “We are not amused ”

  1. Kaplan 1

    “Anyone got any good royal jokes?”
    Charles for a start.

  2. higherstandard 2

    Nah, I actually think this is fair enough.

    He said the restrictions were in place because the wedding was a religious ceremony. “This is standard practice when services of this nature are being broadcast. There is nothing to stop satirical and other entertainment programmes using footage from the rest of the day.”

    • Tigger 2.1

      So no one can ever poke fun at religion ever again?

      • PeteG 2.1.1

        If it’s good enough for the Muslims it has to be good enough for the Christians.

        No more comedies about church weddings allowed anywhere in the commonwealth.

        Kate Middleton says to the Queen “What’s the secret of a long marriage?”

        Queen replies “Wear a seatbelt and don’t piss me off!”

  3. voldemort 3

    I think I prefer my alternative reality to theirs.

  4. Draco T Bastard 4

  5. Lanthanide 5

    Actually, they didn’t “ban” it at all.

    They simply said, if you go ahead with the comedy, we won’t share the live televisual feed with you.

    It was ABC that then decided it wasn’t worth it. They still could have gone ahead with it if they wanted to, but obviously it wouldn’t have pleased their financial backers very much.

    • felix 5.1

      Many ways to skin a cat – self censorship being one of the most effective.

      • Lanthanide 5.1.1

        Well I don’t see why it is somehow wrong for an institution to withhold media coverage for whatever reason they please.

        • Colonial Viper

          And definitely don’t cover the Leader of the Opposition, or any of the press releases from the Opposition, for any reason or at any time. Unless it is something which makes the Opposition look bad of course 😉