Written By:
- Date published:
11:32 am, July 5th, 2017 - 20 comments
Categories: accountability, national -
Tags: #debarclay, misuse of taxpayer money, scandal, Todd Barclay
Turns out that in the Barclay scandal we the taxpayer paid for not only the hush money payout, but also the lawyers fees – Todd Barclay case lawyers paid taxpayer cash
Taxpayer money from the former prime minister’s leader’s fund was used to pay for legal advice as well as top up the settlement in the Todd Barclay case, it’s been revealed.
The amount isn’t known but New Zealand First managed to find out, through the Official Information Act, that $2609 was used to pay lawyers. …
The Nats are a very well funded party, but they’d rather spend our money to cover up their mess.
Fingers in the till? No doubt legal but not a nice look.
The Nats are a very well funded party,…
I wonder how much Peter Thiel paid into one of the National Party’s ‘hidden’ trust accounts in return for his fast track citizenship? $1million, $2million…?
Yeah I’ve been wondering that 2
@ Anne (2) … Oh yes. I suspected that all along. Thiel will be bankrolling the Natz alright. Part of the grubby deal no doubt.
$2609, How many lawyer hours is that?
I’d believe that. They didn’t do a very good job it seems.
Why is it that National never has problems with using taxpayers money to cover their fuckups but always whinges when poor people actually need money?
Hopefully we can get Winston and NZF into Parliament and we can have a look at the country’s books ?
DeBarclay REEKS of Glenda Hughes.
It’s a small amount re lawyers, but IanMac is correct, it’s a bad look, a really bad look.
What’s he even doing in the house, Barclay should be out on his arse, and Nat’s can just learn to lobby a bit harder to have laws passed prior to the election.
Two questions are being asked in Parliament Re Barclay today, two were asked yesterday as well by Chris Hipkins and Ron Mark, really pleased with their ongoing attention to this serious matter. Big up’s to them.
DeBarclay reeks of Glenda.
You’re onto it.
Considering our virtually non existent legal aid….
Who audits the Prime Ministers fund? What other stuff has it paid for? A lot of national mps have been removed from parliament. Has any money been spent on them?
That would make an interesting read.
When can we expect the Herald to begin it’s “Pay it Back’ campaign as they did with such alacrity when Helen’s pledge card was paid by the Prime Ministers fund?
I remember a song called ‘The Twelfth of Never’. and I think that is about when you will see the Herald start that campaign..
In Vino – Johnny Mathis sang that song and its a lovely song. My dear old Dad loved it as well – but you are correct – this loss of tax payer’s money going into lawyer’s fees etc is a rort of the first order. As for the MSM media bringing some light into this corruption – its the 12th of Never alright.
The Ranfurly Rabbit has obviously learnt a few tricks from Uncle John and the Big Double Dipper.
What is this Prime Ministerial Fund? For what purpose is it used for and how is it funded? Anybody know?