Written By:
lprent - Date published:
3:26 pm, September 19th, 2010 - 36 comments
Categories: admin, The Standard -
Periodically I have a look at the stats captured for the site. This time I thought I’d show you some of them for the last three months. I’ve picked out what browser and operating systems people have been using.
This is measured in visits, so it will over represent frequent visitors. But it is an interesting mix.
1. | Firefox | 36.58% |
2. | Internet Explorer | 34.01% |
3. | Safari | 15.98% |
4. | Chrome | 10.41% |
5. | Opera | 1.96% |
6. | Opera Mini | 0.29% |
7. | Mozilla | 0.25% |
8. | Mozilla Compatible Agent | 0.15% |
9. | BlackBerry9700 | 0.08% |
10. | safari | 0.05% |
1. | Windows | 75.54% |
2. | Macintosh | 18.88% |
3. | Linux | 2.43% |
4. | iPhone | 1.70% |
5. | iPad | 0.40% |
6. | iPod | 0.39% |
7. | not set) | 0.29% |
8. | BlackBerry | 0.15% |
9. | Android | 0.13% |
10. | Nintendo Wii | 0.04% |
1. | Internet Explorer / Windows | 34.01% |
2. | Firefox / Windows | 30.88% |
3. | Safari / Macintosh | 13.06% |
4. | Chrome / Windows | 8.37% |
5. | Firefox / Macintosh | 4.09% |
6. | Opera / Windows | 1.64% |
7. | Firefox / Linux | 1.56% |
8. | Safari / iPhone | 1.55% |
9. | Chrome / Macintosh | 1.50% |
10. | Chrome / Linux | 0.54% |
11. | Safari / Windows | 0.44% |
12. | Safari / iPad | 0.37% |
13. | Safari / iPod | 0.37% |
14. | Mozilla / Windows | 0.18% |
15. | Opera Mini / (not set) | 0.17% |
16. | Opera / Macintosh | 0.17% |
17. | Opera / Linux | 0.10% |
18. | BlackBerry9700 / BlackBerry | 0.08% |
19. | Safari / Linux | 0.08% |
20. | Safari / Android | 0.08% |
are people still using IE? i hate it with a passion. windows is better than mac in all other respects except IE. is chrome available for the macs yet?
I am with you there about IE, T.R… I am stuck with Vista and wouldn’t use that if I had an option (i.e., I was more knowledgeable!)
Go here to download firefox
Should install without hassles
Interesting stats. Surprised to see Mac as high as it is given its share of computers worldwide. Perhaps Apple users are more likely to visit blogs than Windoze owners.
Interested also in the comment that Windows is a superior platform in all respects except IE. Tried working in two Excel documents simultaneously on a PC? Works seemlessly on Leopard OS X 5. Would love to know the answer as have to use both platforms.
I am on a Mac using Chrome. I LOVE using chrome compared to both Safari on Mac and IE on Windows.
I don’t use windows as a working platform because it tends to fall over after I’ve been using an installation for a few years.
I’ve programmed on it for the last 20 odd years. But these days I tend to work mostly on server side code or embedded. Windows 7 appears to be getting more reliable, but i can now do everything on Linux.
Macs are pretty damn stable. Lyn has a 5 year old laptop that has been thrashed a lot. Still as stable as when it was installed
All comes down to how you use it. Windows 7 is rock solid.
All comes down to how you use it
Agreed. I have a 6 year old installation of server 2003 that is stable as hell. But I also never install anything on it apart from security updates. In fact I have a few similar installations worldwide. Previous NT, and 2000 servers were the same. I only upgraded them when microsoft dropped support or there was a feature that I needed.
However I’m a programmer with a hell of a pile of toolkit and a continual need to install and evaluate software. In my experience, it only becomes a question of time before the windows installation fails. That has happened with every version from windows 1.x that I installed in the late 80’s to vista. These days I have a viable alternative so I’m not going to carry on testing if Microsoft has finally managed to stabilize their OS.
I’ll just run windows in virtual box or vmware on top of a stable OS when I need to write code for it on boxes that I control. That way I can just keep snapshots of installed windows versions. When they fail, I just boot another copy up.
Windows 7 is rock solid.
But I seem to have heard that before. You can’t really find out until after a few years after installation and use. Saying it at this point is simply an article of faith
That might be me on the Opera Mini.
A lot of corporates and governments are stuck on IE6 because their internal systems, like SAP, support nothing else without a hugely expensive upgrade.
Management feels this is fine, because computers are an unfortunate neccessity and they see no need for upgrades, ever.
The standard geek answer to this is that they should rebuild their systems every month using the cool platform de hour, e.g Ruby/Rails and one of those NoSql databases. Which is great, because people won’t notice not having groceries or EFTPOS for a year during the transition.
But I digress.
V interesting. Not sure how accurate the stats, in as much as many of us catch you on a reader. I rarely visit although I would be a regular reader of the blog and since the beginning. 🙂
I am a linux/chrome hassle free and happy user. Keep up the good work.
Not that many on rss. Can’t remember the figures offhand but it is at a similar page view level to the iPhone/ipad compared to the rss gateway on our system. Unlike the iPhone/pad it is falling as a percentage as the site volume goes up.
It looks like there was a lot of rss users amongst the sites early adopters, but rss isn’t really getting traction amongst the bulk of new viewers..
Is chrome now native on Linux? I was using it a bit on wine….
Yep, works flawlessly and has flash built-in if I remember correctly> I’m a Ubuntu/Firefox dude myself, only thing that’s letting me down is the cruddy old hardware 😉
The nice thing with Linux is how well it works on the old hardware. I do a lot of coding on modern 486’s, arm9s and the like in every alternate job. It is amazing how well Linux performs on that hardware doing frame buffer gui. The same OS runs on my quad cored work station with up to date nvidia.
If you have a desktop, you can usually find some old hardwre cheaply around trade me on dead machines. Use those to upgrade
It is – great….
Yeah, Chrome was released for Linux late last year… seems the sensible choice now if you have a decent system.
Dave… if you’ve got issues with the speed of your hardware, try Xubuntu/Midori or a similar low resource combo. Or, if you’re really keen, old hardware loves Arch Linux.
Safari on an iMac.
Safari on MacBookPro and iPhone. Am starting to get a lot more Flash crashes in Safari so will probably move back to Firefox.
Poor Opera, still hanging in there as an also-ran. Interesting that at least a couple of people visit this site on a Wii (no way I could seriously surf using that). I use chrome at home and firefox at work.
Lprent: What amount of visitors to the site are you getting ? Just wondering..
We don’t disclose those actual numbers. But amongst the blogs we really only have kiwiblog in front and no one particularly close behind from the available numbers on open sites like Open Parachute. You can also get a vague idea from sites like alexa. But their numbers are very inaccurate.
We’ve never been all that fussed about overall numbers which is why we never bothered to publish them. It is pretty easy to raise numbers by doing the dog whistle tricks. But that isn’t the way to build a sustainable community.
We used to sporadically supply tumeke with numbers, but that seems to have gone defunct. Mostly I keep an eye on the numbers because we have to for the neilsons and advertising and because they show site issues in aggregate.
But I suspect that eventually we will overhaul kiwiblog on most measures and within a reasonably short timeframe.
I didn’t say what i used..
Mostly firefox on ubuntu both at home and work and very occasionally if i boot into vista on the laptop or server 2003 on the home server. But I also use safari on windows, opera on both platforms, sea monkey on ubuntu. Also use safari and firefox on a Mac when I’m testing.
Lot more recently on safari on iphone and iPad.
You should give Chrome a try, it really is faster than Firefox, and I quite like the minimal interface. Only reason I use firefox (and an old version, at that) at work is ’cause some web apps at work don’t work with Chrome.
I’ve used chrome in windows (and wine). But I wasn’t aware that they’d released a Linux version?
cool… works well.
Is it any wonder an operating system called Android is used by 0.08%?
Actually it’s used by 0.13% (0.08% being the Safari / Android combination). I think (lprent can correct me if I’m wrong) that it’s Google’s attempt at building its own OS, now that its browser seems to be making some headway.
I’m using Firefox on Windows. I’m a bit surprised that Macintosh is so far ahead of Linux, but then again, although I’ve been wanting to try out Linux for years now, it doesn’t seem to be a practical system to use unless you’ve got a tame Linux guru on tap to explain the weird bits to someone who just uses computers as tools, not as an end in themselves.
It is a *nix os for smart phones from google and others. It is starting to look like it will be pretty damn big over the next couple of years. I will probably shift across to it when I change phones next, mostly because I don’t need a Mac to do development on it. It also doesn’t require jail breaking and I can get rid of !!!!!! iTunes
Btw. Ubuntu is pretty damn easy to install and run. You can go under to covers if you want to, but almost all of the standard functions are easy from gui.
My 70 year old tecnophobe father ran it for a couple of years on his old laptop. Shifted to windows vista with the new laptop and has been complaining ever since.. My mother is getting a iPad for Xmas for surfing and books and so she stops taking dads iPhone away from him.
But their next computer will be a mac. He likes the feel of the os
What is the traffic from various parts of the world like? – Is there much geographic spread? Or will that be the subject of another post?
I am based in China but use a VPN most of the time so I assume the metrics would be saying that I visit the site from the United States? You may be interested to know that the standard isn’t blocked in anyway by the great firewall of China. Although that seems to be in a state of flux so who knows maybe one day?! 🙂
Btw I’m using good old firefox on windows 7 – a great albeit boring mix imho!
Almost entirely from nz. Well over 95%
I saw that we weren’t blocked by the great firewall when I tested using routed 5 months ago. But as you say – always in a state of flux
Just out of curiosity, do you know the stats for what part of NZ most of us come here from?
I have an uneasy feeling it’s disroportionately ChCh south, which doesn’t (if true) bode well for the left in the rest of the country.
From the recent earthquake, there weren’t that many commenters from Canterbury.
I was from Canterbury years back which is why I was there last week…also a long stint in Auckland. Lots of us are from alll over. Just reading the regular comments you get a feel for where people are based, and I think that the representation is well spread out across the country.
I use IE logging onto The Standard from one of my jobs. They won’t allow us to use Firefox. At home I usw Vista & Firefox mostly. Windows usually is fine for my needs and works well over several years. But I don’t programme, play games, build websites or generally do any fancy stuff.
A mixture of Firefox, Opera and Chrome for web development. Chrome as my main browser because of it’s speed, and ever increasing list of great add-on extensions 🙂 And at the moment, I swap between Ubuntu and Fedora Linux…and Free-bsd just for the hell of it. No Micro$oft junk here thanks.