Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
8:35 pm, September 7th, 2023 - 13 comments
Categories: election 2023, nz first, winston peters -
With the nomination period closing within a week or so I wonder why NZ First has not published its list yet?
Political tragics like me are wondering where they will place their cooker candidates and how many of them will be in electable positions, presuming that NZ First gets back into Parliament.
There is this list on the party’s website but I wonder if it is accurate. Anne Degia-Pala is at number 3 and I would be surprised if that was the case. I have helped her with local body campaigns when she was a member of the Labour Party. If she is at number 3 it must be an interesting list.
The delay was foretold in this Stuff article. Peters has said that the release of the list is a week away.
You have to wonder why. Are they still performing background checks? Do they think that Kirsten Murfitt is too much of a cooker even for NZ First’s new anti vax audience? Shouldn’t the people of New Zealand be allowed to conduct backgroom checks on who their MPs might be?
No doubt if you asked Peters about this he would abuse you and talk about something else. But democracy works best when we know who we are voting for.
Strange company, even for Winston.
Hope he manages to get 4.9 %, all help accepted.
Yes 4.9% would be a fitting result for the aging Gargoyle.
Some odd electorate results may happen also–Act in Tamaki? and Matt King (Democracy NZ) in Northland? Mr King has blanket sign coverage (outstanding in their fields) in parts of Northland
A double denier…
Went from the Nats..to Democracy NZ..next ship ?
He is a shocker alright. Big smile, roams around the North a lot lately.
During peak COVID he was invited by Hone Harawira to spend time on some of the Tai Tokerau Border Control sites to see what actually happened there, and he was a no show. A lot of Pākehā also supported TTBC at the time.
There has long been a dissident farmer group up here that do not automatically run with National, the Natzo candidate Grant McCallum is a dud. I am just hoping enough votes desert National to allow Willow Jean Prime back in, but I guess she has a high list placing anyway.
Is Grant McCallum enough of a dud to get in? Of course.
National's had wall to wall electorate MPs in Northland since the year dot. When National hasn't been in Government they've gone berserk about the poor roads of the region.
So after recent years of caterwauling about the terrible roads the same mob which has overseen the appalling infrastructure for the best part of 75 years will get back in up there.
No worries though because McCallum says they're going to fix crime, education and the cost of living. Maybe with the overflow there'll be two seats together so he can sit with Maureen Pugh.
Why so negative with only 4.9%?
Nothing wrong with him getting 4.9999%!
NZ First List :
1 Winston
2 Winston
3 Winston
: )
Given that Jenny Marcroft has been fronting for them in at least some of the debates – surely she must be in a 'winnable' position (in the first 7). The website has her at no. 19.
[NB: I found the NZF candidate for my electorate on the list – which was entirely news to me – she has been completely and utterly invisible in the campaign to date]
Interesting new word "backgroom" – oddly appropriate 🙂
We know who will PROBABLY be on the list but not in what order.
As usual, Winston is playing this like a game of trivial pursuits. Keep everyone guessing, when you speak make only 1 in 4 things you say mean anything.
A vote for NZ First is primarily a protest vote – but what that means actually is debatable. Do NZ First offer a tangible set of policies that people can vote for or just a means of voting AGAINST "the system". This is a direct play for votes from the less outwardly rabid of the 2022 parliamentary grounds protestors. Winston wasn't hanging around them outside parliament for nothing, he was seeking his next voting base.
NZ First is the non-thinking voter's party.
"What are you protesting?" Um….
NZF is the thinking man’s party 🎉 with good policies and good people, hopefully Winston won’t shoot himself in the foot again this Election
are they just hanging off a few days to see if a few more ACT conspiracy candidates resign so Winston First can snaffle them?