Written By:
Bunji - Date published:
6:06 pm, January 27th, 2011 - 22 comments
Categories: john key -
Tags: hypocrisy, ireland
John Key 2008: Follow me and we’ll be like Ireland.
John Key 2011: Follow me or we’ll be like Ireland.
So, now having followed JK in 2k8 we’ll become like Ireland is now? Because his plans, such as they are, just lead in the same direction.
Key’s polling is absymal so they stage a you-like-him-dont-you poll that show Key is 50-50. Now they take their analysis about what issues, ideals, talking points are hurting Key, and the turn around and get Key to ‘feel’ the pain of th electorate. This means contradicting himself, over Ireland, over GST, over tax cuts creating huge debt because GST dropped (like that should not have been a shock) and how Key has our back when it comes to selling NZ cheap to foreigners.
You can tell the idiots, they support JK, anyone who thinks this lying bag of shit platitudes is a PM worthy of support is a idiot. Only an idiot would cheer JK when the economy is failing, is going to continue failing, and Key has nothing.
Sure we all get the bandwagon effect where if the economy is doing well you support the business party because then you get to crow. But when the business party is so crony, so corrupt in its language, why would anyone still trust Key?
Labour should have known Key would flip and start talking yet more nonsense that didn’t make sense to Key’s previous positions. But where is Labour, why hasn’t Labour got its own newsvideo center with its own past list of Key’s contrary statements and posting them on YouTube? I mean it why isn’t there a before and after Ireland video viral on the web, before debt and after debt.
Labour has to be bit careful about playing the “you said this” game because they are guilty of it too. I suspect they are resisting the urge in an effort to stay positive during the campaign. But, look – Here’s what David Cunliffe said about PPPs in August 2010:
And here’s what David Cunliffe said about PPPs just two months later in November 2010:
There’s the PPP flip-flop aspect but there’s also the subtle non-difference between “selling” state assets and “leveraging” state assets. Neither is acceptable yet both main parties appear to have very little else to offer. Do we sell the house, or mortgage the house – what would you prefer: Coke or Pepsi?
The only party offering something new and sustainable is the Greens – policy which Labour has already started to nick.
Where is he leading us? Along an incomplete bike path?
Yeah, I remember Bill English coming to uni in early 2008 & earnestly telling us about how brilliant Ireland is and how New Zealand needs to turn into the ‘Celtic Tiger’ of the Pacific by becoming a financial hub, rah rah rah and the rest of it.
So successful for UK that finance is almost the only part of the economy they have left.
Why worry about the unemployed or the little people when you are getting unlimited million pound bonuses?
The little people, CV? It’s worse than I thought if even the Leprechauns are doing it tough.
Financial Feudalism rulz, ok.
Captcha: occupied… by the men in pinstriped suits
From what’s been in the news re Britain’s situation the bankruptcy papers ready, they just haven’t filed them yet.
Wonder how John could answer your point Bunji? His troopers who write so vigorously here will be hard put to counter. John’s words speak for himself.
Hmmm – they’ve been pretty quiet so far. Must be because it was posted outside work hours. They’ll catch up.
John Key October 2007
Here is at least one more thing NZ shares with Ireland that we should get John Key to talk about
the KEY difference between Ireland and New Zealand is that we are not just off the coast of Europe
lol, what more needs to be said?
It was only back in December that Key was confirming he still wanted us to copy Ireland http://thestandard.org.nz/key-still-wants-to-be-ireland/ just as he was still saying debt wasn’t a problem.
it’s like they had a meeting when they got back from holiday and said ‘ok what is going to be our excuse for privatisation? anyone?’ there was an awkward silence and english said ‘debt?’ and debt it was
hope you don’t mind that i made a new pic when i stickied this one, bunji.
no probs…
On tuesday you will have a new PM.