Written By:
lprent - Date published:
12:02 pm, August 6th, 2010 - 17 comments
Categories: auckland supercity, democratic participation, john banks, local government, vote smart -
From the Granny Heralds Sideswipe column.
Women blanked by Banks
A reader was enjoying a coffee with family at the mall on Sunday. “We were approached by John Banks, who introduced himself to my son and asked him what school he goes to. He then introduced himself to me and moved on, totally passing my partner and her 23-year-old daughter. He did the same at the next table. As he left I said that I thought women got the vote in 1893.”
Bloody hell. How long has John Banks been suckling at the teat of the taxpayers and ratepayers?
In the 1981 election, he stood in a different seat, Whangarei, and won. He would retain this seat for the remainder of his parliamentary career.
Banks retired from Parliament at the 1999 elections.
In 2001, he contested and won the Auckland City mayoralty
I’d say that John Banks is a professional politician if he has gone through almost three decades in politics.
In that time he obviously still has not figured out that women are slightly more than 50% of the electorate – that is outright stupid. Either that or it this episode defines who John Banks represents – the male knuckle scrapers of the world who have been trying to ignore women since they got to vote.
In either case, I’d suggest that women and any males who aren’t still living in the 19th century take note – and vote against the knuckle scraper.
You’re looking at it the wrong way, Lyn. In my experience women tend to be more politically aware and engaged and thus primed to ask the difficult questions*. With men, and boys, you can get away with “G’day, I’m _______. How ’bout them All Blacks, eh? Hope I’ve got your vote. Bye”.
Thus a canny professional politician eager to avoid questions he can’t, or doesn’t want to, answer avoids women.
* Sweeping generalisation I know, but broadly true in my experience.
Rex is on the money….Banks knows his limitations that’s why he declines most head to heads or debates.
Tis better to be thought of as an out of date cronie, troughing and fronting the NACT agenda than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
love to see Beatson carve him up like he dissected Blinglish with consumate ease.
David Beatson? Back doing interviews? Where?! Where?! Point me to a podcast if you’d be so kind.
And in sideswipe on Monday morning we read:
“Margaret writes in that whilst at a local cafe with her partner and his 24 year old son that John Banks approached her (ignored her partner & son) and asked her & her 23 year old daughter to go back to his Remuera palace for a spit roast”.
Ignore the women but go out at night to “feed the stray cats ” – as reported in the herald in the weekend.
Banks sure reverts to form when his minders are not whispering in his ear
I’m starting to feel sorry for John Banks. The stress, the interminable agony of waiting for a resolution to this seemingly eternal mayoral campaign ! His health seems to be suffering. No wonder he is taking short cuts.
It must seem that he is going through the motions, making up the numbers, so that someone else can reap the fruit of NACT plots and power-plays.
Can his heart still be in it ? He could be earning so much more as a Crosby/Textor advisor as part of Tony Abbot’s campaign across the Tasman.
Banks has been crosby/textored. Repeat the same mantra with as few words as possible ‘experience’ (as Police Minister; we should all be afraid of that mask), cautious spending (except on flowers and his salary), and now repeats all the grabbed and gagged places forced to be in Auckland, even Tuakau which isn’t even in Auckland (because Brown beat him on the ‘actually remembering there is life outside Auckland CBD’ Districts debate). Add that to the misogyny, the Kiwisaver investment shenannigans and the partnership with Don Brash, where Banks said that only selected Kiwisavers would be invited to join their Kiwisaver programme.
Using a mask of ‘niceness’ (think Key’s crosby/textor) to con Aucklanders.
Turning Auckland into a police state where he will not listen to Aucklanders.
Hates women.
Dodgy business dealings.
Will favour the rich and powerful, i.e. will ignore 99% of Aucklanders unless they are in ATA, own and/or control everyone else’s money, or were sitting to his right on stage at the last National party conference. The unholy trinity. Hide’s going to get jealous.
Washes his undies, which is okay, but in what sink?!
Beatson on stratos TV only as far as I know Rex maybe he’s podded up dunno.
Thanks TC. Nope, appears I can’t watch him online. Come on Stratos, get with this newfangled “internetz” thingy!
I can, however, watch “Bomber”. I can also set my hair on fire. I think I shall do neither, and for much the same reasons.
You have hair?
Damn that lying image.
Bloody Gravatar’s random cropping
I’ll comb it forward and re-up
I know the feeling. I have fine head of hair myself as long as the cameras don’t have any height.
Rex has got it right the knuckle dragger is a professional politician and knows his target vote. He knows women will see him coming a mile off. G’day hows the Holden John?
Holden ?
That would only if hes slumming it and uses the mayoral car.
Banks belongs to one of the fundamentalist Christian religions where woman only have a life in the kitchen and on the bed.
Women don’t have much too worry about Banks in the bedroom, he is a women hater and lives a false life. The only thing he is interested in screwing is our public assets