Written By:
lprent - Date published:
10:26 pm, January 21st, 2010 - 24 comments
Categories: admin, blogs -
I was pulling out the stats for 2009 so I could update Tumeke blog rankings about who authors on this site so Tim could update the names under our site name. Rather than just send it to him, I thought I’d post it here and send him a link
Because I wanted to understand the shift in the dynamic amongst authors, I included the post figures for the same authors from election year 2008.
AUTHOR | 2009 POSTS | 2008 POSTS |
Eddie | 418 | 29 |
Marty G | 291 | |
The Standard | 207 | |
Guest post | 194 | 25 |
lprent | 150 | 66 |
r0b | 137 | |
Zetetic | 134 | |
IrishBill | 112 | 128 |
Tane | 107 | 215 |
Steve Pierson | 107 | 768 |
all_your_base | 103 | 285 |
the sprout | 85 | |
John A | 54 | 21 |
Dancr / Dancer | 49 | 141 |
rocky | 37 | |
Michael Foxglove | 25 | |
Demeter | 14 | |
Sam Cash | 12 | 4 |
Redlogix | 11 | |
Tammy Gordon | 7 | |
others | 28 | |
TOTAL | 2254 | 1710 |
So more posts and by more people than in the election year, all with differing viewpoints of the left. People dropping in and out of authoring posts. Nearly two hundred Guest Posts 1, and hundreds of notices or reflection posts from other sites published as The Standard 2.
Apart from having to put up with a incompetent NACT government, it has been a good year for The Standard 3. We’re becoming the coop of left-leaning bloggers that was originally envisaged. Putting our various spins on the issues of the day, decade, and generations. We do this all with few resources apart from the awesome talents and dedication of the authors 5.
I’ll have a separate look at the comment stats sometime shortly so I can laud those who keep making our authors get that little bit better all of the time.
And well done to you all. For one living in Ruritorya, a read of and even occasional comment to a left wing blog is a looked forward to daily occurrence.
Lynn, lang may your lum reek.
But lprent, to blame Pratchett for the footnotes would imply there is something bad about footnotes. And that’s just a thoughtcrime.
Agreed – I’ll adjust the wording…….
It’s a crap excuse I know, but MartyG is just so damned good it’s intimidating. He writes all the posts I wish I could. Plus I’ve been out in the bush a lot more recently… frankly it’s better for me. (And maybe everyone else.. who knows.) Dreamtime.
All the same Lynn, many thanks for all the time and effort to keep The Standard going. It’s much appreciated.
Yeah, I know the feeling. But you notice that Eddies consistent posting all year put him at the top of the table. I had to check that….
Eddie wins!
Well done all. Especially you Lynn, balancing your many hats.
crikey. we talked about me doing the anchor role when SP and Tane left. I didn’t realise I had taken it that far. That’s about two every week day.
Dunno if I can keep that level up. And it’s good to cycle the main poster I reckon. Hey, Marty….
Footnotes 3 and 4 are interesting. Can the righties not believe what they read because what they themselves write are lies?
My personal thanks to The Standard – I’ve learned more from reading and participating here over the last year or so than I ever did in the last 10 years worth of MSM.
We won’t edit your content apart from egarious spelling mistakes
Oh very clever! That would be, “egregious”….
Damn – I forgot to spell check the post. American spell check coming up..
I thought it was deliberate! I’m sorry for “speaking” so rudely..
Nope. Just an oversight. I was so into ‘numbers’ mode that I forgot the ‘I am a lousy speller double check’.
I’m still finding errors in this post…
Brilliant work. It is nice to read a blog that is considered and measured. The comments are stimulating and we appreciate the moderation (albeit time consuming for you) that saves our senses from the sewer dwellers. And we know of course when you touch a nerve, because then the jack-booters attempt to stifle discussion with their grubby vitriol.
ha ha … the irony.
I’m sorry lprent, you know the rules on this one. “The Standard” is not an author it is a piece of software.
You are banned for publishing a table showing a piece of software authored 207 posts.
You must be a lot of fun at parties, burt.
We introduced ‘The Standard’ for all that impersonal stuff – events, notices etc. Even considered calling it something other than ‘The Standard’ just for people like you but then we thought ‘stuff it’
Its internal name (ie the one it got set up with) is something like ‘features and events’. But that was a bit unwieldy, too boring, and looked like categories.
There was a flurry of e-mails and no-one could think of anything better than the site name.
However, I don’t care if people refer to those posts as being The Standard. They seldom have opinion in them unless it comes from the whoever provided event data.
You just sound like you’re carping because you like whining. Must be time to take up fishing…
At least its better than a right wing collaborative site, that has only one author since sept last year…
cant be bothered mentioning his/her name… but I wish they would supress themselves
I haven’t commented here before, and I thought this would be a nice place to say ‘thank you’. I’ve been reading The Standard since early 2008 and I love it to bits. So thanks to everyone for all the hard work put into this.
Thanks for all the thought provoking material. Long may it continue.
As for the egregious American spelling what about the porangi Maori spelling – it’s TUMEKE not Tumuke FFS. Having said that… thanks for the blog authors update (and the interesting posting data). I will most likely complete the December survey by Monday and will have incorporated your update.
If you would like to add the blog author’s party affiliations that would be of some value to the blogosphere audience too.
Sorry. For some reason I had more errors in this post than almost any others.
One problem is that I really don’t know many of the authors party affiliations, and many of them are typically GenX/Y and deeply ambiguous.
They are usually left, some support Labour, many are green in attitude and sometimes party, and some (like IrishBill) appear to only have party affiliations to stop a party or candidate from losing their deposits.
However I’m left / labour. However I think I write the majority of the ‘green’ posts on this site because of my science background……
Labels are a bit tricky around here…
I’d say the Standard is by far the most informative and well-researched political blog in NZ. Big ups guys! You’ve become an indispensable part of this left-leaning political nerd’s life. Long live the Standard!