Written By:
Zetetic - Date published:
10:12 am, March 20th, 2013 - 221 comments
Categories: david shearer, john banks, john key -
Key hid his Tranzrail shares while asking questions about Tranzrail because he’s a sneaky, avaricious bastard.
Banks filed a false election return keeping his big money donors secret because he’s corrupt.
Shearer forgot to declare his UN Bank account because he’s a bit of a munter.
Time will tell which the public tolerates more.
AND What about Banks directorship of the corrupt Hullic.
And as Associate Member of Education, he was on a committee that oversaw Talent2 and Novopay while still a shareholder in Talent2! Or have I got it wrong!
I am renewing my subscription to “Nats4Shearer”.
Keep up the good work David!!
Zet, how is it possible to forget about an account thats 50k or more in it? IMO you’re being quite generous to Shearer in your comments.
David Shearer is the biggest asset the Nats have at the moment.
I read that it’s well over 300k US.
Source? AFAIK Shearer isn’t commenting on it. There was no report on the figure on TV last night or radio this morning.
It’s always useful when someone shows their workings. thanks.
How can you forget about $70k Tranzrail shares ?
Probably quite easy if you’re a munter worth $50 million and have people managing your shares. It’s more difficult to argue that whne you have already declared them to IRD.
Did you not see the video of him being caught lying about them?
A lot of things are possible when you’re a bit of a munter.
Remember, Shearer came forward on this – ie. he wasn’t trying to hide it. Both Key and Banks had their covers blown.
Really? The rumour I heard was that a blogger had found out and pushed Shearer. In any case I’m pretty fucking sure that if I had an off-shore bank account with 50k+ in it, I wouldn’t have forgotten about it.
Was that WhaleSpew claiming credit again?
The thing is that Shearer hadn’t forgotten about the account, and wasn’t trying to hide it. He declared it to IRD, but somehow overlooked Parliament. He’s a bumbling idiot who should just get out of the road and take ABC with him, but there’s nothing to suggest he’s dishonest like Key, Banks, English, or probably even Shane Jones.
“The thing is that Shearer hadn’t forgotten about the account, and wasn’t trying to hide it. He declared it to IRD, but somehow overlooked Parliament.”
So he forgot to tell parliament he had more than US$50k stashed away.
Forgot and overlooked mean the same thing, but one is unnecessarily kinder.
Two words without need for benign propagandising, incompetence or deliberate.
How could he not fill in his declaration form without putting it down? I bet there’s a section that asks for overseas accounts.
There must be a contributor here with access to the parliamentary form. Post a copy and we’ll know how.
18 years of a UN crisis manager’s tax-free salary adds up to a lot more than 50K – easily in the millions.
And that’s one aspect right there. Shearer could declare the contents of the bank account today – but that would still say nothing of how much money has moved in and out of it in the last few years since he became an MP.
“The rumour I heard”
Could you describe the source in any way? What leads you to believe they’d be in a position to know?
That should be Labour’s slogan for 2015:
Vote for us, we are munters!
Nah… it’s “we’re n-not… umm… ruling anything in or anything… ah… not ruling anything out”. Labour-led Government 2014… guaranteed… you read it here… umm… first!!
NO NOT GOOD ENOUGH Zet! – Come on, thats simply nonsense to excuse DS with such ease.
The public should not tolerate any type of fraud/corruption/bent politicians, and the fact you ask the public to choose, is a sign of where NZ is at.
Would you like:
A: The criminal behind door number 1
B: The crinimal behind door number 2
Thats what we have in NZ!
This slightly retarded public of ours has shown that it already tolerates Key’s forgetfullness. He forgets most things and is relaxed about the rest yet he still enjoys unprecedented popularity.
How can Shearer criticise Key’s tardiness now. Cheers Mumblefuck for messing up again.
I stand corrected. This should be Labour’s slogan for 2015:
Slightly retarded public of New Zealand: vote for us!
Me gusta!
that is funny
Key hid his Tranzrail shares while asking questions about Tranzrail because he’s a bit of a munter.
Banks filed a false election return keeping his big money donors secret because he’s bit of a munter.
Shearer forgot to declare his UN Bank account because he’s a bit of a munter.
Key hid his Tranzrail shares while asking questions about Tranzrail because he’s corrupt.
Banks filed a false election return keeping his big money donors secret because he’s corrupt.
Shearer forgot to declare his UN Bank account because he’s he’s corrupt.
Either way Shearer has just demonstrated he’s no different. Unfortunately, being perceived as different was his only hope of making Labour electable.
“Shearer failed to declare his UN Bank account because he’s he’s corrupt.”
there – fixed it for you…
isn’t the difference that Shearer discovered his error, corrected it and fronted up, whereas Key and Banks tried to keep their dirty dealings secret and got sprung?
That’s the difference between being corrupt and being a munter.
Not if, as suggested above, it was about to be blown.
Hi Tiresias,
I’m having trouble following the logic in your comment. It appears to state that either all are corrupt or none are.
Can you explain it please?
Key hid his Tranzrail shares while asking questions.
Banks filed a false election return keeping his big money donors secret.
Shearer forgot to declare his UN Bank account.
In all three cases you can believe the ‘error’ arose from stupidity, memory lapse or corruption according to your perception of the man.
Perhaps Shearer’s one big advantage over the other two in the eyes of the uncommitted voter was that he seemed a little more honest and above-board, and that was his only plus point.
He’s just flushed that down the drain for me and I’m sure for many others as I have no more reason to believe his ‘explanation’ of ‘honest mistake’ that I do those of Key or Banks.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. So I don’t give anyone the chance to fool me twice.
“In all three cases you can believe the ‘error’ arose from stupidity, memory lapse or corruption according to your perception of the man.”
Yeah, and according to the available information.
But I still don’t see how your logic works. Why can’t one be corrupt and the other two be idiots? Or one be an idiot and the other two corrupt?
“Why can’t one be corrupt and the other two be idiots? Or one be an idiot and the other two corrupt?”
Because what you referring to there is the truth of the matter.
We the great unwashed don’t know the truth of the matter. We cannot know the truth of the matter. All we can do is to decide whether or not we believe the explanations and excuses of the person concerned, whether it be Key, Banks or Shearer.
Up until this morning I wouldn’t have believed a word Key or Banks said without independent verification, but I was prepared to take Shearer on trust because I had never previously been given reason to doubt his honesty. Now I have, which for me puts him on a par with Key and Banks.
Fair enough Tiresias, but I have to ask, what benefit was there to Shearer in not disclosing the account?
The point about the Tranzrail shares was the key had been asking odd questions about tranzrail.
The point about the Banks/dotcom stuff was that he was denying knowing about the donations it turned out he thanked him for.
But what’s the motive for Shearer? All he had to do was list an account on the register as having more than 50K. So what?
Depends which way the exchange rate is heading, doesn’t it? Perception of a conflict of interest is enough, isn’t it?
Isn’t it?
“But what’s the motive for Shearer?”
I’ve no idea.
“All he had to do was list an account on the register as having more than 50K. So what?”
Because there is a reason MPs are required to list these accounts. It is to avoid suspicions of undue influence and/or corruption. If you fail to list such accounts you raise suspicions of an ulterior motive. If you wish to avoid such suspicions you should be very careful indeed to follow the rules.
Shearer either failed to be careful enough or had an ulterior motive. Either way it is not a good look, and given my hard-earned mistrust of all and any politicians I find it difficult to accept his “I forgot I had this money” and shrug it off.
Sorry but I require the highest standards of integrity and care from anyone I would appoint to run the Country. “So what?” doesn’t cut it.
As previously explained, it’s not “I forgot I had this money”.
He fills in the register once a year (or just ticks what somebody else has done for him and he hasn’t read properly). There is no excuse for Shearer having such amateur processes/people in the leader’s office, but that is not the same as forgetting he had the account.
If you ticked “single” on a form but are married, that doesn’t mean you forget your partner exists, all year. It means you fill in forms thoughtlessly.
Shearer’s incompetence is staggering (not least his inability to see where this could lead in an election campaign – there’s a lot of questions there, when will he close the account?etc). But the popular perception of his “forgetting”, while terrible politically, isn’t actually true.
“He fills in the register once a year (or just ticks what somebody else has done for him and he hasn’t read properly). There is no excuse for Shearer having such amateur processes/people in the leader’s office, but that is not the same as forgetting he had the account.” – gobsmacked.
And that’s different from Banksie’s excuse re Dot Com’s campaign contribution how?
Don’t misunderstand me. I wouldn’t trust John Banks with a piece of used toilet paper. I think Shearer’s probably a trustworthy guy. But if you lie down with dogs you have to be very, very careful to avoid getting fleas and Shearer has been stupidly (at best) careless. And once people think you have fleas it is very, very difficult to get rid of that perception.
Sorry I was unclear. My “So what” wasn’t about the necessity of the register, it was about the supposed benefit Shearer gained in failing to list the account.
ie, So what is the political cost in listing the account which he avoided? The allegation seems to be that he gained something by not listing it. So what is this thing that he gained?
I agree that it’s not good enough, what I’m disputing is that it is hypocrisy; which requires the behaviour to be of the same type.
I think there are elements to the Key and Banks stuff that are not present in the Shearer thing, ie, grounds for suspicion that the ‘forgetting’ was convenient. How is this forgetfulness convenient for Shearer?
“How is this forgetfulness convenient for Shearer?”
It depends which way the exchange rates go. The test isn’t “convenience”.
Ethics are difficult. That’s why we have them.
yeah, but if he was not listing it because he wanted to talk the dollar down on the sly, then he’d hardly be the sort of person that leaves a sizeable amount of dosh sitting in a low interest account. He’s lost more money by doing that than he’d be likely to gain by somehow shifting the currency market.
So I think Occam’s razor still cuts towards doofus, which is not good, but qualitatively different from Banks.
Because he declared to IRD, four fucking times.
So let’s say he had declared the account. Who would have given a shit?
What would have happened?
What was he trying to hide, dumrse?
there is obviously some deep dark scandal that people think he was trying to hide.
So what is it? What could it be even?
That’s all I’m asking, and I’m not getting any answers that make sense.
I mean, it’s not like he had talent 2 shares while sitting on the Cabinet Committee on State Sector Reform and Expenditure Control while it was looking at Novopay before the rollout or anything, sheese.
Spot on, P’s B. For it be corruption, there has to be gain for someone. I don’t see anything here, other than thoughtlessness. It’s a weird mistake, but already tomorrow’s chip wrapping. Hell, if being so wealthy you can’t recall where it’s all stashed is a political problem, why do we still have Dunnokeyo as PM?
I still think it’s shit, but it’s not hypocrisy. Or at least, hasn’t been demonstrated as such.
I’m just wondering if any of these sure-of-themselves-clowns can actually string a thought together.
Felix? magic 8-ball lend me a hand?
You have NFI what you are talking about, neither does P’s B.
Tomorrows chip wrapper…
Wake up you snivelling little apologists!
So come on muzza.
What was he hiding?
No one would care that the account exists, so what reason would he have to hide it?
What’s the allegation here?
What reason is there to suspect that he is anything other than a clutz?
not saying being a being a clutz is a good thing, just that it’s different from being corrupt.
“I’m just wondering if any of these sure-of-themselves-clowns can actually string a thought together.
Felix? magic 8-ball lend me a hand?”
Signs point to no
There is one line that can be run about the political advantage that accrues to Shearer by not declaring the account. I mentioned it here:
I have no idea why Shearer failed to declare the account but, in the political cut-and-thrust world, this is definitely a line that can be run – with at least prima facie credibility – about what he was trying to do by, in this version, deliberately not declaring it.
(Imagine a political opponent running that line and then pressuring Shearer to let all New Zealanders know exactly how much money he has (and had) in the account; Shearer hesitating or stalling about the exact amount, and hence confirming that he doesn’t want people to know what amount is there which leads to the conclusion that, hey, he probably was trying to hide the account deliberately – QED.)
The problem is that a Shearer made very wealthy by his work at the UN doesn’t sit comfortably with the mango-peel motivation that is at the heart of his famous ‘backstory’ and which is supposedly one of the big electoral advantages he has. Protecting that backstory is presumably to his advantage.
There is therefore a plausible motivation to hide knowledge that his work at the UN made him very wealthy.
‘Advantage’ does not have to be financial.
This brings to light another question. If he has declared to the IRD 4 times, then it is because the amount is changing…probably interest earned (hopefully???). (i.e. you dont declare assets to the IRD, just income).
The question is why didn’t he convert it when the exchange rate was more favourable over that 4 year period. Maybe he is waiting until he becomes prime minister, implement QE, drop the NZD/USD cross rate and make a killing on his US dollars. Perhaps he is a clever bastard after all.
Somehow I dont think so.
I don’t know the guy, and very little of his history. I’ve no idea why he might have wanted to hide this account from us.
Maybe when he put himself up for selection for Mt. Albert he might have thought it not a good look for a prospective Labour (Socialist?) MP to have a (very?) large sum of money sitting in a foreign bank account – perhaps even that it might conflict with the honest, homespun, ‘there’s more to life than money’ image he might have trying to project to the electorate. And of course having done so he could hardly then turn around and declare it without unveiling the deception.
Having a US$ bank account outside New Zealand does make it easier for dollar notes in brown paper envelopes to be sent discretely, anonymously and safely. I’m not saying that has ever been done, of course, or even that’s what it’s for, but it could have been.
But in truth I’ve no idea why he might have wanted to overlook the existance of this account – but it’s apparent that he did and the fact I can’t come up with a cast-iron reason for it doesn’t mean there wasn’t one. Maybe I just don’t have enough information, or a lurid enough imagination.
Yeah. there isn’t really any obvious plausible reasons to doubt that it was anything more than stupidity.
trouble is that Key and Banks still haven’t admitted to doing anything wrong !
Are you kidding zetetic? Can you not hear how hypocritical you sound? When its someone from the right they are corrupt and when its someone from left it was just an accident! Wake up
Nothing to do with from the left or right. It’s basic character analysis.
If Helen Clark was in Shearer’s position, nobody would believe she had forgotten. She had incredible attention to detail. She had decades of experience. She had an outstanding chief of staff – no way would Heather Simpson let this happen.
Shearer is just way out of his depth, a total lightweight, and unsupported by anybody who is half as good as Simpson, Cullen, etc. The sad part is not that Shearer stuffing up is unbelievable, but that it’s all too believable.
If the Right want to push a “corruption!” line, feel free. Nobody will buy it.
“If the Right want to push a “corruption!” line, feel free. Nobody will buy it.”
Banks is certainly trying his hardest, by deliberately and repeatedly calling it a “secret bank account” with “money stashed away”.
Shearer could come out and say this:
“Alright Mr Banks, if you seriously think that I should resign for forgetting this, then I’ll make you a deal. You resign as Member for Epsom and leave parliament, and I will resign as Member for Mt Albert and leave parliament. Balls in your court”.
But can you redraft that for fewer words please.
At the 45-word count, it is too risky to get Shearer to read that aloud.
Also, there’s not much time left between now and Question Time at 2pm for him to rehearse.
“I would have remembered it if it was a 200 kilo donor with a german accent.”
Why would the media ask Banks for his opinion anyway, unless they were deliberately trying to inflame a situation.
Lets hear Shearer go on the attack against Banks..
Off you go David, David!
Oh, you can’t go on the attack now, sorry bad line David, you’re not in parliament to provide credible opposition, whats that, the line is breaking up, you were placed into your leadership role, to allow continuity of agenda, something about your back story, your back story…what, bad line here David, your back story was massaged, and the causcus have sold out NZ again just like all previous governments since the 50’s, and you’ve sold out as well….Ok, got all that!
Sounds like a win/win…
Lotza LOLz!
Not lightweight enough to declare it for tax purposes though. Sort of a middle weight then? Or old enough to know better? I mean he is only the leader of the opposition, we can’t hold him to the same standards we expect of everybody else.
I get why this place is called the standard now. Finally.
Erm, he declared it for tax purposes.
We do hold him to the same standards as everyone else. You should have little trouble finding examples of us doing exactly that, to the occasional consternation of others of us.
Which taxes for which financial period.
I note Zetetic said that Shearer could have been completing a US income tax return. So Zet is implying that Shearer may have US income and a US tax residency status which requires doing that.
time for a sit down and cup of tea
Actually, the more credible view is that you are half right and Shearer is not corrupt but an accident.
Shearer is Labour’s accident post-Goff and, as observed below at (8), is a train wreck in motion going into 2014.
More Labour caucus members should be jumping off that train. Most of the wider membership should be off it by now.
The other option would be for the lame duck to give up backing the dead horse.
Well, can’t say I’ve gone “off” Key and Banks or run out of tolerance for them because I was never “on” them and never tolerated them.
Anyway, even the most generous interpretation of Shearer’s behaviour – that he is an idiot – won’t help. Incompetence gets punished at the polls as much as corruption, if not more so.
Currently I feel that I’m watching a train wreck that is not only in slow motion, but looped as well. Shearer stuffs up again, and again, and again… and again… and again… and… again… and…
How this man can even feed himself is beyond me – I have visions of him wearing a bib and his wife holding a spoon and making aeroplane noises.
+1 Rhino
From having had a degree of hope for Labour under Shearer, I’m now finally driven to despair.
Forget despair, try a gin and lime.
Rather prefer beer, natural beer, as the hops in it makes for additional relaxing, which is the healthy bit about drinking good beer (in measure and moderation).
How this man can even feed himself is beyond me – I have visions of him wearing a bib and his wife holding a spoon and making aeroplane noises.
Thanks Rhinocrates, I needed that laugh out load:-)
nice one
(laf out ‘load’ just saying?) stuff did come out tho
High farce in that shrieking narcissist Botox Banks calling for Shearer’s resignation.
“Hey you blinking, sour-mouthed punk……..you didn’t resign over far worse……..so fuck off !”
Take the worst view of Shearer that is possible and you end up with this –
LIKE Key and Botox the failed memory is bullshit.
UNLIKE Key Shearer’s money is unconnected to a (then) specific issue – Tranzrail
UNLIKE Botox Shearer’s omission does not go to corrupting the electoral process (Dotcom)
UNLIKE Key and Botox Shearer ‘fessed up.
Not to say that Shearer hasn’t yet again put himself in the shittiest spot. Gives dogs like Key, Botox and Love-Perks Hide the occasion to liken Shearer’s dithering oranges to their rotten apples.
One consolation – there’s no-one in New Zealand who doesn’t smell the stench which still wafts from the shrieking narcissist Botox Banks. It will be that way ake ake ake. History will define political slime by his name.
Farce indeed. That’s how bad DS is, he cedes the moral high ground to a bigot fuck nugget.
If only Banks didn’t have it right, it would be funny.
“UNLIKE Key Shearer’s money is unconnected to a (then) specific issue – Tranzrail
UNLIKE Botox Shearer’s omission does not go to corrupting the electoral process (Dotcom)”
Sorry, but we don’t know what Shearer’s money is connected to, do we? So who’s to say it might not have trickled its way into Labour Party coffers – bypassing all accounting – in an election? In politics even a ‘might’ packs a wallop.
“UNLIKE Key and Botox Shearer ‘fessed up”
I suspect Banksie would have “fessed up” had some whiff that Labour had hold of the SkyCity donation matter before it was launched at him, thereby being able to take some control of the matter. Who now can rush into the streets shouting “scandal, scandal. Shearer has an undeclared foreign bank account.”
‘Fessed up on his own, without anyone knowing about it before he did. That’s the difference.
And as for this shit about “where did the money come from…..?” Well the slimey little no morals turd Botox doesn’t actually believe the darkness suggested in that. Little bitch is just revelling in the momenatry release from his own cognisance that he’s the most disrespected creep in New Zealand politics. The arsehole who no-one wants to be in the orbit of. Except the acutely unfunny Jam Hopkins Anus Climber.
And you don’t believe it either Tiresias. How could a congenital narcissist like Botox ever contemplate saying “Oh golly………I was wrong”, before the event. Certainly after the event he’s still claiming that not only was he not wrong but he’s also a bugle of righteousness.
Shearer has fucked up for sure. In fact watched Cunliffe today delivering an excellent “rally the troops” speech in the General Debate on the bennie bashing bill. Were I Cunliffe can’t say I’d feel inclined to give it but I guess tht’s a mark of the stoutness of the man. But let’s not get carried away. Shearer is a duffer, granted, but he’s not a malignant piece of shit like that little bitch Botox. Yeah……..a little bitch !
I hope the difference is that Shearer will see what a liability he is to his party and he will resign his position and allow someone slightly more competent to lead Labour – I say slightly more competent as I have no faith the party will come up with anyone much better
The real difference is PR strategies – Nats: hide, bluff and lie, Act: lie, Labour, pretend to be honest and ‘own’ your mistakes
“I have no faith the party will come up with anyone much better”
Shearer will see what a liability he is to his party
No, it’s all our fault for not appreciating him, and besides, it’s LINO’s (Labour in Name Only) turn. They’re going to win, or they would if people wouldn’t express their opinions. He deserves to lead because reasons. Because it’s their turn. Reasons, OK? Shut up, you’re the real enemy, not National.
And in any case, they may be on the seabed of the North Atlantic, but they’re damn fine deckchairs and they have the very best – absolutely guaranteed! – positions! Why, James Cameron himself will be filming them and they’ll be stars!
In fact, it’s all part of a cunning plan within a plan. You see? That’s their media strategy! Go down with the Titanic , have James Cameron launch an expedition to explore the wreck, get filmed and achieve instant fame!
To surpass that, John Key would have to go to Mars or something.
It can’t possibly fail.
So, declare to the IRD but parliament. Yea real bumbler there. Calling key sneaky and avaricious is just plain envy for his success if you are trying to find semantics to excuse this.
Hypocrisy and bereft of intelligence, now morally questionable, The “caring” left.
It’s obvious and has been for some time that Shearer is no spokesperson for the “caring” left, or any left whatsoever. That’s why you uncaring right have been so fond of him.
Semantics. you lead a party, you are supposed to embody its virtues. I mean, he has been ratified by caucus as the parliamentary leader. Of the the largest party in opposition. Which is entirely left wing. So by default the leader of the caring left.
“Semantics. you lead a party, you are supposed to embody its virtues.”
Supposed to but doesn’t, answered your own question ya muppet.
It’s not often you’re right but you’re wrong again.
What question?
I see no question marks? I haven’t raised my inflection at the end of my sentence. I made a series of factual statements.
So, what question? or give yourself an uppercut and go crawl back under your rock
Oh I am sorry, quite correct, you didn’t ask a question, you just spewed out your usual complete shite. Good on you for ignoring the point though, I wouldn’t expect anything less from a traitor such as yourself.
David Shearer isn’t the ‘leader of the left’ and the Labour party isn’t an entirely left wing party. This isn’t semantics (except in your little ignorant mind), this is fact. David Shearer himself confessed he didn’t ‘buy into the whole left/right thing” during a tv interview. Labour have self described as a centre-left party many times.
All you’re really saying is that YOU admire Key because he’s rich. Shearer or the Left got nothing to do with it. Your little cargo-culty fingeries just tapped out a positive projection that’s all.
Like always …. It’s different when Labour do it … When National do it they need to be held to account but Labour …. We need to move on….
I’m now just waiting for the standard MP response of “Others did it too” … Such children… Never take responsibility or stand accountable…
No Burt thats Bullshit commenters at the standard have said over and over that Shearers non disclosure of this Bank account is not acceptable. I dont particularly care why he has done it or if it is just an error but I and many others expect more of a Labour Leader. I would add that he should resign as he is proving as many of us knew he would to be a total bloody waste of space and political time.
So Burt what about Banks and Key do they both desrve to go?
Oh hi, the retard from glen Eden pipes up. Got a source for commenters at the standard saying its not acceptable? It would of course carry more weight from one of the authors.
“Got a source for commenters at the standard saying its not acceptable?”
Wow. Don’t read the threads much eh Tighty?
No. too busy. So please provide a source. I haven’t seen a post out and out critical of david shearer for this. I don’t expect too the way i would expect to see a post critical of john banks or john key for the same behaviour. But open mike is hardly a favorite thread of mine, the big circle jerk that it is.
Head just exploded.
Too busy…….what ? Too busy to read ? Open Mike not your favourite ? What ? Well fuck off to that horse Maggie Barry’s gardening show and slot yourself on the rough end of a pineapple then. Replayed on the Living Channel or Heartland or something.
“Please provide a source” in this connection is a mark either of an illterate or an obstinate, prevaricating weakling.
Tight arse almighty why do you bother posting, theirs been more than enough criticism of Shearer in this column from the left!
Jez. You’re the brain-dead one, either that or you’re incapable of comprehending the comments because of some kind of brain dysfunction.
The most charitable comment I have seen here is in the post, where Zet described Shearer as being a bit of a munter. The most charitable comment I have seen outside the blog has come from John Key.
Are you trying to look stupid or does that come naturally?
Of course…. But they did what Shearer will do and said it was an honest mistake… You know, like when you are speeding and you say – sorry officer I didn’t notice … and hey others were doing it too and it’s not fair to just prosecute me….. They let you off – right …
Depends how rich you are. You got a spare $US 320,000 in the bank that you’re not going to miss?
I find it all to easy too believe that Shearer could have just forgotten to disclose this money, he just seems to be that kinda incompetent kinda guy and he is obviously very poorly supported by his staff. Those things I can kinda wave away as being of little regard, he is a tool who fucked up again…move along.
What I cannot understand or forgive is why anyone with half an ounce of financial literacy would have a large sum (and I believe it will be $250K +++) sitting in a offshore account earning sweet fuck all (1% pre tax?) while he is paying a mortgage in NZ at approx 5%out of tax paid earnings. Shearer makes Red Russell look like an economic genius.
But he really is the gift that just keeps on giving
It also explains why he’s going to such lengths to talk down the NZ dollar – he’s dropped a bundle on the strengthening of the NZD over the past few years and wouldn’t get a red cent back if he repatriated his millions today
Yes we could rattle on with conspiricy theory about how much Shearer would stand to gain personally if he and Russell went ahead with the rank stupidity of QE while they destroyed the value of everything within New Zealand.
But we wont.
Oh go on David C please, because I don’t think you have any idea what Russell Norman was proposing, which was basicly the government taking care of some QE instead of the banks doing it for them and charging us all interest on that money.
The stuff in NZ will have the same real world value and utility after the USD ends as before.
A good opposition leader has to attack the problem and not be the problem.
I would prefer Cunliffe as leader to Shearer because Cunliffe attacks the problem better than Shearer does. Cunliffe was not vocal in February because he probaly does not mind if Robertson takes over from Shearer because then Cunliffe will get promoted.
I think that when the Gay Marriage Bill is passed that this will be the green light for Robertson to become the Labour leader. In July 1975 Young (National) had a bill to legalise homosexuality, the result was defeated 34 – 29 with an abstention of 23. Had this bill been passed, Muldoon would never have done what he did to Moyle. I am trying to say that when there is equality there is a change in attitude.
Shearer’s credibility will take a knocking and this is not in the best interest of the Labour caucus.
Robertson is doing a good job in trying to get to the bottom of the seven month gap (February 2012 – September 2012 that Key has over not being informed by GCSB or the police about spying being illegal on Kim Dotcom.
This is how I think it is going to play.
If Key was told that the spying was illegal before he has stated that he knew he will be protected.
Someone at the GCSB assumes that Key knew just because he knew about the 20 January raid.
Many years ago in my youth I was told something of importance by a person I was involved with, an inquiry occurred, but I did not know that the person I was involved with had name suppression. The person who told me of the incident did not stop to realise that I did not know their name had been with held and this person has been protected by the police for 35 years.
The bar must be pretty low to get a job with the U.N
he was in charge of throwing mango skins
The supporters of Slippery’s National Government have nothing to crow about here, the bloke asking the questions of Shearer in the Parliament over this ‘bank account’ is none other than John Banks,
Now ask yourself this, who was the last member of the Parliament befor Shearer to make an amended statement to the Parliament over having not filled out the statutory duty for an MP to correctly disclose their assets in the register of MP’s pecuniary interests,
Well none other than the Member for Epsom John Banks, so hypocrisy cannot be any higher,(or is that lower), than Bank’s questioning of Shearer over the same thing,
Having thought about this issue while i did my hour of gardening this morning i will now voice my serious disquiet over the David Shearer ‘bank account’ and my thoughts here would be that there can only be one means of Shearer retaining ANY shred of credibility with the voters and Labour Party members,
That means MUST be that Shearer expose this ‘bank account’ to the full scrutiny of the public and the media,
IF David Shearer cannot or will not expose the full details of this ‘bank account’, (IE the bank statements showing ALL activity in that account SINCE he became a Member of the New Zealand Parliament), then i have to say that David Shearer is NOT FIT to be either the Leader of the Opposition OR the next Prime Minister of New Zealand…
I was about to ask the question below and then I saw that you raised the matter.
I want to know what the activity is on the account?
Failing to connect (not declaring) can be put down to human error or an inept system/personnel. In Shearer’s favour, he is taking responsibilty, which is the honest thing to do.
Yes, i am not about to speculate upon how much money is in this David Shearer ‘bank account’, IF such monies in that account are simply ‘spare’ cash plus interest from David Shearers formr occupation with the UN then that is all well and good,(it does tho then ask the question of the UN about just how much it pays it’s employees),
IF there has been income into that David Shearer ‘bank account’ of anything other than interest payments on the money on deposit then i would suggest that the Leader of the Opposition resigns immediately both as Leader and as the MP for Mt Albert,
I would suggest that if David Shearer refuses to disclose the details of transactions through that ‘bank account’ while He has been both an MP and Leader of the Opposition then He ‘has something to hide’,
Having made the error of not disclosing such a ‘bank account’ David Shearer can now only retain the confidence of His Party and the voting public by making such a disclosure…
When it comes to taking responsibility I gather that the activity on the account is an issue either way as the damage to brand Shearer is already done. The damage to the Labour Party can be minimised.
It will take a lot more than this to sway me away from being a Labour voter.
What type of thing would sway you treetop – where is the line for you, if you don’t mind me asking.
I may not like the captain of a team, when I like the team’s principals/policies I will support them
A major cover up would sway me as this would cause me to lose respect for the team.
Yes…….Shearer now has to disclose everything. Botox Bitch Banks and her carry on in the House today has more or less made that unavoidable………dark queries as to where the money came from. What a Bitch is that !
Bloody good post there Bad.
They are both crooks….. vote green
I find it easier to believe a gormless dickhead worth $50M might forget about NZRail shares being managed by someone else, than I can believe a former humanitarian worker would forget about 50k+ in an off shore bank account that he’d already declared to the IRD. Does not compute. End. Of. Story.
You know, in a world where ‘all things are equal’, that’s a perfectly valid and (I’d have thought) obvious point to make. Not that I believe for one second that John Key ‘forgot’. But then, I give no credence whatsoever to Shearers’ claim that it was ‘a mistake’. If it was a ‘mistake’, then it would be perfectly easy for him to convey the thoughts and reasonings behind his ‘mistake’. He is, afterall in a position that calls for accountability and so ought to explain himself. but is there any explanation coming from Shearer? If not, why not? Maybe he has no (credible) explanation. And if that’s the case then it should be ‘bye-bye Shearer’. No if’s but’s or maybe’s.
Give the man another 6 months, he’ll get better.
Sitting at the back of my mind…kind of way back… but it nags. The UN humanitarian missions are one of the best ways to gather information. I mean that in the sense that a UN official can get to people and places that foreign government officials and agencies can’t. It therefore makes absolute sense for foreign government agencies to look to recruit from within the UN. And people who are recruited, of course, get paid.
And David does have a very, very conservative and an almost puzzling ‘ultra’- or ‘beyond orthodox’ – take on some things (private/corporate armies being hired to run peace keeping missions being an obvious example). And yes, that was when the nagging began for me.
And the tin foil hat ponders on the identities of payees to that account and whether David thought it best just not to mention its existence. And so instead of hiding things in plain view, he did indeed make ‘a mistake’.
[Disclaimer: we’re all allowed our tin foil hat moments peeps
To Bill at “a tin foil hat moment” ? But what if the hat fits ……. ? or a light bulb goes on …. ?
There’s nothing weirder or unlikely than real life.
Bravo Bill, shame you have to run your ability to think laterally down to tinfoil, as some way to cover your own arse, but at least your getting a warmer!
The more people start to think along those lines the nearer we inch towards people actually understanding just why NZ, is such a train wreck!
When things are stated that cannot be verified then we move into the realms of conspiracy. And the tin hat covers conspiracy and its theories…not my arse
It does not matter what key or banks have done. This is about a guy in opposition trying to tell the 4%-8% of voters to move towards him. This is not about some shares he forgot but rather his main family bank account (based on his salary being deposited to this account) prior to returning to NZ.
When Shearer returned to NZ in 2009 he then purportedly purchased a house in Mt Albert and some land in Northland. If the funds did come through this account how can he say he forgot it.
Something is wrong in the Shearer overseas bank account story, and its not the voters responsibility to spot the difference.
Till we find out how much there is and how much he might make on bring it back (after he talks the NZ dollar down) it all a matter of conjecture
We need to see the figures and maybe his tax returns before we make a judgement on corruption but it is not looking good
On the 13th of June 2009 David Shearer became the MP for Mt Albert and became subject to the rules of the house.
On that day EUR100k was worth NZ$217k: on the 1st of Mar 2013 it was worth NZ$157k; a decline of 27% or NZ$60k
On that day USD100k was worth NZ$155k: on the 1st of Mar 2013 it was worth NZ$121k; a decline of 22% orNZ$34k
On that day GBP100k was worth NZ$255k: on the 1st of Mar 2013 it was worth NZ$182k , a decline of 29% or NZ$73k.
Why would a Kiwi keep money in those currencies?
David Shearer should have taken advice on Economics and the problems of the NZ$ from his Economics Spokespersons.
Well no, there are legitimate reasons for a Kiwi having money in those currencies because we travel a lot and do a lot of business overseas. International transfers are not the fastest things in the world and not everywhere takes credit cards. Even relatively modest small businesses have arrangements for that if they require special parts or services. That is completely beside the point. The only concern I have is the non declaration.
Yeah a regular Kiwi could have a USA account ( I do ) for travel but wtf would Shearer? he has been on the public tit forever! since 1989? No that money was his salary and its stashed out of the public eye for a reason. Its going to be interesting to see how much there is.
Disclosure: I have about $1300 in BOA.
It would indeed be interesting to know how much Shearer has in his account.
Ditto, 120 other MPs. Do you think that should be the rule, then? For all MPs? How would it work? You think National MPs would want that?
(Disclosure: I have no money).
He’s financially slow /illiterate?
He didn’t expect this politics thing to go far and kept his account expecting to maybe need it when the UN took him on again?
The funds are UN COMSUPER accumulations?
“Why would a Kiwi keep money in those currencies?”
Because what goes around, comes around. Rather than realising the loss you can bite the bullet, remain diversifed and hope the risk pays off.
“Key hid his Tranzrail shares while asking questions about Tranzrail because he’s a sneaky, avaricious bastard”
“Banks filed a false election return keeping his big money donors secret because he’s corrupt”
Any facts or evidence to support those statements.. I mean, this is The Standard, where stuff like that will be deleted by mods.. isn’t it?
[lprent: another stupid fool who hasn’t read the policy or the ruling in Lange vs Atkinson. I wonder how soon it will be before one of the mods bans this dumbarse dipshit for trying to tell us how we should run the site. That was your warning BTW ]
The ‘facts’ of those two’s dishonesty is well known PG, the ‘fact’ that you don’t know is down to either your blindness or stupidity,
My money’s on blind stupidity…
“he’s a sneaky, avaricious bastard”
No court would rule in his favour on that one.
“because he’s corrupt”
Prima facie*
*A fact presumed to be true unless it is disproved.
Definition of sneaky: “furtive, surreptitious.”
Definition of avaricious: “Immoderately desirous of wealth or gain.”
Bastard, as in good bastard, or bad bastard, pretty much means “person” these days.
Banks corrupt? An honestly held opinion of mine, that’s for sure.
As you are well aware iprent, the questions refer to the the ” he’s a sneaky, avaricious bastard” & “because he’s corrupt” opinions disguised as fact.
But if it makes you feel big and tough having the power to delete that which challenges you, go ahead..
The insipid crud that you infect the posts with wouldn’t challenge a 4 year old PG, by the way when are you going to revert to to the username we all got to know you for the idiot you are…
[lprent: That isn’t PG. Mark has been around for a lot longer than PG has. And I know his e-mail from past moderations.
But even a cursory examination of his comments shows that he has quite a different writing style. For a starter his comments are usually quite short and express a definite opinion.
Don’t make definite assertions of fact about other people’s identities unless you actually have something substantive to prove it. Read the privacy parts of the policy and realise that we cannot do it and that means you have no show. The usual result is that we wind up with a messy and irritating flamewar going on.
Even speculating on who people are in real life is something that you should not do for that reason. It is liable to have a moderator giving you a warning like I’m doing now, or extending it into a ban if you persist.
The only time that it is permissible is when they make a statement of fact that relates to who they are in real life. In that particular case – ask me. I may look at their details and/or talk to them via e-mail and offer my opinion back to the comments about their veracity.
Incidentally I do keep an eye out for sock puppets from politicians and PR companies. The few times I have detected them, they have tended to get a very summary ejection. But apart from that who people are beneath the handle is their business. It is not yours. ]
“…disguised as fact.”
[citation needed]
How many Family Trusts & rental properties do you think H1 controls? How much tax does she pay?
What has this got to do with the policy differences between left and right?
Is this thread about policy differences?? No, it’s about hypocrisy, which my comment referred to. Keep up with the lay will you Hans..
Is this thread about policy differences?? No, it’s about hypocrisy, which my comment referred to. Keep up with the play will you Hans..
How would it be hypocritical for Helen Clark to have rental properties or trusts? Policy is entirely germane to the discussion, which turns on conflict of interest.
Um, I don’t know.. how about campaigning and legislating for increased funds to those who need greater rent payments due to the bastard landlords.. how about railing against “rich pricks” with Trusts, how about “those who don’t pay enough tax”.. FFS, I know some of you are stupid, but blind and deaf as well??
Um, Helen Clark said “rich pricks”?
When did she say “bastard landlords”?
When did she fail to register any of it in her declaration of interests?
It was Cullen who said “rich pricks”
Nah he didn’t. He used the singular form “prick” because he was referring to one particular person, John Key.
A bunch of right-wing bloggers picked it up and changed it to the plural form “pricks” in order to pretend he was referring to all of them.
Such an obvious lie. You’d have to be a complete moron to fall for it.
PS: I’m intrigued as to my new nickname. Please elaborate.
PPS: Does it have to be Hans? Why not Dieter?
Wow, 3 responses in 3 minutes.. all hollow, opinion, no substantiation.. not even even yr own dodgy links.. this is dupe city.. full of people getting concerned about their promised path to the corrupt elite, as the left lies are further exposed on a hourly basis.. laughter is great for the soul, thanks all.
“Wow, 3 responses in 3 minutes.. ”
Wow, three responses in two minutes
Mark 23.1.1
20 March 2013 at 6:09 pm
Mark 23.1.2
20 March 2013 at 6:09 pm
Mark 24
20 March 2013 at 6:07 pm
In other news, scatter shot hits the target again!
Are you having trouble finding critical references to David Shearer’s behaviour on this forum? Or is there another explanation?
I don’t recall any statement from Shearer that said “I forgot” or “I have no recollection”.
I do recall a repeated explanation that it was “a mistake”
The claim of forgetting is a construction of those feeblers who wish to parallelise.
Perhaps he just received bad advice as to whether the repository was subject to the PI declaration.
Was a mistake – didn’t forget!
If so – is laudable that, to date, he does not wish to dump on his advisers.
Hadn’t thought of that. Thanks for the heads up.
“Feeblers”? “Parallelise”? My lexicon overfloweth.
And if I made ‘a mistake’ by not giving WINZ information that I have a statutory obligation to tell them about, what do you reckon the repercussions would be? I’m sure you don’t need three guesses, but in case you need a hint, the word “fucked” figures large.
Um yes. So because some citizens get treated like shit we should all get treated like shit…no, wait…
I’m sure the repercussions would be compensative .
Sorry – the parallel is?
Listening to Banks in the General Debate today I was dumbfounded in the realisation that such a blithering fool could ever be elected to a position on anything let alone be trusted to be in charge of the country’s education system (charter schools). For a “god fearing crustchan creationist” this individual blathered hypocrisy as he tried to accuse Shearer of banking the money in the USA because it had not been gained honestly…. Banks and his mate Key have so many skeletons hanging around their fiscal necks that I fell about laughing and was almost prepared to off Banks a place on the same US TV show that thought a shark attack was funny.
The difference?
Three politicians not honestly declaring their ‘assets’.
Three politicians offering different excuses as to why not.
What’s the difference again?
This was 2 weeks ago. Probably the moment a little light bulb went on … filling in the section on income:
Good point. Shearer said he was filling out his income tax at the same time as the pecuniary interests return. But it’s the wrong time of year for doing tax returns, and surely he’d have an accountant do it for him?
Didn’t he have an income tax return to fill in as an MP last year? And the year before?
Before the end of the FY , I seriously doubt it.
It’s not the wrong time of year to be filling out US tax returns (ie like the one you have to fill out if you have a US bank account). Their tax year is the same as the calendar year and tax returns are due by mid April.
Does it require that an NZ resident fill out a US tax return?
I get paid a UK teachers pension – gets tax in the UK at source. Once I filled out & submitted the avoid double tax treaty form, I only need to do a yearly return to NZ – the UK and NZ tax offices work out between them how much extra I need to pay to NZ IRD each year.
Maybe the US has a different system from the UK? I think the UK doesn’t really need a yearly tax return.
edit: embedded link didn’t work:
Zet: so what’s this about Shearer having US taxable income and status as a taxable US resident after being back in NZ as an MP for a few years?
Sighs. This is so obvious. Key and Banks can get away with “memory lapses” because that’s pretty much all we expect of Tory pollies.
Shearer cannot because the left has to be better than this. Whether he resigns or not … meh.
So he’s in the wrong party then?
Pah tay
“So he’s in the wrong party then?”
Millionaire Baby Boomer with offshore investments, part of the ruling class with an MBE and everything.
To quote a famous philosopher*, “If the boot fits…”
* Woody in Toy Story
Yes, he’s in the wrong party, along with half the front bench. Or the right party, if you think Labour only exists to put a slightly different gloss on business as usual.
If Shearer could swallow his pride, do the right thing, and seek employment elsewhere, where would that leave both Banks and Key. Morally bankrupt and positions untenable.
What a coup for decency and right that would be. But I guess we shouldn’t hold our breaths …
So the possible next PM is a munter. Excellent. Can’t wait for the billboards.
In before ‘current pm is a munter’
Perhaps you should ask Zet what he thinks of the current PM. I’ve heard him – munter is mild by comparison.
you couldn’t put those words on a billboard. they would burn right through.
Yeah. Be a nice idea for a billboard…
“What I think of John Key” – words like “slippery”, “devious”, “transrail” etc etc and then a blowtorch applied to the centre with some blistered parts of words around the burnt out area…
You see that Helen Kelly has figured a way to chew out the server CPU? Damn good thing I moved it offshore, the bills for overseas traffic tonight would have been horrendous.
I did send a link to it to one or two people I know overseas. But only a couple.
I think that she has given the link to some international union people. We’re getting a *lot* of facebook referrals and direct links. It is coming through in waves as different groups get links.
Fortunately cloudflare is handling most of the load – ie the graphics
Hah, CTU combined or matched with CPU now?
The plot thickens:
Not sure if this shows dodgy dealings by Banks, or if it is a commentary on how poorly he invests his money. Does he check out the soundness of the companies in his portfolio? Either way, god forbid that he should ever get his hands on the treasury.
The Herald doesn’t acknowledge who tipped them off on this. Is it significant that the only comment comes from – who else? – the Greens?
banks ought to be in jail.
he’s like a more conniving, underhanded, and shameless version of taito philip field.
Considering that things like that should be, and probably are, written down why is it that no one seems to know?
The more I think about this the more I believe Shearer needs to come out and disclose how much is in his USD account, because there is potentially fraud here. If it is a large amount, then if Labour make government and Labour/Parker manage to implement policy that reduces the NZD/USD by 15%, then perhaps Shearer had good reason to hide his US dollars. Also if the amount is large, then clearly he was try to deceive (lets be honest, if it is over $1m then there is no way he would inadvertently forget to disclose it. If it was between $50k to $100k, then I am prepared (just) to accept that he just forgot about it. If it was in the millions, he needs to go, clearly he was trying to mislead the process.
What’s in the account today tells you absolutely nothing about what was in the account 24 hours ago, 24 days ago, 24 months ago.
NO prob, a yearly statement can always be presented.
It’s not that our elected representatives f**k up. We all do that, regardless of being Nat, Labour, NZ First, ACT, etc.
It’s what a politician does after his/her stuff up is discovered that counts.
Let’s take thtree examples.
1. Habitually blaming others for his mistakes (http://fmacskasy.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/dear-leader-key-blames-everyone-else-for-solid-energys-financial-crisis/). Can anyone recall the last time he accepted responsibility for his or his government’s foul up? (The Kate Wilkinson thing doesn’t count – that was damage control.)
2. Has been caught out bending the truth; brain fades; and having to “correct himself” in Parliament, rather than be taken to the Privileges Committee. The Standard & Poors “email” from an “unknown acquaintance” springs to mind. Claiming that the Australia-NZ wages gap has narrowed is another.
Legendary. No point in banging on about this one.
Whatever the reason for not declaring his New York account, he fronted up to the media – not the other way around. And didn’t try to blame it on the 1996 National government. Or that an office flunky stuffed up his Declaration and he “signed it without looking”.
The thing is, if we’re going to wait for a PPP (Purer-than-Pure Politician) then we’ll be waiting until the sun goes nova. Ain’t ever going to happen.
What we do have a right to demand is that our polis front up and own their mistakes. (And that hopefully they learn from it.) Shearer did that. Key and Banks —?
Call me naive, but that’s how I see it.
As for the mystery blogger who was going to “break this story”… Yeah, right. If it was going to happen, it would’ve. Especially if it was that sleaze-merchant, Slater.
Frank, i tend to agree with you up to a point, but, blind faith never got anyone anywhere except f**ked over big-time,
Do you think David Shearer will do the decent thing now that the bank account has been revealed and provide assurances that the only monies in that account are from his previous life, (plus interest) and not from any monies ‘earned’ while He has been an MP and Leader of the Opposition…
All well, Frank, but when you try hammering others for memory holes and wrong conduct, this is a death certificate for Shearer, having shown he himself is not without blame.
By the way, I should add that I have no real preference who leads the Labour Party; Shearer, Cunliffe, Uncle Tom Cobbly.
If Shearer was a politician who got poll results like John Key, there’d be no problem, would there.
CV – stop kidding or being cynical, he never bloody will, right?
Perhaps you could come up with a new ID for shearer Frank?
My opinion that Shearer needs to go has not been changed by any of this, but it is amusing to see all the RWNJs turn up every time someone in the opposition does the sort of thing that their guys have been doing for years. They must keep The Standard bookmarked on their Internet Explorer, with the cursor hovering above it in anticipation.
In the meantime, let’s build a real opposition. ABC have shown they want no part in such a project. Forget them.
* Who’d trust their machine to Internet Explorer 5.5?
Visions of Big Bruv hunched over his semen-encrusted pentium one…
You really shouldn’t have
Damn – I did a barnsley bill (coffee version) on my keyboard
I am afraid, the “right” have a point, by asking, how could Shearer remember the account in the US when declaring taxes to IRD and other matters, but “failed” to remember it when making a declaration to Parliament. There may only be one excuse, and that is that he may have thought it was not relevant, because the money in it was earned before he became MP.
But still then, he should as a careful operator, have asked for advice on this.
He apparently did not, failed to do other things, and hence he looks like either a bit of a sloppy guy, or as a dishonest politician. Naturally I go for the first, as I think Shearer is not the type out to cheat.
But being to in neglect or sloppy raises the questions about competence, skifulness and thoroughness again, and the leader debate comes up again. I see Shearer as a nice chap, possibly a good tertiary minister, but totally unfit to lead the major opposition party. So he should resign. He will be asked to resign anyway late this year, given polls will NOT improve, but that may be too late for Labour to win the next election.
No wonder on Kiwiblog Shearer is so popular with NatACT jerks.
I agree with most except for the part where you say Shearer should resign. He shouldn’t resign because hes Nationals best weapon to regain the benches.
Maybe Shearer and Blinglish should start their own party and everyone would support it…
J. Banks could be the advisor…
Dotcom in charge of fundraising
Just for “pecuniary” interest: I “work” for nothing, if it can at all be called “work” that I do. I consider it a “service” to the public and others affected, what I do, so I never ask for payment. But MSD may think I run some kind of “operation” or “agenda” (also critical of them), and that is what I am mindful of. But they then again can never stop people do voluntary work in measures, to assist the community and so forth. Hence they will have a weak leg to stand on.
Why I say this is, because the presently discussed benefit reforms are going to be a real game changer, and everyone will be so heavily scrutinised for “ability” to work, and that is in “open employment”, it will be very dangerous for any beneficiary to be able to do anything vaguely. They do already under “Future Focus” interpret any activity that a person can do, whether really work based or not, whether hobby or whatever, as an indicator, whether a person can do “some work”.
To be “able to do” rather than “not able to do” is the catch cry now. so beware all to be assessed, they will do all to catch you out, to consider you “fit” to work, even if no job of any description exists. That is what is going on now, so the future will be even more demanding and forceful.
But then again, why do I waste my time here, most Kiwis do NOT care, are battlers and strugglers, and rather be classed as “fit” to work, even if they have to do it from a wheel-chair or on crutches. It is this dumb Kiwi “dignity” thinking, that no other people on earth follow, rather suppress emotions and thoughts, stick it out and “battle”, “battle” and “battle”. That is no fun for life, this “Kiwi battler” philosophy, but that is what Kiwi life philosophy of most appear to be like. What a sad state of affairs. I rather enjoy Gemuetlichkeit in measures and intelligent and smart work solutions that health can cope with.
I guess we now know why Shearer is so keen for the NZ dollar to fall. Having all that money (is it more than a million?) sitting in a bank in the USA and forgetting about it (yeah right!) is bad enough but to have a Labour party leader agitating to bring the NZ dollar down for his own personal gain in something that should see him resign in disgrace.
Mind you, hypocrisy and dishonesty is nothing new when it comes to Labour party leaders is it.
A weak NZ dollar will be good for John Key’s overseas investment assets as well.
Oh wait, Key intends to live in Hawaii, so it doesn’t work for him. He wants a strong NZD instead.
This is a Joke, John Keys response is “remarkably gracious…”, the biggest threat to National in next years election would be if David Shearer lost the leadership of Labour, get with it….John Key might be a liar and cunning bastard, but he isn’t stupid.
Quote from Bryce Edwards in the Herald
“John Key’s response to the incident has been particularly impressive – whether through design or sincerity. By downplaying the issue and signalling ‘forgiveness’, Key comes across to the public as a statesman operating above ‘dirty politics’ and scandalmongering. As Espiner notes, the PM has been ‘remarkably gracious in response. He’s said only that it’s “unfortunate” that Shearer forgot about his account and added, with more than a trace of irony, that mistakes can be made. Given what’s been dished out to him over the years, he could have said a lot more’. David Farrar ponders what would have happened if the boot was on the other foot – see: Shearer declared bank account to IRD but not Registrar. But Farrar agrees with National’s approach to act ‘like decent human beings’ over the issue.”
Johnny wants Shearer to he the Labour Leader opposite him in the Television Debates: not Cunliffe.
Johnny will be very gracious towards Zeitec’s “munrer”: until the debates. It will be a bloodbath.
Cunliffe has clean sheets on his bed. Like Obama, he anticipated the many pitfalls that await a politician with an eye for the top spot. Cunliffe attended to the Ps & Qs very diligently. That is why we should select competent and ambitious politicians. It is not a job for retirees.
If my guess is right, the country is in for amongst the roughest 10 years of its life coming up. Currency wars, moral wars, shooting wars. We need Labour to bloody step up and get us ready for it.
He let his lapdog Banksie do the dirty work instead.
Perhaps this explains the fuss mumbles has been making about exchange rate intervention. No wonder he is demanding that the govt force down the value of the kiwi.
Oh lol and with all his overseas investments in Bank of America, John Key benefits personally with a strong NZD while our entire manufacturing and export sector loses.
Three fucking Million Dollars in that account Shearer is a rich prik alright. He will have to resign now this is out of the bag.