Open mike 29/10/2024

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 29th, 2024 - 4 comments
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4 comments on “Open mike 29/10/2024 ”

  1. Sanctuary 1

    RNZ is running an "America decides" special next week. America won't decide, a few swing states in a deliberately anti-democratic system will decide. Trump runs a hate rally designed to rally the most loathsome of his base and RNZ leads with Trump media stocks soaring. Both Woefully bad pieces of eye popingly lazy editorial decision making at our supposed flagship news outlet. Survey after survey shows woefully bad public understanding of the level of crime, where most government money goes, the state of education – the list goes on. Meanwhile, the owner of Stuff secretly joins a secret right wing pressure group and uses her newspapers to deliberately undermine the democratically elected council with a secret editorial agenda. Sure, the MSM has some good journalists (although to date none of The Posts or Stuffs journalists have had the guts and ethically integrity to resign and denounce the abuse of public trust by their boss Sinead Boucher) but when are we going to deal with the reality our senior media ownership and editors seem to see their job mainly as one of myth making and misleading stories and peddling misinformation for clicks?

    • Bearded Git 1.2

      Any links, sources or more info on the Boucher links to the RWPG Sanc?

      That is disgusting if true. The MSM has had it in for Tory Whanau from the start.

      Meanwhile dinosaur-mayor Brown in Auckland gets a free ride.

      • Muttonbird 1.2.1

        Joel MacManus does a good explainer here:

        On Friday, The Post splashed its front page with the headline: “We have lost our shine: Capital’s power brokers want city back on track”. The story, which didn’t have a reporter’s name attached to it, read like a press release for the launch of a new local political group, Vision for Wellington.

        Vision for Wellington describes itself as a “voice advocating for Wellington and calling for change” and also claims to be “politically neutral”. Those are mutually exclusive concepts.

        I've been complaining recently about the number of press-release like articles appearing all over the media with no reporter byline. Someone has written them, or been forced to write them, but are unwilling to, or stopped from, putting their name to them.

        I'm glad that at least one reporter has noticed this.

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