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notices and features - Date published:
2:36 pm, March 25th, 2014 - 4 comments
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Democracy isn’t just about politics – it’s people getting together and deciding how things should be. It’s a skill we can practice with people wherever we are: in our workplaces, our schools, and our communities.
Loomio is a user-friendly tool for collaborative decision-making: not majority-rules polling, but actually coming up with solutions that work for everyone. We’re a small team in New Zealand, and we’ve built a prototype that people are already doing great things with. Now we’re crowdfunding so we can build the real thing: a new tool for truly inclusive decision-making.
They are seeking crowd-funding, why not help out?
very cool… they probably should include a share offer to donors when it becomes a company, or now.
We’re a worker’s coop so there’s no equity in our case. Equity crowdfunding becomes legal on April 1st so what you suggest will be possible. Check out http://blog.pledgeme.co.nz/this-is-not-an-april-fools-joke-crowdfunding-moves-into-equity/
Very interesting space and there’s other developments on the horizon like issuing your own cryptocurrency, or cryptoshares for example
Simon from Loomio
Always thought trying democracy would be a great idea.
Loomio’s crowd funding effort is probably one of the most positive initiatives on the democracy front right now. The software is used world-wide, has been translated into multiple languages – and has recently been adopted by a group in the Ukraine for example. In addition Loomio’s co-operative constitution is a model for other other future workers’s cooperatives. The NZ co-operatives legislation doesn’t work that well for worker’s co-operatives and so this work too is a huge gift to the co-operative sector and to the wider community.
If you can afford think about a contribution to help them launch the next release.