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- Date published:
12:14 pm, June 15th, 2010 - 28 comments
Categories: local body elections, polls -
Tags: bob parker, jim anderton
I was quite surprised by Jim Anderton’s decision to stand for mayor of Christchurch. And I had thought that his decision not to step down from Parliament until the next election was a mistake that would haunt him in the mayoral campaign. But it looks like I got it wrong. A UMR poll shows that Anderton is preferred over Tory incumbent Bob Parker by a two to one margin.
In a multi-candidate race, 46% of those polled would vote for Anderton vs 21% for Parker, while in a head to head contest Anderton would get 61% of the vote to Parker’s 30%. It’s a small poll, 350, (presumably tacked on to UMR’s normal nationwide polling) but that just means a slightly larger than normal margin of error, 5.2%. Anderton’s lead is far beyond that margin of error.
I’m not really up with the issues in the race but I imagine that Parker’s support for the abolition of the elected Ecan council has done him no favours.
Ya correct, ecan theft, buying developer Henderson’s dud properties, and general feeling of lack of substance methinks.
Worth noting that Anderton moved after the ecan theft, wisely noting that Parker would suffer the fate that should be suffered also by the nats over that issue.
So back to the Peoples Republic of Christchurch we go… not really my own cup of tea, but neverthless if it helps to keep the barbarian farmers from the watergate so be it. 2c
“(presumably tacked on to UMR’s normal nationwide polling)”
It was done on the internet, apparently, so probably not. Someone needs to do a real poll that people (Parker) can’t just brush off as being flawed.
Also Anderton isn’t stepping down from Wigram because he believes he can do both jobs, and he doesn’t want to waste taxpayer money on a by-election in Wigram. Fair enough. It’s not like being the sole member of a ‘party’ in opposition really gives him a lot of responsibilities.
There was a discussion between Parker and Anderton on Nine to noon today. I think the Parker/Nact machine will rush out to discredit Anderton, but if I lived in Canterbury I would vote for Anderton if for no other reason that Parker was the prime mover in consultation with Nact, to write to Nact seeking abolition of ECan – without consultation with Council. Ratbag!
There are a number of things that bother me about this but first let me state that I am no fan of parker, calling him a Tory is a bit of a stretch too.
Anderton should resign and fund his campaign himself. Hanging on in parliament leaves him open to justifed accusations of double/ triple/ quadruple dipping personally, but more importantly will leave him open to accusations that he will use parliamentary allowances/ services and his leaders budget to fund aspects of his campaign.
We need more transparency in all these funding lines across the board and Anderton will be a very high profile target for those of us that are determined to see sunlight shine on expenses and allowances. Personally it will be a bitter sweet battle because I loathe parker and am very disappointed that there does not seem to be anybody of quality looking to put their hand up for the christchurch mayoralty.
UMR internet polls are about as usefull as NZH and Stuff online polls.
It is cheaper for Jim Anderton to remain in parliament drawing his salary than it is for him to resign and force a by-election.
Not a good reason not to do it though. Should Anderton win the mayoralty I would imagine that the people of Christchurch would deserve a full-time mayor and the people of Wigram would deserve a full-time MP. I’d be annoyed if my mayor or MP told me their positions only required half their time. Wouldn’t you?
As Anderton is likely to be my mayor and MP, no, I won’t mind.
If he were being MP and mayor for two different areas of the country, then yes.
If anything, being a mayor of CHCH means he is going to be in CHCH much more than he is now, so those who want access to their local MP will probably have an easier time of it since he won’t be in Wellington as much.
Fair enough. How do you think those Christchurcians who don’t live in Wigram will feel?
I guess that depends who they vote for, doesn’t it?
Anyone who votes for Anderton will know that he is going to be doing both jobs, and is therefore obviously happy with that. Anyone that doesn’t vote for Anderton doesn’t want him to be mayor anyway, so their specific opinion on him being both at the same time doesn’t really change anything.
Sounds like you’re on to a real money saver. If being an MP is only a part-time job, let’s just dissolve parliament and let the mayors run the country.
Jim Anderton has made it quite clear that he will remain in Parliament only to save the Taxpayer a million or so dollars. And it will only be for a year. Why spend a million dollars ,The Parliamentary result will be the same. Jim Anderton over the years has shown he is quite able to manage a big work load.
What does concern me is that the Tory Dirty Trick Brigade will start to centre it’s attention on Jim. Let us on the left be ready to counter this insidious group. Do not let Jim Anderton suffer the insults that these people will now heap upon his. \I bet this lot plus the creepy Wishart are at this moment scouring through the records to find some cheap slag.
“Why spend a million dollars”
Because the taxpayers of Christchurch and the ratepayers of Christchurch deserve a full-time representative in both arenas.
If only a year is ok, why not two, or three? Surely democracy is worth spending a few bucks?
I think it’s up to the people to decide what they want sean. Maybe you feel they deserve better than what they choose, and I’m sure they’ll give your opinion all the merit it deserves. At the end of the day he’s being upfront about what he’s doing, and if his electorate supporters are really upset, then I’m sure that that will pretty much doom his chances.
But hey, if you want to lobby an MP to bring in a private members bill banning this sort of thing, go for it.
Far enough Pascal. I guess I can’t really play my harp for democracy then disrespect whatever choice the people of Christchurch will make. They will get what they choose.
It won’t be a year. More like six months as Anderton will probably step aside at the start of the three month period before the July general election.
Go Jimmy, give the Tories a blood nose.
Any idea of when the polling was done ? Was it before the credit card crap came to light ?
Yes. It was in the week(s) immediately following Anderton’s announcement of his intention to run, which was about a month ago.
captcha: announce
I wonder how different voter sentiment is now then. The 22% undecided might now not be undecided.
Parker has done his chips with liberal voters and older working class Cantabrians. He still has a strong support base among the Merivale/Fendalton crowd who like to be photographed with him at society do’s.
My source? Anecote, pure anecdote but Chch IS the place where the first question one is often asked is “what school did you go to?” It’s a town divided strongly on class lines and if Jim can mobilise some of the younger working class he’ll be quids in.
Wonder how he will deal with another credit card to manage as he has enough trouble working out if he should use his own or the governments one currently.
ecan decision will hurt parker.does the old guard of 2021 support anderton?
The whole guard of 2021 supports Jim; we endorsed him.
Darel Hall
Chair 2021 Selection Panel
Bob is a smarmy man who has not won my allegiance at all. Particularly disturbing is what I found on page 59 of The People’s Republic of Christchurch’s Annual Plan – the Council strives for mediocrity by only expecting 40% of residents to understand how the Council makes decisions and only 48% of these residents to be satisfied that the Council is acting in the best interests of the city.
Seriously!!! UNDER HALF of the residents need to understand and be satisfied with decision making for the Council to hit its “KPI’s” for that area. That’s appalling!
Look if Christchurch elects Anderton, you might as well write off the South Island. They’d be stupid enough to elect Chavez or Castro. Andertons support is for the health unions, the parasitic do gooders, the army of social workers and psychiatric nurses and care givers who are never qualified, intelligent or good looking enough to have any understanding or empathy. If only we could get rid of the Bagshaws and all Dysons and Barnetts inheritence.
Parker made a few mistakes. There’s no justification for the proposed $148 million new bus terminus or the related real estate purchases. Trams might be useful on close inter city routes to Princess Margaret, Papanui, University and Church cnr but the proposed light rail to the airport or rangiora is unrealistic.
SOL square and some of the cocktail bars and art galleries in precint are useful. Vote Bob. And put every policeman, social worker, prosecutor and law lecturer responsible for the Ellis and Truscott affairs in jail. And never let Barnett back in the country.
I dont understand why some are currently on Anderson’s side so strongly. I think Parkers doing a positive things to keep chch competitive with the other two bigger cities. Ak is now copying chch and trying to get trams in (I don’t blame them), and giving the central city a facelift may put chch ahead of wgtn which is the only city with a descent heart of town. Also, I heard Anderton was against the Ellerslie Flower Show? This seems a bit crazy from a marketing perspective. Are we really going for a new mayor just so we can get a bit more transperency? I would rather have behind the doors intelligence.
[lprent: I presume you’re talking about Jim Anderton?
BTW: I saw the dup, and removed one – hope this is the one you wanted retained? ]
I just hope the left are prepared for the autocratic style Anderton will instinctively give to the mayoralty. They may well prefer Parker being out of the picture but are they actually prepared for Anderton’s style?
Yes good point gc. I found his style autocratic and he isn’t a people person – more a case of I love mankind, it’s people that are irritating.