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2:02 pm, December 15th, 2010 - 31 comments
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Tags: wayne mapp
Wayne Mapp to retire “for personal and family reasons” at the 2011 election.
Who’s going to be flown in to replace him?
Cam Calder is the Whale’s pick…
Labour announces that Ben “dynamic duo” Clark is our candidate and Mapp suddenly announces his retirement …
Running scared Wayne?
That makes three very safe National electorates up for grabs in 2011. And there yet could be a few other National electorate MPs to retire. Them being Shane Ardern Taranaki-King Country, Sandra Goudie for Coromandel, Paul Hutchinson Hunua. I also think Waikato, Tamaki, Invercargill and Kaikoura could potentially be up for grabs and I would hope Maurice Williamson will finally let someone else have the electorate of Pakuranga.
That’s the mistake Labour made in not doing more rejuvenation in that first term and leaving the majority of it to 2008. And I still think Labour could do with more rejuvenation. Rick Barker, Ashraf Choudary, Mita Ririnui, Lianne Dalziel, Steve Chadwick and Ross Robertson really need to retire. And if Damien O’Connor doesn’t recapture West-Coast Tasman he should retire too.
With National , for each MP whos going, including Wong , its MONEY. They know they can make more outside , while theres a national government.
Dont kid yourself over this rejuvenation thing.
Like hell should Lianne Dalziel retire, or Steve Chadwick. Damien O’Connor is firing well and definitely Pete Hodgson should not retire. Lianne is pushing the MMP buttons, and Pete’s not only pushing the rort buttons better than JKeyll’s Hide but Hide was also untrustworthy.
I’d be happy if all the National/Act MPs retired; New Zealand would be a lot safer without them.
Captcha: ‘Install’ Labour and New Zealanders can go ahead together again.
Yeah im sure thats it…
Joyce I suspect – whoever gets it they’ll have a card allowing taxpayer funded troughing as long as they are the Nat candidate.
As some wag said on another site .. ‘you could put judith Tizzard up as the Nat candidate and she’d walk in”
Ridiculous country that we are.
Good on him for recognising that his use-by date is approaching.
As for BUNJI’s comment about people being flown in; has he forgotten David Shearer already?
So, farewell then, Wayne Mapp
You were the Political Correctness Eradicator.
It’s still there
You’re all gone
(with apologies to Springsteen)
On a slightly related note, I notice the contenders for Botany so far are:
Aaran Bhatnagar, formally of ACT and wikipedia vandalism;
Denise Krum, who was United Future at the last election, and daughter of homophobe and party-hopper Graeme Lee MP;
and Jami-Lee Ross, Auckland council professional muck-raker, 25, who I had always presumed to be Act, so much does he always do Hide and Quax’s bidding. Knows no life outside politics.
The National party has a revolving door with ACT, and seemingly UF too now.
Standing down for “personal and family reasons” often means a skeleton is threatening to creak its way out of the closet.
It often also means ‘standing down for personal and family reasons.’
So hs you’re saying he has cancer?
My God. What has Pete Hodgson been up to then?
It can mean that Toad, but it can equally have a perfectly innocent meaning; stop channelling Winston!
I’m led to believe that it’s just time. His wife is a bit of a high-flyer, and could easily have been the one who entered politics. Mapp’s being a minister has created some difficulties for her career (her appointment to the new immigration tribunal raised concerns despite her being clearly qualified former Law Commissioner etc.) and he’s happy to move on now. Or something like that.
Then we still have the Andrew Little effect to take its course as to other “lightweights” that have to be culled.
Labour previously culled only when an electorate seat was lost and some new blood was required e.g. Georgine Beyer & Jim Sutton.
Or perhaps we the public/media are too tough on these people. You spend $474.12 on flights to China or a few dollars for a pair of gumboots, a bottle from the mini bar or a movie or 2 and it gets thrown all over the media. Who would want to put themselves out there & give us the benefit of their skills to the country under this??
The personal and family reasons are spelt M O N E Y.
They want to make lots more than as an MP
That would explain why so very few of the wornout Labour MPs are talking of quitting then
One suspects that most of them are in the same category as Ms Dalziel put herself the other day when she classed herself as unemployable.
Who’s going to be flown in to replace him?
David Shearer?
I bet he’s going because he’s frustated with having to be ruled by the left-wing, populist Key. I bet.
So in that light do you reckon that our No. 2 English is still feeling perky?
I like Bill English. Bill for PM. Honest and deep.
I whole heartedly support Bill English as National’s Prime Ministerial candidate for 2011, after all it worked brilliantly well last time.
Tanz you keep calling Key “left wing” and I keep asking you to show your working and you keep running away.
It’s almost as if you’re just trying to plant a meme unchallenged.
So one more time, what is “left wing” about raising the regressive taxes (GST, ACC levies, car rego etc) while simultaneously cutting income taxes for the richest people in society? Surely a left wing PM would be trying to make the tax system less regressive, not more.
What is “left wing” about sacking thousands of public service workers while unemployment is through the roof? Surely a left wing PM would be using the machinery of the state to absorb unemployment, not to increase it.
That’ll do for a start. Proper answers please Tanz.
Captcha: nowhere
JKeyll is taking us nowhere.
JKeyll is an Act supporter.
JKeyll wants to remove the minimum wage.
JKeyll would “love to see wages drop”.
Wayne Mapp – what is he leaving to take up? Now Pete’s on to the rorts of NAct they’re realising they can’t hide their conflict of interest assets and will have to give them up/sell them. So some of them will leave Parliament to live on their fat pension schemes and rake in the profits from the sell-off of Kiwis’ assets.
JKeyll will be hating that he has had to sell off his shares, that he keeps forgetting he’s got but remembers at Christmas when he gives out bottles from his secret winery. Shhh. No doubt when he steps down in 2011 if he wins, as previously planned he would step down having found out English intends to increase the pension age, and will graciously accept the Sir and Lady titles. Bronagh – how low your man will go and take you with him.
But what do the well to do care when there is a title to be bought with the indentured slavery of New Zealanders via American corporates coming to New Zealand with TPPA. This ‘swell guy’ JKeyll has even used the blood of miners to advance business interests and his image. Sickening.
You know, for people who always leap to the defence of the down-trodden, the poor, the homeless; who howl blue murder when Paula Bennett revealed details of a couple of beneficiaries; who take the moral higher ground on so many issues …
… you really do try to rake the muck up sometimes.
The guy has said he is retiring for family and personal reasons. And so far, we’ve had accusations that it’s all about the money, of skeletons in the closet, conflicts of interest, that he’s past it (at 58? what does that say about some of the other people hanging around), and that he’s scared of Ben Clark and taking the easy way out.
You should try developing a sense of humour. It can help the days pass …
I read in the paper today that,:
So it looks like the money call was correct.
Comparing the speculation here to a minister breaching the privacy act is cute.