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notices and features - Date published:
10:06 am, September 13th, 2015 - 17 comments
Categories: activism, capitalism, class war, International, trade, tv -
Tags: australia, tpp, TPPA
I love this. Please watch and retweet. – What the TPP means for your family https://t.co/3c98Liwwlz
— Helen Kelly (@helenkellyUnion) September 12, 2015
Here it is then:
From the GetUp web page:
***UPDATE: We just received word that Channel 9 banned our new TV ad from airing during the evening news — and they won’t say why. We’re scrambling right now for ad spots with other networks (Channel 10 says they’ll air it!). Chip in now to help get the truth back on the air.***
How can a TV station ban an add. Are they a corporate shrill or something? (please note: tongue firmly is in cheek with that comment)
Thanks Helen. Great ad.
It should be run for free as a public service announcement.
Really , Im all for opposing the TPP, but this is terrible ad.
Its patronising, wrong accents etc. I cant imagine something that was more amateurish
Plus this is 2015, and advertising during news !!!, we arent still in 1985.
Use social media platforms and get far impact and reach more people
To Dukeofurl.
OOOOppps – sorry – that will probably infuriate you. I mean “dukeofurl”, not “Dukeofurl” . . .
Get a life!
I can’t imagine anything more amateurish than your inane comment.
Now if we could maybe overdub that with a less australian sounding voice and rattle up the $ to book it once around the news on say TV one – it would be very very interesting to see if the booking was allowed.
Or even run a bit of a youtube contest and then fund the placement with givealittle…
Even with this video existence on youtube is sure to make an impact. The TPP is a sure talking point on most of our social media platforms. So even sharing this video via those platforms may see a greater, interactive reach then television alone.
I would question TVNZ even touching such an ad. Looking at this video from their very own seven sharp:
“Hopefully we can tone down the conspiracy theories and just get on with it.” Oh ok.
TVNZ is a government owned network what do we expect? and we all know where Mike Hosking sits with political issues.
Going back to the banning of this ad (even noting how a journalist on NZ’s major broadcasting network is able to project his views so easily without issue) it does highlight an evident relationship between media and political actors. It is commonly known that those who have the power of the media have the power to influence public opinion. So when you have media banning anti-tpp ads and pushing their supporters in telling us to stop complaining and let the government fundamentally do as they please. You do start to wonder where the message is actually coming from.
The role of the media in a democratic society is to provide a platform for public discourse and to feed information back to help better shape and grow public understanding of the world we live in. And although the media serves as a channel for political advocacy, there should still exist a level of objectivity.
Luckly, this doesn’t apply to all media outlets (seeing as channel 10 were willing to pick the ad up) but it does seem to raise questions on the state of our news media and how objective they are in terms of political issues. Especially ones like the TPP that hold such dividing arguments.
Should we then run a competition fot the best Youtube short on anti TPPA? We could have crowd voting and small cash prizes for the winners (givealittle) and then try for TV if there is enough funds. The right would be running in circles trying to discredit/ignore that.
It is an option. What your talking about reminds me a lot of the 48 hour film festival. But yes, doing something like what you purpose over youtube and social media I would guarantee would spark more interest, discussion, and social movement then only waiting for TV to tell us about it.
I can see the possibilities for shows like 7days and Jono & Ben to then pick up on it and carry on the satire. You make a good point, we take the power out of their hands, then who are they to silence the voice of the masses.
I’m all for a shift in the balance of power towards discussing things that matter to us out here not the truckload of rubbish that the MSM shoves in our face. Get the ruling party on the back foot not driving some other narrative that suits them – flags, all blacks etc.
To digress – I bought a sunday paper today, something I rarely do – and after chucking out all the bits featuring saint Ritchie MacCaw there were about two stories and the ads left. My error of judgement but I can’t wait for Ritchie to get back to his day job of echoing John Key
I agree with you completely. They know how to use prominent social figures as decoys. Although I do like Richie McCaw, if we look further to global media news there are obviously more important issues that we should be focusing on. I think It shows you a lot about New Zealand’s news media if we are actually getting more informative and hard hitting journalism for sites like Facebook then we are our own national newspapers.
And Wayne Mapp wants us to blindly sign up to it.
Mind you, he doesnt have to worry about:
Privatisation of health care
Reduced work rights
Crippling energy prices
Privatisation of water
And he doesn’t care about those who do.
TPPA is dangling by a thread. The worldwide dairy farming situation is dire due to over production and crashing prices. Canada and the USA are extremely unlikely to be able to make any concessions to us.
We need to keep the pressure up so Key/Gosser have to show benefit to our dairy farmers in order to justify the treaty. If they can’t show any dairying benefits , they’re in deep sh*t. Right now that’s precisely where they’re at.
Keep the pressure on.
I’m far from sure that Grosser & Key care about dairy farmers (Or any other farmers for that matter) when compared to their desire to sign TPPA.
Actually I feel sorry for farmers, they actually vote for the Nact’s so the disillusionment at being done over must hurt more.
Labour Party voters know what that feels like after the events of the 1980s.
Douglas, Prebble and the other coup leaders betrayed them.