
Written By: - Date published: 4:47 pm, April 19th, 2011 - 3 comments
Categories: activism, law, police - Tags:

No Right Turn put up this post on the latest in the police foulup that is Operation 8.

According to Stuff, the Urewera 18 are seeking leave to appeal the decision to deny them a jury trial to the Supreme Court. Good. Trial by jury is a fundamental right, and a vital check on the justice system. The decision to deny a jury in such a controversial and politically charged case is a travesty of justice which will fatally undermine the credibility of the trial in the public eye. And regardless of what you think about the case, that is not a Good Thing.This is an important case, and it needs to be heard. We all need to know whether the government is allowed to structure a trial to be long and complex, then use those decisions to deny a jury. And if it can, then we need to look seriously and urgently at the law which allows it to do so. 

3 comments on “Appealing ”

  1. ianmac 1

    That the reasons are hidden for not allowing a trial by jury is a worry as well. And not having the trial in the community of the accused seems wrong too.

  2. Drakula 2

    ian; There seems to be a parrallel with the Pike River hearings when the government wanted to take the final hearings to Christchurch.

    I don’t think they will have any option but to hold it in Greymouth now, can anyon enlighten me on this?

    Is this National’s standard practice?

    Where is the justice system going? Secret court hearings like that of the Stalinist era?

  3. Steve Withers 3

    Everything makes sense if you keep in sight that National hates democracy, openness, transparency and accountability. 

    From the referendum to suppress our votes, to the coup at ECAN, to the King of Canterbury law….under it all is “We Know Best”…and “We aren’t interested in what you think”.

    If you see it this way……everything fits.