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notices and features - Date published:
1:19 pm, April 8th, 2015 - 16 comments
Categories: blogs -
Tags: blogs
Just for fun: Selected NZ blog rankings, last four yrs @dpfdpf @danylmc @thestandard @TheDailyBlogNZ @norightturnnz pic.twitter.com/yZtS72tcyU
— Max Rashbrooke (@MaxRashbrooke) April 7, 2015
At the risk of sounding pedantic, where’s that, ahem, other blog?
They probably were not able to verify his claimed figures …
Max has confirmed that assumption.
He can get steroids for his blog easily by just paying for the service. However they test you when you box. Which is a KO…..
My only interest in Whaleoil’s figures is the vicarious amusement of finding out the exact nature of the cheat technique. I simply don’t believe their figures, and haven’t done so from the time that they started doubling every couple of months.
I suspect that Whaleoil’s real readership is similar to ours.
Keep telling yourself that
The posts per day are similar so that suggests the readership is similar too.
I thought that they were still dumping clickbait in?
You’d have to ask Max Rashbrooke, and note the title “Selected” NZ Blogs.
Interesting use of colours for each blog
Quite accurate though!
This graph is on ‘unique visits’ which is a completely useless measurement.
Both because the different systems like sitemeter, statcounter etc all measure what a ‘unique visit’ is differently, and because it ignores varying user behaviours between sites.
On this site a large core of the readers are on the site for more than 1801 seconds (more than half an hour) in a single session (unique visit) according to google analytics.
That is why GA says that our average session has in the last 30 days had an average duration of 00:06:25 and viewed 3.15 pages. We have a lot of visits who find something on google, have a brief look and immediately leave, but we have even more visits from people from people who take time to read the pages and the comments.
But the daft “unique visits” measure treats them as being exactly the same. It is a measure weighted for clickbait and search engine phrases.
In the last month we have had 39,249 sessions and 71,722 page views where we only saw the person once. Those are the clickbait people coming in from search engines.
But we had 49,242 sessions that read a total of 207,482 pages where we saw that person more than 201 times during the month.
Unique visits/sessions are a terrible measurement. They just lead to clickbait sites like Whaleoil and other content pirates who draw in audiences from across the world to boost numbers with clickbait. A really pointless activity if you are a locally focused blog.
A better measurement would be page views…
I guess whale’s figures are possible with some handy SEO and clickbait. But it’s too damn easy to artificially boost your stats as well.
If the rankings were based on user engagement, i.e. clicks and the amount of original content (posts and comments) TS and PA would be around the top
Flash Cookie Stuffer Script ?
Sounds like fun, or this one
LinkRefer V6 Referrer Faking Portal
Faker ? Sounds Whaleoil to T
I see Farrar’s blog is on the decline – not surprising since half the blog is just fluff to do with his midlife crisis . He may as well do himself a favour and fold in under WO’s umbrella.
Edit: Interesting to see The Standard prospering to the detriment of TBD. I only go there for Trotsky TBH.
Cause he’s never actually there any more. Either hiking or someone else posting about the US.
I predict he will probably shut it off some time over the next few years as he doesn’t seem to have much of an interest in it any more.
There is room for both. And it does not have to be a fight for page views.
Whatever you do, don’t read the twitter thread under the graph.
I did, and now I’m going to go find something sharp to poke into my eyes.