Caption competition

Written By: - Date published: 4:20 pm, February 11th, 2013 - 46 comments
Categories: caption contest - Tags:


46 comments on “Caption competition ”

  1. One Tāne Huna 1

    “…and then I told them that I couldn’t remember the meeting.”

    • emergency mike 1.1

      “So I just kept saying ‘I have not read that report,’ and got totally got away with it. It’s nutty over here Jules.”

  2. tamati 2

    “Sometimes I get my wife to put on a red wig and an Australian accent!”

  3. Rogue Trooper 3

    ahhh, the joke’s over (I won’t tell if you don’t)

  4. dpalenski 4

    John:We take your asylum seekers,you take our job seekers. Deal?
    Julia: If only you let me do my Mr Bean face first

  5. Policy Parrot 5

    “I reckon Steven’s got more votes than Kevin.”

  6. joe90 6

    Now, about those small hands….

  7. Te Reo Putake 7

    1: JK: “And if you promise to film Home and Away in Miramar, the NZ Government will personally fund your campaign, Julia, no questions asked! Well, no questions answered, anyway.”

    2: JK: “No, that’s not a map of a Queenstown ski slope, it’s our 2013 economic projections.”

    3: JG: (thinks) The nerve of this waiter, all I asked for was a glass of water!

  8. Andre 8

    You Know,,,,, Him over there[ Patrick Gower] has only one testicle….

  9. Dr Terry 9

    Smirking complicity.

  10. tc 10

    And then I said ‘strewth Bill, stone the crows cobber just sign this….’ crikey it’s just like merchant banking some days jeez what a gallah.

  11. fenderviper 11

    “Why not?….50 million means I can buy a great stud-double you know….I haven’t called you batshit or anything have I?”

    “Then we told them it would trickle down” (thanks to Tumeke for that one)

    Julia :”How do you stay so popular John”
    John: “Oh we just send them to Australia for a brighter future”

    “They dont know that Gina Rinehart is Gerry Brownlee in drag”

    “Where is Shearer going John? ”
    “I thinks he’s off to dye his hair red”

  12. Last week it was just a small pimple on my eyebrow.

  13. fenderviper 13

    “We’ll be going into coalition with Labour after the next election, their 15% will give us the numbers”

  14. George D 14

    “I’ve heard the ALP has a left-faction”.

  15. billbrowne 15

    I’ve got my eye on you

  16. QoT 16

    JK: “Thanks for the tip about using boat people to scaremonger for votes, Julz!”

    JG: (thinks) “I can’t believe he bought that shit.”

  17. irascible 17

    The xsecret to my success comes when you take the e from my name. … They don’t call me “Slippery” for nothing you know.

  18. You know we managed to persuade the Labour Caucus that the Standard was extreme and would hurt their chances … then Clare Curran had a go at Colonial Viper … and Trevor got into a twitter war with the Greens …

  19. johnm 19

    I think you have some some assets I could strip and sell off, I’d like to see them! 🙂

  20. Foreign Waka 20

    Wait until they find out what else I bring home…

  21. emergency mike 21

    “And then I told them we were going to create 170,000 jobs.”

  22. chris73 22

    Gotta admit I have a thing for ginga chicks…

  23. fenderviper 23

    “See look it’s like I said: we are now a fast follower, and from this angle I look like a one-eyed cock”

  24. Andre 24

    Did you bottom burp?

  25. David H 25

    Hey Julia does the Carpet match the Drapes??

    Wait and see silly.

  26. Andre 26

    They still think we will be in surplus .

  27. ak 27

    ………so help me, if this pea-brained little sheep-shagging tory turd leans in close for a photo opp just one fecking more time, I’ll kick the slimy bastard so hard in the balls that they’ll lift that god-awful rug clean off his stinking fish-eyed swede…… oh ha ha, yes nice one john.

  28. Coronial Typer 28

    “Thanks for that Immigration Position last night. And tying me to the posts with that new Social Welfare move; honey I’ve never been so completely screwed.”


    “David Shearer.”


    “I’ve just put the Black Caps on minimum wage.”


    “Swap you Kylie for Rachel Hunter.”


    “So this Afghan, a Paki, and an Abbo walk into a bar…”


  29. BLiP 29


    Of course I’ll look after your retirement fund.

  30. Paul. D 30

    “That was porkies”

  31. tc 31

    a cycleway ! good one eh

  32. burt 32

    It’s OK – we just get a Labour MP to sign off on work permits and residency for them… They do make large donations to the Labour party don’t they ?????

  33. PlanetOrphansTwinBrother 33

    Just stare at it really hard Julia , I Swear your can see prosperity down there !
    lol , look at all the peasants , don’t you just luv those hidden picture books ?

  34. rod 34

    How’s this for closer relations with Ushtralia jules

  35. Tanz 35

    Key – Óh, Julia, how I love, love, lurve just me.