Caption competition

Written By: - Date published: 4:30 pm, May 22nd, 2009 - 40 comments
Categories: caption contest, greens, humour - Tags:


40 comments on “Caption competition ”

  1. I’ll always be taller than you Jeanette

    damn, the captchas better than me; pillory city.

    gotta use that

  2. Roflcopter 2

    Jeanette: “Ooops, sorry, that just squeaked out”

    Russell: “And we’re supposed to be campaigning AGAINST excess gases”

  3. BLiP 3

    Not long before this sheila’s gone and then it’ll all be bonza, mate.

  4. Alfred the Great 4

    Oh look the hairy lady has brought her boy eunuch out to play.

  5. Brett Dale 5

    “Should we tell them Global Warming is all a lie?”

    • felix 5.1

      Gidday Brett, where ya been?

      • inpassing 5.1.1

        been up there – in the carbon layers – and knows, see. The only thing beings can do is lie up there.. and it’s catching.. cos when they come down they lie standing up..

  6. Ms X 6

    can you see his lips moving?

  7. turtling 7

    Christ the guy just drips arrogance from every pore.

  8. outofbed 8

    I never thought of Christ as being arragant

    • turtling 8.1

      Whoah that is a spirited and witty defence against the suggestion Russel is arrogant. Who ever said Greens have no sense of humour?

      • Chris G 8.1.1

        whats funny is you judging someone based on a still image of them in the act of looking , a fairly harmless act some may have thought.

        But as turtling has thankfully pointed out, it is a tell all sign of ones persona.

  9. toad 9

    “It’s okay Rusty, we planted Melissa in the National Party years ago. She’ll deliver you enough votes to win”.

  10. mike 10

    I just can’t get past the fact she recycles her own poos

  11. rave 11

    Who’s this brown man?

  12. ak 12

    Carried away for a moment by his new persona and eager for material to impress his new National Party friends, Russ the Muss edges imperceptibly backwards and positions himself for a glimpse at the fabled and elusive Fitzsimmons cleavage….

    • Whacky Lefty 12.1

      ak – that is some magic pervy-theory you have there. Cleveage perv from behind the shoulder while standing up in a crew neck top & jacket.

  13. She would have never been able to say “Grand Theft Auckland” four times in one TV interview.

  14. burt 14

    Having supported the EFA so strongly Russel found himself unconsciously checking for an appropriately worded authorisation statement as soon as Jeanette started talking.

    • ak 14.1

      (All right, that’s enough: the reasonable arguments were one thing, but now you’ve gone too far. Grammatically perfect, mildly amusing, no spelling mistakes and not a retrospectively validated in sight. Whoever you are, kindly desist from your cruel impersonation of burt at once: very disconcerting to us older folk….)

  15. felix 15

    Jeanette: Did I say that out loud? Hope he didn’t notice…

    Russ: Did she just say “smarmy”? Nah, musta been “charmy”. Heh, I am pretty charmy, aren’t I.

  16. vto 16

    Give up J, joint smoke don’t puff no decent rings, pass it here …

  17. inpassing 17

    see — ties don’t lie..! (from the dictionary of dress sense)

  18. William Aspish 18

    It’s not like it was in the old days when Tane was around.

  19. Clarke 19

    “I just wish I had Jeanette’s good dress sense … “

  20. Mr Anderson 20

    Jeanette: Don’t worry Russel, the Standard won’t stoop so low as to run a stupid caption competition.
    Russel: Things have been getting a little bit grey recently…

  21. SHG 21


  22. Can I play on the swings mummy?

  23. greenfly 23

    Is that a ‘used-by’ date on the back of her neck?

  24. greenfly 24

    Wow! all those years as leader and not a single knife wound in her back!

    • serpico 24.1

      I heard that the bearded lady designed the ‘All Men Are Bastards’ knife block.

  25. charlie 25

    Woohoo!!!…., gmilfalicious!

  26. burt 26

    I have put up an NRT style caption contest for this picture.

  27. greenfly 27

    Is that the call of the bellbird you’re whistling there Jeanette, or is it your swan-song?

  28. Norma 28

    Jeannette, can’t wait till you’re gone so I can turn the Green Party into a right-wing support party for the Nats.

  29. Lew 29

    Russel later said he regretted not having a pitchfork.


  30. marco12 30

    Not much longer need I hold this face. Soon the old fool will be gone, then you’ll be mine my pretty, all mine.

  31. village idiot 31

    So, who wins the caption competition (just seems to be hanging in the air, that question).