Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 9:29 am, July 9th, 2023 - 31 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour - Tags:

Keep it seemly.

31 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. Blazer 1

    Move over…Ken…here's…Baldie!

  2. Mac1 2

    'Mass edition-All boxed up and ready to go!"

  3. Bruce 3

    ” I'm a Barbie girl in a Barbie world
    Life in plastic, it's fantastic
    You can rub my head, undress me everywhere
    Imagination, life is your creation”

    All credit to the creator

  4. Phillip ure 4

    Mattel releases 'the Chris doll'..

    See it move…!..see it speak..!

    Press the turbo button..and he does both at the same time..!

  5. Phillip ure 5

    A boxed present..for act..

  6. Phillip ure 6

    Luxon: 'i embrace barbie..and all she stands for..

    For me she epitomises national party policy..

    And she speaks for nz'ers sick and tired of this do-nothing government doing nothing for barbie…and all she stands for…

    And I am no johnny-come-lately to barbie..

    Back when I had hair..I had a barbie-bus/motorhome..

    And it/she had combs and brushes..

    Aahh!..the memories..!

    Barbie rules..!..'

  7. AB 7

    Childish fantasy on sale in October.

    When I became a man, I did not put away childish things, I put on a tie and became rilly aspirational.

  8. Phillip ure 8


    'don brash had his walking-the-plank moment ..

    Is this my barbie-moment…?

    Do they know about the bus..?'

  9. Incognito 9

    Limited Edition

    DeLuxon Model with 5 Talking Points Included!

    Batteries and Policies not included


    • Patricia Bremner 9.1

      devil Lucky Dip?/Unlucky Dip?/ Dip?

    • Shanreagh 9.2

      5 talking points?

      Are they doing an almighty upgrade, rejigging before final release. I thought they had prided themselves that the doll had one talking point Vote National. Haven't they already decided to do away with the policies?

      lt now comes with an optional extra two words 'Buddy' and 'Kura' if you squeeze it.

  10. adam 10

    This will win votes…

  11. bwaghorn 11

    Barbie bringing you shiny empty soulless products since 1950

  12. Descendant Of Smith 12

    B version – Bullshit Barbie.

    We only wish it was only in cinemas.

    I'm a bloke, and I'm crappy
    I'm rich, but I've whined
    I'm short, but I'm wealthy, yeah
    I flew high, but I'm grounded
    I'm insane, and I'm overwhelmed
    I'm lost, but I'm hopeful, baby

    And what it all comes down to
    Is that everything's gonna be mine, mine, mine
    'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is givin' tax cuts

    I'm a flunk, when I'm sober
    I'm old, and I'm overpaid
    I'm bored, but I'm praying, yeah
    I don't care, and I'm useless
    I'm here, but I'm really gone
    I'm wrong, but I'm not sorry, baby

    And what it all comes down to
    Is that everything's gonna be mine, mine, mine
    'Cause I've got one hand in my pocket
    And the other one is givin' tax cuts

    (apologies to Alanis Morisette)

  13. Incognito 13

    Walks backwards and back-walks

  14. Phillip ure 14

    They'll be on special in October..

    So hold off 'till then….

    And these don't usually go up in value..

    You can pick up a david cunnliffe action man for a song these days..

    • adam 14.1

      You can pick up a david cunnliffe action man for a song these days..

      Along side the Phil Goff porcelain, with all those Tory knives in his back. And half a dozen leftist ones in the chest.

  15. John Donnan Philosophizzer 15

    Inaction figure

  16. Incognito 16

    Highly Recommended Accessories:

    Mercedes (Black colour only)


    Tesla with Optional Government Rebate

    Deputy Doll

    Self-Inflatable Poll

  17. John Donnan Philosophizzer 17

    The Wrath Of Ken

  18. Shanreagh 18

    'Don't scoff – I'm trying out my inner pink'.

  19. georgecom 19

    ones a plastic inanimate cartoon character figure

    the other is a doll created by Mattel in 1959

  20. Move over Planet Key. Welcome to Luxon-world! Where everything is fake and we sell feelgood messages while giant corporations plunder your wallet! Blame Labour! Blame Maoris! Drive a Ford Ranger! Ignore Climate Change!

    The corporate media will piss on everyone and tell us it's raining. Good news for the 0.01% !!!

  21. JeremyB 21

    "And here we see a brand new Hollow Man, fresh off the production line"

  22. Doogs 22

    I’m ready for my close-up now Nicola.


    Ken couldn’t make it, guys. This is better. Whadda ya think Nic?