Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 4:15 pm, February 10th, 2025 - 34 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour - Tags:

Keep it seemly.

34 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. Ad 1

    Worn out colonial vehicle fails to make next step through Parliament.

    • Mac1 1.1

      King of the Road!

      Old worn-out ute and shoes, I don't pay no union dues, I smoke old roaches I have found, short but not too big around
      [Refrain] I'm a man of means, by no means
      King of the road.

  2. SPC 2

    Seymour shows off the capability of the more affordable military vehicles from Compass.

  3. Tiger Mountain 3

    Doing some Scout Master training modules…anyone fancy a bush jaunt…

  4. georgecom 4

    reasons for delays in delivery of school lunches revealed – old vehicle and dick driver

    heard the dick on the radio, tried to defend his actions rather than take responsibility and say ‘yeah, I acted like a dick, I need to learn a lesson’. Buck stops somewhere else seymour

  5. Incognito 5

    It’s a jungle out there but gamekeeper Dave is regulating it.

  6. Incognito 6

    Atlas agent tries to infiltrate Parliament in camouflaged vehicle.

  7. bwaghorn 7

    Little lord hehaws posterior having spiffing day,

  8. Incognito 8

    Lost lifestyler looking for Lambton Quay.

  9. Phillip ure 9

    Seymour: 'this is fun..!…what will I do next ..?

    I know ..!… I'll go and pee in luxons letterbox..!'

  10. Phillip ure 10

    Seymour: 'i'm gonna make luxon the starmer of nz ..!

    Then I will rule. !'

  11. Incognito 12

    David Seymour is Acting out his Principles of Property Rights and Landownership.

  12. SPC 13

    The Minister of Regulation demonstrates personal responsibility by showing parliamentary security the WOF of the vintage vehicle.

  13. Mike the Lefty 14

    You see THAT'S how you deliver school lunches!

  14. SPC 15

    David Seymour takes the PM's advice and does a photo opportunity for a women's magazine before becoming deputy PM. He explains his father was conceived in the vehicle and he himself is now planning to follow the family tradition.

  15. Phillip ure 16

    Seymour: 'i'm gonna use this…when we do the coup….'

  16. Tony Veitch 17

    "Seatbelt? Who needs a seatbelt? I'm a malignant narcissist who makes the rules!"

  17. PsyclingLeft.Always 18

    Acts Clown Prince in clown car. Although maybe a little pennywise in that clown….

    ACT lead David Seymour driving Land Rover up steps of Parliament a 'political sideshow' – PM

  18. Incognito 19

    David Seymour wants a debate on why the Ram Raid Bill is redundant.

  19. AB 20

    Market Leninists begin the February Revolution.

  20. adam 21

    Look who is the bully is now mum

  21. thinker 22
    1. New Treaty Vehicles Bill: cars were introduced by colonists so everyone on the Maori roll has to pay a tariff of 25% to drive one.
    1. I'm so unpopular these days I need to storm parliament just to get in.
    2. When I said I was engaged I didn't mean to be married, just engaged first gear.
    3. When Winston and I start knocking heads, I'll be ready for him. I've got an arsenal of weapons in the back.
    4. Any stunt will do. That’s how you rise in the preferred prime minister polls. Watch and learn, Luxon…
  22. thinker 23

    At 80 years old, this car gets better healthcare than the average New Zealander…

  23. Cooper Oil 24

    Andrew Bayly turns into a jerk when he tours vineyards

  24. PsyclingLeft.Always 25

    Seymours smirk of desperation. Despite the wheels having fallen off his coalition clown car….

    Politics live: Seymour letter criticised, polls put centre-left ahead of government

  25. Patricia Bremner 26

    The Joker in a Jeep.
    Creepy as.

  26. SPC 27

    This guy, the one who wants to be in charge of how governance is regulated, is not the one you want on the driveway of your home – the speaker will likely seek a restraining order.

    • SPC 27.1

      Speaker Gerry Brownlee, opening question time on Tuesday, commended the officer who stopped ACT leader David Seymour from driving a Land Rover up Parliament’s steps on Monday.

      Brownlee said Seymour had sent a letter apologising for the incident.

      Any question of prosecution was in the hands of the police, the Speaker said.

      • Drowsy M. Kram 27.1.1

        Any question of prosecution was in the hands of the police, the Speaker said.

        laugh If Seymour ends up feeling harassed by police, then he could always tell his MP.

  27. Patricia Bremner 28

    Rules for Thee

    But not for Me.

  28. Phillip ure 29

    Seymour: 'i'll betcha trump didn't think of this'..

  29. Phillip ure 30

    Seymour:'when we take over.. I'm gonna make myself a field -marshall..'