Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 7:24 pm, June 16th, 2013 - 120 comments
Categories: john key, Minister for Photo-ops - Tags:

What can one (anyone) say about this image? Well, I guess we will find out.

John Key with hat

120 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. McFlock 1

    “This funny hat is one of the souvineers I’ll take home to Hawaii.
    As Minister of Tourism, of course…”

  2. chris73 2

    “I don’t understand, no matter I do I’m still popular”

    • farmboy 2.1

      Prime minister looks and laughs at another asset sales protest ,dosnt hear a thing

  3. Blue 3

    John Key has sense of humour, Lefties ask “what’s that ?”

  4. idlegus 4

    international bankster in kiwi clothing

  5. Shona 5

    Like all moronic Tories John Key thinks he has a sense of humor.
    Everyone is laughing at you John, not with you.

  6. felix 6

    One-eyed prick looks down his nose at nz.

  7. dpalenski 7

    I’m a Kiwi hipster and democracy is too mainstream

  8. Rogue Trooper 8

    “Im a little tea-pot, rort and tout
    here is my handle here is my spout
    I steam through Laws, they’re there to flout…”

  9. Tazireviper 9

    Why do you keep confusing me with Richard Head my name is John SchlongKey

  10. I actually like that hat.

  11. minister for silly hats..

    phillip ure..

  12. “..ack-shully..i don’t wanna be pwime minister any more..!

    ..i wanna go and play..!..wif my money..!..”

    phillip ure..

  13. Nate 13

    100% Made In China.

  14. from the people who brought you tin-foil hats..

    ..we present the keyster..

    ..phillip ure..

  15. MikeG 15

    “I’m really just the Kiwiblog mascot”

  16. ayn rand fan-club initiation rite..

    ..phillip ure..

  17. “..i just got this from ‘the pleasure-garden’ sex-shop..

    ..apparantly i have to lube it up before insertion..”

    ..phillip ure..

  18. “ joycey ready for me..?..”

    phillip ure..

  19. “..i do this to every new minister..i mark them..”

    phillip ure..

  20. “..look..! hat has a boner..!..”

    phillip ure..

  21. joe90 21

    … chook! chook! chook!! … diner ….

  22. Clown face.

    The other one is a hat.

  23. “..i am not a dickhead..! there..!..”

    phillip ure..

  24. “..where are my adult nappies..?..

    ..where’s my teddy-bear..?..”

    ..phillip ure..

  25. Arfamo 25

    Man in background: (Blimey, they’re right. He really is a turkey.)

  26. Blue 26

    Key shows that a silly hat is funnier than Phil Ure

    • didyahear the one about the rightwing sense-of-humour byepass at birth..?..there..?

      ..silly hats and prat falls is all they/you

      ..phillip ure..

  27. QoT 27

    A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he’s not afraid of anything.

  28. Saarbo 28

    Why do people think Im a one eyed dick head?

  29. Natalie 29

    And now for my David Shearer impersonatshun

  30. key tries to show he is ‘common’..succeeds…

    phillip ure..

  31. Grumpy 31

    Too late. Whale Oil has already done this.

    • felix 31.1

      What, pranced around like a fuckwit?

      No kidding.

    • lprent 31.2

      I like this image – so in keeping with the image of how a prime minister should be. Unlike Cameron, we can keep it from scrolling out of sight…

      We respect how a prime mincer chooses to appear.

      • Rogue Trooper 31.2.1

        anuvver ‘weekend’.sigh.

        • Akldnut

          Would never have known that Whaleoil’s done it because I spend no time in the dungeon

      • freedom 31.2.2

        “We respect how a prime mincer chooses to appear.”
        proof being that despite probable temptation, no-one has linked to the other version which appeared over the weekend. Where the beak was replaced with [also knitted] appendages not normally found protruding from the forehead. 🙂

    • James 31.3

      and so has Kiwiblog and KeepingStock – but they are different eco systems – nothing wrong with lots of sites running caption contest – a lot of the users here would not have seen them on the others sites.

  32. “..we used to do this at lehmans..!..

    .. we called it head-fuck fridays..”

    ..phillip ure..

  33. you can take the boy out of glenfield…but…

    ..phillip ure..

  34. Blue 34

    They should put this on a billboard at the next election.

  35. “..does my nose look big in this..?..”

    ..phillip ure..

  36. weka 36

    Pinnochio? Never heard of him.

  37. irascible 37

    PinoKeyo demonstrates that he is nasally challenged.

  38. “Get this idiot out from under me!”

  39. Akldnut 39

    Why?…acshully I have no idea why they call me Capt. Beaky – I’m blaming the hat.

  40. hoom 40

    ‘So then Geppetto said if I sell all the assets I get to be a real man, not just a hollow puppet’

  41. Akldnut 41

    The 2 faces of key
    1. Impersonating a Kiwi
    2. Impersonating a Prime Minister

  42. Paul Campbell 42

    Lusk got the Angry Bird one ….

  43. fender 43

    Ideas for turning New Zealand into a banana republic spring from Keys’ mind.

  44. paul 44

    Hey, look at me, I’m a big cock.

  45. tracey 45

    If I look stupid the punters let me do anything.

  46. Matthew Hooton 46

    Mickey Mouse ears are a national symbol of the United States … but that does’t President Obama ever wears them.

    • David H 46.1

      ” but that does’t President Obama ever wears them.”

      FFS Hooten you are supposed to be able to write a sentence. but obviously you have someone else check it for foolish mistakes. Can’t have been around, huh,

  47. her 47

    I especially like the pigtails.

  48. scotty 48

    Two faced turkey sent packing.

  49. Tautoko Viper 49

    Our National Simple

  50. Dv 50

    JOHN KEY testing the new GCSB spy detection kit.

  51. mac1 51

    “Camera, microphone and headphones built in, antennae built into the braids, eh, and all connected to PRISM? For undercover operatives investigating youth subversion?”

    • Anne 51.1

      mac1 you haven’t studied it properly.

      That’s the camera on top. The antennae is in the nose. The braids disguise the listening devices woven in so that they’re undetectable. Very clever and using the PM too… who woulda thunk.

  52. Craig Glen Eden 52

    ” Muppet”

  53. Steve 53


  54. Rosetinted 54

    I’m a fun-loving guy when I ‘let my hair down’ – and I can let my kiwi down too.

  55. felix 55

    The humble Kiwi is known to produce the largest stool in the bird kingdom.

  56. ak 56

    Wolf in kiwi’s clothing fined for obscene exposure.

  57. Wayne (a different one) 57

    “I’m looking down my nose at all you losers on the left”

  58. Yorick 58

    John Key looking for the Westie vote. Is there a snap election in the air ?

    Everything happens for a reason, especially for a consummate corporate
    climber like our John.

  59. Winston Smith 59

    “I could wear this during the debates and I’d still be taken more seriously then Shearer”

  60. ruup 60

    The Right Honourable John Key Prime Minister of New Zealand…Yep! Insert Tui Ad Here…

  61. Tel 61

    Strength Through Joyce movement opts for woollen Pickelhaube

  62. Macro 62


  63. Chooky 63

    I’m a little kiwi
    Short and stout
    Here is my handle
    Here is my spout
    When I get all steamed up
    Hear me shout
    Greens all over
    Voted me out!

    • Rosetinted 63.1

      When I get all steamed up
      Hear me shout
      Greens all over
      Sic them out.

      An alternative version. (I’m a Green voter by the way.)

  64. ropata 64

    Eats, rorts and leaves.

    Grand Poobah PinoKeyo demonstrates amusing new uniform for his subjects.

  65. Treetop 65

    The hat is more patriotic than the person wearing it.

  66. Only one word to describe it.Plonker!!

  67. Augustus 67

    The new campaign to promote Tourism. 35% Pure!

    • Rosetinted 67.1

      Probably would be more on the 80-20 Rule soon, down to 20% Pure. Which of course would be impure at that dilution.

  68. the pigman 68

    Novelty hat tries desperately to free itself from bully’s sticky head.

    • Rosetinted 68.1

      the pigman
      There was a NZ childrens pop song way back called Stickybeak the Kiwi. Perhaps we could adopt it as Key’s anthem.

  69. Rosetinted 69

    I’m getting out of here. I don’t seem to be able to restrain myself from adding little things to the clever quips.

  70. Observer (Tokoroa) 70

    “This will happen to you too – if you rub Turia’s nose the right way”

  71. “It’s so stimulating being your hat.”
    -The Wiseman’s hat from ‘Labyrinth’.

  72. peterlepaysan 72

    Dick head.

  73. Binders full of women 73

    John Key taking a leaf out of the Labour playbook ‘mmm note to self need to be more fresh/retro/hip/’

  74. Jenny 74

    “We thought that we should find a use for all that wildlife we are removing from the Denniston Plateau.”

  75. Yorick 75

    “I am following the advice from those friendly chaps at Crosby + Textor that elections are won by displaying ’emotional intelligence’ rather than arguing the toss. That is done by the courts and the inuversities .. I fink.

    Gee, don’t I look emotionally intelligent ? Even the protection chappie behind me is smiling. As P.T. Barnum put it, a new one is born every minute ..

    Make sure you publish the best angle .. when Tuhoe came to parliament I saluted the short one with the tatts, ah yes – Tame Iti – there was a nice shot from behind on TV.

    I think that’s a kiwi’s head I’m wearing.

    Symbolic, really.

    How do you like my ‘cockney’ ?

    Can I show you a few tricks ? No ? Really ?
    I can change a few laws around here, you know.”

  76. Rosetinted 76

    If you don’t like my principles…well. I have others. Groucho Marx, he’s great, such a robust philosopher.

  77. rod 77

    “Another photo oppurtunity for me, this time to promote the latest headwear for the ageing, balding,fun loving gentleman, available at most Adult Toy Stores in NZ . Buy 2 and get 10 mighty river power shares. and a signed, coloured photo of yours truly, absolutely free. Be quick, offer only available while I am PM.

  78. Yorick 78

    You soon won’t have John Key to kick around any more .. and I don’t care !

  79. Zazeen Rika 79

    “Yeah, I’m a real dickhead, hahaha and the Prime Minister of New Zealand. Can you believe it?”

  80. Macro 80

    “The Clown Prince”


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