Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 1:00 pm, May 9th, 2014 - 145 comments
Categories: caption contest - Tags:

Key Slater Farrar

145 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. Andre 1

    Bottom feeders….

  2. shorts 2

    No ties

  3. Philj 3

    Pro whaling investors meet in brothel.

  4. tc 4

    the 3 stooges, troughy, shonky and blubby

  5. risildowgtn 5

    Creatures from the deep, Penguin, Lobster butt licker, and wail boil

  6. key:..’collins will soon be sleeping with these fishes..’

  7. farrar proudly shows off the results of the recent sewing-course-holiday he went on..

    ..apparantly he whipped it up from his aunties’ old curtains..

  8. key with two customers/consumers at the man-bra trade-show….

  9. they look far too happy..

    ..whose goosing who..?

  10. p.m. meets tr*lls…

  11. ruup 12

    “Yes I’m stuck in the middle with you,
    And I’m wondering what it is I should do,
    It’s so hard to keep this smile from my face,
    Losing control, yeah, I’m all over the place,
    Clowns to the left of me, Jokers to the right,
    Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.”

    by Stealers Wheel

  12. blue leopard 13

    Three unidentified guests who visited the aquarium were asked to leave because they were scaring the fish and other guests with the vacuous grins they had plastered on their faces.

    The aquarium owners raised an alert to the police and the three (pictured above) were arrested on the way out for possession and use of the popular synthetic highs, ‘A Brighter Future’, ‘Rockstar Economy’, ‘An Economic Surplus Exists’ and ‘It is all Labour’s Fault’ which have now been banned due to the damage they are causing the country.

    • greywarbler 13.1

      bl +100 Those numbers sound foot tappy – sound like hits to me.
      Then again ruups choice is a goer too.

      • blue leopard 13.1.1

        Thanks, greywarbler, I was hoping someone would get amusement from that 🙂

  13. p.m. meets staff @ ‘chins ‘r us’…

  14. JanM 15

    Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?

  15. thatguynz 16

    Moe, Larry and Curly venture out to the aquarium.

  16. p.m. meets judith collins’ support-group..

  17. Treetop 18

    Spinning themselves into one big knot.

  18. national party insiders select a burial-place for collins’ career…

  19. Treetop 20

    PM approves of Collin’s support group.

  20. Clemgeopin 21

    The three tie-less tricksters.

  21. Andre 22

    Ahhhhhh! . . . . Butt plugs

  22. greywarbler 23

    I think we brought it off lads!

  23. greywarbler 24

    That last gig paid well. Now it’s off to trough again. See you soon!

  24. this years’ finalists in the annual dirt-file-competition..

  25. the ayn rand appreciation society..

  26. three picketty refuseniks..

  27. Clemgeopin 28

    FOR SALE ! : Three bums.

  28. p.m. meets winner and runner-up of the annual pie-eating competition..

  29. Philj 30

    Which one likes Chinese?

    • greywarbler 30.1

      Is there a nice plump beneficiary in that tank of future dinners at my back? Why eat the rich? I could never understand what that film was on about!

  30. Papa Tuanuku 31

    see no evil

  31. George 32

    Friends are priceless.

    For everything else there’s a donation.

  32. Tiger Mountain 33

    “The Three Amigos II–Chamber of Tory Horrors cut”
    –starring three slippery dirty dodgepots–Mincer, Prime Mincer and can’t Bee f’ooked.

  33. Puckish Rogue 34

    “NZs most popular PM of the MMP era and the two most popular political bloggers in NZ share a photo” 🙂

    • Enough is Enough 34.1

      Helen Clark was Prime Minister for three terms with strong opular support throughout. She would have been Prime Minister for four terms had it not been for the Corporate Media’s corrupt witch hunt of Winston Peters.

      So no he is not the most popular Prime Minister. He is without doubt the most hated and certainly the most incompentent.

      As for the bloggers I think you will find they fudge their numbers somewhat

  34. (ya gotta love that oxford dictionary of quotations..this was written in 1681…)

    “ friendship false..implacable in hate..

    ..resolved to ruin or to rule..the state..”

  35. This year’s 1980s WWF wrestling reunion features Andre the Giant, the Million Dollar Man, and Tugboat.

  36. John Williams 37

    “The New Zealand National Government in all it guises.”

  37. Gooch 38

    Meet the candidates for the Lemon Party

  38. BLiP 39

    Fishy, definitely fishy.

  39. the pigman 40

    Aquarium’s prized penguin and sickly sperm whale stolen from their tanks during daring heist by an unidentified guest.

  40. Ed 41

    We have a cunning plan.

  41. One Anonymous Bloke 42

    We need better wingnuts.

  42. Clemgeopin 43

    The Cabinet Rub.

  43. Andre 45

    IRD looking for information concerning ……….

  44. Chooky 46

    Happy as Pigs in mud

  45. chris73 47

    “One of us, one of us”

  46. Jrobin 48

    Two donors compete for time with renowned Cabinet Club member.

  47. Paul Campbell 49

    “Cabinet Club”, it’s all about amateur carpentry right …. you believe me don’t you? please ….

  48. Jackal 50

    Do you, smiling assassin, take this slightly soiled blogger to be your lawfully wedded propagandist? I do.

    Do you, former Truth editor, take this snake oil salesman to be your sugar daddy and secret funder? I do.

    Do you, Muldoonist, promise to repress free speech and democracy at every chance? I do.

    Do you, climate change denier, accept the doctrine of neoliberalism for all eternity. I do.

    I now pronounce you corporatist and propagandist.

    You may bribe the press.

  49. Clemgeopin 51

    A head honcho with two paunchos.

  50. Clemgeopin 52

    A dick with two dickheads.

  51. Clemgeopin 53

    A twit with two nitwits.

  52. philj 54

    Jackal wins the booby prize. 😉

  53. Clemgeopin 55

    Honest John with two bosom buddies.

  54. anker 56

    Key in damage control mode – attempts to create the perception of of the National Party as a moral, decent party . by hanging out with Slater and Farar.

  55. anker 57

    Key in damage control mode – attempts to raise the National Party’s standards and morality by hanging out with Slater and Farar.

  56. dave 58

    truth ,integrity,morality HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHpond scum x3

  57. captain hook 59

    the thing, the blob and the creature from the black lagoon

  58. dave 60

    thruth ,intergrety,morality

  59. Will@Welly 61

    an arse between two asses.

  60. O masters, if I were disposed to stir
    Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage,
    I should do David wrong and John wrong, and Cameron wrong,
    Who, you all know, are honourable men

    Julius Caesar, ACT III Scene II. The Aquarium.

  61. karol 63

    ‘armless trio? Joined at the hip?

  62. Jackal 64

    May I kiss your arse with this shit eating grin Prime Minster?

  63. Rob 65

    ideas bereft blog recycles three year old photograph in vain attempt to remain relevant

    • @rob..

      ..rightwinger confirms the given that all rightwingers have a sense of humour bye-pass at birth..

      ..(the nearest they get to humour are those hard/brittle sneers at those they consider their inferiors..

      ..and we should feel sorry for them..

      ..that must be hell/dire..

      ..the grinding grey life of no ha-ha!.. wonder they are so angry..

      ..the poor luvvies..!

      • phillip ure 65.1.1


        ..the challenge one funny rightwing comedian..

        ..there aren’t any..

        ..that’s ‘cos all rightwingers are humourless arsewipes..

        ..who had s.o.h. bye-passes at birth..


  64. TeWhareWhero 66

    When shall we three meet again?
    To swindle, hoodwink and complain?
    When the double-dealing’s done,
    When the election’s lost or won?

  65. pm meets laboratory-experiments that went terribly terribly wrong…

  66. pm and his dirt-file meet runner-up in cartman-look-alike contest..

  67. Naki Man 69

    Well done Cam for wining the best blog award tonight

    • Clemgeopin 69.1

      If THAT is voted the best blog, it says more about the low calibre of the voters than anything else!

    • Jackal 69.2

      Influx of rightwing commentators congratulating Cameron Slater finally makes this blog relevant. /sarc

    • Awww 69.3

      And well done to Canon, the official paper supplier to the WhaleOil blog for it’s continuing support of far right hate speech.

  68. rod 70

    The PM with his speechwriters.

    • Will@Welly 70.1

      Wrong. Given the P.M.’s nasal qualities, try “P.M. with his screech writers.”

  69. Naki Man 71

    The most popular PM and the most popular bloggers in New Zealand

    • adam 71.1

      Naki Man doing shit trolling since, well not very long – and man, your just really bad at it. Just go back and smoke some crack with the rest of the whale oil crowd, or smell your own farts – hey what ever rocks your smug little world.

  70. georgecom 72

    with apologies to Sesame Street

    Three of these things are just like the others,
    Three of these things just do not belong,
    Can you tell which things are just like the others
    By the time I finish my song?

    Three of these things belong together
    Three of these things are kind of the same
    Can you guess which one of these doesn’t belong in Parliament?
    Now it’s time to play our game (our fundraising game).

  71. TeWhareWhero 73

    A bad political sandwich – the bread is too thick and the filling is not what it claims to be.

  72. Pdubyah 74

    Dumb, dumber, dumbest.

  73. georgecom 75

    Key poses for picture at pie warmer technicians convention.

  74. Murray Olsen 76

    Farrar: gosh these guys are lucky to be with me.
    Key: ashlee tease gays a luggy to be with me.
    Blubber Boy: aahh, oooh, aaah, oops………anyone got a tissue?

  75. Stuart Munro 77

    Rightswingers! The club for those whose mums and siblings resist ACT policy…

  76. another meaning of wobh..(in abbrev.-dict..) ‘weight of both horns’..

    ..(think about it..!..)

  77. Ian 79

    Key Burger

  78. felix 80

    Vizzini and Fezzik. And an unnamed guest.

  79. Linz 81

    Delusion, greed and hate: the three unwholesome roots.

  80. captain hook 82

    one pig, two pokes.

  81. burt 83

    Is this really all it takes to make Labour look like sock puppets.

  82. Enough is Enough 84

    Someones been eating too many dead rats

  83. Clemgeopin 85

    The honey hive and the two Bs.

  84. joe90 86

    Eh-oh!, Dipsy, Laa-Laa, and Tinky Winkyon are here and Po‘s on her way.

  85. tricledrown 87

    Which one is the vintriloquist.
    PinoKeyO finds it easy to operate his dummy with the whaleoil providing more than adequate lubrication to manipulate such a large Dummy.

  86. tricledrown 88

    Cabinet Club meeting with PM .
    Fishy business as National tanks (aqarium in back ground gives it away) in the polls Jamie whyte of ACT sends incestious minders to arrange a polygamus 3 way gay marriage as part of pre election tom linettnegotiations whyte says this is the bottom line to any post election deal.

  87. Ecosse_Maidy 89

    Keys: “Sorry Lads, The National Underground Aquarium Bunker was the only place, I could think of to meet, without that ****** Pete George arriving and interrupting….Double check that door is locked will u?

  88. Ecosse_Maidy 90

    Keys ” Ok, how do we deny climate change now Gents now the sea water is over my holiday retreat windows?”

  89. Yossarian 91

    Keys: Ok, We have been here for three bloody days! One of us has to go and check out what’s up top and see if Cyclone Judith has left anything behind……

  90. Ecosse_Maidy 92

    Ok We have been here for three bloody days now!!!! One of us has to go and check out what’s up top and see if Cyclone Judith has left anything behind……..

  91. Clemgeopin 93

    Whose turn is it to pass a leak today, yours or mine?

  92. Ecosse_Maidy 94

    The three new directors of the offshore drilling company gathered for the first time….Hale oil was now in business.

  93. Ecosse_Maidy 95

    Keys: Thank fuck they can’t see what we are doing with our dicks!

  94. emergency mike 96

    Rusty the goldfish with three unidentified bloggers.

  95. Ecosse_Maidy 97

    Rusty the gold fish makes generous donation of thirty thousand dollars to the national party troika for allowing him to stay in the country.

  96. Gooch 98

    Dutch Rudder enthusiasts pose for a photo outside their annual conference

  97. Ecosse_Maidy 99

    Rusty the goldfish , unveiled as Pete George in cheap disguise

  98. Ecosse_Maidy 100

    Rusty the goldfish promoted to Minister of Justice and Immigration.

  99. Ecosse_Maidy 101

    Rusty the Goldfish, resigns in fury, as his expenses are questioned,,,,,then proceeds to sell his memoirs…

  100. Ecosse_Maidy 102

    Rusty the goldfish gets awarded Knighthood and retires to Hawaii to play golf

  101. Ed 103

    We have a cunning plan . . . . . . .for the fish droppings

  102. Clemgeopin 104


  103. jaymam 105

    DPF and Whaleoil with an unidentified guest.
    P.S. thanks to Norrie Montgomery for the photo that was copied from Facebook (the “I’m voting National” page)!

  104. adam 106

    Working for the 1% – from here to eternity.

  105. TeWhareWhero 107

    What’s going through their minds……

    Farrar: “Please hurry up and take the picture, someone’s eating all the cake!’

    Key: ‘Oh god, Slater’s just farted, hurry up and take the bloody picture!’

    Slater: “Omigod, I just farted next to the PM. Hurry up and take the picture!’

    • Ecosse_Maidy 107.1

      Rusty the goldfish took that fart wrapped it up and called it the national party

  106. Jenny 108

    Following major re-constructive surgery, by a world leading team of expensive private sector surgeons, and a long period of recuperation.

    On making a full recovery Mr Creasote bravely returns to the scene of his unfortunate accident.

    (The surgeons finding so much human tissue, Mr Creasote was mistakenly reassembled into three discrete individuals)