Caption contest

Written By: - Date published: 9:16 am, December 5th, 2018 - 34 comments
Categories: caption contest, humour, Simon Bridges - Tags:

Keep it seemly.

34 comments on “Caption contest ”

  1. Shackleford Hurtmore 1

    “What makes you think I’m expecting more leaks?”

    • Observer Tokoroa 1.1

      Says soimon …

      “I’m ducking n diving wiv Maggie Barry this week. She’s the best we got. But I have to do it outside the Chamber,”

  2. Blazer 2

    ‘nice Xmas present from Judith…are they usually filled with..sand’?

  3. David Mac 3

    Captain Bridges welcomes passengers aboard.

  4. Juli 4

    No more leaks, just flooding! Prepare the life rafts!

  5. Ankerrawshark 5

    Simon you don’t need to wear this suicide bomber s vest. Your time as National leader will expire down to your own efforts

  6. mac1 6

    New National safety devices useful in leaking situations, rising tides of public resentment and ridicule, tsunamis of political change, party leadership rivalries and bullying cultures. “Adult” refers to size and not to social, intellectual or emotional maturity. The ear flaps are not designed as an aid to listening. I see no whistle which is standard for a party that does not appreciate whistle blowers. The instruction to ‘front” is not heeded often by the wearer.

    A very revealing photo, all in all, subliminally………..

  7. peterh 7

    sinking ship. I will go first

  8. Rapunzel 8

    What’s a plank?

  9. Pete 9

    “Take the jacket Si, you’re more in danger than me.”

  10. Pete 10

    “That’s it Simon, you’ve got it, you’re safe, Judith said she stabs from the front.”

  11. Augustus 11

    National shows it’s taking sea level rise predictions seriously after all.

  12. fender 12

    Simon: Can I have a blue one?

    Alfred: No, any more criticism and we’ll cut your funding.

  13. Nick 13

    “I’m a leader and I’m okay
    I leak all night and I spin all day”

    Sung to the tune of Monty Pythons Lumberjack song.

  14. AB 14

    Women and children last.

    • DJ Ward 14.1

      The women and children have left with the half filled life rafts. Keep smiling everyone the ship can’t sink.

  15. Michelle 15

    2 wayne kerrs

  16. AB 16

    “Yes, it’s Maggie’s, but she says she’s walking.”

  17. McFlock 17

    He looks so chuffed to be wearing a grown-up’s vest like a big boy.

  18. mary_a 18

    Perhaps incontinent knickers, instead of a life jacket would be more appropriate Simon, to cope with the never ending leaks …

  19. toad 19

    “You’ll need to nail down the rats for me before you put yours on, Alfred”

  20. Pete 20

    Keep it seemly? Virtually the whole frigging lot bailed this afternoon. Why is it that Simon gets the life protecter?

  21. DJ Ward 21

    Simon admits the climate change battle is lost.

  22. joe90 22

    On the good ship
    its a sweet trip
    to the candy shop
    where bon-bon’s play

  23. DJ Ward 23

    Simons always in the shit, it’s only the depth that varies.

  24. DJ Ward 24

    Simon prepping for all the snowflake tears when Donald wins a second term.

  25. patricia bremner 25

    “Man the Life boats … we’ve too many leaks!!”

  26. mosa 26

    I am white , arrogant and rich so i get a jacket Alfred and you don’t …sorry.

  27. Incognito 27

    Sink or swim, Simon, that’s what you do when thrown in the deep end.

  28. marty mars 28

    sadly the gnat xmas party was a fizzer when simon thought it was fancy dress and turned up as a very useless transformer

  29. Hanswurst 29

    “If David can do it, so can I”: Bridges tries on costumes for a planned turn on Dancing With the Stars.

  30. Michelle 30

    simple soimon met a pie man going to the fair, said simple soimon to the pieman what happened to your hair?
    said the pieman to simple soimon, you sold it last year
    said simple soimon to the pieman I was not aware
    said the pieman to simple soimon or is it you don’t care

  31. Philj 31

    “Where’s the plank? After you Simon!”