Written By:
Eddie - Date published:
7:00 am, September 23rd, 2010 - 10 comments
Categories: crime, labour, Parliament -
Tags: clayton cosgrove, david garrett, garth mcvicar, red alert, sensible sentencing trust, youtube
Great video of Clayton Cosgrove getting properly stuck into the Sensible Sentencing Trust’s Garth McVicar over his hypocrisy in acting as a character reference for David Garrett to help him escape conviction and get permanent name suppression – all the while railing against name suppression and the courts being soft on crims.
Cosgrove’s certainly no bleeding heart liberal on law and order so I’d take this as a sign that McVicar’s credibility on the issue is now pretty much shot.
Hat tip: Red Alert
Garth, twister and maggot par excellence. Still won’t reveal where SST funding comes from. This should be revealed as other organisations subject to obvious potential conflict of interest already do. The SST promotes sadism and retribution (for some) largely because of the tunnel vision and hypocrisy of it’s dear leader.
I was impressed with Clayton’s speech. I discussed the SST and Garrett/Hide situation with my wife who made the point that we may be searching for a post-Christianity morality with which to judge such matters.
Certainly, Clayton came across very strongly with a visceral speech. Deep questions of morality and standards are involved here. Clayton, as well as Dyson and Goff also, used the language of moral judgment.
Hypocrisy. Lying. Double standards. Victimisation. Cronyism. Rorting. Criminal behaviour. Unjustifiable perking.
These need the focus of the Left. We need to be clean, and we need to take that fight forward for a morally acceptable politics in Aotearoa. I am deeply offended by the lack of morality visibly shown. I believe that should resonate with a large part of our people.
That was impressive. Make sure Cosgrove stays in Labour’s vanguard. This is the kind of fire the Labour caucus needs to keep laying down.
Wow. A labour MP hitting NACT where it hurts. Wish more Labour MPs showed this kind of fire. This is the kind of stuff we need from Labour. Constantly. Make Cosgrove the leader!
Nice work Mr Cosgrove. There is no nerve quite as raw as hypocrisy, no wonder Smile and Wave is looking nervous these days, all his lies are about to come back at him one by one I suspect.
Great work Clayton. Speaking truth to power with that sort of passion has to be applauded
Hell, the only way this lot got elected was lying about their true agenda. The Smile & Wave veneer is starting to show cracks. Of course people loath being conned. As the mask is slowly stripped away and the great NZ public realise they’ve been duped expect to see them turn rapidly against the cheery relaxed one. Being relaxed while Rome burns has little appeal.
I agree, great stuff. But where was this fire from Labour when the Chief Justice was under attack for having the temerity to voice an opinion? Where was it when “3 strikes” was being brought in?
I sincerely hope this is represents an awakening by Labour to the fact that a “tough on law ‘n’ order” stance – which it’s been competing with National to adopt – is counter-productive for both offenders and victims alike, and that we’ll soon see this reflected in policy announcements.
Otherwise this is just more rhetoric and point-scoring.
Great speech great hoisting of NACT on their petard.
Brilliant – nicely explains my utter contempt at Hide, Key and McVicar. Where are those right wing trolls now to defend these morons???? I challenge anyone to explain how they still support Key and Hide over this.