Daily Review 03/04/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:32 pm, April 3rd, 2017 - 27 comments
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27 comments on “Daily Review 03/04/2017 ”

  1. ianmac 1

    Will the PM’s no mean damage for him later in the year? It may be an issue which does not bother the Electorate perhaps.

  2. BM 2

    Bet Andrew’s kicking himself, might turn out to be a very expensive mistake, bit of a shame really because I think he’s improved quite a lot


    • Bearded Git 2.1

      It does have the advantage of highlighting the Nats rather too close links with big business.

      • BM 2.1.1

        So you think there’s something dodgy going on?

        Comments such as yours are why Andrew Little is before the courts.

        • mac1

          Cherchez la femme, BM, cherchez la femme.

          • BM


            OK, something to do with a woman, Lani Hagaman?, Jacinda Ardern?

            • McFlock

              It’s a bit like “follow the money”, really.

              Doesn’t mean the money did it, whatever “it” might be.

              But more to the point in this case, maybe ego is at fault. You might think it’s Little’s, or someone else might think it’s… someone litigious, anyway. The question becomes why they failed to control their ego.

              It seems much ado about fuckall to me, but whatever. Maybe H is a national donor with genuine concern for their reputation amongst normal people, rather than being one of the shameless parasites who usually flock to the tory flag.

        • fender

          People making huge donations should be more careful with their timing if they don’t want people to think there’s something dodgy going on.

          • BM

            Once again, this is why Andrew Little is facing a defamation case, he’s the guy that set this narrative and why people such as yourself think there’s something dodgy going on.

            For Andrew.s sake let’s hope the judge presiding over this case in’st a big fan of
            The Standard.

            • fender

              The judge won’t let blog comments decide the case you fool.

            • Muttonbird

              New Zealanders want big donors to be squeaky clean. Andrew Little rightly asked for a harder look at Hagaman.

            • McFlock

              No he’s not why people think something dodgy is going on.

              The probably completely unrelated and coincidental combination of a donation and a government contract is why people think something dodgy might be going on.

              Public finances should be spent and awarded with clarity and demonstrable integrity. Where those aren’t obvious, people are entitled to ask for the crown to have a closer look. It doesn’t mean the people involved did wrong, it just means, in the words of double-dipton, “it’s a bad look”.

          • michelle

            Actually I think the hagamans are typical rich people taking advantage of our soft courts and stupid judicial process the rich seem to use our courts as a tool for them to get there own way or to make sure no one crosses or messes with them. Actually this type of case makes a mockery of our justice system however the tories appear to be good at doing this. So much for our justice system being fair, equitable and accessible when it isn’t unless you have lots of money now this is wrong morally.

  3. halfcrown 3

    What a delightful classic photo of Rimmer I like it.
    Shit it could not happen to a nicer fuckwit.

  4. Pete 4

    The biggest mistake Little made was not making up a story about a $100,000 bottle of wine and the National party. A story with innuendo and implications.

    That sort of strategy goes quite well in NZ. The biggest newspapers headline that sort of stuff and fuckwits have a proven record of believing, embellishing and spreading such unproven stuff. It’s a fine and noble political practice.

  5. Rimmer / Seymour.

    Nice one.

    And now for something completely different.

    Monty Python – im a lumberjack and I’m okay – YouTube

  6. michelle 6

    See more needs to remember exactly how he got in to parliament he seems to forget he got in of johns back now Johns gone so should he because when he speaks on Q & A he constantly contradict himself and seems to forget his tenuous position