Daily review 06/06/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:42 pm, June 6th, 2019 - 65 comments
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65 comments on “Daily review 06/06/2019 ”

  1. CHCoff 1

    It's great to have a high profile national sporting team representing NZ so well again (seems have almost forgotten what it's like).

    Top example for what the sport of cricket is about, and a then for the NZ cricket team to win it as well, enjoyed by millions on the global stage and at the ground – a great advertisement of NZ, the NZ vs Bangladesh cricket game, what a great sporting game of cricket.

    • gsays 1.1

      My highlight will forever be Brian Waddle's despairing "Oh No" with the fall of our 7th wicket.

  2. WeTheBleeple 3

    Humans are awful #2324

    Just ordered in some food for a treat. Gave the change to the guy, it was only $2 and he says: Oh no way! Like it was a big deal.

    I live in Westmere, this place is LOADED. So I question. Nobody in Ponsonby gives a dime, Westmere hardly ever, Grey Lynn nothing.

    For shame. Rich people truly suck.

    • Sacha 3.1

      Humans do not use cash anymore #2456.

      • WeTheBleeple 3.1.1

        Musta been giving toilet paper to people today then. Getting ever so senile.

        It is getting harder to find people who hold a decent float, and isn't it great the banks know everything you card carrying types do, cos they're a pack of pricks too.

      • A 3.1.2

        Everyone should use cash to make sure they are prepared for when this paper ponzi begins to go under – that would be the bank holiday.

        Glad $2 makes someone smile 😀

    • James 3.2

      You make a lot of assumptions.

    • lprent 3.3

      …Grey Lynn nothing.

      I live in Grey Lynn, albeit on Newton Gully. I never give change because in Nz I almost never have any cash. I pay everything electronically. The only time I ever have any cash is when someone shoves it in my palm after I’ve paid the bill or when I arrive at Auckland International Airport.

      In the latter case I can’t really give it away – that would be unlawful and probably immoral. Instead it goes in a little baggie for the next work trip to where ever.

      • WeTheBleeple 3.3.1

        Surely there is facility to tip people with electronic currency?

        When I see these eejits in designer jogging gear… designer baby clothes, designer titties…

        Tip the damn driver.

    • infused 3.4

      i haven't carried cash in about 10yrs. I'm surprised when I see bank notes, each time they are different from the last time I saw them

    • SPC 4.1

      Stuff were one of our media who rehashed the fake news here.

      It speaks to low standards and peddling stuff from right wing media (UK).

      I also suspect it reflects an editorial line taken by Stuff (or just Dom Post) recently indicating they will be more supportive of conservative thinking on morality issues (as often happens when Labour is in government). . And so shortly after the ScoMo victory in Oz and right wing campaigning on a threat to “freedom of religion” (and the rights effort here to suggest a threat to freedom of speech here if hate speech is regulated).

  3. greywarshark 5

    Great idea to celebrate – success. Henny pennies doing what they do well and loving it.


    The chicken army was sent from the mainland to sort out the plague of skinks on the Hauraki Gulf island, and they provided more than 60,000 free-range eggs to the Auckland City Mission while they were at it.

    The skinks compete with native species and were starting to displace them.

    Auckland Council's Great Barrier biosecurity advisor Shanti Morgan said the novel idea came about after suggestions by local landowners, who'd heard about domestic ducks controlling things like snails.

    https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/391409/dirty-dairying-effluent-spills-lead-to-record-taranaki-fines-for-farming-companies Perhaps now we have got a Labour Coalition government with doers and warrior women getting on with the job, the Labour Coalition will be able to tackle the problems of the country and lift standards where needed.

    The National women can concern themselves with their hair, their nails, their clothes, their smooth-talking supportive assistance to the male-oriented Nats. They know they are lucky to get picked and have to either be tough as nails on women and other lesser beings, or especially well-spoken to place the National Party take on bringing better politics to NZ, and follow the refrain from the self-serving males – 'Do nothing till you hear from me and you never will'.

    • ianmac 5.1

      How do the chooks tell which are the aliens?

    • WeTheBleeple 5.2

      Awesome to see permaculture in action. Hilarious he realises after initiating the project that chickens lay a lot of eggs… Thousands of eggs more than expected is a LOT. Haha.

      I've some hens older than 'life expectancy' still pop em out in spring.

      I've seen an awesome design where someone made a tunnel run surrounding their market gardens and chickens in it. Way less pests, practically weed free. A barrier, a biosecurity border!

    • Sacha 5.3

      "The National women can concern themselves with their hair, their nails, their clothes, their smooth-talking supportive assistance"

      Do we really need to say stuff like that?

      • Rosemary McDonald 5.3.1

        Do we really need to say stuff like that?

        What would TS be without our daily dose of petty, casual misogyny?

        And of course Labour/Green/NZF women don't do hair, nails and clothes.

    • A 6.1

      OMG this could end Aussie for good!

    • SPC 6.2

      Sounds like Folau loves the god of mammon, another pentecostal who thinks buying ones own jet takes you closer to rapture with his god.

      One thing Australian Rugby will take from this is not to trust the word of a Christian – he promised he would walk away from his contract if his posts caused the union problems. I wonder how many young players will not get contracts, if they seen as another Folau waiting to happen?

      • James 6.2.1

        why ? Do you think they will ask for religious views before offering contracts ?

        i was lied to by a Maori guy once – perhaps I should consider all Maori liars based on your stupid and flawed logic.

        • Muttonbird

          perhaps I should consider all Maori liars

          I suspect you already think that.

        • SPC

          James, the sponsors of the Oz Rugby have a problem with hate speech by players.

          The only reason Folau's contract did not include specific reference to no more social media posts of that type was because he made assurances and got the union (under false pretenses) to agree to a standard contract on that basis.

          If Folau wins his case and the Oz union cannot legally issue revised standardised contracts to prevent this happening again and thus reassure their sponsors – what options does this union have – but to reduce the risk via careful selection of players whom they issue contracts to?

    • joe90 6.3

      He's gone…

      According to the Daily Telegraph, Folau finally admitted he understood that his social media posts could offend people, after an intense cross examination from top lawyer Justin Gleeson SC.


      • james 6.3.1

        You are a bit behind – read the link to catch up with wahts happening…

        • joe90

          By admitting that he understood that his social media posts could offend people he breached his agreement not to make any public comment that would likely be detrimental to the best interests, image and welfare of the Game, a team, a club, a competition or Union.

          He was given the arse for breaching the terms of his contract, not his religious beliefs.

    • Rapunzel 6.4

      Interesting alright how will he get around this one

      "Lev. 19:28, "‘You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead, nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves: I am the Lord."

      How do a lot from some churches get to ignore it?

    • lprent 6.5

      Contract law, and he’d probably have to show that either that the contract clause was unlawful or that rugby mis-applied it. Or that somehow (even after warnings) that he didn’t understand what what his obligations were to the union. I haven’t bothered to look at the case too much. However I suspect that it is the pretty standard clause to not cause reputational loss for the other party.

      These have a long set of contract case law, as does the conflict between them and signing away civil rights. I have several clauses on my contract that diminish my civil ‘rights’. Specifically to do with the work I do, the work I do with customers, liabilities under security legislation for several countries, my actions inside the company with other employees, the way that I deal with transgressions of legalities that I observe, damage I do to the reputation of my employers, and a host of other curtailments. My employer has a pile of them as well. I sure as hell read them and there is usually quite a two way conversation before I sign them. These are all well established inside in civil, employment, and criminal laws.

      I suspect that it’d be hard for him to win. He’d probably have to show that he, his lawyer(s), and his manager weren’t aware that he was meant to to do in return for the consideration he received at the time that he signed the contract. Basically it required him to not be a dickhead, and would compel him just as much as it would (for instance) a non-practising pedophile proclaiming their opinion that children should be sexually active. That does appear to be at about the same level of morality to me. And covered by exactly the same level of criminal law as well.

      Pretty hard to do with contract law. This looks to me to be more like an attempt to extract extra money from the union with legal blackmail.

  4. James 7

    Revealed: Hard left protester who screamed 'Nazi scum' is company boss


    Will be interesting to see what happens to this person. Looks like she isn’t so happy to stand behind her comments no she is being called out for them.

    • Red Blooded One 7.1

      I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:23-26

      I hope he enjoys hell with all those he has targeted.

      • james 7.1.1

        Did you read the link batman ?

        • Red Blooded One

          When I pushed reply it was to your post at 6. how it ended on 7 I don't know. Maybe if you weren't so prolific and spread your shit stirring through the day it might be easier. If your link is anything other than Folugia going for 10mil then my apologies. If his greed wants 10mil then according to his God he'd better pack for a very warm eternity. Cheers to you Hellboy

    • McFlock 7.2

      When the Daily Mail doxes the dolt45 supporter to the same degree, then at least we'd all be on the same footing.

      They kidnapped children from their parents and put them in cages. Some of those kids died.

      • james 7.2.1

        Hey – why shouldn't she be held out as an example?

        • McFlock

          An example of what?

          So they single out one person in the crowd and pretend that somehow her role is relevant to whether the orange turd is a nazi so that excuses them paying people to go through her social media accounts. While not actually explaining why any of it is relevant. Why not do that to the maga dude, too? Because the news outlet has a PR agenda it is actively pursuing.

  5. SPC 8

    Loved this headline in the New York Times

    Australia May Well Be the World’s Most Secretive Democracy

    ScoMo's Liberal-National government gets the international reputation it deserves.


  6. Macro 9

    Nancy doesn't want to impeach Trump – she just wants to see him in prison!

    Nadler pressed Pelosi to allow his committee to launch an impeachment inquiry against Trump — the second such request he’s made in recent weeks only to be rebuffed by the California Democrat and other senior leaders. Pelosi stood firm, reiterating that she isn’t open to the idea of impeaching Trump at this time.

    I don’t want to see him impeached, I want to see him in prison,” Pelosi said, according to multiple Democratic sources familiar with the meeting.


    • marty mars 9.1

      go Nancy go Nancy go Nancy yeah!

    • Sacha 9.2

      “Nancy doesn’t want to impeach Trump – she just wants to see him in prison!”

      Yet she only has control over one of those options. Weak.

      • Macro 9.2.1

        No she is saying wait until 2020 when he is no longer President, and then he can be indicted. They already have at least 10 counts of obstruction of justice from the Mueller report. Over 1000 US Attorneys have publicly stated that the facts outlined in the report would be sufficient to bring charges against him of Obstruction of justice. The fact that Mueller did not cite charges against him was because of a Department of Justice opinion that the President can not be indicted. Then there is the probable financial fraud that he has perpetuated over the years ie lying about the value of his assets in tax returns and to banks.

        There is also the problem that beginning Impeachment proceedings would strengthening his base, a la Clinton. Something to be avoided going into an election cycle. Much better to hold their fire – not stir up his base – and get rid of him. Then, when he does not have the protection of Office, throw the book at him.

        • greywarshark

          That's a masterly interpretation of the situation and plans. He appears to be a spoilt child and buffoon but he didn't get to where he is by luck.

        • Sacha

          "2020 when he is no longer President"

          As I said, she only has control of one option.

          • Macro

            Yes she can begin impeachment proceedings, but she has no control over the outcome – that belongs to the majority leader of the Senate – Mirtle McTurtle – most duplicitous man on the planet. So we can predict the outcome already – "COMPLETE EXONERATION!"

        • WeTheBleeple

          The problem is he'd rather burn the world down than let them lock him up. Be very wary he's itching to start a war against anyone to keep his presidency.

  7. joe90 10

    The CCP and it's PLA didn't fuck around.

    The death toll from the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre was at least 10,000 people, killed by a Chinese army unit whose troops were likened to “primitives”, a secret British diplomatic cable alleged.

    The newly declassified document, written little more than 24 hours after the massacre, gives a much higher death toll than the most commonly used estimates which only go up to about 3,000.

    It also provides horrific detail of the massacre, alleging that wounded female students were bayoneted as they begged for their lives, human remains were “hosed down the drains”, and a mother was shot as she tried to go to the aid of her injured three-year-old daughter


  8. lprent 12

    Perfect response on Quora


  9. joe90 14

    The BXP is the BNP in drag.

    A Brexit Party campaign coordinator for the North West has been sacked after the Manchester Evening News revealed his BNP past.

    Kevin Moore took up the role with the Brexit Party shortly before the European Elections in May, which saw three MEPs elected in the North West.

    Following an investigation, we can reveal the campaigner had previously been a member of the British National Party – a history which should have prevented him assuming a role with Nigel Farage's party.

    Moore, who stood as a BNP candidate for Warwickshire County Council during the 2009 European Elections, has now been fired from his role within the Brexit Party after his past was bought to their attention.

    The party claim they were not aware of his BNP membership before hiring him.
