Daily review 12/09/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 12th, 2022 - 27 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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27 comments on “Daily review 12/09/2022 ”

  1. Robert Guyton 1

    Meet the candidates meeting tonight in Riverton!

    Democracy, yay!

    I've submitted a question:

    "To each and every candidate: do you align yourself with the anti-vax, anti-mandate community, support the protests at Parliament, refuse to wear a mask and oppose the Government's Covid Management strategy?"

    Pulling on my glad-rags shortly and heading on down to the hall 🙂

    • Patricia Bremner 1.1


    • Ad 1.2

      Shave and a haircut if you want the job.

      • Robert Guyton 1.2.1

        But then I'd look like … everyone else!!
        In any case, it wasn’t in my constituency so I was audience. If I’d been asked to come to the podium and express my thoughts, all hell would have broken loose 🙂

    • alwyn 1.3

      Is your question about today's Covid Management Strategy or the one that applies tomorrow?

      How are you going to interpret not wearing a mask to the Supermarket?

    • weka 1.4

      you're having all the fun!

      • Robert Guyton 1.4.1

        Actually, it was appalling! The candidate line-up was infested with anti-mandaters or those who were to timorous to say otherwise (there we some who declared their support for vaccination, but they could sense the mood of the crowd!). I've come home chastised. The real star; the only one who cited climate change as an issue, was the 21 year old first-time candidate! I spoke encouragingly to her afterwards, but feared for her future should she succeed in winning a seat.

        • PsyclingLeft.Always

          Well good on you for going anyway ! That took some inner strength. And great effort to encourage that young person. And even the fact she was there..and had courage of her conviction….is a feel good.

          There should be some …💚karma ? Or something anyway.

        • weka

          candidates for which positions?

          • Robert Guyton

            The Oraka/Aparima Community Board, The Southland District Council and Mayor for the Southland District Council.

            Most grumbled about 3 Waters.

  2. gsays 2

    Had a great Friday night.

    Got reacquainted with a good man and we saw these guys from Wellys at Palmy's artist run space Snails.

    Great sound, tight, shit-hot band and enthusiasm in the crowd.

  3. Muttonbird 3

    I like Meghan but this isn’t America.

    Elizabeth alive the media portrayed the monarchy as a hot mess of petty bickering and wayward sons. Stasis reigned, the tabloids ticked over, and no one really cared. But now the rock has gone and the spotlight has turned to the bizarre handover to a King who probably will not cope well the way his mum did.

    The British monarchy treads a line between maximising tourist revenue and not becoming the UK Kardshians.

    Good luck to them.

  4. Ad 4

    Imagine the UK without the monarchy.

    Just like France, except without the stylish clothes, great wine, world leading food, cool cars, cultural influence, colonies, principled constitution, or unified market power.

    Sic transit gloria…

  5. This looks like a thoroughly messy affair in Auckland – I really don't think that either side of the case is going to come out well.

    An example of 'church' going badly wrong – with what looks like greed, control and power as primary motivators.


  6. Poission 6

    The SOMA district of San Fransisco,where like the Tenderloin,are looking more like a dystopian series from Netflix,as deregulated drug use affects an underfunded pyschiatric system.


  7. The Swedish elections look as though they are hanging on a knife edge (friends in Scandinavia are watching with concern, and updating me – with translations :-).


    The element of greatest concern is the rise into prominence and electoral significance (around 20% and the second-largest party) of the "Sweden Democrats" who have actual neo-Nazis and white supremacists among their membership.


    • Ad 7.1

      What is the Sweden Democrats' view on the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

      Can't be an easy balance for nationalists.

      • Belladonna 7.1.1

        Yeah. It's difficult, because I think a lot is lost in translation.
        I don't get the impression that the actual war in Ukraine is a big election issue in Sweden – but the flow-on effects sure are (surging electricity prices, and everything prices, really). It seems to have had a bigger impact on support for the current PM – confusingly of the Social Democrats – who is seen as a safe financial pair of hands.

        Sweden Democrats are going big on the anti-immigration platform, and the anti-crime platform (Sweden has been suffering from a large chunk of non-assimilated immigrants – who are highly visible) – both pretty popular in Sweden ATM.

        They're pro-Putin, and anti-EU – but it seems likely (ATM – the situation is really fluid) – that they'll remain in opposition – but have a heavy hand in shaping the government.


        I really can't get a grasp on the Swedish political parties and policies – which seem to be radically different to NZ. The Moderates (who seem likely to form the government) for example have a core policy of benefit cuts – which is strongly opposed by the far right Sweden Democrats. The Left party (previously Communist) is certainly anti-EU and seems to be pro-Russia (though not pro-Putin, but have been supporting pro-Russian elements in Ukraine) – but would be allied with the current government, rather than the Sweden Democrats.
