Daily review 15/06/2021

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 15th, 2021 - 17 comments
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17 comments on “Daily review 15/06/2021 ”

  1. Anne 1

    I do not know anything about Juliet Moses from the NZ Jewish Council but it does sound like she made an unsuitable reference to the Israel/Palestinian situation:


    Perhaps her intention was sincere but she should have known better than to even mention the subject given the circumstances surrounding the hui.

    Edit: I’ve only read the piece at this stage and have yet to listen to the speeches.

    • aom 1.2

      Ms. Moses is a self-described Zionist and a racist apologist for the human rights abuses and apartheid policies of the Israeli Government and does not believe Israel should have to be answerable in the ICJ for war crimes. I you want to get some indication of her drivers, just take a half-critical look at the contents of https://israelinstitute.nz/.

      This woman is a danger to the NZ Jewish community it the way that she constantly uses any opportunity to convince the public that they are at risk of attack from NZ Muslims.

      It is most disturbing that this propagandist was given free reign to spew her hatred at a conference that was to heal some of the countries deep wounds.

      "Perhaps her intention was sincere" – no way! Of course, this comment will no doubt attract the usual screams of anti-semitism but in all sincerity, New Zealand's much appreciated Jewish community could do us all a favour by dispatching this ball of hatred to Israel.

      • Anne 1.2.1

        I've had a chance to listen to her speech and I agree with your general sentiment.

        There was no need to bring up the Palestinian/Israel impasse. Nothing to do with the subject in question which was to reflect on the March 15 massacre and how the nation can avoid it happening again. She tried to have it both ways and she failed.

        I hope that is the last time they invite her to such a function.

        Now I will have a look at your link aom.

        • aom


          To make matters worse, the malicious Ms Moses compromised a whole conference on the basis of a pathetic showing of 20 people four years ago that was of no great consequence. It is not clear if any of the 'participants' even had anything to do with the Islamic community.

          To assess how nondescript the 'support for Hezbollah' incident was, just read the IINZ's own propagandist report. God, it was so pathetic that the malcontents couldn't even spell Hezbollah!

          We should be relieved that another 19 Zionists didn't join Ms Moses to vent their bile at our Muslim community at the conference.

  2. Sacha 2

    MSD manages to not pay out emergency funds. Sick lazy culture. (4m audio) https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/2018799850/no-msd-flexible-funding-assistance-given-in-te-tai-tokerau

    A big pot of money set aside to help whānau living in motels has failed to make it to many children in need.

    The Flexible Funding Programme was launched last year, and is often highlighted by the government as one way it is supporting children in emergency housing.

    Not a single dollar has been handed out in Te Tai Tokerau, and locals are demanding to know why.

    As well as that, just $4,000 had been spent for all of Auckland in the programme's first six months.

    • weka 3.1

      lol, I just wrote a post (up tomorrow) about how rural areas are ripe for leading on new models arising from people's needs. Simmonds notwithstanding 😉

      Great photo there btw!

  3. Noel 4

    "Recommendation 16 of the Royal Commission was for an annual hui to be hosted by a new national intelligence and security agency “to bring together relevant central and local government agencies, communities, civil society, the private sector and researchers to create opportunities to build relationships and share understanding of countering violent extremism and terrorism”.

    Not surprising that the Hui identified that an extremist attack probably cannot be prevented by the agencies.

    Only difference with the past event is its unlikely to involve semi auto weapons.

    Hope it's not a vehicle bomb.

    • McFlock 4.1

      Well, that would still suck, but Breivik killed more people with his firearms than his van bomb.