Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, October 17th, 2016 - 22 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Here’s a couple more to add to the “Wanted” list ..for a Hang’n Party!
Nick “Quick, I’ll make something up” Smith, Pullah Benefit “as many times as I can” ,Tuku “Underpants”, “Dildo “Joyce, Simon”Dodgy Steel ” Bridges,Michael “I don’t Know Fuckall” Woodhouse & Hekia “NomorePay- Scool” Pariah … that’s a start.
Before you go and do some action – can I recommend this song to put you in the mood. You know like spray painting, stopping a petrol station, anything non-violent — that is direct action.
God Bless and fight the good fight.
What happens when you convert basic services to a charity case:
They were always a charity……duh….
government should step up and fund them…but …
Natzi’s …good luck with that
John Key this morning used his own family for political purposes.
This is a tactic designed to position himself away from statistics showing crime rising across all categories nationwide, and to place himself and his family alongside the rest of us worried New Cylinders.
He painted some very dramatic imagery of his son getting king-hit and his daughter getting raped. A selfish and desperate use of his own children for political ends, imo.
Oink of a man.
It would have been cool if he spoke about how changing the culture of drinking and reducing behaviours that objectify women as important factors in reducing violence in social settings that his children participate in.
However that would take a degree of self-awareness, and that he does not have.
Sadly the US situation has now deteriorated with what is being called an “act of political terrorism” after an arsonist bombed the Republican Headquarters. The graffiti (leave town or else!!!) is somewhat childish and reminds me of the KKK.
Investigating the use of seclusion rooms in NZ schools is now top priority for the Chief Ombudsman.
Will the chief find that the use of these areas is because the current government has underfunded special education and is due to remove even more funding.
Anecdotal, but I heard of an incident at my kids’ school concerning a year 1 or 2 child who was disruptive. Instead of removing the child from the class for a while they removed the whole class and left the child with the teacher for a bit of one on one. You can imagine what parents might think of that strategy!
This move is yet another in a long line of blaming schools and teachers rather the the government whose responsibility it is to ensure there is the proper funding and training in place for all NZ kids.
I think it was Sam C somewhere around here saying Paula Bennett is trying to fix a broken system. That might be the case but what he fails to recognise is that across many ministries the National government is the one what broke the system.
I would say that the use of seclusion rooms stems from Tomorrow’s Schools, and the ’empowered’ principals slavish following of ‘zero tolerance’ policies that are in vogue in the USA ie expelling students for writing on their desks, talking too loud, etc and so on.
Expect more seclusion rooms when more charter school come online here.
They were brought in after corporal punishment was banned.
Basically, at my school, to counter those of us who had previously been on detention at least monthly and for whom the strap was the most extreme deterrent. Suddenly the worst thing they could do to us was something we could handle easily 🙂
How does this work? The headline says $15 million seized from criminals is to be used fighting meth.
If this is cash and assets seized from criminals by the Police then I assume that goes into the Police budget as it always has to be use by Police in operational matters, i.e. fighting meth.
Or is this new spending? In which case it’s not monies seized from criminals, it’s monies seized from working New Cylinders.
Needs more research, but I think you’ll find that monies is set aside, and theirs way more than that piddly amount. This has been on hold for about five years, I’ll try and find my papers.
edit:I think you will find donkey has holding on till close to an election, look We care, even though we caused the closure of drug rehab units.
I thought that too – I think the news said something like $130mil had been seized from the proceeds of crime – I thought immediately what a piddling amount too. Why has this not all been allocated to Police, Customs, rehabilitation – everywhere where the crime proceeds have resulted from.
I can see where Double Dip has put most of it aside for – his Business mates, dodgy deals, unwanted tax breaks and certainly not into areas where it is most needed. I can understand why the Government do not want a Regional fuel tax for Auckland, they wouldn’t be able to get their grubby fingers on it.
Yea, The sad thing WK is they know we know, and don’t care. 👿
Looks like Theresa Gattung stole all the food out of my food bag and ate it.
‘Fatism’ and body-shaming are not really on. It’s possible (even necessary) to dislike Gattung and an absurd economic system that over-rewarded her so lavishly from the pockets of struggling Kiwis without resorting to commenting on her physical appearance. Difficult certainly, but possible.
AB do you approve of gluttony and the inevitable health consequences?
Diabetes is an epidemic in this country now and we all pay for it in many ways…. soaring health costs, decreasing access to health services because of that, premature death and many other related health problems such as cancer and heart disease.
Our health, as a population, is a disgrace.
No excuse to be like some 4chan-using MRA going round and being nasty towards women who arent size zero.
I would rather have Gattung than Kate Moss anyday. Even if she is a Tory.
Yeah, a bit clumsy, sorry. Attempted double meaning is my feeble excuse. The food thing and the general interests Gattung represents in the form of a private equity firm fattening up on the success of my food bag, presumably before stripping it of cash and running it into the ground.
It will be interesting if food bag can and will offer the same service.
Test 4