Daily Review 20/12/2018

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, December 20th, 2018 - 90 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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90 comments on “Daily Review 20/12/2018 ”

    • Chris T 1.1

      “Labour led government’s”?

      Coalition led government.

      There no longer is what can be recorded as a Labour led government.

      Ardern and Winston told us.

      • alwyn 1.1.1

        Did Ms Ardern learn about this from the television news?
        That really does sound like it was all Tsar Winston’s work.
        His acolyte Ms. Jacinda will do as she is told.

    • Muttonbird 1.2

      Erm, it turns out you are an immigrant to this country yourself so I don’t see how you can legitimately speak for us on immigration policy after we have generously taken you in.

      • James 1.2.1

        *citation needed.

        How do you know if I’m an immigrant?

        • Muttonbird

          Reason has said so and you haven’t denied it.

          Are you denying it here and now?

          • James

            You are the one making comments about my personal details (twice today)

            How about backing it up?

            • reason

              Are you now ashamed to be born an Englishman James ?

              do you feel it crimps your trolling style ?.

              As a troll your purpose is to waste time,… ie ‘ prove Im a pom’ ….

              … to derail … and to perform the tasks that sending a dick pick achieves … to Lower the tone … to offend …. and make site users experience unpleasant.

              You offended me immensely once… with a particularly shit stained troll post …. with you pretending to care about suicide … while painting the national party as off-bounds for criticism … according to you their dirty hands were clean …

              Their policy of hardship … their attacks on workers …their Dirty Politics …. their racism were not to be mentioned … according to the you.

              Feeling strong emotions and knowing the reality behind two suicides in my wider circle ….

              I knew you were pure scum….

              and you continually prove it .

              Lets not forget your recent nomination of a politician who threatens rape against females … as the most “charismatic” politician in the world …. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2129024-amazon-rainforest-under-threat-as-brazil-tears-up-protections/

              Or your past recommendation about public toilet sex ….

              etc etc etc

              • James

                Again since you keep telling the story and giving out personal details – citation that I’m a born Englishman required.

              • James

                Again – since you are making comments about my personal details – back them up sunshine.

                You offended. Well colour me surprised. Snowflake.

              • Muttonbird

                Good post, reason.

                James is not a person of integrity. He’s unwilling or unable to answer a simple question on his own nationality despite criticising the government for its immigration policy.

                He also admires Jair Bolsonaro which is just plain weird.

                • reason

                  Thanks Muttonbird ….. Yes James is wasting peoples time by refusing the simple yes / no answer to his 10 pound pom heritage.

                  My citation to james is his lack of response to the multitude of times I’ve called him a pom / Englishman since he made me aware of this fact…..

                  Never once has he said ” your wrong reason ” …. something he would love to be able to say to me.

                  And now this dishonest racist creepy prick who admires Jair Bolsonaro for his “charisma”, is showing his true shit colors once more …..

                  By trying to mock me for having strong emotions in relation to two suicides and his sick postings on the wider subject…. ‘snowflake’ is his response.

                  He probably thinks the victims of suicides are snowflakes / weak too.

                  • james

                    oh here we go – poor easily offended (lack of) reason – who indeed is a snowflake.

                    I moke you for a lot of reasons – all well deserved – but having views on suicides is not one of them.

                    You citation is that you keep saying the same shit and I dont bother to correct you. You know how pathetic that is.

                    Well – ive been insuiating that you are a fuckwit and you’ve never said anything about it … so that must be a valid citation you are a fuckwit.

                • james

                  I dont need to answer your comments – you make comments stated as fact about me – but have nothing to back it up.

                  and I would happy bet you a months ban if you can find anything saying I admire Jair Bolsonaro.

                  • Muttonbird

                    Well you did say he is more charismatic than Jacinda Ardern who you didn’t rate as charismatic at all despite her forming a government within a month of becoming leader of her party. That’s as big an endorsement of Jair Bolsonaro as you can get really.

  1. bwaghorn 2

    Things to consider before we legalize cannabis.
    Will it be sold cheap enough that people stop buying synthetic weed.
    Will the gangs go completely out of weed sales and push p harder.
    Will freeing up police time not chasing weed for going extra hard against p and the gangs that sell it .
    Do we need to legalize a MDMA or amphetamine.

    • Puckish Rogue 2.1

      I’m personally of the belief that we should decriminalize any and all drugs for personal use

      • bwaghorn 2.1.1

        What does jude say?

      • Muttonbird 2.1.2

        That is a ridiculous position to take. By saying this you are legitimising meth and synthetics use which kills dozens of people and destroys hundreds of families every year.

        It’s the high castle attitude RWNJs have which poisons communities. They just don’t care about anyone but themselves.

        • Tricledrown

          Mutton Bird less people die from illegal drug use than farm accidents while legal drug use kills a 100 x more.

      • JohnSelway 2.1.3

        Na, depends on harm profile.

        Cannabis, MDMA, LSD have very low harm profiles. Meth, cocaine and smack have high harm profiles.

    • Morrissey 2.2

      All of those things. Drugs are a health issue. Criminalizing drugs suits corrupt policemen and criminal gangs.

    • David Mac 2.3

      If the easy money is legislated out of peddling narcotics crime will morph.

      I think it will bleed into areas that are currently shady. Outrageous credit, Internet trickery, immigration…

      If I can’t find willing $17 per hour for 3 hour gig waiters for my contract waiting business I’ll need to open up the opportunities for new Kiwis. Offshore applicants with the US$5000 at hand for their orientation course would be welcome to apply.

      Or whatever form it takes. Removing the easy money from dealing in any drug will just alter the direction from which we face the prevailing crime fashion.

      Of course drug abuse is a health issue. Astounding that it has taken us this long to arrive there. Geez, what happened to the country that was first to give women the vote, we’re stagnating. Getting ripe, when we’re ripe we rot.

      • Draco T Bastard 2.3.1

        Crime is the true face of the regulation free market.

        • David Mac

          You can’t force people to do the right thing by others. We have to want to.

          • Draco T Bastard

            To some degree.

            I agree that self-discipline is far better than external discipline but there’s always going to be some people who will do the wrong thing for profit if there are no consequences. These people need to be shown that there’s consequences to doing the wrong thing.

            But it was legal is the catch cry of which political party?

          • UncookedSelachimorpha

            Plenty of evidence that providing better circumstances and opportunities, causes most people to behave better.

    • Draco T Bastard 2.4

      Will it be sold cheap enough that people stop buying synthetic weed.

      ‘Synthetic weed’ should be banned on health grounds – that stuff is dangerous shit. Its even more dangerous than alcohol.

      Will the gangs go completely out of weed sales and push p harder.

      Probably but, then, they’ve been shifting out of weed anyway. It’s cheaper to make P.

      Will freeing up police time not chasing weed for going extra hard against p and the gangs that sell it.

      Should do.

      Do we need to legalize a MDMA or amphetamine.

      Cocaine and Ecstasy don’t seem too bad for legalisation.

      • JohnSelway 2.4.1

        Cocaine is highly addictive and can cause severe damage due to repeated use.

        MDMA is relatively non-addictive and occasional use is fairly innocuous

    • joe90 2.5

      Do we need to legalize a MDMA or amphetamine.

      I’d be fine with following Portugal’s lead and decriminalising the lot for personal use simply to avoid the extremes caused by continued prohibition.

      • Muttonbird 2.5.1

        Lol. That RWNJ puckish rogue just said the same thing. I do wonder sometimes about your ethics Joe 90…

        • joe90

          Prohibition is the root cause of the most deleterious effects of drug use, from the victims of criminal activity to fund consumption to the poor health outcomes and family distress associated with the diversion of resources to fund consumption through to the social cost of stigmatising users and astronomical costs involved in criminalising drug related activities.

          Without prohibition stoners laze, mumble and get fatter, MDMA kiddies get loved up, junkies nod and get constipated, coke heads sniff and bore the living daylights out of whoever’s ear they’re chewing, and after hours spent under their beds talking to themselves as they vacuum up dust and dog hair, speed freaks crash and burn.

          But best of all, legalisation would save the nation a fortune, kill organised crime’s golden goose, put an end to the criminalising of users for indulging, and as experienced in Portugal, the number of users would drop.

    • Cinny 2.6

      Will the public be allowed to grow their own?

      • bwaghorn 2.6.1

        One of many questions that need to be answered pre reeferrendum

        • Cinny

          For sure, because for many kiwi’s that’s part of it, being able to grow their own and not go to a dealer or (if it’s legalized) line the pockets of a big company.

  2. Graeme 3

    A 21 year old bloke went to work on a farm near Oamaru this morning and won’t get to have Christmas with his family.


    “Worksafe said this was the fifth death on a farm this month and the 17th for the year.”

    That’s a lot of families that will have a huge dark hole this Christmas.

  3. Ankerrawshark 4

    Greame that’s unbearable. I can’t imagine what that family will be going through. Sincere condolences

  4. alwyn 5

    Isn’t this truly amazing.
    Trevor Mallard has decided that Tsar Winston never lied to the house.
    I feel so pleased that Winston has been found to be as pure as the driven slush.
    Mallard really is proving to be a worse Speaker than the unlamented Margaret Wilson.
    In fact he even makes Carter look like a statesman.

  5. Grafton Gully 6

    Puts our local boy to shame https://www.ft.com/content/2bd12012-01e4-11e9-9d01-cd4d49afbbe3
    “The man that broke the Bank of England” https://www.thebalance.com/black-wednesday-george-soros-bet-against-britain-1978944
    Hey George, John. You guys are amazing just amazing.

  6. greywarshark 7

    Education should not be having this happen under a Labour Coalition government.


    Confirmation today that the Taratahi Institute of Agriculture [1] is to be liquidated proves that the tertiary education sector needs urgent reform – and that the tens of thousands of people that dedicate their working lives to teaching others need to be better supported when government policy fails so demonstrably.

    Education Minister Chris Hipkins, Finance Minister Grant Robertson, and Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor must commit this week to providing government support to the 1,200 students who are already enrolled for next year [2], and the around 250 staff who will be affected by the liquidation, the Tertiary Education Union (TEU) said. This must include assurances that every member of staff receives the redundancy and other allowances they are entitled to….

    Sandra Grey, national president of the TEU, (Tertiary Education Union) said: “When it was agreed last year that Taratahi would take over the Telford division of Lincoln University we said that Ministers needed to back up the decision with a properly funded plan that guarantees locally-focused, quality training opportunities for current and future generations of students.

    To now be talking about Taratahi’s liquidation is unspeakably disappointing. This is just the latest in a growing number of institutions that have been failed by government policy and poorly designed funding systems. But let’s be clear about this: we all as New Zealanders have been failed too. Because without community providers who will train future generations to work in sector so vital to our economy?

    • Draco T Bastard 7.1

      Taratahi Institute of Agriculture

      Seems to be a private business.

      Private businesses have a tendency to go bust.

      It’s a normal part of capitalism and a market economy.

      • greywarshark 7.1.1

        It was part of Lincoln University – so a mess-up there if government trying to provide some courses on the cheap – end up slimmed down and then just curses!

        • Draco T Bastard

          1. Nothing lasts forever.
          2. In it’s about it doesn’t say that it was part of Lincoln. Which would be strange if it was.

        • SPC

          They are Wairarapa based and took over a Lincoln course based in Balclutha quite recently (2017) – surprising since they had debt problems from 2014 (when National claimed they had been overpaid for past years). They must have been trying to grow their way out of it.

    • Exkiwiforces 7.2

      Got to love the “No Mates Party” press release lol.

      The current muppets of “No Mates Party” have to forgotten that they bugged up the Farm/ Horticulture Cadetship scheme in the 90’s would stood the test of time, just like the old apprentice scheme which they also bugged up at the same time. I’m not really surprised that this has happened and it would be interesting to see the books especially over the last 9yrs all so years as I find it a little bit hard too see this is the fault of the current CoL Government when they have in less than 12 mths or so.

      It just shows how much the “No Mates Party” ran everything into the ground as usual, which really no surprises here for most us here at The Standard.


  7. SPC 8

    David Moffat, an Australian, claims to be a member of the New Conservative Party and says they will campaign against the government signing of the UN migration agreement.

    The former National AG is right to question the role of foreigners in the membership and financing of our political parties. Part of our sovereignty is the right to block such activity.

  8. joe90 9

    The birth of Punk. But we didn’t know it.

      • joe90 9.1.1

        Mick Ronson and his protopunk guitar showed the way.

        • te reo putake

          For mine, Ronno was the greatest English guitarist ever. Page and Clapton were good at riffing on the work of others (and not paying credit were it was due), but Mick Ronson transcended the boring British blues based rock scene. Jean Genie is the best example of him taking a blues lick and pulling it’s trousers down.

          His producing work was top notch (Bowie gets the credit for Lou Reed’s magnificent Transformer album, but really, it was Ronno all the way). If he’d lived, he would have been one of the great record producers. Sad he went so soon.

          Looking forward to watching this:

    • Draco T Bastard 9.2

      Let all the children boogie

  9. greywarshark 10

    A chap with 133? sexual offences has a bracelet on him, which he cut off for a while. Why isn’t the protection of the vulnerable public taken into account? Why are we treated so shabbily that someone with a tenth of these offfences isn’t kept in a special gaol, perhaps a farm?

    It is very costly keeping tabs on someone like this and he isn’t going to improve.
    He could have a better life, more relaxed, if he was in a jail that kept him away from temptation. And he could help grow his own food, do something useful. Let one of those women out, who have been said to be living with someone. Let her do some useful volunteer work, learn new skills, confidence building, assertiveness – then she can chuck out the spongers. Make him do a course also, that would fix him. Probably she would end up better and so would he.

    • Fireblade 10.1

      Cut his nuts off. Problem solved.

    • Draco T Bastard 10.2

      Why isn’t the protection of the vulnerable public taken into account?

      Because it would breach people’s privacy.

      Forget the bracelet – bone implant. I suspect that these criminals would be less like to remove such a device when it requires removal of a limb.

      • greywarshark 10.2.1

        Silly answer DTB. When you say protection of public – you are thinking tht there is only one way – having them out with bracelets or having neighbours all informed.

        I actually suggested keeping them under control in an open type prison. You didn’t respond to that.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Or we could shoot them.

          There’s a line between where someone should be incarcerated and where they should be given home detention.

          Acts three strikes is an attempt, a bad one, to recognise that those who keep doing the same shit should simply be locked up.

          To a large degree I’m in agreement with them. But a minor offence is a minor offence.

          Where’s the line and how should we write it into law?

  10. greywarshark 12

    Toddlers will be getting a touch of the Roumanian neglect problem under government strictures to push women into the work force doing anything but what they really need to be doing for the good of their child. Can you haunt these cruel irrational politicians and ardent trainee witch-hunters Dr Truby King. It seems your good advice is urgently needed in this enlightened century.

    Radionz Jesse Mulligan Thursday 20 Dec 3.25pm
    Tell me about your thesis
    In our final tell me about your thesis for 2018 I am joined by Dr Raewyne Bary – who has investigated the plight of what she terms ‘lost children’ at daycare centres. Those are the under-threes she has observed at some daycare centres who are at risk at a crucial stage of development because their need for a close one-on-one attachment with a teacher doesn’t fit the organisational model of staff rosters, routines and rotations.

    • DJ Ward 12.1

      There is lots of pressure on parents.

      Financial pressure.
      If they can’t afford rent, or mortgage etc then they may have no choice.

      Social Pressure.
      IE Feminisms drive for equality in the workplace.

      Personal Choice.
      Both mother and father may have career goals.

      Health issues.
      Some parents just need some time out.

      Relationship pressure.
      Not all parents like the other parent not working.
      This issue should increase with the new matrimonial property laws.
      Stay at home fathers or part time working fathers can face pressure as the mother can get more with working for families, and child support, with them not around and the kid in kindy subsidised.

      Myself having observed a few kindys, I think they do a great job with one of our kids starting at 2. Being isolated in the country it’s very important to us. She has made many friends, socialised, and had many experiences that she wouldn’t get at home. They are professionals and I trust them.
      Some kindys are better than others. We switched kindys when an opening came up in our preferred kindy even though it is a few Km further away.

      I do worry about the motive for the research, and how easy it could be to manipulate.

  11. Draco T Bastard 13

    It was inevitable…