Daily review 22/02/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 22nd, 2023 - 11 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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11 comments on “Daily review 22/02/2023 ”

  1. weka 1

    A detransitioned Ontario woman who was prescribed testosterone and underwent both a bilateral mastectomy and a hysterectomy during a mental health crisis in which she believed herself to be a man is suing the healthcare providers who allegedly facilitated her medical transition.

    Michelle Zacchigna, 34, of Orillia has filed legal action against a total of eight doctors and mental health professionals who treated her during the years that she identified as transgender. Zacchigna alleges that each failed to address her complex mental health needs and instead allowed her to self-diagnose as transgender and undergo irreversible procedures that she now deeply regrets.

    “I will live the rest of my life without breasts, with a deepened voice and male-pattern balding, and without the ability to get pregnant. Removing my completely healthy uterus is my greatest regret,” wrote Zacchigna.


    There's a good explanatory video of Zacchigna in the link

    • Molly 1.1

      Documentary that has Michelle as one of the participants (posted a couple of days ago) has been removed from Vimeo after only three days.

      Here's a new link:


    • adam 1.2

      Enabling self-diagnose, mmmm and not stuck off. Why not just hand out the Oxy and laugh your way to a new car?

      Second and the bit that really gives me the shits, was it eugenics which drove some of the medical people? The removal of a healthy uterus is the same shit we saw from that bunch of tossers, back in the early 20th century.

      Third and now I'm a truly in my angry old male phase, I'm wanting to use so much bad language Incognito would have no choice but to ban me. Why the hell is a disabled person being treated this way, that's not empowerment and aiding in independence. It's soul destroying.

      Look at all the vial slogans and images which have come with the hard rainbow faction, they have become what they say they hate.

      Stop the knife, unless time and a diagnosis is done. Protect women and women's spaces. Stop the hard rainbow faction from destroying disabled peoples lives.

      • Incognito 1.2.1

        Minor correction FYI: the other Mods and I don’t ban for bad language per se. At most, we give a Mod note saying “chill” or something similar. We do tend to ban bad language aimed at others aka personal insults and attacks particularly in the absence of robust debate and strong (political) points/arguments that can be debated instead of trading insults. It’s fine and often perfectly understandable to be passionate or even emotional but if one is frothing at the mouth, so to speak, it might be better to count to 10 and hold off on posting anything on an electronic device into the Internet for posterity. Same applies when drunk or high on exogenous substances aka alcohol and drugs.

      • weka 1.2.2

        I feel rage about this often. Rage that it is happening, and rage that the left is either standing by with their fingers in their ears going lalala, or actively promoting it.

        I've been involved in patients rights at different times of my life, and this is easily one of the worst medical scandals I have seen. It's on par with the Unfortunate Experiment in NZ. The number of people in the US and the UK who are being damaged is great, and obvious because of the higher population. I don't think we know what is happening NZ.

        It happens less so now, because there are so many detrans people speaking out, but a few years ago the classic genderist response was that it was a tiny number of people. As if that made it ok. The inference is that gender ideology is True and detrans people are collateral damage that we just have to suck up.

        There's also a huge amount of denial of the physical damage done and what happens with the surgeries and function.

        I don't think I've seen a detrans story yet that had what I would consider informed consent. I cannot believe that we've gone so far backwards on this, but actually I can because informed consent routinely gets treated by the medical system in ways that suit the medical system. It should be patient centred but in practice it's not (we saw this in the covid vaccine rollout).

  2. Thinker 2

    Just saw Auckland Council's announcement on "Our Auckland" that Jim Stabback has suddenly resigned.

    Did anyone spot part of Wayne Brown's speech? "

    “He met with me to advise that he wished to terminate his contract with six months notice. This follows lengthy deliberation, and the process has been handled professionally and respectfully."

    What “lengthy deliberation, what "process", handled by whom?

    • Liberty Belle 2.1

      The specifics will be subject to the usual confidentiality surrounding employment matters. But it sounds to me like the comments refer to Jim's own deliberations and actions?

      • Thinker 2.1.1


        For oik-level public servants hearing about "… the process…" can have a special interpretation, or seems to. Don't know about the upper levels.

        All of the above my opinion only.