Daily review 23/11/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, November 23rd, 2022 - 15 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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15 comments on “Daily review 23/11/2022 ”

  1. observer 1

    So now we know: Luxon lied.


    A reminder of the lie:

    Here's my commitment to you. When I become PM, I'll reverse Labour's tax grab.

    National will repeal each of these tax increases implemented by Labour.


    And no, "he changed his mind" is not a defence. His language is crystal clear. If the words don't mean anything, what does?

  2. Robert Guyton 2

    Means nothing, given he won't become PM.

  3. weka 3

    Speaking of eletrickery weirdness and the earth, where do you go when you have to abandon your smoking ute after it was hit by lightning, if the storm is still raging?


    • joe90 3.1

      Call-outs to lightening strikes were always an eye-opener. Hard wood poles and cross arms on fire, concrete poles cut in half, porcelain ware in a thousand pieces, pole mounted kit with holes the size of a fist blown in them and indoors, hot points blown off the wall, melted ceiling roses hanging by a few strands, gaping holes where meter boxes once were and scorch marks where high voltages had cooked the wiring. Fun times.

  4. Poission 4

    The RBNZ in its forecasts also see house prices falling by 20% by March 2024 from the tightening cycle.This would remove around 180b$ of value from the housing estate.

    This would see values at around March 2021,With sustained mortgage and lending rates.


    This is also being used on commentators on Bloomberg tonight as the canary in the coal mine for the Anglo Saxon housing markets (UK ,Aus Canada,Ireland ) which have the same bank lending distribution ( short fixed )