Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, November 24th, 2023 - 21 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
ACT/NAT/NZF are bringing back cruelty like their UK Tory counterparts.
This is taken from the ACT coalition agreement with National.
Taken straight from the UK Tories playbook, especially from its version of WINZ/MSD: DWP and that Tory playbook has led to deaths or further sicknesses of disabled (or otherwise trapped) people who could not find a job or medical certificate in time.
It in the UK has caused further poverty, not assistance. It has caused distress, not calmness. It has caused anxiety and fear, not contentness and optimism.
Do you know what unconditional benefits cause? Security, hope, trust and openness in general. It creates a blossoming social fabric that engenders a lot of people to grow and to figure out life without fear.
Even if the few amongst us people who are on the benefit have committed fraud, that is absolutely no cause to visit sadism and hatred upon us all.
Even the benefit fraudster, on average, is poorer than people who has committed wage theft and are siphoning wealth from EVERYBODY else. Hell, a branch of a bank, on average, is richer than the average benefit fraudster. Even after the benefit fraudster has served time in prison, ironically, they will often need benefits to get back on their feet. A criminal like that will find it difficult to get a job. And the cycle of poverty and punishment will grind on even for the repentant thief.
People who vote for NAT/ACT/NZF will see the results of the few who commit fraud, even after they already have been punished for their crime, and then engage in collective punishment of everybody on the benefit which in turn push us all towards the edge of a social fabric that is even more broken than already is after the previous rounds of collective punishment…
And after all that, we must ask ourselves why are we letting this cruelty and sadism fester?
Why are we hurting our fellow citizens who are on the benefit? For a sense of self-righteous gratification? A sense of blood-lust? "He's hurting the wrong people." as one shithead said in America?
This must stop. This is utterly morally wrong. We must resist this immorality.
We are better than this.
We should be.
nanny statism from the ACT party and wasting tax payers money on ideological policies – Seymour the Deputy Prime Money Waster. His third in control determined to make it easier for gangs to get guns, more armed hold ups and drive by shootings. The police trying their damndest to get guns off gangs and ACT making it easy for gangs to get guns.
It just ain't gonna last……..I don't blame the blue clown, the rodeo man in the tin hat…… or even the village idiot……..the blame lies squarely with the voters that put them there……………if you plant ice your going to harvest wind……lets hope the opposition are primed and ready to roll…..
The treaty minister thinks colonization on balance was good for Maori!!! Buckle up its going to be a wild ride
Yep, you ain't seen nothing yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cia_v4vxfE
Most present day Maori have ancestors in both the colonised and coloniser camps.
Time to move on from that narrative.
A gun nut in charge of courts and gun laws, a hired killer in charge of police and corrections, and a former minister took advantage of their position for financial gain and leaked private info to a partisan extremist in charge of spooks and secrets..buckle up…
Yep. Horrifying. Crooks and vagabonds in charge of the country – supported by a bunch of light-weight, intellectually challenged lackeys of both sexes adorning the back benches of all three parties.
…and a Federated Farmers president associate minister for the environment, who is writing these scripts?
Bomb threats to schools, hospitals and churches.
Why now and why here?
1.CIA. So NZ Police suspect the we are all Palestinians protest movement – manipulation of the new government's security collective.
I have no problem at the review of the status of Hamas that the outgoing government initiated myself, but the CIA is not above such base tactics to marginalise the pro Palestinian group.
2 Someone in the pro Palestinian group, supporters can also be good at the own goal.
3.Someone in his mothers basement in the ME west of the Jordan who still has the power on (this has happened before).
4.Some bureaucrat trying to protect their department funding (job) from the ACT Party.
5.Someone trying to avoid the exams.
Hipkins black ops team tasked to disrupt the peaceful transition of power
Then the next target will be parliament Dec 5-14, onto retail – Christmas shopping. And then unions will disrupt travel for the holidays etc.
And the High Court in Auckland.
Bomber is drawing a parallel with the F and S – as per the electorate office red paint (then axes – flag poles).
The anti-apartheid movement to the local issue of customary title use rights (as per public domain or no ownership) via courts.
The foreign buyer tax has gone so to pay for tax cuts to the wealthy, Nicola Willis is going after first year tertiary students.
By scrapping fees free, she will literally have 18 year old kids who want to get ahead pay high income earners thousands of dollars (7-9 thousand each) before they even take one lecture.
Of course high income earners don't mind because the money they receive from the kids of low income families via tax cuts they can use to pay for their kid to go to university, or another holiday or whatever.
As if we already didn't know, this government will be the most morally corrupt in modern New Zealand history.
By scrapping fees free
But of course they haven’t have they. Stop spreading lies. Rather, they taken a Labour policy that rewards failure and turned it in to a policy that rewards those that can stick it out to actually succeeding in their chosen subject.
Not the biggest issue with this regressive step away from encouraging people to attain higher education but what does constitute the final year? Generally:
Certificate is 1 year
Diploma is 2 years
Bachelor is 3 years
Honours is 4 years
Masters is 5 years…
It doesn't surprise me the self-made lunatic right hate the idea of higher education with all the wokeness and women and tolerance, but it always disappoints.
After catastrophophying the NACT1 govt into being, it will most interesting to see how the MSM deal with new lot.
John Minto – sidekick of Trevor, friend of Fred, back in the day. Well John wants a return to the time when protest was as popular as gardening or bird watching.
Bastion Point had occurred a few years earlier, even National had bought into PEP, Mana Enterprises, Kohanga Reo and Tu Tangata. But the Tiriti was still sidelined – it was evolution from assimilation, but not so far as to do that.
Today we are seeing an attempt to take the Tiriti out of legislation, return language to schools or Maori radio/TV and even have a discussion on the majority determining how much of the Tiritit we want to continue with – all while giving the fingers, like an Australian, to the UN (UNDRIP).
This reminds one of the Don – the almighty dollar rules over all, get the Treaty out of the way – Brash. And the influence of money in the ACT Party. The guy who wanted rid of the Maori electorates to make Maori politicians go away.
Nostalgia. For the time when we looked at other countries to have a moral position.
As the ads said then – don't leave home, till you have seen the country.
Lettuce gets fiscal. What lasts longer, prudence or greed?
It seems that the new government has no plan to afford their tax cuts – instead they note it's so bad, this is the only tax bracket change it will be able to afford in this term.
No plan to compensate for the veto on their foreign home buyer policy. Instead they have brought forward the restoration of the mortgage cost deduction against rent income as ACT wanted. And given NZF a new PGF.
They have mentioned the removal of first year free fees (already known so just distraction) and no inflation adjustment increase in the abatement free threshold for WFF tax credits for years ahead.
So those on the MW getting the WFF tax credits will find the $10 a week tax cut from the IETC change will within a year or two lose the real value of it.
The top half playing working class voters for suckers once again. And a warning as to where they will look for more cost savings.
Military reforms like political reforms usually occur after disastrous misadventure.
Sometimes these are known in advance – credit downgrade as soon as the government is formed.