Daily Review 28/09/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 28th, 2017 - 129 comments
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129 comments on “Daily Review 28/09/2017 ”

  1. Stuart Munro 1

    “It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust, the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume.”

    ‘You will have no lack of water as you walk in Ithilien, but do not drink of any stream that flows from Imlad Morgul, the Valley of Living Death.”

  2. Robert Guyton 2

    Are the Right trying to set up The Greens a scapegoat and Peters as a dangerous trouble-maker, then call on the country to reject the rules around MMP and instead crown National as the Right & True Government?


    • AB 2.1

      Yes – expect one of the Nat’s proxies to start a petition about replacing MMP – with the aim getting enough signatures to force a referendum.

  3. Robert Guyton 3

    “The Greens’ environmental policies, on the other hand, would require National to actually seriously challenge farm owners, drilling/mining companies, and other capitalists. Currently the costs of these capitalists’ activities are largely falling on the environment, and therefore on the present and future public. The Greens want to stop these business activities destroying our shared home by preventing and internalising these external costs. They’ll ban some unjustifiably polluting business activities, such as drilling or mining or exploring for more fossil fuels at a time when even burning the fossil fuels already dug up will make the Paris target impossible. They’ll tax other business activities for their pollution—making those who produce the costs pay the costs, instead of externalising them. And they’ll use the tax revenue to clean up the damage and to subsidise farmers and other businesses moving to more sustainable ways of doing business.

    Do you really see National doing that? The party whose base is farm owners and other capitalists? The party that think climate change is only an issue for “elites”, and that it’s not a “pressing concern”, and that we should adapt to climate change rather than mitigating it? The party who scaremongered on a small water tax for some big farms that are currently destroying the quality of Aotearoa’s awa and wai?”


    • gsays 3.1

      That’s just the greens, I can imagine the gnashing of teeth when Labour clamp down on the free loading, property portfolio owning, tax manipulating land lords.

      We will need compassion for our capitalist brethren, of right and left persuasion.

  4. Robert Guyton 4

    Sorry to hog the thread, only, I’m in full research mode right now 🙂

    “National’s focus on having a strong economy prevents them from having any interest in what is fundamental to the Greens, which is sustainability and fairness. The challenge in forming this kind of coalition is that there would have to be a shift in the essence of their being.”


    • weka 4.1

      Nice. Although I would stay that the Greens want a strong economy where strength comes from sustainability and resiliency, and National want a perpetual growth until it falls over economy


      • Stuart Munro 4.1.1

        I’m not sure the Gnats are serious about growth – short term profit sure – but they’ve been happy to fake their growth numbers instead of fixing them.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Actually developing the economy costs and thus lowers profits. And it most definitely needs everyone working which would raise wages which also cuts profits.

          There is no way for National’s economic management to actually work because everything that needs to be done cuts profits. And National only ever works to maximise profits while cutting costs.

    • patricia bremner 4.2

      The Nats want us to be using our energy refuting their lies. Why?? What are we not doing.??

      Shouldn’t we be reaching out to others on the left and painting a picture of what could be a great coming together of the true majority.??

      The forming of a strong community based social and environmental coalition???

      Just wondering …. they always have an agenda!! We should stick to ours instead of looking for Wally in their picture.

      • Robert Guyton 4.2.1

        Yes, indeed, Patricia. Better still, employ some of that latent lampooning skill we all have and give the Natty shills a good thrashing!

  5. ianmac 5

    There is a petition going:
    “Show your support for the idea of a National/Green govt.” 6,000 signed up.
    Reckon they were the desperate Nats?

    And another one:

    “We don’t support your water tax because:

    “You can’t tell us what the impact of the tax will be on food producers, jobs, communities & food prices
    You are only taxing……
    UPDATE: we have surveyed irrigators and found that a water tax could lead to many arable, sheep and beef farms converting to more intensive farming like dairy and that farmers would reduce spending in rural communities to pay for the tax.”

    5,011 signed up. Same folk as in the first petition?
    Shall we tell that the Election is over?

  6. chris73 6

    Interesting from David Farrar, does he have the ear of anyone…


    $1 billion over ten years for cycleways

    A levy on nitrate pollution

    A South Taranaki Whale Sanctuary

    A levy on plastic bags

    Accelerated timetable for rail to Auckland Airport

    Doubling the funding for DOC

    $65 million a year more for predator-free NZ

    Stricter water quality standards to increase the number of water bodies rated
    excellent from 42% to 70%.

    A commitment to double the reduction of children in poverty from 50,000 to 100,000

    Double the reduction target for greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 from 11% to 22%

    • Pat 6.1

      lol..all very aspirational and just like current policy settings …Farrar kite flying by request no doubt….only one thing needed to know…..National lie.

    • Billshit – remember bill lying by omission when Todd declared that there is no recording and Bill each day there watching the misleading and putting his shameful head down? That list is more of that shit behaviour.

    • weka 6.3

      Farrar spins propaganda for the National Party for a living. What makes you think any of that list is real?

      And even if it was, National can’t be trusted.

      But thanks, because I think that list demonstrates very clearly that National don’t want to end poverty or clean up rivers, but they are willing to sell some policy to gain power. So they can keep running a poverty economy and destroying the environment.

    • joe90 6.4

      You don’t like my principals.. …well, these are my new ones….


    • gsays 6.5

      Excellent Chris, if you believe any of it, I have a bridge you may like to buy.
      Conveniently located in Auckland, many lanes, chance to expand,great views…

      • chris73 6.5.1

        All of it? No. Some it? Absolutely, I mean the cycleways alone can be linked to greater tourism possibilities so thats an easy one, predator freer NZ is also easy as its only 65 million, children in poverty well Bill pledged something similar so that wouldn’t take much

        All of which would be more than the Greens have achieved in over 20 years

        • Pat

          smoke and mirrors…cycleways are already included in nat policy, as is the predator free and the climate target is already not going to met so increasing it just means it wont be met by more…now about that bridge…….

        • tracey

          The cycleways? The ones we were promised from the 2009 job summit would create jobs and address the layoffs from GFC? You guys keep letting them retell you they are going to do something, you get excited, they do nothing, and when pushed, repeat it

        • tracey

          I am trying to understand why Nats want to be in govt with “loonies” “rent a mob” “communists” etc…

    • Matt 6.6

      Misses the point by so far. Does he have any idea of what their policies are………

  7. Robert Guyton 7

    Does he have the ear of anyone?
    Only his dysfunctional commentariat.
    Even they can see through his pish.

    • chris73 7.1

      Does beg the question, would the Greens achieve more in one deal with National then they have over the last 21 years and i think the answer would be yes and that includes when Labour had the opportunity to have the Greens in power and whatever concessions the Greens achieve is good for the country, isn’t it?

      • Drowsy M. Kram 7.1.1

        The Green party would indeed ‘achieve’ much more – their self-destruction for a start.

        • JC

          Perhaps just nodd off. M. Kram

          • Drowsy M. Kram

            Perhaps just encourage National to formulate some effective and sustainable pro-environment policies – good luck with that.

            If I had a week to spare I would start compiling a list of the posts/comments extolling the ‘advantages’ of a National-Green alliance: would make an excellent soporific. Nodding off now…

        • Graeme

          It’d probably result in the self destruction of the National Party as well. and probably before the Green Party.

          Seriously, can you see Judith Collins and Anne Tolley going along wiht the Green Party’s social objectives? Living wage? Changing WINZ culture?

          The bright spark who put together a National government supported by the Green Party would be rolled by lunchtime….

          • SpaceMonkey

            Green Party social objectives are what the Nat-Green proponents are expecting the Greens to drop.

            • Carolyn_nth

              Ah, well, of course no problem getting the Nats to take up the Green Party environment policies if the GP give up the social policies.


              Christchurch Transport Plan
              Clean water, great farming
              South Taranaki Whale Sanctuary
              Turning trash into cash
              Wellington Transport Plan
              Auckland Transport Plan
              Thriving Nature
              Protecting drinking water
              Empowering NZ
              Tourism Levy
              Safer, cleaner freight
              2015 Climate Action – Yes we can!
              Climate Impact Disclosure Statement
              Public Finance (Sustainable Development Indicators) Amendment Bill
              Clean Groundwater Bill
              Regional rail: connecting Manawatū and Hawke’s Bay

      • Carolyn_nth 7.1.2

        What part of NO do Nats and their cheerleaders not understand? But, I guess they probably are just trying to follow the lead of the ponytail puller.

        Nats, please attend: No means NO.

        Now go sort out your own policies, and do your own negotiations with NZ First, or its off to the opposition benches for you!

      • would the Greens achieve more in one deal with National then they have over the last 21 years

        No. All that would happen is that the Greens would be destroyed.

        But that’s probably what you and National want.

        BTW, The Greens have achieved quite a bit over their lifetime.

      • tracey 7.1.4

        That Nats even have some slightly Green ideas is because the Green Party existed for over 20 years.

  8. Robert Guyton 8

    No, it doesn’t, though you’d have us believe otherwise; * thinks, shall I drink this goblet of hemlock juice? I’m ever so thirsty and this is the first drink I’ve been offered in ages!

    • chris73 8.1

      So rather then gain some concessions with National its better to hope Winston invites them in?

      • McFlock 8.1.1

        Even if Lab/NZ1 go it alone, whatever they would do on their own would still be better than the “concessions” from the nats. Not the same, but better overall.

        • chris73

          The only thing they’ve achieved in 21 years is some insulation in homes, isn’t the point of being in parliament that you get to do some of the things you want to do?

          • McFlock

            No, the point of being in parliament is that the things you want done get done.

            When you don’t care about the credit, they’ve achieved a lot more than that.

            The Greens played a significant role in NZ poverty being recognised, counted and now even reduction targets being included as national party election policy. In making water quality an election issue that the nats are the only ones holding back on. In making the housing crisis a recognised problem.

            They didn’t do that by accepting “compromises” that included largely what the nats were going to do anyway.

            • chris73

              With all due respect, bollix, the only reason they’re to the forefront is Jacinda Ardern, not the Greens.

              • Pffffffft Jacinda wasn’t a feature at the previous election and The Greens done good 🙂 And the election before that, and before that. Chris, your reckons are feeble.

              • McFlock

                Wow. She did that all by herself?

                Obviously, making her leader was far more than a cosmetic change, she completely reversed the public dialogue on half a dozen major election issues all by herself.

                • chris73

                  Credit where credits due she did a pretty impressive job, not quite enough to topple English but from where she started to now was not a bad effort at all

                  She just needs to shore up on the economy and she’ll be near on unstoppable in 2020

                • Mickey Boyle

                  And yet ended on 36.5%, roughly the same figures David Shearer was polling before he got rolled years ago…..come on, she fizzled out when it came down to it.

                  • chris73

                    Well yes but Labour were looking at historic low levels and then (7?) weeks later the numbers are back up

                    Even as a National voter I can still say she did a pretty good job

                    • tracey

                      Why do you even want the Greens in govt when you voted National and the recent leader considers them looine left wing activists? Is it so you can be on the “winning” team. Greens reasons for not going with Nat is clear. There have been so many posts on it with people like you asking and saying the same things over and over again. By all means disagree with it but doing the online version of holding up your hands and wailing “but why. But why” is redundant.

                      Start an open mike chat with Wayne. Then you can both say the same thing over and over to each other and see at which number of repetition the Greens say “god chris, you are right”

                  • McFlock

                    If Shearer had boosted his party’s polling by 12% or more from when he took over as leader, He’d be prime minister to this day.

                  • swordfish

                    And yet ended on 36.5%, roughly the same figures David Shearer was polling before he got rolled years ago


                    Last Polls of Shearer’s leadership

                    Roy Morgan 12–25 Aug 2013
                    Lab 31.5

                    Fairfax Media Ipsos 10–15 Aug 2013
                    Lab 31.6

                    Roy Morgan 29 Jul – 11 Aug 2013
                    Lab 34

                    Colmar Brunton 27–31 Jul 2013
                    Lab 33

                    Roy Morgan 15–28 Jul 2013
                    Lab 29

                    Reid Research 9–14 Jul 2013
                    Lab 31

                    Roy Morgan 1–14 Jul 2013
                    Lab 31

                    Roy Morgan 17–30 Jun 2013
                    Lab 31.5

                    Herald-DigiPoll 12–23 Jun 2013
                    Lab 30.9

          • JC

            What about cycleways … don’t really recall what happened the last nine years… perhaps a bit of dishonesty along the way, oh, and poisoned waterways, and “50 K” in poverty

    • AB 8.2

      Why would they be satisfied with a few paltry concessions – when the long term game is to keep getting the message out there and to make right-wing ideology unthinkable? (Overton’s window and all that.)

      • chris73 8.2.1

        Well thats one way of thinking but while that happens, another 20 years maybe, thats a lot of wasted time

        The longest journey may begin with a single step but that step still needs to be taken and even if they didn’t reach an agreement with National it would still mean Labour would have to negotiate with the Greens and not take them for granted

        • tracey

          While you are going all Confucius on us try ruminating on the cost of lying to keep power, and how it ruins trust in future relationships required to coexist in govt.

  9. Robert Guyton 9

    Rather than align with proven liars and enemies of Green principles, try our luck with Winston?
    Yes. Alright.
    Cheers, chris73.
    Make it so.

  10. mauī 10

    Another scene from the *brighter future* we were promised.


  11. Carolyn_nth 11

    I feel a bit sorry for the Nats and their supporters: short of a majority, no natural support parties left, and increasingly out of touch with reality….

  12. BM 12

    I’ve changed my mind the Greens are fucking hopeless, National shouldn’t even bother.

    The best thing going forward is they do Cand P for a Lab/NZ First, that way they’ll drop under 5% in 2020 and then NZ will be rid of the useless pricks and a decent flexible, cross-party like TOP can take its place.

    • Carolyn_nth 12.1

      And then that’s the kind of response that happens when the harasser finally realises No does mean No – abuse follows.

      • Robert Guyton 12.1.1

        Oh, and btw, NO


      • marty mars 12.1.2

        Yep – textbook and ugly

      • BM 12.1.3

        Nothing to do with harassing it’s just realisation what a fruitless effort it would be trying to deal with the Greens.

        Religous zealotry has no place in an MMP environment, sooner the Green disappear from the NZ political scene the better.

        Roll on 2020.,

        • Robert Guyton

          You are not “trying to deal with the Greens”.
          You are trying to demean and undermine them. No wonder you are constantly being shown the door.

          • BM

            You guys have National derangement syndrome, you’d prefer to suck up and work with a xenophobic ultra-conservative party like NZ First then deal with a party that’s basically continued on from where Helen Clarks Labour left off.

            The logical disconnect does my head, It’s so fucking ridiculous, as I said the sooner the Greens are gone the better, you’re just getting in the way of a decent functioning MMP system.

            • Robert Guyton

              Really though, BM, you sound like a baby diplodocus, left behind in the swamp, bawling, while mummy diplodicus browses the tree tops.
              Have you no pride?

            • marty mars

              Good honesty for a change – your plans are broken and you never gave a shit anyway – hint – we ALL knew it lol

            • McFlock

              But when you lot try to negotiate a coalition deal with that very same “xenophobic ultra-conservative party”, that’s cool?

              Maybe you’d prefer going back to the polls?

              • BM

                It’s about trying to work with what you’ve got.

                Greens don’t seem to even remotely understand what MMP is all about.

                Almost 25 five years in and the Greens haven’t got past the equivalent of toilet training, it’s embarrassing.

            • weka

              “You guys have National derangement syndrome, you’d prefer to suck up and work with a xenophobic ultra-conservative party like NZ First then deal with a party that’s basically continued on from where Helen Clarks Labour left off.

              The logical disconnect does my head, It’s so fucking ridiculous, as I said the sooner the Greens are gone the better, you’re just getting in the way of a decent functioning MMP system.”

              Lol, the new Crosby Textor memo. National are basically Helen Clark. The Greens ruin MMP.

              Not enough 🙄 🙄 for that.

              Pretty sure you’re not supposed to be so tetchy with it though.

            • tracey

              Wah wah why wont people do what I want wah wah I need to win wah wah I hate youwah wah

          • lurgee

            Shaw said English was welcome to call him … Odd way of showing someone the door.

        • Sabine

          The only religious zealotry that has place in an MMP environment is allowed in the National Party as espoused by the double dipper from Dipton Mr. Bill English – especially when it comes to the right of a women to choose. Then of course religious zealotry is a sign of devout piousness and no one is more pious then the double dipper from Dipton, after all confession on Saturday, taking mess on Sunday and then its all good for another week. Right?

          Good grief BM ask for better talking points.

          • Carolyn_nth

            Actually, t’is the post 1980s version of free market, small government capitalism (often referred to as neoliberalism) that has all the features of faith-based religion:

            Neoliberal economics may be a travesty of religion, but it is the closest thing to a Church that Americans have thesedays, replete with its Inquisition operating out of the universities of Chicago, Harvard and Columbia.

            • Sabine

              was it not just this year that Blinglish invoked his faith in regards to the ‘criminal’ act of abortion that forces women in this country to literally declare themselves mentally unwell in order to receive an abortion?

        • Psycho Milt

          …what a fruitless effort it would be trying to deal with the Greens.

          Religous zealotry has no place in an MMP environment…

          What’s wrong with you assholes? We’re offering beads and blankets, for fuck’s sake! Don’t you hicks recognise a good deal when someone offers you one?

        • Mickey Boyle

          As a centre right voter, I admit id prefer for Winston to go with Labour and the Greens, im sick of all his nonsense. Let the three of them try to govern for the next term, oh what fun that will be…..they deserve each other.

          • chris73

            No. When you have the chance for power you always take it because you never whats going to happen later and even if what you say comes to pass then NZ will suffer for it.

          • tracey

            It hasnt even been a week. Maybe go and do some gardening or play with the kids. NAT supporters really are no good at patience or the long game.

            Mostly they hate not knowing if they are on the winning side.

    • Robert Guyton 12.2

      BM: “I’ve changed my mind the Greens are fucking hopeless”

      Classic!” I’ve changed my mind” – ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    • Poor BM, he’s not getting what he wanted and feeling all upset with the Greens for not giving it to him.

    • tracey 12.4

      Just cannot cope with not knowing if you are on the winning team BM? Try to lure them over and then resort to name calling when they dont do what you want?
      They have got over the 5% thrrshold every time since 1999.

  13. Robert Guyton 13

    Hey! Where are those pandas we were promised???

    • McFlock 13.1

      coming on the same ship as the hospital and all those bridges.

      • tracey 13.1.1

        You guys are cracking me up…

        Isnt it good that those who run the country have more patience and stability than these voters… oh wait

  14. Whispering Kate 14

    Surely now that the votes have come in and there is now a waiting period for the overseas vote to come in – then there should be a limbo period where the MSM and other vested interests should be kept out of any news, electronic and newspapers.

    Once the completed votes have been counted then that’s the time to sit and wait patiently until a new government can be formed. The way its carrying on is absolutely a disgrace. Maybe the Governor General should step in and inform all the hysteric much rakers to just keep the hell out of it – a government will be formed – let the voters have their say as a democratic society decrees.

    There should be no persuading, leaning, goading and deciding what and who should be doing what – the electorate must be absolutely sick to death of it – the MSM seriously needs a rein in. Our family have completely turned off all MSM and now get videos out and watch overseas content online. How many other people have had a guts full of mouthy “no it alls” who spout heaps and know nothing.

  15. JC 15

    Silver Scrolls 2017.


    Happening now in Dunners.

    30 + years of iconic music. “The Clean” are being inducted into the Hall of Fame,

    And we’ve come a long since!


  16. joe90 17

    Creeper’s final creep.

    Hugh Hefner non-consensually published nudes that endangered Marilyn Monroe's career & then purchased the right to be buried with her corpse— Sady Doyle (@sadydoyle) September 28, 2017

  17. joe90 18

    When the Kremlin invades your country,

    A serious organised criminal group has come to power in Crimea, Ilmi Umerov said after being sentenced to two years in prison. https://t.co/ckrIqSwaYQ— X Soviet (@XSovietNews) September 27, 2017

    (Kyiv) – A Russian court in Crimea on September 27, 2017, convicted a prominent Crimean Tatar leader on bogus separatism charges following an unfair trial, Human Rights Watch said today.

    The court imposed a two-year prison sentence and banned Ilmi Umerov, the Crimean Tatar leader, from involvement in public activities, which includes contact with the media, for two years. The sentence is harsher than the three-year suspended sentence sought by the prosecution. Russian authorities should take the necessary steps to have Umerov’s two-year prison sentence set aside, and stop persecuting him and other Crimean Tatars for their peaceful opposition to Russia’s occupation of Crimea.


  18. Cinny 19

    And the speculation continues, what a crack up this 2-week wait is. As I type the political panel comes on radiolive, hard case, at least Rodney and Chris have a clue, I very much enjoy their segment on Thursday nights.

    The real election horror is this seasons American Horror Story, now that’s some twisted trump/clinton based storyline, bravo to the writers

  19. Jilly Bee 20

    I have recently shifted (retired) back to my childhood and early adult region – the Waikato after 40 years of living in Auckland, in both National and Labour seats, latterly Mt Albert, Waitakere and finally Te Atatu electoral districts. Of course Waikato is just sooooo blue, one could pin a blue rosette to a rabid dog running down Broadway in Matamata and the locals would gladly vote for it. I attended a couple of meetings prior to the election to see what the candidates were made of – it was indeed an interesting exercise. The Nat guy came across as such a self-entitled, arrogant, born to rule Tory, I suspect he has a long career as part of their cabal if he so chooses. The other candidates were an interesting group – they’ll be all the wiser for their experience, if they so decide to have another crack next time, particularly Brooke Loader, who stood for Labour. I hope she recalls that Helen Clark stood in the same electorate, then Piako in 1975 and then went on to greater heights. I read today that the N Z First candidate, who was interesting to observe in his naivety, but total dedication to his party, did not only have that bloody Myrtle tractor run over his foot at that National Party/Farmers’ rally at Morrinsville prior to the election, but has been attacked and mocked about his misfortune at his various farming ventures. I’m not in any shape or form a N Z First supporter, but can’t help feeling for Stu Husband. I recall Ed Hillary stating many years ago – probably at the time he was part of the ‘Citizens for Rowling’ campaign, that we needed a few ‘honest to God politicians’ in Wellington to bring some reality to politics.

    • Cinny 20.1

      Hey there Jilly, thanks for the link, crikey that was an eye opener of a read, so was your post.

      One thing I’ve come to realise is that bullying is rife in most sectors of NZ society, put-downs and intimidation usually from those with a lack of knowledge or understanding on particular subjects and its freaking disgusting.

      I strongly feel this bullying behaviour as demonstrated by the actions of protesting farmers outlined in your link and a particular political party is one of the factors in our devastatingly high suicide rates.

      One of the reasons I lean left is because the opposition parties value people over personal power trips, made clear by how they’ve interacted this election.

    • tracey 20.2

      Thanks for this. And lol@ rabid dog

  20. JC 21

    “Local Māori and conservationists have claimed the right to access a Northland river today – by driving though the middle of a working dairy farm.

    The farm belongs to Northland Regional Council chairman Bill Shepherd.

    Northland Environmental Protection Society, Fiona Furrell, opined that …”It gives the only public access to this part of the river; to the waterfalls and the rapids. Kayakers and young people into adventure sports would love it.”

    She said in its earlier days the Wairua River and its rapids had been singled out for praise by the American adventurer and sports fisherman Zane Grey.

    On the riverbank where his ancestors used to camp and wait for the eels to come down the river in autumn, Mr Ruka eyed the fast-flowing Wairua and choked up a little.
    He said all over the country, Māori and Pākehā had been shut out of riversides like this one because of land development …
