Daily Review 31/03/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, March 31st, 2017 - 7 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

7 comments on “Daily Review 31/03/2017 ”

  1. Chess Player 1

    Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

  2. adam 3

    Been watching this for a while on RT. So if you going to moan about RT, don’t bother watching. A show called “watching the hawks”

    Tonight show really did make me think about NZ, especially the issues around ground water, aggro business, and the over use of water.

  3. joe90 4

    Reading this about epigenetics and inherited trauma and it brought to mind a mate from my youth who was glassed in the pub. His face was opened up from his ear to his adams apple and he very nearly bled to death on the floor.

    He was severely traumatised by the event but some months later the bloke who almost killed him was given the wet bus ticket and fined around $500, less than half what my mate had been fined a year or so earlier for growing weed, and that opened the floodgates. He never really recovered, going from a confident, energetic and outgoing young man to a reserved frightened rabbit too scared to go out at night.

    Going forward and my mate finished his degree, scored a great job and married a wonderful woman but he was always fearful about everything.
    I’d lost contact with him for the nearly 20 years when I ran into him again and we picked up again, drinking and carrying on doing what you do, but he was still fearful about everything. the future, his job, his safety, his finances, his kids futures etc etc.

    But the kicker was that his kids and wife were damn near as fearful as he was and ever since I’ve wondered whether or not he’d managed to pass on his own bad experience.

    Seems plausible to me that he did and if he did, it would go a long way to explaining more than a few of our society’s intractable problems.



    • JC 4.1

      kia ora Joe!

      Have seen it! But not a mate.. as such..

      From time to time I recall it!… One of those indelibly flash back scenes all those 30 years ago..

      Yes I could see how it could fuck with your head!, And those around you!

    • JC 4.2

      Joe, sorry, didnt want to go yadi yardi …yep seen it all before, Many years later…reading, and seeing ” Once we were Warriors” or the like.. Brought some of it back! It gave some understanding, and empathy, at least with some of it… Sure Wrong place and wrong time and all that …just for some weird reason real bad shit happens to some.

      Random violence/ Car Crash.. and the fall out!

      Sure your Right that it that it goes a long way to explaining a few of our society’s intractable problems…