Doing the rounds

Written By: - Date published: 10:14 am, February 21st, 2008 - 17 comments
Categories: john key, workers' rights - Tags: ,


Looks like John Ansell’s finally got his mojo back.

Hat tip: Ant.

17 comments on “Doing the rounds ”

  1. Steve Pierson 1


  2. Ruth 2

    Nice pics of them both aren’t they? Much better than the usual unflattering ones.

    Just saying 🙂

  3. Policy Parrot 3

    I’ve seen a better one that says “Slave” “Labour”

  4. Steve Pierson 4

    Policy Parrot. that’s pretty awesome

  5. Phil 5

    Given that John looks a little like Gollum in that shot, can we fire up another one with something like “One brass ring” … “To rule them all”

  6. Bart 6

    Ooo, who authorised that please! Names and addresses!

  7. Tane 7

    Get a life Bart.

    [captcha: liar deficits… John Key’s tax plan?]

  8. Policy Parrot 8

    Bart – who authorised you?

  9. gobsmacked 9

    “Given that John looks a little like Gollum in that shot …”

    Actual LOL moment there. Very good, Phil.

  10. Sam Dixon 10

    Bart. It’s satire, not political advertising.

  11. Horisthebear 11

    Sorry but the JK photo is real, I mean you can see the wrinkles.

    But the photo of Helen, I mean please, it looks like it was taken 30 years ago and someone has airbrushed out all the bad skin, wrinkles, and spots even the teeth are all perfect. Compare it to the reality. It is borderline deception.

  12. Dean 12

    Well Horis I personally think that people get just a little bit more than shrill when they attack Clark over a lot of things, such as “paintergate” or “corngate”. Hell, even the speeding issue isn’t something I think she should have to deal with.

    But it does strike me as odd that Labour afficianados won’t put an everyday photo of Clark in anything like this. I know HQ certainly refuses to, but it’s more than just a little bit like sitting in a lap and wagging one’s tale that the average rank and file supporter has to follow suit.

    Of course, I’m sure that Policy Parrot doesn’t care as long as it lines up with his spin of the day.

  13. Tane 13

    Dean, sorry you were in moderation so long – you were caught in the D4J moderation trap.

  14. Matthew Pilott 14

    horisthebear, try not to think of every photo as a personal and you’ll find yourself cutting people a bit more slack 😉

  15. Dean 15

    “Dean, sorry you were in moderation so long – you were caught in the D4J moderation trap.”

    Its cool. Anything to keep that guy out is fine by me.

  16. Matthew Pilott 16

    Oi Dean – maybe us lefties can vote based on people’s policies, not vanity, looks an vapid ‘ambitions’ 😉 I doubt many here give a toss what photo is used, it’s more about the idea in the image.

    Good that you’re speaking out about what’s really important to you though, brother.

  17. Dean 17

    Matthew, that’s just really weak. I mean, you know that’s not an accurate representation of Clark. Why do you defend it? If Brash had ended up sporting a full head of hair both you and I wouldn’t have been able to hear for the cacophony of people laughing.

    So why is it ok?

    “Oi Dean – maybe us lefties can vote based on people’s policies, not vanity, looks an vapid ‘ambitions'”

    You’re right, John Key’s “ambition” is really bloody stupid. Unfortunately, so is the insistance that a photoshopped vanity photo of Clark. But I guess it doesn’t matter to you as long as you support their policies. Nice.