Written By:
Natwatch - Date published:
10:40 am, April 16th, 2015 - 30 comments
Categories: David Farrar, dpf, spin -
Tags: eeeew
Over at Pundit Andrew Geddis has a great piece – “Three signs that National knows Simon Bridges did wrong“. Geddis on the third sign, Nat spinster David Farrar running the “beltway issue” deflection, is brilliant in all sorts of ways. Won’t spoil it by quoting, but I think it’s fair to say that it’s a pretty sticky moment for DPF. Read the whole piece at Pundit, but be warned, you will need to disinfect your brain.
Perhaps he should change his name to David Fappening đ
or Farragoblog
Definition of FARRAGO
: a confused mixture : hodgepodge
Jeez, did Farrar just say this? ….. “As to my personal habits, all I’ll say is no one goes from having a regular habit to being a total abstainer. But I’ve gone from a daily habit to just a few times a year :-)”
I think he was referring to his comments re Question Time, though who knows what goes on in his murky world.
Nice to see dissection of the spin, in particular the familiar phrase when Labour did it in 1866…..
NZ are not interested in….
And insider (anyone remember insider?) trying to argue that a by-election isn’t an election, for some reason.
Do you know that he’s nicknamed the Penguin? How do you tell the difference? Well, one’s a squat, waddling, squawking creature that projectile defecates, feeds its progeny on vomit and has disgusting sexual habits while the other’s a quite graceful and amiable bird.
I thought the Geddis piece was very good but I am disturbed by the visual image created by rhinocrates :D.
As for the quote isolated so thoughtfully by vto. I would rather not consider anything so intimate to the life of Farrar. It is all just too, too nauseating.
When we put our present Prime Minister on gardening leave can he please take Farrar and Slater with him? Our gain would then be Hawai’i’s loss. đ
And isn’t it interesting looking at some of the docs released on the bridges. Firstly they all had a helpful little map with Northland circled for any geographically challenged or illiterate reader. Oh and look at why they want to do it:
“demands from various industries and heavier vehicles. …upgrades .. for several weight restricted bridges on forestry routes”.
Looks like they were very keen to look after some favoured industries and inflict bigger trucks and bigger forestry vehicles on the locals rather than looking at ways of minimising the impact of these vehicles on the locals and their roads.
A little two faced? You get what Nact needs not what benefits you lot. Deserved to lose didn’t they?
The reason Key can’t discipline Bridges for this matter is obvious and not mentioned by Andrew or Natwatch.
Could you expand on this?
Yes I could.
No I won’t.
Oh what a tease!!!
You mean because Bridges had literally nothing to do with the decision except modelling it in public?
Or because Key is no longer in a position to be disciplining anyone in his shakier-by-the-day minority caucus?
Hi Matthew. What browser are you using? I have a new auto fill method in place for the name field. Your name had a ‘+’ between your first and last names. Implies that the browser is doing something odd
Safari on an iPhone
Weird. Their cookies store differently – but a “plus” on what is meant to be URL compliant? However I saw a few others with the same issue, so I wrote a hack to correct for it.
I’ll have a look at the cookie cleanup code that workpress uses. That looked like a hundred lines of code for various oddities.
I have no idea what you are talking about!
In recent days, we have been having some odd and occasional problems with the caching for names and emails for comments. Could be from the server and could be from intermediate caching being presented to other people. To get rid of the issue without breaking the otherwise excellent server side caching, I shifted the loading of the names and emails from cookies to the client side last night
The downside is that I now have to make it work correctly on all client machines and their browsers. Some are a bit quirky and non-standard.
Your name showed up this morning on a comment as Matthew+Hooton. I fixed it
I had CnrJoe (and an email address) pre-filled on my Android phone this morning!
Ummm. That is very odd. I have been looking at this as being a desktop theme. But maybe it isn’t (obviously I don’t see this issue myself).
Maybe it is the mobile version? I wasn’t aware that the mobile theme did fill out the fields. I haven’t done anything with that since initial testing. Umm looks like the same fields in the comment section.
Ok something to look at.
All good. Pleased you have it under control. Cheers
Working on it.
Did you spot this the other day, Lynn? http://thestandard.org.nz/open-mike-14042015/#comment-999733
A bit cryptic there Matthew, can we take it your implying Bridges copped a hospital pass from Joyce and Key?
I guess what Mr. Hooton is saying is there a paper trail that leads all the way back to Key. Throw Bridges under the bus, and you’d be amazed what would get leaked.
I’m confused….
Is this all about a game of cookie/Biscuit between Matt and Lynne, Davids onanistic failings (or flailings), or JonKey and Simo’s by-erection?
Notwithstanding that- lets not ad hominem DF.
As far as Jonky getting thrown under a but- there used to be a saying in Dublin years ago- referring to the erratic nature of the public bus services-
“If you want to commit suicide, lie down on the road and wait for a bus- you’ll either die from starvation, or get hit by forty at the same time”.
Jonk E- THe Nixon of New Zealand.
Notwithstanding that- lets not ad hominem DF.
Come to think of it, it’s probably redundant considering what a nice person he isn’t.
Remember the “Princess Parties” where he likes to dress as infamous child rapists and serve up potentially underaged and inebriated girls to his pals looking for a spot of date rape like so many sides of meat.
A long time close friend of mine crossed him once and soon after had his trolls sniffing about her childrens’ school.
Behind that giggling gnome-like exterior, he’s pure, sick evil.
I can imagine he’s waiting for the lifting of name suppression so he can get a tribal arm tattoo as costume for the next party. Maybe a bit like this one I found a picture of:
DPF has called himself david “priapus” farrar in the past. seems proud of his after dark extra curricular activities